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[Music] hey everyone i am bianca i'm going to show you 30 dollar tree diys today for spring now i like to do this once i am done with a certain season so i'm ready to move on with summer diy so i'm going to show you all of my spring diys from this year that i've posted already you might have seen some of them but maybe not all of them but i just really like to put all of them in one video for the author so it's easier to access so i hope you enjoy and let's get started diy i'm using these three items from dollar tree i have some shower curtain rings yes very random but i'm gonna show you what we're gonna do and i have two picture frames one four by six and one eight by ten and i'm going to remove everything including the glass so i got the inspiration for this diy from the new spring decor line from michaels it's not exactly a dupe but it is an inspiration piece that i thought i could recreate to make it look somewhat like that i just thought it would be really cool to try to recreate a decor piece like this i turn the frame around on the back side and it has a little indention where you set the glass on and it stays so that's what i'm using to add the shower rings to so i'm just setting them up how i want them or the way they're gonna fit well and then i will start hot gluing so i would suggest of course using either super glue gorilla glue e6000 i'm just using hot glue for video purposes hot glued and now what we're gonna do is paint the whole thing so yes i know that's a little cray cray but it's gonna turn out pretty cute what i'm gonna do is just use my antique parchment to paint the whole thing and of course you know it would be easier to spray paint but i didn't have any more white spray paint and i did not feel like going to another store we've been going to home depot a lot already as it is just doing little diys around the house and i just didn't like going again for the millionth time anyways so i just decided to use what i have that's what i do a lot of times but yes if you have spray paint and you're gonna do something like this you can use that and use whatever color you want i'm gonna go ahead and paint the whole thing with this antique parchment paint from apple barrel and then yeah let it dry once that is completely dry i'm gonna use my antique wax from waverly and go over that frame i'm gonna use just one of my regular walmart brushes that i have and go over the frame and just the frame alone because i want it to look like wood so every time you paint something like this like a plastic item and you want to make it look like wood the first thing you do is paint it white some type of white because this wasn't white it was kind of like the off white just to give it a good base coat basically like a primer and then you can go over it with a brown paint or like this in my case the antique wax i decided to use this small wooden chalkboard frame from dollar tree i already had it on hand so i decided it would look a little better than the 4x6 frame but you could still use that if you decide to make this all i did was cut out a spring decal from my cricut and added it to the center of this and now i will hot glue this on top of the little shower curtain rings and the last thing i did was add more hot glue on the back in between the rings and the frame just for a more secure hold again you can use a stronger glue than i did i am taking this dollar tree bathmats honestly i have not ever really paid attention to these i posted a picture on instagram if you don't follow me over there go ahead and do so and i posted what i'm about to show you what i made i was like oh you will never guess what i made and i was so surprised that so many people knew what i used to make the base so is it just me or have you seen other youtubers use this bathmat for diys i haven't but let me know i thought it was just a really unique look to it that's why i picked it up all right before i cut out and paint this i need to clean it really well i just use some windex you can use any type of cleaner that you have just so the paint sticks on when i do paint it so now i'm grabbing my dollar tree vase and i'm wrapping the mat around it just to see about how much i need to cut out from the mat i'm going to use my white chalk paint from waverly i bought this at walmart and it's lasted me a really long time the paint is really thick so normally you don't really have to do a second coat i only do because i just depends on the look i'm going for but when you are painting plastic something that's clear plastic like this i don't think it's a good idea to use spray paint because obviously that would be easier last time i used spray paint on a piece of clear plastic like this it never fully dried it stayed sticky so let me know if you guys have used this or tried to use spray paint on this let me know how that worked out i like to use chalk paint on things like this because it dries fast and the only reason why it's kind of showing up like it's not fully covering it is because i added a little bit of water to the chalk paint i shouldn't have done that if you don't add water then it will cover this really well so once i fully painted it i'm just lightly doing a second coat you could totally leave it like this though now i'm going to wrap it around the base and just cut out the piece i need i'm only going to cover about 80 of the base you can fully cover it just depends on the base that you grab i got one that kind of sticks out at the top so it wouldn't fully cover the whole thing anyways but i wanted to go for that look so it just depends what kind of look you want and the kind of vase you picked up like i mentioned and now i'm just adding hot glue who will pick you up when you've lost everything does it all become for granted bit of it has got to come my way and the last thing i did was add these magnolia flowers i don't know if you can tell but these are from dollar tree they just put these out at my local dollar tree so hopefully you can find them because they are really pretty by using these three dollar tree items i have a sink mat a dry erase paddle i was looking for a a little cutting board from dollar tree but i couldn't find any so i just picked this up and i also have some push pins i'm going to use about four rows of this sink mat on the dry erase board just to make it look like a basket on here so i'm gonna cut that out i'm gonna use some black apple brow paint in matte to paint this i have used the sink mat quite a few times in my diys and let me just tell you i did use spray paint one time and it did not ever fully dry so now that is why i just decided to paint it all the time because it does fully dry with this apple barrel paint i am going to add the push pins inside of the sink mats into the dry erase board so i have one already in there and i'm going to show you when i add another one right now so once i do push it through though i'm going to take a hammer and on the backside since it does stick out a little bit i don't want to poke myself i'm just going to hammer that down so it's uh not sharp so i just grabbed a cardboard piece that way i don't push a hole in my table and all you have to do is add a little elbow grease just a little bit and push that through there now you can probably tell i didn't add the sink mat fully flat on the dry erase board that way there's a little bit of space inside so i can add some flowers now what i'm gonna do is just add a few more of these push pins and then we will either you can cut off the excess or you can just fold it around to the backside [Music] what you wanna hear now but they all disappeared they will let you down so we better i picked up three of these 5x7 picture frames from dollar tree i also have about half of a dollar tree garden fence because i use the other half for a previous diy what i'm gonna do is use part of this fence for one of the frames so i'm gonna start cutting around this just to get a specific part of this to go in the frame so depending on the look you want you figure out what part you want to cut out so now that i got the part i want cut out now i'm going to just remove why would you remove pretty much everything but i do need to remove the little pieces of a hardware so i'm just pulling those out with my stem cutters and make sure when you do this you pull out to the side because if you pull up it'll rip the picture frame now i'm going to use my white chalk paint to paint three picture frames like this and i'm also going to paint that little part of the garden fence white as well are you still here thank you so so much you guys know that i appreciate y'all way more than y'all will ever know and if you are leave a little smiley face emoji in the comments i'm gonna use this traditional beige to lightly go over the frame and the garden fence i like this color for neutral decor but if you don't have it you can grab any brown if you want to do the same type of look as what i'm doing and you can just add some white paint to it we've been fighting [Music] or the other two five by seven frames i am adding a piece of the bath mat to each one so it's already painted white now i'm just gonna go over it with some of that traditional beige and i just have the other frame and garden fence next to me so i can kind of see about how dark i need to add the brown to it i'm going to connect the three frames