300 Players Simulate A HUGE Civilization in Minecraft

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in a minecraft social experiment my team and i have created a way to simulate civilization in minecraft like it was never done before with 300 players this is atlas a country with seven different islands where players would be separated into different groups on their own islands to make them feel connected to each other we have decided to give each team their own set of perks and disadvantages they also have to elect a leader to guide them diplomatically or by force oh and also the server is in hardcore it means that everyone has only one life will civilization form or while they all plunge into war ladies and gentlemen i present to you nations season two i would like to thank our partners for poet hosting for making this possible and also all the people listening on the screen right now if you wish to participate in future videos like this one make sure to subscribe and join the nation's discord on this note let's get started [Music] everything started with releasing the 300 players on their own island they all started running in every direction to start gathering resources for a lot of the islands food was the biggest issue the waste island is mostly dead and has no living creatures grass or plants on the surface so food was really challenging to get the other nations may be headed for the caves to get some armor and basic tools to defend themselves and work faster once they gathered all the materials needed to build a little outpost groups of people started building camps to live in with their teams and farm food the swamp nation set up near a lake to be able to grow crops and fish for food the plain nation also started working on a farm to grow crops with some houses around it to pass the night the rest of the nations also went for similar outposts jungle near an ocean desert on top of a mountain and snow inside a cave people also started giving each other's roles like farmers miners builders and even leaders but more about that later oh also i have to mention that a lot of people died due to monsters mainly because of the little gear they had and them not being ready to face them guys we oh my god anyways this was everything for day one the server shuttered down and everyone started to get ready for day two [Music] they too started with all the teams wanting to figure out what their perks are to be able to take advantage of them the plane nation figured that they are able to mine faster if they sneak but they are weaker when it rains which could be a huge disadvantage during a battle nonetheless they were expanding their town due to their ease of gathering resources quickly they even held the leader election there were two main candidates a player called misradek was presenting himself alone and a player called code who presented himself along with his government the entire nation voted and code was elected leader of planes on the waste and desert island teams also had election on the west island a player called bry was elected with the promise of achieving world peace with the great nation plan that i have which is basically uniting all six nations under one which a lot of over 30 people are in uh it's it's coming of reality it's becoming a reality right now bry had a dream to unite all six nations under the same banner and with his people believing in him he got elected in my opinion this man is trying the impossible you guys need to understand how hard of a task it is to achieve that i have tried and experimented when you place players on a map and tell them do as you will they will try to gain power by killing each others anyways on the desert island the death creeper was elected as leader by being the most convincing and failing for the job leadership apart on the swamp island the players realized that their perk was better movement underwater so they took the decision to keep their starter base and expand onto it and i have to say they did an amazing job at building all of that only in two days on the waste island they actually find a way to resolve the food issue by eating berries and rotten flesh because one of their perk is not getting food poisoned by eating rotten flesh oh also on the desert island the leader decided to exit a player called zombie dwarf the zombie your options are either two gimbal all your diamonds with everybody in the nation or get exiled you see on nations leaders are allowed to exile people when someone gets exiled they are kicked from their nation and have to live alone on the exiled island until the border drops the reason for the exile was that zombie didn't want to share his diamond gear with the rest of the team so the leader resulted by exiling him this wraps it up for day two let's move on to day three inspired by the other nations today jungle snow and swamp will be electing their leaders the first one was jungle multiple candidates presented themselves and held speeches hello everyone if you already know who i am i'm chilliam i've been helping around with the nation a little bit since day one i'm here to run for king of the jungle uh vote for me is is that it after the vote chileam one of the candidates won the election with more than 80 percent of the votes before we move on to other elections something important was happening on the waste island right after bry was elected yesterday the team held an election for a second and certain command the second in command emerald didn't really appreciate the certain command yashimaru who was not ready for the grand nation idea so they decided to make them resign