31 mind hacks you can use to create your reality and transform your life

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[Music] welcome to the reality revolution podcast I'm your host Brian Scott this podcast is dedicated to the spirits who believe life is meant to be magical and fun it contains advanced viewpoints of the multi-dimensional human beings of the 21st century here we venture to share the mysteries of self and reality our primary purpose is to reawaken your sense of fascination and awe towards life my goal is to hack reality with you unleash your potential and open unlimited possibilities of wealth health and relationships in your life and to explore the mysteries of the universe we are experiencing a quantum shift in the world a new reality revolution let's become aware of it in all the ways we can use it and that is the goal of this podcast so today we're gonna talk about mind tax now I know that word hack gets overused sometimes it's just perfect to use but it's a quick way a speedier way of getting to know or understand or do something in particular that's at least how I look at it so I designed 30 mind hacks that you can use to switch into parallel realities to achieve your goals to manifest incredible things in your life these are the mine hacks I've come up with in my research I would love to hear yours as well we can add them to this so join me at my facebook group reality revolution I'd love to hear your thoughts about different mind hacks I am super fascinated by this I collect them so the first one is very simple and obvious it's visualization and when I say that I meet a lot of people that don't know how to visualize they don't know how to create moving pictures in their mind of things that they haven't seen that are clear and profound it's hard for people to create pictures in their mind so sometimes you need to go back we were able to specialize wouldn't we younger and the thing is you need to learn all of the details and aspects of it sometimes it's good to do art or try to design something visually but you need to add dimension and color and movement to your visualizations and so also where is your visualization happening when you close your eyes is there a space where it's located at or is it all around what kind of vision are you having there's different kinds of visualization and it is something that you could work on and get spend in an entire podcast and we probably will in the future so there's really two different kinds of visualization there's rehearsal so picturing yourself doing something and then there's the ideal state envisioning an ideal state for yourself at some point so the easiest thing is to remember things in the past but to develop ideas of the future it can be used just for simple things we're not talking about complicated things basketball players improve their free-throw accuracy by 23% when visualizing three throws when done repeatedly it teaches and rewires your brain at a very primal level in many ways your brain doesn't know it's really happening it believes you're doing it and as you do it you get faster and faster you played a video game you know over time you get better at whatever task that you're chosen to do so players who practiced it actually shooting have improved by total shooting improved by 24% so this technique keeps your motivations high because you can see yourself doing it so I would say at least beyond your meditations 2 to 3 minutes several times a day you should try to do different kinds of visualizations that can empower you and will try to talk about different ones that we can do don't fantasize about getting what you want but see yourself overcoming obstacles and accomplishing not the final result so in you know people want to visualize that they have a lot of money it's the same as a flower or plant you don't visualize the flower you've visualized what is going on in the soil the seed all the manure and water that you had to you to take care of that before it grew that is the stuff you're visualizing it's hard to understand that but that stuff will help in terms of a mind hacking helping you to accomplish goals and do tasks much much better the next mind hack that I recommend to help you achieve your goals to move into realities is become situational ear aware aware situational awareness they talk about in the military it means paying attention to what's going on around you have the have the eyes of a wolf that's a good metaphor that I like to think of you want to be aware of everything around you you want to be aware of sounds movements all of your vulnerabilities be aware of just that more than what's just in front of you try to be aware of what's going on around you try to expand your peripheral vision while you're in the moment while you're driving constantly and it will become less than a habit in your everyday situational awareness will grow try to get aware of the 360 degrees around you okay it's very very important there's different kinds of awareness so you you want to be at a level of if you're there you could be an under red condition red alert or the Adrenaline's rushing okay and that you know that's when your heart rates at you know above 115 to 145 so if you aren't used to becoming aware that's what happens your body over reacts so focused awareness it is is a blood rate blood pressure of about 100 ppm you don't want to be turned off or daydreaming in certain situations you're gonna have access to all of these states but I just I'm saying that it's something should be practiced that you develop the ability to have situational awareness the next thing is just learning how to trigger your your consciousness unlock your consciousness we'll talk about this later with other hacks that I have and that's really what we're trying to do but a trigger that serves your mental readiness create triggers that serve your mental readiness you can