together side by side just with my hot glue there are a lot of different options you can do for this diy maybe if you want to make a window paint out of it with four frames you can either do all of the garden fins for all four frames or the bath mat for all four frames so it's just up to you and now i'm going to hot glue the part of the garden fence to the center frame and the last thing i'm going to do is add hot glue to the two outside frames and add the bath mats to those i really like the look of this one and just think you can go in any direction with this depending on your home decor and different color paints that you like i have this dollar tree mirror that i'm gonna use i'm gonna actually use this to make a candle holder now if you like that brassy copper look that it's giving you can definitely leave it like this but i'm gonna paint it i'm gonna give it a coat of my waverly white chalk paint and this paint i'm almost at the end of it it gets really thick at the bottom so i added a little bit to my plate right here and i'm just dipping my brush in water and trying to make it a little bit thin not too much and yeah i'm going to go over the whole framed area with the should be paint it's heavy weather we're heading for tonight you better take what you can cause the time is once i had it all covered with one coat i decided to add one more light coat just on the top i'm not fully covering the whole thing with another second coat just the top area basically just the raised part of this outside frame i'm going to use this dollar tree candle holder and i'm going to add the frame mirror on top of this so i'm just going to use some hot glue and add it on there i have a pretty large dollar tree vase that i'm going gonna add on top of that and also some dollar tree candles now if you have a big candle you can just stick that in there i didn't have any i have some of these small ones from dollar tree so i'm just gonna add two in there just so it doesn't look weird with one small one [Music] why i am starting off with this poster board and i'm also going to use two of the dollar tree crates i'm going to start by cutting off a piece at the bottom with a box cutter since i'm on a table i'm just putting a piece of cardboard underneath so i don't scratch my table and i believe i cut off about 11 inches so i start off by lightly pressing on the poster board and then after one or two times then i will actually push all the way through it just cuts better like that i'm gonna create a border around the poster board with these wood dowels from dollar tree i did try to look for the long wooden skewers i don't know if you guys have seen them before but they're super long and i like grabbing those but i couldn't find any so i just grabbed these so since i couldn't find the skewers i'll have to add two of the dowels to the top but i'll just cut them down to size to fit around the poster board you can't ask me all right now i have them all cut out i really like using these around the poster boards because they fit perfectly on the sides so now you can leave it like this if you want paint it black whatever color you decide i'm going to go ahead and paint them white with my chalk paint and then add a little bit of the traditional beige my whole world is changing i'm mixing some black and white paint to give me a gray color to paint the crates now honestly after everything was said and done with the sign i'm making i could have just painted the crates with some of the antique parchment and the traditional beige because at the end they do end up looking more brown than gray but i wasn't sure what kind of paint colors i wanted to do yet that's why at first i did paint them gray after that i went over it with some of the antique parchment paint so after changing my mind with how i wanted the crates to look this is when i add a lot of the traditional beige on top to make it look more wooden [Music] oh and i would also add water sometimes to my brush just so i can smear it better i'm going to go ahead and hot glue the dowels to the sides of the poster board i'm gonna use this backsplash wall sticker from dollar tree to add to this sign so i know you can see that i painted some brown lines on the sign the thing with crafting is you know things change and i did change my mind again i did want to do shiplap but then i realized i did not like the way it looked like it just did not come out right if you want to do it you can also use a sharpie which i've done before so anyways i decided to change the look of it and add this which i really didn't like the way it turned out once it was done so all i'm doing is trying to measure it out i'm going to cut out the piece and start at the corner the easiest way for me to add any type of sticker like this is to start at the corner place it down onto whatever you're adding this to and have a card that you don't need and start by smoothing out the sticker onto the surface so just do that slowly and it will go on really smooth once i have that down i'm going to go ahead and hot glue down this dollar tree home sign to the top i'm also going to hot glue down the crates at the bottom now this would also look good with three crates but i'm only going to use two so when i finished with that i added some dollar tree magnolias in there with a little bit of greenery from walmart i am using these two dollar tree items for the next one this is probably the simplest one today so i have a sink mat and a burner cover for the stove this actually comes in a two pack but i just have one left because i used the other one for a different diy i need to cut this out so just take something that you can see i have this chalkboard marker that i'm gonna use to trace it and then i'll cut this out that way we can add it to the inside of the burner cover the same technique as i did earlier on the frame i'm gonna paint this whole thing white once it's dry i'm gonna add some of my antique wax to the top with a more stippled bristled brush and that way it kind of looks wooden all right so i know y'all heard me say a more stippled brush that's not what i meant because this is more of a finer paint brush that i'm using right now and i don't want that you see how it goes on like too smooth so i just grabbed a more of a wild bristled brush and and it just it comes out looking better and looks like it would be wood grain i decided to go with this brush instead i'm gonna hot glue this onto the burner cover now so again this is something you can get creative with and do different colors i forgot to mention that i saw something similar to this and i just could not find the picture online to show y'all what gave me the inspiration but that's why i made this because i saw something similar i'm gonna make a plant hanger it's really really simple everything you see here is from dollar tree i picked up some of these white florals from there and then i also have a plant hanger chain a metal hanger in case you want to screw that in somewhere on the ceiling in your house i'm not going to use the chain but i did pick it up just to show you they do have that and the reason why i'm not using the chain is because the pot that i picked up from dollar tree already has a white piece of rope connected to hang it so i don't need that and i'm trying my best not to use black in this video because my favorite color is black and i always end up using it somehow so i tried to stay away from black in this video so first i'm gonna add some floral foam in here once i do that i'm going to start sticking the white stems all around at first i do start to add the flowers towards the front of this flower pot but in the end i do kind of spread them out all around because the way i hang it up you're going to be able to see all sides of the flower pot so i start spreading them out evenly and then i'm also going to add some greenery that i have had on hand for a while so this is what i hung the planter up on because i already have this hook up in my kitchen so i didn't need to install the other one and these are how the flowers came out like i said i spreaded them out and added some of the greenery so it was super simple i hope you like this one i picked up a trellis from dollar tree i'm gonna use a brown spray paint to spray paint the whole thing while that is outside drying i picked up a easter basket from my dollar tree so basically all i'm gonna do is remove the handle area and all you really have to do is just pull it off and then i'm also going to remove the rim on top which is connected with those little pieces of white wire [Music] now that i have the handle and the rim of the basket removed what i'm going to do is cut this basket in half now you don't need to use stem colors you can use scissors which would have been easier i don't know why i was using this i guess i thought the basket was going to be real tough but it wasn't now that i had that side cut i'm just going to add hot glue to all the ends of the basket that i had cut through that way it won't fall apart now that i have them cut in half i'm gonna paint both of them white with my white chalk paint now this would be better to use spray paint on just because it would be way faster and it would probably cover a little bit better i had to do about three coats with my paint so now i'm gonna take the trellis and just cut off the two bottom parts that would go in the ground that way it's