30 Essential Ideas you should know about ADHD, 3B DSM IV Subtypes they are really traits of ADHD

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now the DSM says there are three kinds have ADHD let's shift gears here and get honest there is not a combined, inattentive, or hyperactive type and dsm-5 will abandon them they are contaminated with each other because there really is only a single ADHD in human population and it varies in its severity and all these types have done is to capture the degree of severity of a single disorder so we are now grappling for ways above sub grouping people with ADHD that use more clinically useful then the DSM view is because the DSM to you is useless and one of those ways it is very compelling is ADHD with and without conduct disorder the europeans have done this for decades in the North American continent we viewed conduct disorder as a co morbidity we are now looking at it as a sub grouping criteria because you see ADHD children who have conduct disorder differ from ADHD children without it in many many respects so many in fact that we are now coming to think of this subset of children who have both disorders as a unique form have ADHD because both disorders are more severe both disorder start earlier both disorders are far more persistent and the combination of these disorders will predict ongoing difficulties with anti-social behaviour into adulthood and just as important these individuals carry a high risk for psychopathy one in five these children is a budding psychopath a child who lacks guilt conscience empathy and remorse a child who was a predator ADHD does not contribute to suck up a thing but ADHD with conduct disorder is the single best predictor up the psychopath that we know of so in the future we may be making the same distinction the europeans have that would conduct disorder ADHD go together we have an extraordinarily general and disorder station %uh familiar with conduct disorder it is the early appearance of lying stealing fighting and preying on other children in an instrument away it is violating the rights of other people for your own gain and it manifests early as the lying the stealing and the fighting but other symptoms will develop thereafter the hyperactive typeof ADHD never existed because ninety percent of all cases go on to get the combined type within three years and even if they don't get the combined type there just one symptom short and so we call them subthreshold combined types but they're not a different type job we take these two groups have children who really are just variations on the good old combined type with ADHD at 95 percent of all the kids put into this group there is a small group left over who are purely oppositional but because they have here oppositional disorder and they never had ADHD they were outgrow their OD'd usually within 2 24 years and they are ADHD will go away why are they there because parents confuse OD'd with ADHD and if their child is only oppositional the often report that they have symptoms of ADHD when they don't but OD'd alone is a relatively benign disorder unless he goes with ADHD and that it is a highly persistent disorder now the real action during the past decade has been with this in a tent a group of children most of whom are combined type children and they grew up and they'll awesome hyperactivity along the way as we said and as a result is gonna come a time in adolescent and especially by adulthood weather does not I've are active enough to stay in the combined type anymore and so clinicians relabel them as inattentive type but they shouldn't want to combine type: always combine type: but you can see how at least half for the individuals get put into the inattentive group they just outgrowing their hyperactivity and then there's that group of children who just are one or two symptom short are being in the combined I but they have to combine type anyway they're just a milder version have it
Channel: Adhd Videos
Views: 174,532
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Keywords: ADHD, Barkley, Essential Ideas, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Disease Or Medical Condition), ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder (Disease Or Medical Condition), Subtypes, Conduct Disorder (Disease Or Medical Condition), ADHD Inattentive, ADHD Hyperactive, ADHD Combined, ADHD-PI, ADHD-PH, ADHD-C, DSM IV, DSM V, Diagnostics and Statistical Manual
Id: ZmbpHJvOups
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 22 2014
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