How to Quilt on the Cutie Frame

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[Music] welcome everyone i'm carla jerome this is laurel and i get to show laurel how to use this fabulous little cutie frame first of all it's very easy to put together it is a solid little frame it's not going to go anywhere it's not going to vibrate off the table so no need to worry about what surface you're really doing it on you just want the table to be nice and level you could even use it on your counter top in your rv it's just such a nice portable frame now laurel that you put it together just make sure that you can move the carriage side to side front to back freely after you've set your machine on the frame the height of this pole here is called a take-up pole because it takes up all your quilt after you've quilted a good rule of thumb is to put your hand underneath with it laying flat and you can tell it just barely hits and so it's the perfect height right underneath here so then just coming and looking at this you want to make sure that this pole see how it kind of angles down just a little bit and just make sure that it's even right underneath here so to put your hand right across here and kind of tell okay let's talk about the sewing machine these right here these are called feed dogs they grab the fabric and kind of push it along as you're piecing or sewing these need to be down so you have a smooth surface to move your quilt through the other thing is the foot that you use you need an embroidery foot or a quilting foot something that makes it easy for you to glide across you just want a smooth foot that you can easily see then the other thing is bobbins i like to wind several bobbins before i start so that i don't have to stop in the middle of it so look at your project and decide how much quilting you want on it and kind of guesstimate how many bobbins let's talk about preparing our piece quilt for quilting if you're going to piece your back just make sure that you've ironed it and pieced it correctly so we're going to lay our piece backing and i have gone and found my center of my backing the top and i marked it with the pen okay and the center with the bottom so this will help me line up my batting and i found the center of my padding as well top and bottom and i pinned it to my backing and then i just pinned the sides so now all i have to do is line up my hands and i can just move it over and line it up and that's all we have to do let's talk about leaders i have a few inches on the top and a few inches on the bottom the leaders are an extension of your fabric if you don't have them you will need to make your backing that much wider and that much longer one liter it's got cording in it to help you start rolling that up you'll find the center of your leader i'm going to just take my pencil here or my pen and just mark it and i write a c for center i'm just going to take my leader and i'm going to line my backing up all my pins and i can take one pin and just pin straight across and i'm just going to do that all the way across my top and so we'll quickly do that and the same thing that i do at the top i'll do with the bottom you'll just pin it straight across and you'll always pin from the center out and the reason is is if you get a wrinkle or anything like that you're you're pulling it from the center out so that you can adjust now this leader is quite a bit longer and that's for your larger size quilts so don't cut it down it's not going to inhibit you in any way it's just going to help you you do the same thing with the bottom one and the bottom one's even wider so as you get to the end of your quilt the leaders allow you to quilt all the way to the edge of your beautiful quilt that you've created if you didn't have them you'd have to cut a portion of it off because you couldn't sew because it'd be wrapped up over the pole and i have a couple of sets because i get bored with my quilts and so i like to jump from one project to another so sometimes it's nice to have two sets and with these frames you can take them on and off and start on something new we're going to slide our leader through the arm of our machine and adjust it to start quilting we want to make sure we're putting our backing and our batting and everything under the foot one thing i want you to notice your carriage and your machine will only go so far before it hits the sides so if you move your machine all the way to the side you can notice that eventually your machine and your carriage will hit the side of the frame and we don't want that to disrupt our quilting okay so i'm going to adjust my starting side out away so that as i'm starting i'm not going to hit i'm going to move it all the way down but i want to make sure that i can quilt this edge okay without it hitting okay and now we can start putting our clamps on and you want to adjust it also so that you can start right on this edge so you can pull the batting up just a little bit and so bring your machine out where it's going to start see we have that much area so let's pull it up just a tad more and there we go okay and sometimes i'll put my needle in the down position so what i like to do now is make sure my back has no wrinkles in it okay and so i like to just pull it and then sometimes i'll baste across the top edge to hold my quilt in place as well so we'll have you do that in just a minute so what we're going to do is we're going to now put on our two bottom