even and so i have a more sturdy bottom to my basket since all of the bottom is kind of torn up i am going to place the basket right here on top of the poster board and i'm going to trace it cut it out with my box cutter and then i will hot glue it down underneath the basket so now i'm going to use some dollar tree floral wire to connect the bottom big basket and you'll see how i do that because it's just way easier to wash them for me to explain so after i sealed that with hot glue i'm adding the floral wire through the basket and around the trellis and i'm just going to twist and tighten that really well after i did that first one i grab another piece of floral wire and i just wrap it around the basket and the trellis a few times just for extra support and i did this to the other side as well so now for the top basket i'm gonna make it smaller just by cutting off a few inches on each side so on the side of the little basket i start off in the center by adding another piece of floral wire and i just basically do the same thing i did to the bottom basket and just wrap it around all in all i believe i did about three floral wires on each side of the smaller basket and then i added another piece of the poster board underneath that one as well so i added the same type of greenery that i used earlier and the magnolia florals from dollar tree a dollar tree garden fence i'm gonna use some stem cutters but you can use sharp scissors as well so first thing i'm going to do is take off the three stakes at the bottom well two because i'm only going to use half of this fins once i do that i will cut it in half do i have these three wooden drawers from dollar tree they are actually drawers they come with a more smaller wooden box inside of them but i already took them out two of them are actually recycled i used them for a different diy i think for valentine's and then this one that's not yet stained it's new so i need to stain it exactly the way the other two are and to do that i just dip my brush in water and then dip it in the glaze the antique wax i mean and then go over the box now i'm going to hot glue the three wooden boxes together [Music] to add the boxes to the garden fins i'm gonna lay the fins down add some hot glue on there and then add the boxes now this is gonna be sitting on a table i'm not gonna hang it up so hot glue is okay to use [Music] and i'm adding more hot glue to the back [Music] so i kept the cardboard back area part of the picture frame and what i'm gonna do is just you know recycle something and i'm gonna cut out a piece and cover the back up with it it's not really for more of a hold because it's not gonna help it'll stay together just fine with the hot glue but i'm actually using this just to give it a more finished look in the back you can add whatever you want inside of here any kind of flowers any type of greenery i have some greenery i don't remember where it's from just because i always pick up greenery every time i go to walmart or hobby lobby and then i'm also going to add some tulips in here these are from amazon they are actually a better deal than buying the single stem tulips from target every year target has the tulips for a dollar and these came with way more better quality longer stems for a cheaper price my amazon store is always linked below and you can check it out there is i have three round glass vases from dollar tree so i'm gonna be removing the sticker tags on the bottom and i'm using some goo gone for that i've also purchased this at dollar tree a while back um i didn't even know they had these until somebody told me so what i like to do is just remove what i can and then apply this and let it sit for a few minutes and scrape it off and then i'm gonna wipe the glass really good with just some window cleaner so right here i am going to start placing the florals inside i was gonna add the eucalyptus and you will see me add it in there but i do end up removing them because i just didn't like how big they looked inside of the vases if that makes sense um so i just use this greenery right here that i'm pulling off i ended up using i think a couple of those and then two stems of the white florals from dollar tree actually going to remove these single little white flowers instead of doing that i literally put in two whole stems because it just looks better but you could totally do that if you want and then i am going to stack all three vases on top of each other i'm not going to glue them together which you totally could if you are worried about them you know falling over and breaking um where i'm gonna set it i'm not worried about that you know it's totally up to you if you want to keep changing out florals throughout the year or not or maybe you just you know want to buy more basis to have different types you know this part's up to you so as far as the bases go as you can see i just kept playing around with it until i got it the way i wanted it to look you can also use different colored florals as well on to the second diy i have five dollar tree canvases these are all five by sevens i actually got inspired by this from a hobby lobby one it looks almost identical the one i'm about to make except mine is going to be turned horizontally and the one i saw was more of a vertical frame so i'm going to get confused i moved one to the side because that one i'm not going to remove the canvas and then the four frames i have the one including in my hand i am removing the canvases because i want to expose that wooden frame and then whatever is stuck under the staples because i'm not removing the staples i'm just going to trim it off now i have used tons of canvases like this and i have recycled many and i never know what to do with all of them so that's why i didn't bother to try to save these and then i'm going to sand them down with my sanding block from dollar tree so i can paint them now i'm gonna use this hazelnut chalk paint from waverly i got it at walmart for about five dollars i believe and i paint all four frames me to give it more of the look that i want i'm adding some of this antique parchment from apple barrel and matte and i'm just going to kind of dry brush some on top and wipe off the excess you can do this however you want but i do dry brush it at first and it kind of seemed a little too harsh so then i did start dipping the brush in a little bit of water and remove some of the excess water before brushing it on because then it would just take longer to dry all your hopes are never i have those four frames on the side the fifth canvas that i am going to leave the actual canvas on i'm gonna use my moss chalk paint on here and so what i'm gonna do with this is again i'm going to add a little bit of water to it and i also i'm taking that same brush that i have some of the antique parchment creamy paint on and so that's gonna help lighten up the green a little bit and look more spring-like i was just a little girl now i'm going to take this dollar tree wall decal and i'm going to cut out the word eight and i'm going to apply that to the center of the green canvas so i have made many many window panes on my channel even though this is not really a window pane it's practically a whole big sign that i'm making so that's why through this part i'm just gonna fast forward and show you it's just gluing all four together it's really simple if you haven't done it before then i will definitely just show you real quick how i glue all of them together i'm measuring about four inches on the sides and three inches on the top and bottom so once i get that i'm gonna mark where the frame is at so i can pick up the frame and add hot glue to keep it in place for a little extra support i like to add craft sticks or in my case right now tumbling tower blocks to the back right here just to keep the frames all together how's that i have two five by sevens and one eight by ten so the reason for that is the eight by ten is going to go at the bottom i'm making a crate by the way you're probably okay what is this um i'm making a crate and and then the five by sevens will go on the side so i actually thought about this because i saw something like this at a store and i completely forgot i think it was at marshall's i removed the canvases from the two smaller frames and i'm also going to do it to the 8x10 but i just wasn't sure yet at this point so for my crazy idea i have this non-slip rug underlay from dollar tree i grabbed it because it looked exactly like how i wanted to make the crate um you know the one that i saw at marshall's so i figured it'd be so cool to add this to the two six by eight frames on the sides of the little crate i'm going to trace it cut it out with my scissors and then i'm going to hot glue it onto the side where these staples are at i've been traveling alone but now there's your and as i'm adding glue as you can see i do sort of stretch out the material just so it's not too loose i got you so wake wake awake wake me up inside wake me up inside now for the 8x10 frame that's going at the bottom i removed the canvas because i wanted the wood tone to show but i'm going to go ahead and glue that canvas back onto the frame where the staples are at this is just so you can't see through the bottom of the frame or the crate i was going to add poster board as well but there kind of was no point it's going on a table or you know console table and it really wouldn't