have things in your mind you can think about your children person that you love create quick triggers so that you can in create your pre-tournament mental toughness it this is very much like anchors but I'm just saying that you create triggers for your mental awareness so that you can activate them it's very very important to learn another very important man hack is arousal control that you can get manipulated watching television whatever it is people will try to use and arouse you in certain ways and so you need to get too used to what what is your body doing when it's in those states where you may be being manipulated because of your response you have chemicals that that are revoked in your body when your palms sweat when your mind's racing when your heart pounds your body starts to malfunction a little bit you become aware of those signs and the more you become aware of these signs then you can gain control over it your Navy SEALs they use this that's trained in the Navy SEAL training so you want to have to get maximum performance you need to be at that place of middle arousal not high or low but aware that is at least what the studies and research shows you can do it by just by breathing that's one thing is 4 by 4 by 4 breathing just breathing 4 seconds in holding it 4 seconds out in that moment not meditating just the breathing technique is very powerful in that regard to controlling the dough your response to certain things on an emotional level the next one ice I like to call is just breaking down your manifestation or your dreams or goals into small victories imagine if you had somebody said that you had to eat a whale well you might not want to do that because I take a very long time to eat a whale but in reality you could eat the oil if you had to you may not be able to do it in one day so if you wanted to manifest eating a whale you'd have to manifest the time it would take as well so the idea is you take it one bite at a time and start your goal-setting process that way so you want to look at the food that you eat measure the calories that you eat and what you can wake up a few minutes earlier or focus on one task at a time helps you to set many goals you end up getting a lot more done that way and the next thing is really controlling fear and and-a-half figuring out a hack for fear and use fear convert fear into confidence understand that fear is nothing more than a software that is giving you greater awareness it's also giving you greater energy in your body and so you just need to find ways to turn your fears into confidence and assume that and your fear is just a greater level of awareness so you can also reduce your own fears by being more positive with the words that you say and with the number of words that you say by by practicing that optimism leads to better health it leads you to moving and focusing on the right things and persistence with this is good the way you talk to yourself figure that out that is what I would say it's very important the next very important mind hack that I recommend that transformed my life is the idea of priming priming I first learned about through and through Tony Robbins and he has a morning priming that he kind of does instead of his meditation and it is so powerful I've integrated it into my monthly and daily and morning routines if you look at and study at very very successful CEOs and people on many different levels Reid Tim Ferriss is tool for Titans where he interviews some big people that have been highly successful they all seem to have a priming routine in their mornings it can be as simple as there's one CEO that takes a picture of a beautiful flower somewhere and it gives him a level of gratitude for a simple thing but the priming that the Tony Robbins does through a technique of breathing and then he actually goes into past memories that are very powerful that they're very easy to evoke gratitude and happiness and joy and you prime your state of mind from those past memories tuning into those emotions and then you go about at that point you prime your mind then you try to create some level of compassion in the morning for people around you sending out energy to people because you get more energy yourself for the more that you put out going through a list going away from yourself and creating groups of people that you wanted to lend your energies to and find that power and then he Prime's himself by sending short-term goals things he can achieve in one to three years and it sees he sees himself accomplishing those goals as a part of his priming technique and this priming technique grows and it's very powerful you can do it in five minutes you can do it you just simply remember something good in your past you remember something some that you won't you you'll pray for the people that you love in your life and then you think about some things that you want to achieve what two or three things and you can do that in five minutes you don't need to meditate you can just sit there and do that while you're driving in your car I think it's more powerful if you set aside time where you can close your eyes really get into it but I believe you can prime yourself all the time if you create emotions before you go through events that you want to be successful at you will be at a better and higher state of functioning in that situation the next mind hack to understand is I movements someday we're going to do a podcast about when I wrote my master's thesis on neuro linguistic programming neuro linguistic programming is really fascinating I recommend you read anything you can about it it's grown as a discipline it's a thing of itself and they originally developed this model where you could look at people's eye movements to determine how they thought you can even use it to determine how people lie whether or not they're lying or what they're accessing and I've used this in some of my