clamps okay and they go on a specific way so you look at the name right here this name has to be showing correctly and we want to take these up huh so facing you yeah facing you yeah so the qd needs to be facing so you can read it not upside down okay and as you clamp it on and clamp it down and it comes with two side clips so you can put them on and it comes with two side leaders also so you could clamp that on and pin it so you get extra tension and helps keep that nice and straight so what we're going to do is we're going to pull our quilt out now we're going to start rolling it up and you can look at your wrinkles on the back as you're rolling i've got one right here just pull it out from the center out just like you would on a rolling frame and just keep rolling now we're just going to clamp it let's start rolling this on and we can clamp this as well and make sure you're counting all your little clamps because if you leave one undone you'll notice it and fill it okay with this frame you can sit or stand if you're using a machine that requires a foot pedal you will want to sit so i'm going to have you sit down you want to make sure that your machine is threaded correctly and so make sure that you have the thread pulled through your tension knob and through the spring so that you get that tension but right now you can tell that as i pull this how easy it is to pull that's because your presser foot which is this foot right here and this is the presser foot lever isn't down once as i put the presser foot down you can feel that tension and so you need to remember to put the presser foot down otherwise you're going to have really loose tension and you're going to it's going to your thread is going to look like shag carpet underneath and you don't want that once you have the presser foot down you want to make sure that you bring your bottom thread up so find the needle up needle down button on your machine and it'll go down and push it one more time and it brings the needle back up now if you'll just barely move your machine away see how it's going to pull up that bottom thread so that you don't have any of those thread tails underneath okay okay so you just pull that up one other thing i want to point out is we want to tack down the edges of our quilt just in case we sew off the edge notice that my foot is underneath my quilt so if i sew off the edge and i start coming back it's going to grab that quilt and make a wrinkle in it and it can even tear your quilt so what we're going to do is move the machine down as far as we can i'm going to lift up the presser foot just a little bit put it on that wide area right there because it doesn't matter how straight it is i'm going to cover this with my binding so when you're pushing down on the foot pedal okay if you push too slowly the machine's just going to barely start revving up and start moving just like with a car okay and so you want to make sure that you give it enough acceleration so that as you're pushing it your stitches look decent and you're going to go up to this corner and go across as far as you can reach okay okay now start going across see how easy that is there we go now you hit the back so now you can hit that thread cutter if you want there you go so now we've tacked down our quilt laura do you feel comfortable just jumping in i've drawn the design on for you and start to quilt or do you want to practice first um i've never really done this before so let me practice so practicing to get the motor skills and the thought process is really important to free motion quilting so just take some time we got our paper here okay and laurel has a pencil you could maybe kind of draw the design through the paper and it doesn't have to be exact it's just to learn the motion so that you understand it before you start quilting take a piece of paper lay it over the fabric and just trace an outline of them so that you can understand the proportion and how far up and how far down do you move we'll start with just that yeah okay okay so just move it off to the side here and just see what i've done so you're just going to start up there and you just start with this one right here and just go up down up down it's really easy i chose really simple easy designs to start out with but even the simple basic designs like up down movements make your quilt that much prettier yeah well this is good for me because i've like i said i've never really done this before so oh you do simple's good and then when you feel comfortable then we'll just start yeah okay okay i think i got a good idea all right i've taken a chalk pencil and in the star area i thought it'd just be fun to just do a nice little long loop one other thing i want to point out with the hoop frame because you have covered up most of your areas you don't know when you're going to be coming close to the end to hit it so we'll take a little piece of tape move my machine down here now we're going to mark it just inside this area this block right here is as far as we can move now the front you know that you're not going to have enough area to quilt this block here or a part of this block okay so we're going to have to just focus on this area up here and then we'll shift it so you can do this whole block all at once so you're just going to focus on this top row and you remember how to pull your thread up yes and start out slow and you'll get very comfortable and then just enjoy okay let's go for it there