by force which actually worked out were you actually here to talk to you the third council position was not supposed to be allocated to you and we want you to design from it now if you don't resign as you can see here we're ready to kill you they resigned and were eventually replaced jumping onto the snow nation they also had an election in a similar fashion to jungle in the end a player called bs games was elected by having the most votes and finally on the swamp island election also happened a player called zombie killer was elected as the swamp leader at this point every nation had their own leader which would let them improve themselves a lot faster because now they'll have someone to guide them meanwhile in the plain nation things were going fast they managed to organize themselves and move to a new location to work on a bigger and improved city also the desert nation built a giant statue to honor their leader which i have to say looks pretty amazing by the way there is something i still didn't tell you about before we release the players on the map i have placed a ton of hidden loot in secret locations containing special loot like nazerite potions weapons armor and more [Music] we also have special items hidden all over the place like second chance totems that can be crafted out of three second chance pieces this totem allows you to bring back someone from the dead we also have another totem called the totem of recoil that allows you to bring someone new onto the server oh and the last item you guys have already seen it the crown that i have given to all the leaders this crown makes them a whole lot stronger by doubling their hearts so it's a huge advantage i have talked about everything that happened in day 3 so let's move on day 4 will start with a question that everyone is asking themselves what do we do now well the wastely de bruy has something in mind remember when i told you about his plan of uniting all six nations he decided that now that everyone has their leader it's time to share his master plan he called them meeting with all the leaders in a secret place they all came and started talking after a while bro decided to speak about this plan i mean i think we're all aware of my plan i've discussed it heavily with our with each other but i think it's time i give a real like a real explanation that we all can get if you aren't fully aware of the plan so um i've been working on this for around two weeks now i have created something called grand nation i want every nation to come together and unite i feel like one big thing that separates all of us is multiple things resources political ideas uh leaders being separate these name tags as you can all see they're all different colors are all different names but we all share that one crown the leaders started giving their opinion on the proposition and saying that they liked brya's plan and were ready to join if everything goes well in the next couple of days all were on his side apart from one person the swamp leader zombie killer was against this idea he didn't want his nation to take part of an alliance but rather stay alone and focus on defending themselves only if he knew that taking this decision was a huge blunder bride didn't really like zombies choice as it was a threat to world peace after the meeting dry reached out to a friend of his on the swamp island called erku he explained all his world peace plan to him and how swamp was not gonna be part of it so he asked him to go to his nation's capital and assassinate zombie killer and take his place as the swamp leader elko being all for bride's grand nation plan went back to his island contacted some of his friends and started preparing a plan for the perfect assassination everyone his team went inside the election room to make sure that the victim can turn away after a zombie would enter the door one of erik's friend would go to the entrance and block it off at this point erko will talk with zombie and ask him if he would let go of his crown without any violence if zombie says no they will attack him and take it by force everything was ready zombie entered the room and checkmate he was trapped with them [Music] swamp now hide a new leader after those actions the swamp citizens were scared they didn't want of a murderer as their leader elko tried to explain and explain why he did that but no hope some people just didn't trust him and that's how the swamp nation were split in half from one side eku swamp was the people that decided to stay with the new king and the other side called themselves true swamp with the people that decided to stay loyal to the old king and not follow elku nonetheless erco was proud and now felt like world peace was possible only if he knew that that was just the beginning of the fall day five started to lose a bit of chaos two jungle members and one desert member decided to leave their nation to live a passive life far from any civilization but their leaders took that in another way and let dardy explain it to you so at the beginning of this i was talking to these two and they did they felt pretty badly treated at jungle and they wanted to leave and as soon as they decided to do so their leader puts a hit out on every one of them for no reason it's evil yeah we want revenge for getting kicked out of nowhere yeah they wanted to have a peaceful life and now they're about to get killed for it and we we can't have that we have to strike first here dolly sim was frustrated by how they got treated by their old leaders so they decided to take revenge and act they made their way to the jungle capital and started killing