meditations I know to give you you guys have probably noticed that it's powerful you may not have fully experienced it but I'm recommending that you do this so first of all if you are right-handed and you look up into the left you're looking at a memory but if you look up and to the right you're looking that is your creative side so the left is the eidetic side and the when you look up and to the right that is your creative side and so you remember that you can create feelings you can create emotions you can create sounds you can create pictures those different senses correspond with their location so when you look up you're accessing your visual when you look into it to the side or the middle you're accessing your auditory and when you look down you look accessing your kinesthetic your feelings so if you look down and to the left then you're accessing a memory of a feeling and if you look down into your right you're accessing a memory or you're creating you're in that location of your mind or you can you can access new memories and create new feelings and it's for both sides and I recommend getting used to this this is if you want help in visualization using your eye movements can enhance your ability to visualize you can also bring more recall you can use it to enhance your memory by accessing different parts of your brain and it's memory areas getting used to this and programming it and also being aware of other people's eye movements can give you greater power over your situation that you're in to give you better choices the next hack I'd love to do with any clients that I have and I recommend that you do this now is just begin a simple daily creative practice you need to open up the part of your mind if you want to access source and really develop your mind at a highly incredible level you need to open up the creative part of your mind and so doing a daily creative practice is good for this you can create a playlist you can simply scratch a picture in one second on a piece of paper that is creating something create something that wasn't there before draw draw squiggle a picture write a sentence that is brand new write a sentence you can take a picture you can take a group of pictures you can take a video something new do something new and you might start with doing some very simple thing writing a sentence every day or scratching out a little picture but eventually you that little part of your mind likes to be awake and it wants to keep on working and then you start thinking I can develop projects and like do that piece of art and I can do that statue and I can do I can create a pair of clothing or you can do something incredible and your mind begins to race I believe personally that the creative part of our mind is desperate to come out and that people get sick because they never use that creative part of their mind you might be the the rancher that never has time and doesn't think creatively but you can do it you can just simply make a playlist or do one little creative action access that part of your brain get into the motion and momentum of creating something whatever it is if you want to create your future how can you do that if you're not willing to simply create a simple picture on a piece of paper create the next mind hack is to write down your thoughts sit down and write down your thoughts as they come to you try out a 10-minute procedure and then you just any thought that comes to your mind write it down you'll be surprised for every single word that comes to your mind you have to write down just become aware of your thoughts it gives you a level of awareness that you didn't have before we have thought that we have words slipping through all the time that we are not aware of and it gives you a focus and will over your thoughts as you do it a little bit longer as you focus on which whatever word that you say now along these lines along the same hack and on maybe we can make these two hacks so maybe it's more than this but the idea of stating openly what you're going to do before you do it make it a thought before you do something I'm gonna sit up out of my chair I'm gonna stand up I'm gonna walk to the bathroom so you become the locus of control for your thoughts the next hack is what I is just an incredible procedure by I found this in a book called thought revolution by William dawnia's and the idea is you access the opposite side of your brain by using writing questions out with your non-dominant hand so if your right hand go and ask yourself a question with your left hand it's gonna be amazing you're gonna find that your handwriting is so terrible at first that you're barely able to write some people can barely write anything with there they never use their their other hand but you can ask a simple question and suddenly that part of your brain starts to and tries to answer it and you get more creative with better solutions so I recommend that book thought revolution by William dounia's it's very good give you a great hack to access better solutions in your the next one is laughing people have a very tough time retaining a happy and positive frame of mind in many situations it's difficult because we're struggling in many situations we actually need to be in a positive frame of mind for our own health and one hack it's a simple hack that you can use any time to shift your reality the way you feel is to laugh it's a simple thing humor is what it is is so powerful because it is one of the perfect and ultimate mind hacks that moment that you begin to laugh you forget everything else and you are open to the source and that joy is a part of the greatest part of one of the human experiences so just learning to love creating laughter learning how to laugh realistically will totally change and give you a transformational element over your mind and your body the next thing I absolutely recommend the next mind hack number 