you go good job and you don't have to stay right on the lines just nice and smooth yeah it's fun isn't it yes there's your first one boom okay i got this yes okay let's try just a little bit of this one okay i'm just gonna start right here there you go nice see she's getting more confidence so she's going a little faster just like your learner's permit there you go awesome look at that i could totally do this yes you can we knew that a lot so now we've got laurel quilting i'm going to talk to you about the different machines that this cutie frame can accommodate up to a 19 inch machine so you can put the 15 m the 15r the 15 pro or the 19 inch machine on this frame and what's nice about it is this piece right here extends out so it can give you more quilting surface for you to quilt another nice feature is you can add automation to it you are not limited to the way you want to quilt if you are not comfortable with the free motion quilting you can add automation and have it do the quilting for you it's just a fabulous frame it is for anybody and everybody if you need a second frame and you like to quilt on the go this is the frame for you because you can fold it up put it away and store it and get it back out if you're a seasonal quilter and you have a second home and you need the quilting frame hey this is good for you somebody who's in assistive living who wants to keep doing what they love this is the frame for you and you start with world man she's going for it she is a quilter now and are you liking that laurel yeah i just want to keep going lil has finished up everything that she could quilt and as far out as she could quilt and so now she gets to shift the quilt to finish up the next section so that's what we're going to do right now when you're rolling or when you're shifting you don't want to roll it up all the way past so that you have a space in between as you're quilting so you want to leave a little bit of what you've quilted showing so maybe about a half an inch okay i'll just shift it down this way [Music] and we'll just lock it into place and you can finish up and then we'll roll it up okay let's select all these in place first i always like to let these in place so i can get the wrinkles out all right let's just pull this up kind of pull it out like that and put it on and then we'll just lock it into place she's going to just finish this next section and now we're going to shift it and start rolling so that she can finish this i'm just going to come around here and with your leader claws you get a little leader to hold right here but i'm just gonna okay i think i'll tuck it down really quick there you go nice right there [Applause] there we go okay come in and do these sections all right she's just got a few more to do and see how quickly she's mastered using her domestic machine and the design it really does help to draw your design in your roblox and she's mastered the foot petal thread cutter really well [Applause] now you feel like you're trying to be in your group you've got your roof yeah just keep going yes it's comfortable now yes all right what we're to do is unclamp and we're going to adjust it so it's up just a little bit okay take these off and this quartering on this leader clock just helps to make it a little easier for you to start rolling your quilt let's move the machine over here and make sure that we have enough room that we can flip this okay and so that's what we want to do and because when we put our clamps on let's put this clamp on first and let's see where it lands okay that's pretty close and we're going to hit the back there so we don't want to and we can't even quote the whole design okay so we know we've done it too far but that's what i'll do is i'll sit there and i'll adjust one end okay that way it's easier to line up all the way down the quilt gotcha okay there we go so you can see can we you know if we can close okay all right i was gonna say even uh just doing this little bit of section i really like the domestic machine because i think it's a good starting point but i find myself wishing i had a bigger throat space just because already i could have stitched maybe this whole section right we'll just put this on and pull it as well so let's just pull this section right here and we'll let you put this one on if we roll it up let's pull up the chair remember we need to mark so oh yeah don't hit the edges okay okay so you can take your existing piece and let's move it down this direction let's figure out how far we can do it oh right there that's almost perfect so you're just going to stop right there okay [Applause] nice job awesome laura has mastered protein yes so laurel this is your very first time machine quilting using the little cutie tabletop fabric frame yes so was it easy yes oh yes it was way easier than i thought it was going to be it was super easy to get the hang of to be able to just hook it on could you go home and do it by yourself oh yeah if i wasn't there to coax you along and help you and did you enjoy it yes i already want to keep going i just want to keep doing the whole thing keep going so thank you for joining us and we hope you've learned a few things and purchased your cutie tabletop fabric playing today you
Channel: The Grace Company
Views: 44,699
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Id: pk_kpJZ4fiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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