have mattered and i did cut out the i always say poster board i did cut out the foam board i was going to apply it but you can you can see it and it just didn't look right [Music] now i'm going to glue all three frames together so this is how it's gonna go i'm gonna add my hot glue and glue them i should have gotten a fourth frame reason being is because the bottom eight by ten to complete the look of this crate i could have just added another canvas at the top without the actual canvas just the wooden frame at the top and it would have completed the look perfectly but again i couldn't go to dollar tree so um that's why i had to improvise so this was me improvising i am using some tumbling tower blocks i'm taking five and five so i have ten i'm gonna glue five together and i'm gonna use my dollar tree ruler or square and it's gonna help me keep the tumbling tower blocks straight so once i have those glued together i'm gonna glue them at the top of my crate just to make it have a complete look so i'm going to do it right up here at the top so now you see my vision for this don't you think that the 8x10 frame you know the other canvas would have looked perfect on top right here i mean i wouldn't have had to add these blocks but like i said i had to improvise so if you decide to make this you can even make a bigger one if you want hopefully i'm giving you some type of inspiration for a diy crate and i also forgot to mention you can see that craft stick in between the six by eight frame and the eight by ten i added that there just for extra support using a paint stick from home depot these come in a three pack for a dollar and this is in the paint section and i have two dollar tree drawers so in order to get more out of this i always use the outside of it and inside of it so it's like a little drawer or it says you know wood box you can pull out the inside and use that block as well so i'm gonna paint my paint stick with the hazelnut paint and i'm only doing this alone i'm not gonna add anything else to it and now i'm going to paint the four wooden blocks with the moss paint it's the chalk paint i used earlier and i'm gonna do this with some water and the paint [Music] now to put this together i am going to hot glue the first one down at the bottom and this is going to be the one that's going to hold it all together so what i mean is i will add some weight in here just so that way i can set it and it won't like fall over because it's lopsided and you could also see that the little butterfly cut out won't be showing either because it's going to be turned around and to all four of these i am adding a generous amount of hot glue and i'm only going to be putting a few stems in each one so it's not going to be heavy at all the only one that's going to be a little heavy is this one that i'm gluing right now i decided to lay it down to keep it in frame for y'all it's always kind of hard with bigger pieces like this because i'm trying to keep it in frame but i'm also trying to make it a little easy for myself to get it right or just to make sure it's in the middle and it's straight it's not crooked what i did was just measure in between and they're all about three inches from each other so now i'm gonna hot glue the next one so now that i have all four of them on here i have the little pebble that i you know have outside so you see without it it would kind of fall to the side but now that i put the pebble inside it stays in place so that's what i decided to put in there for the weight now i'm going to use these pretty spring flowers that i got from hobby lobby last year i'm just going to cut off some stems with my stem cutters stick them in each little box and i do have floral foam in each one do i have a square wreath form from dollar tree now i've actually been having this one for a really long time and i just found it i haven't used it so i figured this would be perfect because i had this you know another vision in my head on what i wanted to make i also have two different types of nautical rope from the dollar tree so i have that more darker one and that real light creamy one so i'm going to start off with the more darker nautical rope and as you can see there are three twisted together so i'm gonna untangle them and i'm gonna just use one of the three so i'm cutting small pieces of the nautical row because it's just easier to wrap around if it's not too long so what i'm gonna do is add hot glue at the end of that start at the bottom of the wreath form in one corner and i'm only gonna wrap the bottom two of the wreath form add a little bit more to the top just so that stays in place since it is the beginning of this then i just start wrapping and if you need to add more hot glue anywhere you can do it it's just what i do when i'm once you get to end of that piece you're working with just add hot glue what i started to do toward the end of this wreath once i started to get like in the rhythm of everything i started to actually stick the end of that inside of the rope instead and it was way easier so once i was done with the outside part of this you just wrap the remaining little area and then add hot glue to the back so now i'm going to cover the rest of the wreath form with the lighter nautical rope i'm going to use this family decal from dollar tree when i set it down on top of this i really liked the way that looked so i decided to keep that white background and by doing that i'm just gonna cut off the end of this like the tag area and i'm gonna place this on top a piece of foam board and i'm going to trace it out i'm going to cut it with my box cutter it's just easier that way it's honestly easier than using scissors before i glue down that sign the last thing i did with the rope was take one of the three pieces from the lighter creamy rope and it covered the rest of that wreath form so the ones that are going horizontally and then the last thing i did was glue the sign down or the piece of foam board down and then i applied the family decal to the top of it nothing can break me no no nothing if you enjoyed this video make sure you like and subscribe using these two dollar tree items i have a magnifying sheet and some wall decals so i'm gonna make a sign out of this what i originally wanted to do was pick up one of those flat clear cutting boards from dollar tree but i couldn't locate them so i decided to use this instead the back side of this magnifying sheet is actually flat so that's the side we're going to use to add the decals and i'm also going to wipe it down so that way the decals stick well the inspiration for this sign came from pier one so the magnifying shade actually worked out well because i didn't have to cut it down like i would one of the cutting mats if you want to make something like this you could definitely put any wording on here that you want from dollar tree they have so many options now so i picked up this sheet and what i'm gonna use is two of the things so it can fit on here well i'm gonna use be humble and be loving myself it's just what i do when i'm out so try not i'm going to use these dollar tree tumbling blocks even though this is an inspired piece and not a dupe i still wanted to do a border on the top and the bottom sort of like the one on pier one that's why you see me take out 16 pieces but i ended up only using eight of them i'm gonna make two sets of four so i am gluing four pieces together and what i do is just use my dollar tree square i believe is what it's called basically the ruler just to help me glue the blocks straight and they're not all crooked i'm gonna skip my breaks i'm gonna make once i have those two sets i went ahead and glued on the bottom back piece for the bottom border so that way it can stand up on its own and honestly you should paint them first that's what i should have done because once i glued this on i decided to go ahead and paint the back piece because i was just going to leave it like that and just paint the front piece but anyways just paint both of them whatever color you want and then glue them on so once that was dry i'm going to add hot glue put the front piece on and then immediately stand it up just so i can make sure that it stands up straight what i had to do for the back row of the tumbling blocks was just paint the sides and the top i'm not sure if you can really see that um just that way it all comes together and doesn't look weird with just one side being white so this is actually a burner cover they come in a two pack at dollar tree i was originally gonna use the back side that i just showed you and add the other part of that decal but i realized the front part looks pretty already and it looks nice i like the greenery and where the wording is at so i decided to use the the front part i'm going to start by hot gluing the dollar tree nautical rope around the whole burner cover and i'm going to cut off the end of that row because it's kind of taped up and it looks shiny so you can do that if you want just be careful because it does kind of fray apart so just make sure you hold it in place with the hot glue or add more hot glue to the top of that so the inspiration for this came from kirklands this sign is actually a really huge sign but i just really liked the the way the beaded area looked and i thought it would be really cool to use something i'm about to show y'all there are so many different options you can go