12 is journaling every major successful person has some kind of journaling routine I think it's like 80 percent it's really fascinating and it sometimes seems kind of annoying because you may go through your meditations and you do your workouts you don't want to sit down with a journal something happens when you put pen to paper when you put pen to paper to do your affirmations when you write them down there is a process that occurs and I recommend a lot of people just use their journals for gratitude and they or they write notes and I recommend writing out questions one of the best things you can do with journaling is to ask yourself questions that you may not know the answer to ask yourself questions try to answer questions give yourself really empowering questions every day have a Who am I gonna serve today what can I do to make my day better what can I do to improve my performance what have I maintained my energy through the day ask yourself questions because that's really what we are doing so the next two hacks number thirteen and fourteen is your morning and evening routines and we're definitely gonna have an entire podcast dedicated to morning routines and another one dedicated to evening routines they are tied together but I do think another thing eight out of ten very popular and successful CEOs businessmen artists they all have morning routines I haven't found anybody that doesn't there they're all very different I am fascinated by morning routines I think it's the most fascinating thing I think in many cases when you unlock a morning routine you unlock their success I think it's the key if I get a chance to be with somebody I consider to be a mentor or I am successful with that's one of my first questions what do you do in the morning what time do you wake up and I listen intently and I blog that in and I've logged in every single person that I've really wanted to know I have a memory of all of those I've tried to build my best morning routine and you know you can't just do it you have to develop your own over time I'll give my move morning routines I think mine is very powerful and I absolutely recommend it but it's not going to be for everybody everybody has their own time pressures and and everybody has their own own element and there is definite open argument as to what to do in your morning routine for instance Tim Ferriss wakes up and needs to get protein within 15 minutes and eats the same breakfast every day because the body does seem to respond better by eating the same breakfast every day he doesn't believe in drinking any smoothies or anything like that he'll have some tea and some water usually before the the meal he'll have water and then within 15 minutes he has the protein and then he undergoes a meditative routine of some kind and that's one way to do it then there's several others and some you know you know for sure there are incredibly successful rich gazillionaires out there there not meditating in the morning but they are doing something they have something that they do and their daily routine that works and it works for a reason and they've developed it and they've used it a lot of times it's at least giving themselves a certain period of time to recharge and reactivate the mind operating system so it gets up and it's functioning and they actually are concerned about that my morning routine I will talk about more at a later time but what I like to do is have a drink of water right in the morning it can get lemon in it that's great but I served my water in a jewel water so the vitae jewel so it contains crystals in it so and I always try to you know say a good intention before I go to bed over my water when I wake up I drink that water first thing I do when I get up and you know go brush my teeth and then I will begin a certain little group of exercises I do the five tibetans I do Qi Gong I do energy psychology moves and then I move into the LB rp2 or make my room wherever I'm at some level of sacredness I clean it out and I organize that I focus on the area make sure that it's cleansed and in my mind and then I go about the Tony Robbins priming technique I use a combination of his breathing procedures after that a fire breathing moving into wim HOF moving into Joe Dispenza Bret breathing technique that I'll talk about more later the idea is to bring body energy into your body you can do that through Qigong and then to pull the energy up through your body to your brain so you're looking to do to two things with your routine before you meditate and I found if I pull more energy into my body and into my mind before I meditate I can reach incredible states of consciousness and it's effective overall over my functioning and the success rate and the things that I try to accomplish and when I've coached others on this it has been transformational and I'll try to go into more detail about it but if you can just make it a focus if you have some routine in the morning it doesn't have to be full exercise routine if it's before that then if you want to meditate you give focus on bringing energy into your body and then pulling it up and you can squeeze the muscles of your body to pull them up that you know they have talked about Kundalini and they say you know maybe that's what they're referring to but there is an energy that you can pull up in your body to experiment with that and then the thing to remember in the morning when you wake up that first thought is very important and take advantage of that sweet spot the first five minutes when you wake up because every thought is powerful you are in touch with your subconscious this thing this living thing that doesn't really get to see you that's it that's what you're you're you're there and you get a chance like that old movie from the 80s with Rutger Hauer Michelle Pfeiffer or they could only see themselves at dusk when one of them would transform into an