#302 First Rule of Parking The Life of an Owner Operator Flatbed Truck Driver Vlog

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I know there's a lot of new guys that watch and I don't know see houses I don't know what they teach in school but the first rule of parking when I was teaching my wife how to drive the first rule of parking is Park in the easiest spot available all right we're in Effingham Illinois and I still got a squeaky seat it and hadn't been squeaking for a couple days I got a squeaky seat squeaky clutch the whole truck is creaky ah let's see what else is going on long did yesterday long day Monday hopefully today won't go too bad we got to hang on Bloods her first thing in the morning we're super heavy we got about we're right at 80,000 pounds by our fact coming across [Music] coming across I could only buy fuel 50 gallons at a time because the Indiana scale was open and and the Illinois scale was over so I had to be careful with my weight because I am heavy but I'll see moves like 1000 so hopefully today we can get ahead a little bit and get out of here we got to go deliver our steel plate or about 30 minutes away and then we got to go pick up post pick up some machinery so I'm not too sure what its gonna be and then take that about three hundred miles that's our plan for today so hopefully it goes good we got behind on Monday and it's just been playing catch-up the last couple of days all right there's a big oversize load there you guys can look at that one go around the corner here and then we'll get going okay I will talk to you later we're gonna be running the back roads so talk to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we got unloaded I went pretty quick Oh took longer to fold up the path our tarps and put everything away I got some exercise this morning a little out of breath that's good that's good I need the exercise all right I gotta fill out paperwork and we'll get going we got just a little over an hour to our next pickup and let's pick up machinery so we'll see what we get so let me do this and I'll talk to you guys in a bit all right we made it to where we need to be and I just realized that I have been here before this is where I ping done right all right this is where I picked up the stuff going take four not Arizona in a while back last winter I think but just realize they've been here and this stuff stuff ain't easy to load either last one I had was not easy to live see what we're gonna get you'll see what we're going to get how much fun it's gonna be I think the last time I was here was snowing around we don't have reload yet so not too sure what we're gonna do after this with deliver this tomorrow not too sure [Music] maybe we'll get something easy to be nice and square fairly easy to look just gonna park right here for right now I'm sure I got to turn around back up on that concrete but let me go check in see what's going on I'll talk in a bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're almost done here got everything strapped down just got to put everything away I just wanted to show you guys real quick now this loads like I said I uploaded here before these loads can be kind of a pain in the butt they will test your strapping skills so as you can see I had to use a bunch of edge protectors and this is all I got left - how it's at about 6-7 edge protectors left take a little quick look had to get my little wooden v board I had to get two of those out for the pallets same thing edge protectors one thing about when I'm loading this stuff here is I don't trust the banding so I try to put the straps around all the items so you can see straps her in the middle instead of putting the straps towards the end there back here had to get a little creative there's a little piece of conveyor right there so we just strapped over that and then we got this one real big piece back here and then you can see I just used a little two inch strap going across the edge right there a little two inch strap that piece is this one this one big piece is a real top-heavy so I got two straps on the sides and then one across the top then we're kind of in the Sun here so you can see and then here you look on the back side you can see how I did that pallet right there that conveyor got this one piece in the middle one thing about when they're loading these is just make sure everything is touching in the middle because what happens when you start strapping it down everything wants to squeeze together so make sure everything is touching edge protectors so I just got to clean up my mess clean up my mess here and we'll get going we got about five hours we're gonna go to there's a love-struck stop about 30 minutes from where we got to unload for tomorrow so we're gonna go hang out if that loves and get on over there so I'll talk to you a bit all right we're over here and Marshall if you stopped at this little truck stop its Road Ranger I think I think it's Road Ranger and the pilots the same thing I talked about a couple weeks ago how rude Ranger and pilot I guess they had a falling-out or something I stopped got a cup of coffee from right here we got a little over 200 miles to go and we've got a cup of coffee double-checked our load make sure everything looks good everything looks like it's riding pretty good so I don't think we're gonna have too much of an issue hopefully keep an eye on it keep an eye on it but I cleaned them when I cleaned some bugs off the windows you guys can see out the window a little better it's getting that time of year where the bugs are getting a little intense let national carriers back up you can watch him back up for a minute all right I think he's far enough in the hole and he got another big oversized load here thing looks like it's probably about 60 feet long see him right there let's try to get out of here before anybody else comes in here [Music] that's a stretch trailer about 75 feet long all right let's get out of here make our way up to Knoxville Illinois's to the lovestruck room stop oh we're already booked up I booked a nice loan for over the weekend round-trip Missouri to Alabama and back to Missouri and then tomorrow I've already booked a load for tomorrow of Iowa going to Missouri so that'll put us in nursery Friday morning we're looking good looking good all right let's get out of here talk to you a bit all right we made it over here to Knoxville Illinois's we're about thirty 30 miles 30 minutes from where we gotta unload in the morning we're at the lovestruck stop they built this truck stop about Oh probably couple years ago so you can see that fuel while over there um I did want to say I understand I know there's a lot of new guys that watch and I don't know see houses I don't know what they teach in school but the first rule of parking when I was teaching my wife how to drive the first rule of parking is Park in the easiest spot available you know if you if you're in a crowded truck stop and it's busy and that's the last spot understand but when you're in a truck stop and turn you around and you see all those parking spots right there and somebody wanted to try to park in the very first parking spot and took about 15 minutes and I understand you got to learn and everything and there's nothing wrong with that but first rule of parking is parked in the easiest parking spot anyway that's my opinion all right um that's it we've had a good day oh I booked the load we booked the load for tomorrow we're loading up picking up going to Missouri yeah I did the exact same load about three or four months ago and then we're picking up a round trip on Friday out of Missouri going Alabama it's running down Alabama drop it off reload right where we were drop off and bring the stuff right back to to Missouri so that is gonna be and that'll keep us busy all the way up to Wednesday next week so we got lucky and it's a good load to eight-foot tarps so it's gonna be a big tarp job but there's it's a good load good load super excited so anyway all right that's it that's it I'll talk to you later bye you
Channel: SuperTruckerDan
Views: 27,988
Rating: 4.9737358 out of 5
Keywords: american truck driver, cdl, dash cam, dashcam, drive a truck, driver, driving, driving a peterbilt, flatbed, flatbed equipment, flatbed trucking, flatbeder, freightliner, how to, kenworth, learning to drive, leasing, lorries, mercer, otr, owner operator, peterbilt, prime inc, super trucker dan, supertruckerdan, tarp, tarping, trailer, truck, truck driver, truck driver training, truck driving, truck driving company, truck leasing, trucker, trucking, trucking videos, volvo, mercer transportation
Id: 1yQhQqCMsk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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