#31 Things That Got Removed from Blox Fruits

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in this video I'm going to be telling you about some crazy items that were removed from Blox fruits and starting off the very first item I got here is the treasure inventory this is basically a chest looking item and it honestly worked the same as an NPC because you would kind of have to talk to it which is pretty interesting and it actually behaved very similarly to the inventory that we currently have now but it only allowed you to store one fruit at a time the treasure inventory was located at the pirat Star Island in the first SE the cafe in the second SE and the Mansion on the third SE and it was completely replaced by the inventory in update 17.3 and for for a very good reason moving on to the next item we got here is an NPC called norp in exchange for 3,000 fragments norp would change your players race randomly human angel shark and rabbit basically only the natural spawning in races this nor NPC could be found at the cafe in the second seat and later replaced by an NPC called Tor basically this guy worked the exact same as the NPC that we currently have in the game so I'm not really sure why they decided to replace him but this guy was completely different at least physically he was I mean look at this guy at least he has the good old computer Yeah Boy moving on to the next thing this is actually something that exists in one piece and I did not know they even had these in Blox before I made this initial video and that is the poneglyphs if you watch One Piece you should already know what these are these are just giant stones in the game that kind of give you directions to the one piece but these were basically added to Blox boots as Easter egg no one really knows when or why they were added to the game because they literally removed without the devs literally saying anything they weren't added to any update patch notes but people are guessing that they were added around update 10 to 12 and they were removed from the game after update 13 but the community at that time actually the iiz that this poneglyph was a hint to the rubber Awakening in Blox fruits but they ended up just being Easter eggs that had nothing to do with anything in the game and if you actually look close to one of these poneglyphs you can find the gamer robot symbol on them which is another Easter egg in an Easter egg but there's still a version of this poneglyph that you can actually currently see in the game and that is located at the end of the light raid anyways moving on to the next item we got here is the door fruit D fruit was a rare natural type blocks fruit that you could buy for 950,000 belly or 1,400 Robux from the Blox fuit dealer D fuit was best used for its Mobility because you could basically teleport to any Island that you wanted to and it would help a lot of BL FRS YouTubers in specific because we usually need to head over to different Islands to record footage for our videos wait why am I talking like this food is still in the game well it kind of is because it's been replaced by the portal food and all the abilities have kind of been kept the same they've just been remodeled to a portal version like many other things in this game it was removed for copyright because it's obviously way similar to one piece moving on the next removed thing we got here is the rare artifact and this is an item that was dropped by The darkbeard Raid boss with 100% chance of dropping and it would be used to unlock certain items and services in the game but it was removed after update 11 if you're wondering what this object looked like it's like this it's just a round silver ball now this was a pretty low effort make wasn't it and you could actually use it to buy a total of five things in the game the very first thing you could buy is the flower ship second up the dragon's breath fighting style then the Kucha and back in the day you even needed these to get a stat reset point or change your race so they basically helped you do a lot of important things but they were replaced with fragments which in my opinion 10 times better than the rare artifact next up we got something that you OG block WS players should know because this wasn't removed from the game too long ago this is something that existed before update 20 and I'm obviously talking about the enforcer boat at the time this was the smallest boat in Blox foots but it was also the fastest boat that anyone had ever seen and the only way you could access this is by talking to the luxury boat dealer and to do that you needed to buy the luxury boats Game Pass and then once you did that you could spawn in this boat at any time for a total of 1,000 belly and it also has a total health of 1,000 so this wasn't that bad for C ra the good things about this boat is obviously that it's the fastest boat in the game it's also great alternative if you don't have a move like the light fruit a water walking fruit or the shark race and the only fruit that really beats this in movement is the portal fruit because it can literally teleport you anywhere when it comes to actual movement this is even faster than the light fruit which is incredibly crazy and this is also very useful for when you're doing the Race 3 4 puzzle because you'll need to find the Mirage Island the bad thing is that you obviously need to pay Robux to access his boat but you can kind of cheese that if you have a friend that has it because you can just ask him to spawn in the boat and it's also not ideal for SE events because it only has 1,000 HP and compared to other bats that's not very good well it doesn't really matter because this boat isn't even in the game anymore what the next thing I'm going to be talking about is the event shop NPC this is an NPC that appeared during the party event and the Valentine's Day event and just like its name States it's literally just a shop where you could buy certain things and during the confetti event you obviously had to get confetti which you would get from destroying NPCs and with that you could buy anything you wanted from this NPC and during the Valentine's event you had to destroy NPCs