animal and they would walk along never being able to fully see themselves like I think the movies lady hawk of course it is if you've read read and player1 then you know lady hawk but the idea is that your subconscious you get that little moment in the morning and then you get that little moment at night and that's why we do an evening routine now with both my morning and evening routine I have a set thing that I say that I that I use from thinking Grow Rich where you set your goal card and you say exactly what you are and what you want to make and then what you get what you're gonna give in return for that and at the end you after you've done all of that then you then you talk about the life that you're gonna live and then you create gratitude with that statement and you say that statement and you get you let it sink in and let it become real and make that your intention and then you develop that statement so it becomes your absolute intention and then you say that in the morning and you say that at night when you're when you're still able to talk to your subconscious because you want your subconscious to know this is what I am this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna deserve it and this is the life I'm gonna live and it that's powerful and it's very easy to do it's easy thing I wouldn't and make that your goal just like brushing your teeth and so the evening routine is really all about if you need to sleep keep your you know it's some getting the full amount of sleep is important we'll talk about that later but the idea is in your evening routine that you in the moments that you go to sleep that you are focused remember the last thought that you have when you go to sleep is the first thought you have when you wake up in many ways we can become very powerful with that one of my mind hacks later is we're gonna talk about riding into a journal the questions that you have but that's one of the parts of this evening routine so you want to develop your evening routine find people that are successful at their evening routine you may want to want to stop watching television or do working with your computer at a given period of time and you want to give yourself some time to get ready it's good to go to bed at the same time every night and unfortunately most successful people wake up early in the morning it's the biggest thing I struggle with but it's the truth and if you want to have a prosperous and successful life you need to wake up in the morning if you can there are a few people I've met that have been able to pull it off but it's just more likely that people are waking up early in the morning so setting an earlier time to go to bed is great and I believe that so the next thing the next mine hack number 15 is controlled decision making and understand what the idea of parallel universes power of your decisions are literally creating universes and so the decisions have consequences and these consequences can play out and create energy so the idea is you want to reduce major decisions that you make during the day so that you can make better decisions this is why you have Steve job wearing the same uniform while you have that why you have the CEO of Facebook he wears the same uniform it's a common thing in Silicon Valley that a lot of people will wear the same uniform so that when they wake up they don't have to decide what kind of clothing that they're gonna wear so minimize your overall decisions that you have if you have certain decisions you don't want to lay out seven different coffees that you have in the morning because then you have to make the choice so understand that the decisions that you make are important and make them important by minimizing your decision-making on other things the next mind hack which has truly transformed my life and I may be say it's them one of the most powerful mind acts but all of them is listening and reading faster if you can get an audible app listen to your stuff faster try 1.25 take it to one and a half take it to 1.75 once you reach two and you get used to it it becomes faster and easier and once with certain narrators you can listen at three and a half times speed I've developed my habit where I listen to 95% of my books at three and a half times speed sometimes I'll slow it down because they're great and I want to listen to it slower but what happens your brain because faster time is relative as Einstein said and so when you do hear somebody reading at normal speed it seems slower and you're able to grasp more of it and you're in it you're in a deeper meditative state when your brain slows down when it seems like it's in an alpha level state when you get used to the faster two speeding time and it does modulate your brainwaves and standard beta state situations same with reading faster learn to read faster there's some great reading courses learn not to try to read aloud try not to read aloud learn two-degree dn't will read more than one letter at a time learn the whole system there's several online that I recommend and I could go into that and that it just does transform your mind and your ability to grasp and remember things as well the next mind hack is the journey method the journey method is in a book called Quantum memory by this incredible memory master and he developed this journey method to remember very complicated and long things somebody is able to memorize an entire pack of cards the order of them how could they do that in just 15 minutes well the journey method figures out that memory is controlled by links and feelings so if you can associate an object in a journey then you'll remember things and I do think that this also transfers to what I use for parallel reality surfing because you can remember larmor and you can bring more to it so we'll get into that later but the idea is you wake up in your bedroom you move to the bathroom they are linked together