with as far as you know non-dollar tree items but i try my best to use as many dollar tree items just to make it easier to go to just one store and not have to go to so many other stores okay so here it is i am using the dollar tree bath mat for the beaded area so as you can see i already have it kind of chopped up because i did use it in my last video i believe so i do have some already painted white what i'm going to go ahead and do is cut out the ones i already have painted and then paint however many more i need to place a border around the side next to the rope again there are many many options you can go with but i tried to do you know something different something unique and of course it was only a dollar so i've done many signs like this and i've also used the dollar tree beads i think they come with like four or six so you can go with that if you want to you can use the wooden beads if you want they also have some small wooden beads at dollar tree as well they come in a 20 pack i believe so they're just many options you can go with just pick what you like or what you have right here i'm just showing you real quick how i painted them i do two coats so once i do a full first coat then i go over real quickly with a second coat and the second coat of paint is with this antique parchment from apple barrel since on the side from kirkland's it's kind of like an off-white it's not too wide i wanted to go with that so that's why i'm going over it with this paint and it also sort of matches the nautical rope it also would be smart to wait to cut out the round dots just because i had a little bit of a hard time painting them i mean not too much but just you know i had to kind of hold it down with my finger as best as i could so just wait to cut them out once you painted all of them and now just to hot glue each dot down so i just add a little bit of that glue to one side of the dots and then i kind of tuck it under the rope a little bit so another thing i forgot to mention is that i also like these dots because of how big they are so if you do use like the necklaces from dollar tree or the little 20 pack of wooden beads from dollar tree they're smaller so that's why i liked using these dots from the bath if my map is at the top where the two ropes meet i can't really stick the dot too much underneath there so i'm just going to cut a little bit off of there in that hot glue so if you have an area just like that all you have to do is just cut a little bit of the take dots of your own life i have two dollar tree containers that are made out of cardboard so one of them i just keep the little tumbling tower blocks so as you can see i have two different heights the bigger one i bought during christmas time and then the smaller one was purchased recently in the craft section now i'm going to go ahead and use my white chalk paint to paint both containers and lids so the inspiration for these containers came from amazon i actually found the picture off of instagram somebody posted it and forgive me i don't remember who it was sometimes i forget to see who the source is so maybe you might know you can comment down below and let me know that way i can give them credit but a lot of people post like amazon favorites on instagram and so i saw these amazon containers and i thought they were so pretty so these jars are inspired by those from instagram i am now going to use my antique wax to paint the lids both of them and the reason i painted them white was just basically to give it a base coat and i feel like the wax goes on looking more like a wood tone i guess so i start off very lightly with a stippled brush it's very important in my experience to use a stippled brush to make it look more like wood so like i said i start off lightly and you can just build from there however dark you want it to look i'm using these two small wooden blocks from dollar tree it comes in a pack in the crafter square and this is going to go on top of the lid so if you have something else you want to use you totally can [Music] all right so these are how my lids turned out now i'm going to go ahead and just hot glue down the small little cubes to the top my whole world has changed since baby baby i got you so wake wake awake wake me up inside wake me up inside all right and if you guessed that i was going to use the dots from the bath mat on the containers you are right i'm just going to hot glue them down so for the smaller one i am kind of doing the same thing as the ones from amazon the smaller one i'm kind of spreading them around and then to the larger container i'm just gonna do one row at the top us lastly i'm going to go over it one more time with my white chalk paint that little flickering to the left is my ceiling fan that's why it looks like that i have the magnolia dollar tree flowers in there with some walmart greenery and then that really pretty base in the background is from hobby lobby that i got on clearance for a really good price i think it was like i believe six bucks i'm using two dollar tree wire hanging baskets what we're gonna do here is basically make a kind of like a cake stand or a tear tray whatever you want to call it i have actually seen something like this at target i believe now the only thing is i could not find a picture i've seen it on instagram in people's restrooms in their kitchens next to their sinks and it's really pretty i just could not find it so maybe you know what i'm talking about once you see it [Music] i removed the little hooks sticking up on top of one of them already just with my stem cutters so i'm going to show you how to do that real quick on the second one so it's real simple i just place my stem cutters around the top of there and i just go back and forth kind of squeezing and then it'll just pop off [Music] now to make this tray i'm going to take one of them and put it upside down grab the other one and place it on top of it and now what we're gonna do to combine both of them is take my floral wire and they have these at or they have this at dollar tree and you're just going to wrap it around the whole thing and it will stay in place it is definitely easier to just cut off pieces of the floral wire and wrap it around if you try to do it like that the way i just had it it i mean it's just too long and too big to try to twist in and out of the basket so just cut small pieces so this is how my basket looks let me know if you can tell which tray i'm talking about i'm gonna take the smaller one of the two burner covers from dollar tree so there is a larger one and smaller one and it comes in a two pack and i'm gonna place it upside down in the basket so i have some fake greenery inside of a terra cotta pot on top of there with some hobby lobby beads i have this really pretty tea towel from hobby lobby and my white tulips they are located down below in my amazon store it is a really good price for a huge amount so i bought them last year i'm gonna use this dollar tree sign first thing i'm doing is painting the sign lightly with my antique wax i always start off lightly at first and then i just build on is [Music] foreign now i'm gonna take three rows of five from the tumbling tower blocks and i'm gonna glue them the same way i did earlier with my ruler and i'm sorry i actually did four rows of five so 20 of the tumbling tar blocks so the first thing i'm gonna do is hot glue the very first row all the way at the top once i do that i'm gonna take some dollar tree wooden dominoes from the toy section and it's so funny because the only reason why i even know about these dominoes is because my father-in-law started to play dominoes with my son my seven-year-old and so when i went to dollar tree recently i saw dominoes walking through there and they were these little wooden dominoes and i bought them for him to play with so he did play with them a few times and then you know he stopped playing with them when i saw this sign i immediately thought of the little wooden dominoes so i was like oh my god i need to pick them up because we left them at my in-laws house so i was like i have to pick them up so i can use them for this so now as you can see i'm hot gluing down four of them i was just trying to get the placement right i'm gonna spell out home sweet home so after i glued down this second row then i placed five more dominoes so i have the four rows as you can see and then i have 13 dominoes i decided to use my cricut to spell at home sweet home because i wanted a specific look for this but you can always pick up some word transfers from dollar tree or they have a bunch of poster stickers there's so many options that you can choose from like always with many of my diys one i am using two dollar tree easter signs first i'm gonna remove the sticker tags and the hardware right there in the back on both pieces that way i can paint them i'm going to use some apple barrel white paint and matte and i'm just going to give it one good coat so while i'm painting this i just wanted to tell y'all thank you so so much for being here thank you for the latest comments that i've had on my community tab right here on youtube i posted you know some pictures of me and my husband or just me when we um left out of town for our anniversary and i had so many sweet comments and i just want to say thank you again i cannot express my gratitude enough so thank you so much and then i'm gonna go over it with