3106 - Orion's Star pt.1

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we are looking to the heavens today for our new quilt pattern called Orion star well the pattern is named after the constellation Orion and my son Orion the star why have a galaxy of quilts to show you two traditional patterns the evening star and log-cabin are combined for an exciting new look well selecting fabric for Orion star quilt is the same as selecting fabric for a traditional log cabin sue Bouchard selected this beautiful large-scale multicolored oriental print for inspiration and then she pulled all of the colors from this one print for the block the star is a rich dark brown and then it's surrounded by three earth tones on the light side and three sky tones on the dark side just beautiful colors of the earth and I just love the pieced backing on this quilt who always loves to do that well sue also made this quilt for her son Dylan and daughter-in-law Kelly's wedding she chose three black on white fabrics three white on black fabrics just reversed and then combine them with bright pink stars to make a modern interpretation well she made extra star points and turned them into a unique border treatment oh and her daughter-in-law loves it well my sister Judy striking quilt just sings out in seven tones of rich harvest colors deep pumpkin stars contrast with soft wheat and vibrant squash colors or cousin Carol sloppy quilted gorgeous feathers throughout the wheat field and then she stitched in the ditch through the plaid fill it's abundant with beauty beautiful well Martha Hernandez's intense red stars are abundant floating across the winter beige and black sky Martha selected similar values with varying scales to carry out the striking design amy potter quilted turning leaves and a trailing vine through the borders very striking another name for the evening star is simple star and that is exactly what it is join me we're going to stitch up a galaxy of stars this is such a cheery Orion star quilt with the bright yellow for the Sun the clear blue for the sky how about that burdened green forest it's set together and in all sevens design perfect for four blocks now Amy did the quilting she did a very easy free motion design right in the center of the star stitched in the ditch around the star points and then a quarter of an inch away from all of the logs she finished it off with ocean waves in this yellow border and even more in this large floral print who was just beautiful very relaxing you know when Orion was young and he went to the quilt classes with me you are not going to believe this we actually tore our fabric what a free experience what a great way to start off the day we were doing two and a half inch strips for log-cabin these are the fabrics that I selected they're similar to the one in the wall I love the dark star right in the center this is the light side you need to have three different lights and they are actually different scales of prints different textures similar in value but they look great on the dark side I used a light to medium to dark value in the blue also different textures different scales small scale large scale medium scale and they look great well just in case you're not sure if you like your fabrics take the time to a pay stub sheet no really help you as you go along with your sewing the star goes first here the three lights in a row and then the three darks and you can see how you just build from the center out perfect well I already have a sample of my block you know me I always have to make sure I like what I'm doing now the star itself has the dark points on it now dark points are also referred to as the flying geese patch so that's what we'll be doing today notice that the single triangle in this one there is light the yellow in two of them but only one light corner a two-and-a-half-inch where on the dark side we've got that same single triangle right inside the star points but this time there are three two and a half inch squares well with this layout then a stair step pattern is created and that's what makes that interesting design I'm going to start right in the center with the star points oh and the tools have changed so much two rotary cutters rulers they're all different well this is the fabric for my star points and I'm just going to take it and start by folding it in half so basically I have four layers put in a fresh blade and I am really doing great it goes so well now I'm using this slotted ruler that you can cut through the layers quickly you line up zero across the bottom here and also I have a little extra on the left of zero so that I can straighten it you put your cutter in the slot ad zero just cut straight across and that's the straightening one get rid of that now this star points are made from squares that are seven inches square so I'm just going to cut a seven inch strip and then the Centers of those stars are four and a half so I'm just going to move on over four and a half more inches and cut a foreign half-inch strip is it's a little extra say that for another quilt well while you've got your seven inch strip here let's cut our four seven inch squares so just line up a zero with that selvage edge to the left go seven and then move along to fourteen gotta keep track of your math all you need for the four block wall hanging is four seven inch squares that's pretty easy now this is the center squares well it's pretty obvious once again you're going to only need four but you can switch around and use a square up ruler to cut your four-and-a-half inch square so I'm just going to line it up when you use a square up ruler you always have one in the upper right corner all right we're looking Goods going very quick these are extra another quilt basically the whole center of the star is made from squares we still have one per block of the first light and for the third for the first dark you need to have three of them one two three they're all two and happened to the square but I want to get onto those log strips because there's so much fun to do I actually have the pieces all lined up and I need to clear my table so we have lots of space okay now grab the whole stack I've got my second light and my second dark third light and third dark and I lined up the edges all along here the first three are all the same they all need to have