and they would drop hearts and with those hearts you can buy anything you wanted and if you're planning on getting ahead and waiting for him for the next event the places he spawns at are in Middletown in the first SE that c Cafe at the second seat and at the castle on the sea in the third seat you can just exchange your currency for money also race re rolls for 50 of his currency so you could buy for 50 hearts or 50 confetti he also gives you XP boost which is incredibly useful when you're leveling up he also gives you a random food and it's always three different foods and the currency price depends on the fruit obviously because you don't want to be paying like 50 confetti for like a rocket fruit or something and you can get 200 fragments for the value of 100 currency so either 100 hearts or 100 confetti and during the party event he actually had a thing called the party hat as well as the aquamarine hockey color the party hat you can get for 750 confetti and the hockey color you can get for 1,000 and during the Valentine's event there was something called the Cupid's Cod for 150 Hearts the heart shades for 750 hearts and the light pink hockey color for 1,000 hearts and when the leopard food was in stock you'd have to pay him a total of 1,100 currency whether that may be hearts or confetti and for the rocket fuit you would pay 60 total currency so you can see the huge difference between the best fruit and the worst fruit at the time at least anyways moving on next up we got another food just like the door fuit that was removed from the game because of copyright and that is the revive fruit this was an uncommon natural Blox fruit that costed a total of 550,000 belly or 975 Robux from the Blox fruit dealer this fruit is the only fruit in the game that actually lets you come back to life which is one of its passive abilities but you only come back to life at half HP the very first ability of this fruit is called possession where you just Dash straight into your enemy dealing a decent amount of damage to them then we got the soul Rider ability where it just kind of unleashes a green mist from where you're standing and it deals a decent amount of damage to everything around you next up we got the sea ability and this is the resurrection ability this basically makes it so that if you die while your C move is active then you actually resurrect with half your HP but you also turn into a skeleton next up we got the F ability and this is called wandering soul and this is not that good of a movement ability because it actually leaves your original body in the same place but once you exit the ability you'll actually spawn back to where you were the next item that was removed from the game is the Santa Claus NPC but he's not going to be removed forever he's actually going to be returning during the Christmas event this year he sells you some limited time accessories the first one is the elf hat for 250 candies the Santa had for 500 candies and the slle for 1,000 candies and you get candies the same way as get confetti your hearts you just defeat enemies while the event is active next up we actually got a boat that was removed from the game or I guess remodeled this is the flower ship it's a boat that you could unlock by talking to the cyborg NPC and buying for 1,500 fragments this boat had a total of 2,500 Health four total cannons and it also had an Easter egg at the top of the ship but I'm not going to be telling you that you have to go find out for yourself well I guess you can't anymore because it's not in the game next up we got another fruit that was actually removed from the game for the same reason as the previous two fruits and that is the soul fruit it was a mythical fruit that cost a total of 3,400,000 belly or 2,500 Robux and this is actually big mom's fruit from one piece and it has the exact same name in the show that's why it was removed they actually remodeled this to the spirit fruit which is kind of the same thing so I wouldn't be surprised if they got copyrighted yet again the very first ability of this fruit is called Soul snatcher where you mount the cloud and fly towards your enemy and deal a decent amount of damage to them next up is the X ability and this is called Wrath of raw where you use the power of your fire buddy to deal a decent amount of damage to wherever you're aiming next up we got the SE ability and this is called outrage Ren and for this one you use the Thundercloud to deal deal a decent amount of damage with a thunderstorm then we got to V ability which is called end of times and you use both of your buddies for this dealing a but ton of damage that's why it's the most powerful move we also got the movement ability called sky roller where you just hop on one of your buddies and just float with them I guess next up we got an NPC called layan kit 12 who is actually removed during update 17.2 and the only reason this NPC existed is to tell you about what's coming in the new update and if I had to guess I'll say the reason they actually removed him is because the block food step don't actually want to be leaking their future updates until the time is right next up we got another food that was removed from the game and this is the kilo fruit one of the most popular fruits in the game even though it was the worst at the time and they actually ended up replacing this with the rocket fruit which is 10 times better we also have another boat that was actually removed from the game and this is the speed boat and just like the enforcer boat from before this is a boat that you can access by having the faster boats Game Pass and you can spawn it by talking to the luxury boat dealer that's pretty much it
Channel: Hans - Roblox
Views: 47,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, blox fruits, roblox blow fruits, roblox hans, hans blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, hans roblox, hans roblox tiktok, tiktok hans, hans, roblox hans tiktok, roblox hans revenge, roblox revenge, revenge roblox, blox fruits revenge, roblox blox fruits revenge
Id: 7aqHxoZ0Zyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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