some of this hazelnut waverly chalk paint and hopefully i don't spill it so i'm gonna stir it really good or shake it and go over it now i did start to use the same brush that i was using to paint the white on but it doesn't go on as like rustic i guess it's better to use like a real stiff bristled brush which i will change in a second i just start off by using this and you of course you don't have to do this part you can paint it whatever color you want i just wanted to give it somewhat of a rustic like country type look so you see now i changed the brush and i did add more white paint to the side because i needed to go over it a little because the other brush just made it look i don't know it looks weird so i'm going over it with this type of brush now and these type of brushes i mean of course you can find them anywhere but i had found this three pack from walmart uh different sizes for a few or a couple dollars now that i have both of them painted the way i want i'm gonna use this dollar tree burlap ribbon i'm gonna cut two pieces off for each frame and for this part you can use any type of fabric you want i'm going to hot glue the burlap down now and i'm just gonna use the glue on the back of the signs and i'm also gonna use i think i grabbed another brush or craft stick and just go over it because i don't want to burn my fingers nothing can break me no no nothing can break me and you see those two holes where i remove that hardware i purposely turn the sign upside down to cover it with the burlap that way it won't show i have both burlap pieces glued on there now i have some thumbtacks from dollar tree as you can see they're gold first what i was gonna do was actually push them onto the sides right here of the frame but as i started to do that it's just too hard to push through and i really felt like i was going to just stab myself i didn't think it was going to go in all the way in which it didn't and then i would end up stabbing myself so i decided not to do that but since i already had this planned in my mind of how i wanted it to look as you can see i'm just barely pushing them in just to see how many i need which i used 11 on each frame so once i figure that out i remove them i have this little piece of cardboard i'm going to stick them into and then i'm going to paint them white so i'm just going to use my white apple barrel paint but it would be perfect to use spray paint so sometimes i do get comments about my nails you guys these specific nails i have on right now it only cost me like five or six dollars to do so i have been doing them lately myself i'm not gonna lie of course there are times i still like going to the nail salon but i've been doing them myself and they usually do last about two weeks there's a lot of things i like to try myself for example like my nails to see if it is worth it if it comes out cheaper if it lasts a long time so a while back i remember doing my nails myself and they didn't last but this time i figured something out where they do last and i love saving money guys i'm sure y'all know how that feels i'm such a frugal person so whenever i figured out how to do my nails myself and they were lasting the same time for the same amount of time that they last from the nail salon except i'm paying at the nail salon like 40 50 bucks for my nails and these are only i'm only paying like five or six dollars i get so happy and excited you know to save money so i'll let y'all know in a second what i do to make my nails last that long so as you can see the thumbtacks are dry and what i'm gonna do is take my stem cutters and just cut off the needle part of it and then i'm just gonna it popped away i'm just gonna hot glue them on so another idea would be to use the pink little what like half beads i guess you can call them these are from dollar tree so they will glue on flat so you could easily spray paint these outside and then bring them in and hot glue them on as well so that's another idea you can do so let me tell you the few tips that i have if you want to do your nails yourself what i do is just go to walmart grab a pack of nails that i like now i get the ones that do not have the adhesive on them they come with the glue those are just the nails that i'm using maybe that helps for them to last so i grab those i file my nails myself with the little filo that it comes with and then i use the kiss glue i'm not sure if that i mean maybe it does matter i've never used a different type of glue i always use the kiss brand glue and my nails last guys so those are the few tips that i have if you want to do your nails yourself lastly i'm adding these dollar tree flowers to them so i believe i picked these up last year and this is the name of them they kind of remind me of tulips so i really like the way these every look this next one is super super simple and i'm sure you've seen somewhat of a bunny wreath like this i'm gonna use these two dollar tree items this is a wood blend wreath and this headband from there as well after removing the tags i turned the headband around because i really don't want too much of that pink showing and i think this side looks perfect so i am going to add it like this to the top and stick the ends in between the little wood pieces to give me a little extra support with the bunny ears and so that they stay in place i am grabbing some of this floral wire from dollar tree and wrapping it around right here on each end now i'm going to take some of this greenery and add it to the top where the bunny ears are at and kind of cover up that floral wire as well i also have these dollar tree pink flowers that i'm gonna add now i know they do have greenery at dollar tree and i believe i saw them before maybe a few weeks ago at my local dollar trees but i haven't found them after that so i guess i should have picked a couple of them up anyways i already have so much greenery in my uh like floral stash so i just grab some from there and i'm gonna add it to this i'm taking another piece of floral wire and just adding it on top of that greenery right here just to hold it in place for right now and as i add more stuff i will completely wrap the floral wire around it we've been fighting forever gone over this [Music] and now i'm adding pieces of the pink town and flowers know what you're asking for [Music] is once i have the pink flowers on i just finished twisting the floral wire around it and making sure it's all in place so i have these amazon racks in my living room and i like to decorate it for each season so i just added the little wreath right here so i posted on instagram that i finally found these wood planks at dollar tree i think this is such a good deal because it comes with six obviously for only a dollar uh but i finally found them so i opened two packs right here because i wasn't sure how many i was gonna use but i only ended up needing five i'm going to use this to make a sign so my original plan was to find one of those long i think they say welcome on them every season they have a really long sign so for easter they have this welcome easter sign that's pretty long and i was going to use that i couldn't find any at both of my local dollar trees so i decided to go with this instead the other idea i had to use was the wooden pallets they have a dollar tree you could put you know a few of those together to make a sign and i think that would look pretty cool too so i'm gonna use five of those and then i'm also gonna use the little wooden drawers i only picked up three of them because there is two in one so before gluing everything together and painting i'm just going to show you real quick how i want this to look so to glue the five wood pieces together the first thing i need to do is add hot glue where they meet and i'm going to add some craft sticks that way they stay in place and you could also use wood glue but for video purposes i just use hot glue once i have all of them glued together i'm gonna turn it around on the front side i'm gonna go ahead and paint this what i'm gonna do is use a combination of my white paint and hazelnut chalk paint just to give it a pretty like wooden tone [Music] i also used a little bit of water on my bristle brush just so the paint the hazelnut paint is not so harsh now i'm going to paint all six of the wooden boxes white with my apple barrel white paint and i'm not sure if you can see in the background on the planks that i did use my ruler to draw out two lines just to make it look kind of like a ship lap and you'll see in them in a little bit then i'm going to go over it with some brown wax i use this antique wax a lot and it has lasted me for so so long so this definitely goes a long way so what i'm doing is just taking a real defined brush and just going over that pencil line with the antique wax now i'm going to add these dollar tree wooden letters just by that spring on each of the wooden boxes as you can see i have a quite a few in this little bin from dollar tree and so i'm just grabbing what i have as you can see the r i have used it before so i'm gonna paint all of them gray with the apple barrel gray paint and then we'll glue them on top of the boxes the only thing i did was paint the r white first since it was black and then i went over it with the gray paint [Music] my whole world has changed since baby baby i got you so wake me up inside wake me up inside now i'm adding these dollar tree white