three two and a half inch strips I need to have more of the third dark so I've got that one on the bottom well this time I'm going to use a different ruler that you don't have to fold your fabric in half I'm going to do the same thing line up the zero right along here I've got zero on the left edge I'm just going to get that sharp blade in there move along straighten that edge get rid of it now what's unique about this ruler is that there are only slots at two and a half inches this is perfect for a log cabin or any of the quilts that you make that have only two and a half inch strips now I've gone the whole way across and cut three of the top three pieces this is the fun part you can just go ahead roll them back and stack them up that's the second light and the second dark oh this is when you're really going to want to refer to that pasted up sheet so you make sure you get them in order this is the third light roll these down oh let me grab hold of that getting a little tough there okay stack them up and I actually have a little extra of all of these fabrics another quilt set that aside and then all you need to do to finish this off is just go back to that third dark line up your edge cut your very last two-and-a-half inch strip and I am now ready to organize my sewing we're starting with the star now we already cut the four and a half inch center square and the seven inch squares for the star points we also need to have five and a half inch first light two of those and five and a half inch first dark two of those to make four stars well take your light and center it on top of your seven inch square just place it right sides together and draw a diagonal line corner to corner now just to make sure I've got this square in the center I like to use a square up ruler and drop the diag no line down the left side check and make sure that your ruler touches all four corners if you have all four corners touched you are perfect and then just draw a diagonal line well from this point you sew a quarter of an inch seam from both sides is zoop zoop zoop right down one side and around the other and I did exactly the same thing for the first dark now once your quarter inch seams are done on both sides take this patch you can go ahead and line up that diagonal line again and just cut it in half into two well you know these two squares are actually going to make four star points pretty amazing you'll really like it okay so set the seam with the large triangle on the top now it does not matter at all about the color it matters about the size and it has to be the large triangle so make sure you get that large one on top and open and press towards that large triangle and you have two pieces that are totally strange so now we're going to put these back together right sides together but match up the green with the yellow you line up the outside edges forget about trying to match those seam you're not supposed to do it but just make sure you line up the outside edges so look at these as goose tails just hanging out there Hong Kong okay and now I'm going to draw another diagonal line and once that seam is there see how you have seen flipping up here and underneath got another one down underneath there well it's best if you hold your stiletto so these don't flip and once again you sew that quarter of an inch down one side and up the other and you do exactly the same thing with the blue oh I am moving along now we're up to the point where we're going to take these and just cut right down through on that diagonal line again just hold that tight cut it now when you open it you go oh I get it I fold this in half I've got star points perfect well you're going to have them in the yellow and you're also going to have them in the blue so now that you've cut them in half you want to press the seams away from the single triangle so fold match the tips right here and at the fold just clip clip to the stitches and that way you can press them in opposite directions okay I'd like to hold up one side take the tip of the iron and press into the single triangle on one side pick it up hold up that side press into the single triangle and just check on the back look at that so that the seams are going in opposite directions right in the middle perfect so now we have to square them all along they've been a little oversized and that's the best part we get to square up these into smaller sizes put your patch on a small cutting mat the ruler that we're going to use right now says to buy for finished geese actually the size will be two and a half by four and a half including the seam allowances so let's take these green lines right here and just slide them right into that single triangle it is perfect and now cut them in half very important to literally cut them in half and then trim down one side and without even picking them up you can just turn your mat rotate it and trim out that perfect star point now you're going to need to have two per block in the yellow and two per block in the blue and remember you've got one yellow one light in the corner and you three first Starks in the corner so your stars together and you are done now comes my favorite part the strips I am just a stripper at heart well I have my stars done and I have them arranged in this order beside the strips okay this is the second light second dark third light third dark strip and just take a look at the block because we're just going to go around it in order we're going to add the second light twice right beside the other lights and then its second dark twice third light twice and then third dark and the block is done it's a 16 inch block well this is assembly line sewing at its best so I'm just going to take my strip and lay it right like this right side up I like to just go ahead put my presser foot down put my needle down and I am ready to sew it so let's just go ahead turn the blocks over make sure you put the yellow on the yellow side oh that is very good use that same quarter of an inch seam and just watch when you sew across your points you might want to go ahead hold your point down with your stiletto don't cut off your points you can tell by looking at your stitching that you want to go right across that V and then it'll be sharp very crisp from the other side once you finish one star you just pick up the second one and you but it