30 USELESS Features In Fortnite

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fortnite please explain this here's the Midas bundle and if we scroll a little down you'll find his weapon wrap did you forget his skin turns everything gold epic games is known for the quality of their updates but if you look closely some are useless like the ability to tame frogs Yeah you're meant to eliminate these guys from meat so why would you ever want them on your team I have no idea they weren't ridable you could have picked them up but they would just follow you around aimlessly some useless features are still adored by the community like thanking the bus driver this was added after a petition and was originally a cool idea but then epic updated this with the ability to tip him now you is an NPC who asked for 4,000 gold and after donating such an absurd amount you get a sound effect Bo with outfits like Nitro Jerry you get a built-in emote before realizing it's disabled 99% of the time the only way to use it is by getting a victory Royale just you're the only one left to it w yeah baby a feature that doesn't make a lot of sense is probably on your gun right now this whole time we've never had sights on a shotty leaving players to mostly fire from the hip but now modded shotguns have Scopes not exactly useful so you're forced to run to a bunker just to take it off sometimes players should be careful what they ask for for the longest time players have wanted a train on the map because it sounds awesome other games like war zone nailed it so when fortnite gave us this this and no one expected it to be so useless fiz realized the loot inside was kind of garbage and the best items were locked behind a hackable chest which takes forever to open not to mention you can't stop the train at all and getting run over just moves you out of the way on the bright side epic knows how bad the train is and next season we could expect a total revamp with a Mad Max style instead not the only feature to fall short at the start of season 2 Zeus's lightning bolts were insanely overpowered you're combining it with other mythics and annihilating players through builds until one day they vanished the Avatar collab made everyone forget about this thing but now that it's returned epic has kind of ruined it today this thing can barely eliminate players and picking it up is a guaranteed trip back to the lobby while you're there you probably ain't spending your v-bucks on emoticons these are almost never sold on their own because epic knows players won't use them think about it you probably own like at least 30 of these but how many do you actually throw up maybe one two or none at all everyone knows these are thrown into the battle fast the pad tear in fact epic knew they were so useless they had to make an entire cosmetic set just to display them still not as embarrassing as when the cloak gauntlets were removed these appeared randomly in chapter 4 letting players turn invisible at any given moment sounded amazing on paper and it became super useful until everything was ruined by a single item use a victory crown and let's just say it was more of a beacon than anything what but hey at least it's not as useless as the upgrade benches and solid gold yeah they saw a mode that gives you legendary items and thought you know what let's give them something they'll never use and don't even get me started on the itemized version they turned this thing into a throwable item which took up an entire inventory slot to carry around imagine holding this on the chance that you could upgrade something later personally I like the idea of unique throw BS but players were not interested at least upgrade benches did something unlike the worst wildlife in fortnite history they added wasps to the game back in chapter 4 and if you got too close to them they would attack you so when we realize these could be thrown at enemies you already know how power would they be okay the the Wasps they don't really do much I can see why fortnite added them but I have no idea why you could ring doorbells these have been around for years and while sometimes they're an XP Quest most of the time your experience is just [Music] this no wonder ific deleted them from the map and fortnite I got to ask why are there reboot vans in solos this has been a thing for years now and no one seems to be bringing this up you'll be running around only for a van to remind you you got no friends and while we're on the topic the Jungle season had the strangest feature adding a special reboot van to the map this was a deboot van and usually when fortnite redesigns a feature it's going to be something new players saw this in the files and started to get excited how are they going to shake up Reviving The answer is pretty simple they didn't these Vans were just decorations for challenges and were straight up useless but a feature with wasted potential sounded too good to be true we heard a dragon's breath shotgun was coming to the game and as you know know combining a shotgun with fire bullets it just sounds ridiculous but it was only good up close in something like a box fight and somehow you just end up lighting your own box on fire maybe you prefer firing from a distance if so the mounted turret was designed for you all we had to do is place it down and you would get a huge artillery Cannon except this was a trap item so you'd sit and be frozen in place a very free headshot snipe this item was so useless the streamers actually found a better use for the turret than shooting it now this weapon is Infamous for one reason being totally pointless ironically epic took the recycler from another game creative destruction which was a total ripoff of fortnite except maybe stealing bootleg items isn't the greatest idea because it was terrible this thing was meant to suck up builds and props turning them into ammo only problem was it took up an inventory slot to make things worse fortnite dropped a Mythic version and sorry epic that did not save this thing it was one of the many reasons fans hated on the Primal season other than their main feature which became a huge disappointment crafting was a massive update that was meant to change fortnite forever but instead fans spent the entire season upgrading makeshift weapons into basic ones I mean if we got crazy mythics or legendary items in return for collecting animal bones it make more sense but who wants to spend all game playing a farming simulator just to get a green pump another idea that sounded way better on the drawing board was the prop aier by this point the only way players could disguise themselves was with NPCs or Rift zones now we had the ability to do a 24/7 or so we thought in reality you could have walk up to something become it you had to choose from a list these were the most obvious things in the world and in a fast-pace match you'd never be able to use it in time just like the Mythic That was supposed to be insane during Primal we heard that fortnite was working on jump boots so way had to get around with these and take players by surprise except when they were added it did not live up to the [Music] hype yeah people started calling these glorified hop rocks so you can see why they never came back but no one expected them to delete a feature less than a month after adding it weather was meant to blow us away giving us random events like tornadoes and thunderstorms well Twisters were pretty damn cool players weren't impressed when it came to lightning if you get struck by a bolt you'd expect something cool to happen maybe you be set on fire given a cool item even going back to the lobby let's just say the results were a whole lot worse what is that still the entire weather system was really unique and people loved it so imagine our faces when fortnite deleted the entire thing never to bring it back and at some point it feels like epic is straight up trolling us for 5 years we have tried to give fortnite our money all we asked for in return are lightsaber pickaxes this would be one of the best selling items in history and when this year's Star Wars clab was announced everyone hoped it would finally be time it was only for us to check the item shop and spot a lightsaber just not in the way you think they even included the ignition sound just to rub it in we have a car boost but not pickaxes please fortnite make this happen the pranks keep coming in the form of helip pads you got to admit this might be the most useless thing added to the map over the years and trust me they love adding them every chapter has been full of helipads despite the fact choas haven't been in fortnite for 2 years instead we have to get around with items from the loop pool and sometimes it's a total disaster fortnite decided to make the snowball launcher exotic which excited players as it was a reskin grenade launcher but not entirely this new item The Big Chill would be different as an exotic you'd expect it to deal more damage maybe even have knockback and no they gave this thing zero damage making you spend hundreds of gold for an item that just made people slide around and other items were also straight up garbage like the poison dart after years of placing down spike traps and annihilating players we finally had a new item and it was super weak the poison barely affected enemies and it took forever to activate and I got it handed to Epic they truly recreated the feeling of getting your car booted we to walk up to seemingly normal Vehicles only for the drive button to not work there was no way to tell which cars were real and which were fake until you got close enough to notice the boot on the wheel this holds the record for the most pointless thing in fortnite click on screen right now to watch 50 secrets in fortnite it's been Tommy and keep it here on top five gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 1,288,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, 30 USELESS Features In Fortnite, fortnite new, new fortnite, fortnite new features, fortnite season 2, fortnite new season, fortnite season 3, season 3 fortnite, fortnite features, fortnite useless features, fortnite secrets, secrets fortnite, fortnite new update, new update fortnite, fortnite updates, update fortnite, fortnite update, season 3 new fortnite, fortnite new chapter, fort, nite, battle royale, new, update, video
Id: Ct9wrU_UWfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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