flowers they are the same ones as the pink ones i added to that bunny wreath so i'm sticking them in there and then i will also add more of the greenery that i used on that wreath and some different white flowers that i also found at dollar tree so the only thing that's not dollar tree is the greenery i wanna get to you close gonna get it right so what's your feelings the city's screaming so i have this dollar tree wooden egg that i'm gonna use for this simple diy what i'm gonna do is first paint the whole egg white with my apple barrel white paint and then we're gonna do a like tan or light light brown uh buffalo check so i'll show you how i do that in a second so everybody has their own technique on buffalo check there are definitely easier ways with tape but this is just my way and if you want to do it this way you totally can if not do it the way you think is easiest and also you can paint it whatever colors you want so as you can see i'm i'm marking in one inch increments um both horizontally and vertically so once i do that then i will use the same ruler to draw the lines where i marked the one inch increments so you can make these bigger if you want after you see the whole egg if you don't like how small the squares are you can make them bigger too so just depends on what you us like we only need the two of us together we only need the two of us together i'm using my hazelnut chalk paint to do the buffalo check so for buffalo check you need to have white paint which is already down on my egg and then whatever color you want to do you need to have a lighter and darker color so for this tannish you know hazelnut paint i need to have the darker color which is what i'm going to do right now and then to make the lighter tan color i'm just going to add a little bit of white paint first things first i'm going to mark where i need the darker color to go and then i will paint all of those squares for this first row of squares i'm going to paint one so i'm just going to mark that skip one then paint the following one and you'll see the pattern in a second the next row you're going to skip move on to the third row and then do the same pattern [Music] do [Music] now that i'm all done with the darker tan to get the lighter tan like i told you earlier we're gonna add a little bit of white paint to line it up and then i will show you this pattern that i'm gonna do next i'm gonna start by showing you the right side because i'm kind of messed up on the left and i'll explain that in a second so i'm gonna grab some of that lighter tan and we're gonna go on the first row in between the two dark squares and paint those and then for the following row that has nothing whatsoever like no paint you're going to alternate and go in between those so lastly i'm going to paint that light tan color in and for the last row on the left i messed up on the pattern so that's why i just went over it with the darker hazelnut color and then i'll fix that at the end do and to fix the last row where i messed up i just color that in with the lighter tan color now i'm gonna hot glue this galvanized spring sign to the center kind of slanted just to give it a fun look and these come in a three pack from dollar tree so i decided to add some wooden beads to hang this up to the little hole at the top and what i did was grab more of that floral wire and it's just easier for me to use this instead of like twine because um the i have a hard time putting the bead through the twine and it just takes forever so with floral wire it's actually really fast i always talk to y'all about these beads guys i've only bought this huge pack of beads one time from amazon and if i remember correctly i think i only paid about 20 bucks maybe for a thousand beads and i've had them for forever i don't even know maybe over a year or two and i have not even gone through maybe half the bag so if you want to check those out they're linked in my amazon store below so i'm gonna put them through and then i will just tie both of the floral wire pieces together and then we'll hang it up do this is more of a diy that you can use all year round so i hope you enjoy this one i'm taking one of these wall art canvas pieces from dollar tree and i'm gonna remove everything even the canvas so that way i can use the frame out of this and i'm not gonna worry about this backside you can see some of the canvas and the staples because we're gonna cover that anyways and you're not going to see it i sanded it down just a little bit so the surface was smooth on the frame and now what i'm going to do is take this dollar tree bath mat and i'm going to use this as a background for the frame so all i'm gonna do is just cut around it and then i will hot glue it down to the frame on the back side that way it kind of covers the staples and a little bit of that canvas that was left on there and then we'll just trim off the edges or the excess of the bath mat [Music] [Music] do [Music] i'm adding thumbtacks to each corner of the frame now for this this is kind of like that hard board so the thumbtacks going really easily so i do stick them in it's not like the other sign that i showed you from the first diy that was made out of i don't even know something else and i couldn't stick it in that but this it goes in easily so once i do that i'm gonna very carefully paint them white and the last thing i'm going to do is add one of these gallery prints guys these are actually from the dollar tree when i saw them i couldn't believe them because they're actually pretty good quality they're they're like that card stock so um you could easily just switch them out with a piece of tape so that's what i'm gonna do i'm going to use the pink one and just add a piece of scotch tape on the back don't you think the little saying is so cute i really like that never lose your sense of wonder and just think there are so many different possibilities just for this diy you can put anything you want in the center it's up to you so first diy i finally found these little window arches from dollar tree so i figured out something to do with them it's going to be pretty fun so i'm just going to remove everything including the little round oval sign where it says welcome to our home it's just made out of cardboard so i'm going to remove that so i'm also going to be using this dollar tree chopping mat i'm going to use the chopping mat to basically create like a little pocket on top of the window arch so i'm just checking to see about how much i want to cover and then i'll measure it and tell you exactly how many inches i cut off so it's about five inches i'm gonna cut that off and i need two of them since i have two of the arches i want to drive a faster car lay my troubles so now i'm going to take them outside and spray paint them with my white flat spray paint now i'm going to place it right here on the end i'm going to wrap it toward the front and around to the side and i'm just going to see this is about how much i need so i'm gonna mark that real quick with my pencil and then i'll show y'all about how much that measures out too it's about eight and a half inches so i'm gonna mark it there and now cut that piece off to glue this on i'm going to use some e6000 and my hot glue so as you can see this is the last time i can probably use this e6000 i need to buy another one so what i'm gonna do is just add some of that in the center of the little window arch and then on the sides i will add or the top and the bottom i will add the hot glue so basically the e6000 is for a long lasting hold and you know a lot of us use that for crabs and then the hot glue of course is for right now because it dries really fast so you're probably wondering okay well why couldn't you just use a um poster board or um poster you know from the dollar tree or wherever and you can you can do that too i just thought it'd be fun to use the cutting mat so nothing can break me no no nothing i'm going to take some of this dollar tree burlap and i'm going to add a trim to each side so i'm going to cut off a piece and then we'll add hot glue so even if you don't want burlap on here i would still recommend using some type of fabric or ribbon it's going to also help hold that cutting mat in place so i'm going to add that strip right there with hot glue and then the rest of it i will add to the back and just fold it and add more hot glue could protect us oh you try to grab it and it's gone now i'm going to add another piece of burlap at the bottom and this part you can decide how much you want to cover at the bottom so i'm going to figure um about half of it and then i will cut up two strips one for this one and one for the other little window arch and yeah i'm just gonna do the same thing and add hot glue for the bottom piece we're doing about 10 and a half inches to me now i need to add a bottom to this so i'm just taking another piece of burlap at six and a half inches and i'm gonna hot glue it to the bottom and i'm sure you can tell by now that i use the craft stick so that way i don't get so much glue on my fingers and i don't burn myself and then the opposite sides where those other two pieces are sticking out i'm gonna add hot glue and just stick that inside of the little pocket now i will trim off the edges of this bottom burlap piece that we added earlier the bottom trim and then just hot glue the rest of that underneath all right so i just hung