people after people they even started chasing the jungle leader chileam chiem was scared and decided to flee and call some of his allies to save him sadly they were not fast enough chileam was assassinated leaving the jungle with no leader and begged the second leader to die in two days ruining the reputation of bryce grand nation's plan moving on the true swamp group decided to ally with plane because the leader code stopped believing in the grand nation plan after bryant commissioned erku to kill a zombie killer for code bride is just using the world peace as a plan to rule over the world the political relations between the six nations were starting to get so complex that day that the desert leader had to draw a map to understand it better guys just look at that i told you world peace was not gonna be easy oh also the rest of the jungle members were left with no home and no one to guide them so they tried to seek refuge in planes they got denied then went to the desert and were allowed to stay there this day was a disaster for the grand nation's plan world peace has never been this far day six started with a lot of confusion so get ready for that the plane leader code thinks that bry is the bad guy because he thinks that it's his fault if zombie killer is dead which is not true because yes he asked erku to do it but was still irku's choice he also thinks that what happened in jungle yesterday is brya's fault even though it was three random guys that just wanted to take revenge on their nation hmm this is gonna cause problems in all this confusion he ordered the plane army to go and destroy the waste capital and kill everyone they saw they went there and killed a lot of people and destroyed the entire capital with tnt which kinda looked cool not gonna lie i mean look at this awesome montage of it [Music] anyways while all the plane soldiers were in waste the waste soldiers used the occasion to raid the plane capital and they got killed well not the best day for waste they lost a lot of their strong members and their home all of that only on a misunderstandment something yes that is very important also happened on day six a new member was given a crown and not from the sixth nation as you know an exile member remember this player called zombiedorf that got exiled on day two he formed his own team who were all ready to leave their nations to team with zombie with that many players on his side in my eyes he was a true leader and was given a leader's crown i [Music] thanks guys oh and he then he just kills us all why did he take out my damage uh it hurts a bit when you put it on oh my god hey imagine you put on just die anyways what's my choice uh you you guys glow sometimes wow zombie as a leader now had a plan stop the conflicts in the world and live all in peace as one nation alright guys now that you have proven that you trust zombie everybody run everybody he's gonna he's gonna fight he's gonna smite everybody scout everybody's gotta everybody's gotta okay you're a great team everyone good job everyone i see you in the background i know you're getting hyped when he saved the world when he died like the other leaders we'll see that pretty soon day 7 nothing crazy happened on this day so let's make it quick first the newly created team of zombies start marching towards the exile island to establish camp during this time we got news that code the plane leader couldn't join us anymore so plane had their re-election and their new leader was tarpoor tarpoor this this crown is not a new one it's it's the one of the old king so i'm gonna give it to you and from now plane has the most people alive since the beginning of the event so i hope you can keep this up here going back to zombies team they arrived to the exile island and started working on their brand new base i'm taking shots now for the video to show to show exile and that's that's what you guys are showing yeah yeah yeah that's what we do here that's that's what we do on the swamp island a lot was happening first of all the survivors of the waste island regrouped in the swamp capital because the two nations are allies they also spotted a plane member spying on them so they decided to attack him and don't ask me how but this guy managed to survive i never saw that before he managed to tank the hits of 20 players and escape them that's that's crazy anyways after this conflict the player that escaped ilub reported those actions to the plane leader the plane nation were scared they had way too many enemies so they decided to move and hide in the old jungle capital and finally the second exile group who i'll be referring to as the dolly's group from now on that took out the jungle team expanded and were now a lot more than only three players their opinion on society is i quote them we hate government and politics this was everything for day 7. every nation is scared scared to get attacked scared to get killed scared to lose more of their friends and this time of despair zombie decided to call a meeting a meeting with all the leaders including dolly because his team has killed a lot of people and are the major threat right now in this meeting a lot was said i will leave you with it you probably won't believe this because i'm under the same exile nation but i'm not with rasplin or dolly or their team or whatever i'm the one that called this meeting with you all today because in all honesty the way i see it there's really only two options it's either peace or war the thing is my whole main reason for being here is to ask you all to exile your entire nations you want us all to join the black banner think about it