they don't have to be a place but if you walked through your house you could give me a ten-part journey and each of those parts would be one of the ten and you can memorize ten numbers very quickly by doing that when it's a journey they seem to join together when you go back and remember things that have happened you're able to remember sequences of 1215 things at a time and you don't realize it it's because it's in a journey and you're going from one to another and you are able to unlock that memory faster because of the linkage that it has so using the journey method really works the next I briefly discussed before was anchoring anchoring was developed in neural linguistic programming you can create states of mind and access feelings when you associate those feelings with it can be a sound it can be a pinch we see it in advertising all the time people associate images pieces of music to things and it literally is able to evoke the entire emotional state from something as simple as a sound or a combination of picture and a sound understanding how anchoring works and using anchoring so that when you're in deep meditative States or in great it states a bliss you're happy are at the dance club somewhere is so whatever you're doing it's super happy you can anchor yourself maybe scratch your wrist or do something that you particularly remember and then you can build a library of motions in your body that you can access through this technique of anchoring and it can really help with your meditations and it can really help give you control over your emotional states so look into anchoring bio-neural is reprogramming we're probably going to have another podcast about that as well the next mine hack will truly transform your like life and that is radical forgiveness a lot of people are struggling because they hold grudges against even themselves but people in their lives family members friends events that have happened and this literally reduces the entire ability of your brain to think properly and openly because it's it literally takes up 30 40 percent of the working operating system of your brain and forty years of Zen an incredible project I probably mentioned before where they looked at the deep frequencies of brain wave states and they were able to figure out and modulate the states so they could program in them into you you can reach states that a 40-year zen buddhist would it reach only after 40 years they can take you to that level now through hacking the brain frequencies and the thing that they find the most when they do this is that once somebody goes through this process of radical forgiveness forgiving everybody and everything in your life no matter how bad it is that they that their brains go into an entirely different state and it empowers you in ways you can't imagine and that's maybe what Jesus was teaching us all along the incredible power of forgiveness the Ben Franklin effect is an interesting effect it goes two different ways and it's he theorized that when you if you don't like somebody but and you do them a favor you end up liking them and then studies started to show that this is true that you can you can if you'd not really like somebody but it's in your better interest to like that person you can do it do them a favor also by doing them a favor they they'll think that you like them as well and I'm saying do people favors do favors no for no reason you do the number of favors and it's like a mirror you'll have people doing favors for you it's a huge mind Act and it changes the way that you look at other people if you have a level of hatred or anger towards people in your life that you probably know is irrational then try doing a favor for them and it will change the way you think about it beyond your fathoming the next mind hack is it may take you a while but you have to understand that we are all one at one time the entire universe was no bigger than a single pea and it exploded into what we have now every single little element of the entire universe was all compacted into that single little pea all interrelated all entangled all of it from one all one vibration all of these things are connected we know from through quantum entanglement that everything is connected beyond the speed of light in another realm of absolute wonder and it we are all one all of our thoughts all of our memories all of the planets all of the world all the universe exists and we are one we are one with it we you are nothing but a drop of the ocean the ocean and a drop all of you isn't one we are all one more and more research and studies show this improve on elemental levels on a physical and vibrational level that we are all one and once you realize this it will give you an incredible ability to deal with whatever you're dealing with in your mind so I'm recommending connect to that idea connecting to the idea is the hack itself which brings me to number 21 and that's connected source if you go back to my last podcast I talked about what the source is and what the alternative space is this incredible information field where everything is possible anything can be determined every lifeline is available to you all the information of the universe the Akashic record is all right there for us the quantum vacuum the oneness that I'm referring to before is also a part of this and I think that in many ways that's all we're trying to do is get back to that source listen to Abraham that's the number one thing she'll always say is connect to your source and the idea of connecting to source is difficult we can connect a source through a laugh we can connect to source when we sleep we probably are all connected to source while we sleep but we also need to connect a source while we're conscious and that means through meditation people can do it while in skiing or surf when your mind when the frontal cortex shuts down and you remove into a state of flow