them up remember these arches have a little hook on the back of them where you can hang them up with a nail or you can add command strips like i do all i did was just add some lavender dollar tree florals in there these are the three dollar tree items i'm using for the next one so this one is the burner covers from dollar tree i have a smaller one they come in a two pack and then this is a gold basket from dollar tree and then i have a black candle stick as well i'm gonna spray paint all three of these items so for the basket i'm using this brown hammered paint and you can use whatever colors you want whatever spray paint you want but i'm going to use this one for that and then for the candlestick and burner cover i'm going to use this one and it also makes it look galvanized and it's hammered as well once they were dry i brought them in so now i have a brown basket instead of gold the burner covering candlestick as you can see they have like a look to it that's not smooth and that's just basically what hammered means when you buy spray paint so i'm adding some antique wax with a really good bristled brush you don't want to use like a smooth type paint brush this one works perfect for this because i applied it really fast and easily once i do that i'm just gonna let it dry again and you can use any type of brown paint you want so this is just to make it look like it's galvanized and i like that look of the galvanized items that have that so the last thing to do for this really simple and easy diy is just to hot glue these two together you can use e6000 if you choose to so you're probably wondering what is this clear fiskars mat that i have right here on the um bottom underneath this and i just got it from amazon and it's supposed to be like a craft mat for um you know anything that you craft with hot glue paint and it's supposed to come off real easy as far as like once you're done and you wash it so i'll update y'all maybe within the next few videos and i will link it in my amazon store if you want to go ahead and maybe check it out if not i will let y'all know how good it works out all i did was just add this pretty little vintage like jar from dollar general that i got last year with some tulips in there these are my most favorite tulips they are such a good price as well this one was super super fun to do i could not believe it worked out so um yeah let's get started with this one i'm using a canvas art piece from dollar tree and i'm just gonna remove the whole canvas so i'm left with the frame so once i removed everything from that frame i'm going to bring in two shower caddies from dollar tree and i forgot to tell you i'm gonna make basically like a lantern slash tray so i'm going to use the two parts at the top of these caddies and i'll show you on a second i'm just going to take some stem cutters and the easiest way i found it was to grab the piece that you want to remove just twist back and forth just for a few seconds i did it too long because i wasn't sure how tough it was going to be but once i twisted it back and forth you can just pop it off so you can bend it and it pops right off once i have those off as you can see right here i have one bent the way i want it to be bent so it's gonna go like this at the corner and what i'm gonna do is just show you how i do that so this type of shower caddy from dollar tree is really easy to bend so just play around with it and i'm going to insert a photo right now so you can see kind of where the inspiration came from i'm sure you've seen tons and tons of these lanterns so i thought it'd be really cool to try to create at least somewhat of the way it came out and i mean it doesn't look exactly like it but i thought it'd be really fun to try and recreate something like that so to give this a bottom i'm going to add these giant craft sticks [Music] i have seven of them so all i'm doing is just cutting one side of it and then hot gluing it to the bottom now that i have the whole bottom part covered i'm going to use my hot glue and some heavy duty clamps they actually just started selling some from what i saw in my local dollar trees um heavy duty clamps but these are from home depot they were a dollar each and i've been having them for a while so i'm just setting it up like this to show you how it's gonna look so what i'm gonna do is just let you see how i put this together so i'm just gonna add hot glue on the corners add one side of this top shower caddy and then clamp it in place [Music] now that i have both of those pieces glued on here as you can see i am going to use some more burlap for this diy i have clamps on one side still and the other one i removed them because i'm going to go ahead and add this so you'll see me cut a piece off right here and add it to the caddy that's connected to the frame just for a better hold so i added the burlap to just those two sides for right now now what i'm going to do is take some yarn or you can use twine ribbon whatever you like just to secure the top so i'm going to wrap this around here a well multiple times and then i will remove those clamps and add the burlap to those corners so you could leave it just like this but what i want to go ahead and do is take some dollar tree beads and hot glue it along the top part of this lantern and then we'll go outside and spray paint it with that white matte spray paint you're the one [Music] but now there's your my whole on to the next diy i'm using an old dollar tree frame so you can just pick up any one that you want now i'm going to use this garden fence from dollar tree i'm going to remove the top area with my stem cutter so i'll show you what part i'm going to cut i was going to use my scissors but i didn't really want to mess them up so it was just easier to use the stem cutters and then i'm going to show you how i was going to glue it on here at first and decided not to because it wasn't stained it didn't want to stick with my hot glue so i found another solution [Music] so at first i was going to hot glue it to the sides of the frame but i tried a few times and it just would not stick so i decided to turn it around and hot glue it in the kind of inside the little indention of the frame and you'll see that in a second and it was able to state so now that i have both of those on each side i'm going to take more of those giant craft sticks and i'm going to place them inside of the bottom of the frame to give it another bottom so this is going to be another tray just a different look so once i do that once i get the right size i'll use that one as a template and cut all of them out hot glue them on there and then i will paint and stain them now i got all of those hot glue down there and i took it outside and spray painted it i'm going to use my hazelnut chalk paint to kind of go over the crab sticks with a little bit of water at first i wanted it to be kind of light it was a little bit too light so then i did go over it a little more with my antique wax now i'm going to take four tumbling tower blocks from dollar tree and paint it with the hazelnut chalk paint and then after this part then i'll do the um the antique wax take control of your own and then the last thing to do was just to hot glue these to the bottom on the four corners so for this last diy it could not be easier i just wanted to show you a really easy and simple way you could vamp up any basket from dollar tree so this was gold but i spray painted it black and then you can take any type of twine or string again i'm just using yarn i am going to just create a little bottom trim for this and you can use fabric like i said any type of rope whatever you choose i just thought it'd be pretty cool to do um this yarn so this yarn that i have is from walmart but they do have tons and tons of yarn that i have seen at my dollar trees so i just tied it on one end and then i'm gonna go in and out until i get the look that i want once i got it the way i want this is how it looks you can go higher or lower whatever you choose to do so as you can see i have a little galvanized piece on the left side i'm using this dollar tree universal tool hooks from there and what i'm going to do is really simple you just grab one and i'm going to bend it with my sim cutters and put it on the other side so it was that simple and i'm just going to set it on the side on the right side and yeah that's pretty much it for this last diy as you can see i love the tulips for spring it's so pretty and it's super easy to make anything look nicer just by painting it and adding a few touches so thank you for watching all 30 diys today i appreciate it so much i hope you have a great week and i'll see y'all in the next video
Channel: BiancaAnn D
Views: 138,002
Rating: 4.8477335 out of 5
Keywords: best dollar tree diy, best dollar tree finds, high end dollar tree diy, high end dollar tree diy home decor, high end dollar tree farmhouse decor, high end dollar tree decor ideas, high end dollar tree diy 2021, high end dollar tree crafts, dollar tree diy high end looking home decor crafts, dollar tree diy home decor, dollar tree diy room decor, dollar tree diy farmhouse decor, dollar tree diy 2021, speing decor diy, spring diy crafts, spring diy projects
Id: Kc57j3zokJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 35sec (8255 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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