right just just just hear me out it's either you do this our raspbian and team just slowly pick you off like they have been doing and realistically you've not been able to stop it so far the first meeting on this table you came up with the pretenses of peace and look where it got you to hear because so many of you held power so many of you have your own ways and plans and choices to do things that it's not been working it was never going to be an option control over so many people with that it was always going to cause conflict after this amazing speech that zombie gave the leaders still didn't want to all ally together they talked talked and talked even more but nothing everyone just wanted the best for them right after the meeting ended while the leaders were walking back home zombie and tarpoor got ambushed not being able to defend himself the plane leader got killed zombie managed to escape with a boat just in time zombie shocked by what's just happened couldn't leave one more team be alone with no leader he couldn't let what happened in jungle happen again he went to the plane capital and talked with the plane members he gave them a proposal to leave planes and join the black banner on his side after a long talk the plane members felt like he wanted to save them and accepted and this is how the plane nation was now dissolved they were all under the exile banner while all of that was happening dolly's team who killed tarpoor were all together celebrating their victory but something huge was going to happen one of the members of the team called wrestling had managed to get his hand on an end crystal a weapon that allows you to one shot anyone all this time he has been thinking that he was on the wrong side that those people that he was teaming with only wanted chaos and that was not about defense anymore they were only killing for killing he looked at them for the last time placed the end crystal and blew it off [Music] in a single second he has killed every single person on his team the raspin has lost all his friends but to the eyes of the world he was now a hero day 9 the final day this day also starts with a meeting but let me call it short for you zombie proposed again his idea to unite everyone under the same banner and this time with the threat of dolly's team eliminated and the waste plane conflict over because plane doesn't exist anymore they decided to do it but just before that they all wanted to go back to their islands to get some business done aka kill people they don't like before they lose the crown perk yes i know those guys are the leaders there was also something really unexpected that happened bs games the snow leader was kind of mad at zombie dwarf the reason was you remember how zombie formed his own team a couple of days ago yeah those people were bs games friends and he felt like zombie took them away from him so he challenged him to an ultimate duel on the exile island zombie dolph you stole my people away from me you you stole them away from me you you took away my my happiness when you stole my people zombie wolf you took away my happiness and the feeling of freedom and for that no matter even if you're trying to make world peace you will suffer you will suffer zombie dwarf are you ready to die i got one thing to say to you blake this is the last l you're ever gonna take before [Music] if zombie dies right now all the world peace unification is over it will never happen if zombie loses this fight war will never end [Applause] [Music] [Music] doing simple gnomes [Music] maybe oh no i'll be back zombie no you won't you're finishing this here [Music] hey my mission zombie won and as the leaders agreed on everyone was exiled and turned to the black banner under the name utopia everyone was now living in peace as one nation on the exile island our my idea was to unite us for because people were all separated not only because we don't know each other like well we'll take different together but we're also separated by the fact that since we're all in different islands we don't really know each other and these these name tags and stuff they separate us and want us all gone we don't that's where there's so much fighting so with the grand nation deal now they're all together we're all not different we can all live in unity that's pretty much the idea what's the united everybody together and i think it's safe to say we've done it so great nation has pretty much prevailed at the end of the day no matter all the all the people i had to fight to make the idea so thank you for listening thank you for playing [Music] zombie you done it [Applause] zombie you've i wrote here i love zombies oh yo oh i haven't seen that it ended in peace i never thought it would happen that was nation season two if you enjoyed it and you wish to support me there is a link to my patreon in description if you want to see more of this content feel free to subscribe and it's been ray see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: jjkay03
Views: 3,175,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft, jjkay03, ish13c, magicgum, Minecraft Civilization, minecraft nations, minecraft civilization servers, state experiment, minecraft state, simulate civilization in minecraft, simulate civilization, 200 players, nations, 100 players simulate civilization, 200 players simulate racist civilization in minecraft, 200 players build a massive civilization in minecraft, 200 players minecraft, I Made 100 Players Simulate Civilization in Minecraft
Id: dVaedsfREic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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