that's when you're accessed directly into the source and you can reach the source by going into the void of space all around us is the source and by focusing on the source you will connect to the source I promise you you're connected to the source now I am connected to the source and by listening to this podcast I'm connecting you to the source as well and that is incredible mine hack and once you learn to ask the source and become aware of it and believe in it it will change your life forever the next is Newton we are on number 23 so the Ben Franklin effect was 20 know that you are one is 21 connecting two sources 22 neurofeedback is 23 going back to what I said about the 40 years of Zen when you talk about brain waves going from alpha to Delta which I've talked about in other podcasts you have to understand that it's much more detailed than that there's like 50 different frequencies and they have entire patterns and models they're beginning to look at to really unlock deep states of consciousness when you practice compassion when you visualize compassion and forgiveness bliss and happiness it completely can change your level of consciousness and by getting access to neurofeedback I think that it can really change your life there are some things that you can purchase online I recommend the mind Muse or muse and when you listen to it it gives you an idea when you go into an alpha state moving to beta it starts to play thunder cloud thunderstorms and then when you move to alpha you can hear birds chirping so it gives you a direct feedback response to what your brainwave state and then you can start getting printouts of your of your brainwaves and you can really get access because a lot of ways this is just like it's difficult because we workout we can weigh ourselves we can see the results but when we meditate we don't know how deep or going or for doing it right and this is a measurable way for you to access your consciousness and I recommend it I think it's going to change your life and I'll try to talk about that more and more that we become aware of our minds work become interactive on a neuro feedback level so the next is number 24 which is future dreaming obviously that in Wahab attraction everybody talks about this but learning how to dream of the future and setting goals for the future and the primary primary thing is set goals for long ahead what do you want to do in five years what do you want to do in 10 years what do you what is the vision of what you want go beyond just the now and really imagine when you're gonna retire what your retirements going to be like having that future dreaming can guide your inner decisions now it's a good exercise to do once a week once a month but to at least do it and set out long-term goals because we can all get caught up in the moment and sometimes we lose that future dream that we want the next thing is to establish set points I learned this from when I started you know working out and the thing is we want as we get older we don't want to lose our setpoint we create a set point for our health so you you want to get up I want to do six pull-ups I want to do 50 pushups I wanted to be able to do 50 sit-ups and if I wake up and I can only do 40 push-ups then the next day I add one to it and I say I got to do 51 push-ups today or is if I only did 10 less than I have to do 60 and I try to keep a set point so that I have that point I don't want to accept that we're I'm gonna get worse in fact it gives me a point where I can do better and this is not your workout I'm saying if you just do a set point go into your push-ups go to take it away from your workout if you can do it with your workout that's even better if you can do it with your workout that's even better but I'm saying mentally we can set these same set points how long you want to meditate what time you want to work work out what you what things that you want to accomplish how much do you want to eat what kind of how much time you want to set on your goal what kind of different little tiny little things that you can accomplish and those are all very important setting set point because it gives you something to work before instead of just generically saying I hope I do better the next is number 26 which is bombard the brain with new experiences now I look at Steve Jobs he visited an ashram in India and then he came up with the name for Apple visiting a commune in Oregon and whenever would people will come to visit him he would go for a walk because he wanted to give himself new experiences and by flooding ourselves with new experiences we give ourselves incredibly larger details of information we're locked into what we know we are always locked into what we know so none of the surprises you know Emory University neuroscientist Gregory burns says to see things differently than other people the most effective solution is to bombard the brain with things it has never encountered before burns right in his book iconoclast according to Burns epiphanies rarely occur in familiar places like sitting in front of your computer at your desk traveling to another country or a place radically different than your own really helps move along the creative process in other words if you're looking for a breakthrough take a vacation and the idea is give yourself no experiences go for a walk somewhere else go shopping in a new place it could be as simple as eating dinner at a new place but give yourself news experiences and you're opening your mind to new paths creating new different alternate greater realities and the next it just be spontaneous be spontaneous number 27 be spontaneous you know the way the parallel realities work we're locked into our habits that we do every day what happens is we really don't have very many realities if we actually could look at all the different realities even though we say there are infinite number I would bet most