right behind the first and if you want to leave a little space that's okay or if you just want to cut it up tight you just keep on going right down through there good old working for the union label okay now I have one set on so all you do is just take get a ruler get a good straight edge and line up the edge of the ruler with the edge of the block like this and the top of the strip with the ruler and cut this is extra you can get rid of that now this is right where I bought the two pieces together make sure you line up the straight line across the top of the block with the strip and cut you just keep on cutting the whole way down to every single one of them and once you've cut apart then you're just going to press towards the seam I'd like to just drop them on the mat with a strip on top set the seam with a strip across the top open with your fingertips and just kind of glide them and just really press that seam now if you keep on pressing that block over and over again by the time you are done you are going to have a distorted block so really just concentrate on that seam so we did the rule we sewed it on once and now we have to add the same strip down the second side this first strip second strip so just get the strip always in the machine right side up press and foot down needle down last strip you added on always goes to the top that's another rule there's so many rules and so you just pick up this strip and you assembly line so well so many people ask me how Oh Ryan got his name what fun well he's the second son the first one is grant grant stands for great so his dad and I had to come up with that was just as wonderful as grant the great Quinn come up with it until I went to a baby shower at the baby shower we played this game where we were all sitting in a circle we had to start with a give a name for the baby boy Abraham not good sound would be Bruce now see Charles well we kept on going through the whole alphabet and finally we got the O and somebody said Oh Ryan I said I love it Orion Orion the star Orion the Hunter just as good as grant the great and so he became a Ryan the star he loves his name you know he hates it though when people call him Orion and whenever he was younger we actually went to Disneyland and had a little hat made for him and they embroidered his name on the Hat well wouldn't you know it looked just like onion and so he became onion buns at school so fun well I added another strip and you're just going to press it open press it out and you just keep on going okay I use this one twice just take this whole stack get rid of it keep on going adding your strip each twice and once your blocks are all done then it's time to lay them out 16 and a half inches you don't need to square them up if you've been doing a really good job I think I might just like to take and turn all of my blocks in towards the center with the light right in the middle make a big sunny cross right in the middle so you're topped together and you're off to machine quilting I've been trying to decide which fabric to use for my boarders so I can finish this quilt well with the sunny yellow all turned in towards the center the blue ends up around the outside edge so I've got start at least with a yellow so I decided on a two inch large-scale yellow it's going to go right along here the second border is a large-scale blue with a little yellow in it now if you'd like to add just a touch of your star you can put a folded border and a folded border is a 1 and 1/4 inch strip that you press in half together wrong sides together just actually sew it right in between the two and just a touch shows that will bring the star fabric out to the outside edge I love it looks good but you know maybe I was just far too hasty and deciding on this layout let's just switch the blocks around see what we can come up with let's just take these blocks and turn all the darks right into the center like this and we'll turn these around turn them in here one more block and now we have a whole different arrangement that's the fun of these blocks obviously we've got yellow on the outside now these borders aren't going to work so we could choose to do the blue a narrow blue followed by a wide a large-scale yellow looks great this is fun how about let's try the traditional one this is good in any color combination the fields and furrows now you look at the 3rd dark and you think of the third dark as a 7 and beside it an L now you just alternate in the next row so this row is an L and this one becomes a 7 and you have wide bands those fields and those furrows going through here the log cabin is just so much fun to mix around well another popular one especially if you have a very dark third dark that really stands out and that pattern I call all seven so we've got three all 7s go in here let's turn this one around so everyone is a seven you can see that the third dark is very strong around two sides so to complete that whole concept you need to so these four blocks together and then add another two and a half inch strip on the two sides around the outside edge and that will work great how about let's see if we can do one more we're going to do the windmill let's see this is an L and then this is a backward seven that's good this is a seven and over here let's just call this one a backwards L and then we have the windmill so much fun I love to do it well I was going through my things and I found a little quilt that Orion made probably when he was four or five I was quite busy that day and so he went in my sewing room found some blocks that I'd already sewn together and he created his own quilt found the batting oh we were using nice fat batting those years oh my gosh it must be about 30 years ago he selected his backing pretty good you know I think that some of the stitches have already fallen out because I can see the thread hanging on here this was proudly folded around like that and he was so proud of his mitre I think it's pretty good too nice big stitches it's wonderful well if a Ryan star is your first quilt remember you have to start somewhere you
Channel: Quilt in a Day
Views: 70,496
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, eleanor burns, quilt in a day, Orion's Star, Log Cabin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2013
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