of them are pretty much the same and that's because we are all doing the same thing we would do anyway there's probably some branches where it's totally different but I bet you if we really had a look at it we are locked into our habits and routines by doing something spontaneous you open up new life lines and decisions it doesn't have to be a major decision that you're making just doing something different try it it gives you greater awareness and it may be what you need to do to achieve that goal or have something incredible in your life the next is to teach it you know trying to is number 28 mind hack is to teach it so I would I have found if you learn something if you want to learn coding or some particular skill that you want to learn an incredible mind hack is learn it and then find somebody to teach it because the level of learning that you experience when you teach something is what will blow your mind and that's one thing that happened with me when I started to manifest and achieve my dreams and have these crazy experiences I found that if I could teach it that I I actually became more aware and understood it through other people's eyes and then you have better understanding and feel for it so whatever it is that you really want to do learn the basics of it and then teach it even if it has to be your kids and they don't understand teach it if you can't then find a way to teach it mentally in a visualization to someone else go through the process if you can't find somebody else to teach it try to teach somebody else maybe you can find somebody online but I promise you it's gonna 10x your total learning on any particular subject the next number 29 is to exercise if you want your mind to work you need to exercise I don't care what you say and some of you may not be able to because of your health because of some particular situation you can go to the pool and walk around you can move around there's something that you can do of course according to your doctor but the movement of your body in a safe and general way even a simple chi gong exercise to get that that energy moving in your body will change your mind when I say exercise some level of movement can be simple but you need to recharge that battery every every 55 minutes if you're not going to work out and stand up move around your mind it will get locked into these states because you're not exercising you're moving around it's a simple mind hack it's not complicated but it's obvious and then number 30 ask questions now I'd said this before but the idea is write out questions on things that you need a solution to before you go to bed if you're a writer and you want to know what's gonna happen next in your plot write it down in a journal if you don't have a journal then say it out loud but it's easier with a journal because you're reminded of it when you wake up and say what should I do with this character how am I gonna deal with the situation what should I do with this person how should I deal with my book whatever it is ask yourself questions and it is really remarkable once you're reminded that you had asked yourself questions you have stuff that starts to flood into your brain because I believe we're access to source while we sleep and we may have access source from a meditation earlier in the day and remember time is not linear we can be sending information backwards and so you can send information back to yourself once you have better information about something to speed something up so ask yourself questions before you go to bed and the next is a bonus it's the ultimate mind tack so I'll call this the bonus mind hack and I'm telling you you need to read because reading is the key to everything with your mind there's so much information so much knowledge out there that you have to access over the last two years alone I've read 300 books self-help books history books and the places that I've gone and the things that I've learned through my mind are unbelievable and it's adding to me when I can't bring this knowledge all of it to you and I wish I could I'm going to slowly try to but I'm telling you you have access to it give yourself something to read every day read read read but read to improve yourself to the knowledge that's available out there right now is truly truly amazing be like a child be curious open your open your mind don't lock into whatever your ideas aren't read read if it's good read if it's bad become aware of that feed your mind with this information and read and those are my 30 mind hacks plus my special bonus so I hope you enjoyed my mind hacks today I hope they help you out let me know write me and I'd love to know if any of these helped you out in any particular way any feedback I get I can build on it we can build on it together so let me know I can be emailed at Brian at Advance Success Institute comm we offer personalized guided meditations if that's something that you want then you can email me again at that same place join our Facebook group the reality revolution I'd love to hear your thoughts thank you so much for joining the reality revolution peace and love to you all [Music]
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 22,706
Rating: 4.8992181 out of 5
Keywords: consciousness, eye movement, law of attraction, nlp, meditation, compassion, reality revolution, anchors, radical forgiveness, visualization, reading, arousal control, mind hacks, priming, spirituality, spiritual awakening, conscious awakening, mind tricks, hypnosis, mind power, advanced mind techniques, mind techniques, the secret, your youniverse, life hacks, law of attraction success, mind hacking audiobook, mind hack, mind hacking, subconscious mind hacks, spirituality awakening
Id: ueGVjWRAr4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 35sec (2975 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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