15 HIGH END Dollar Tree DIYs | Easy DIYs You Have To Try! [2021]

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hey everyone welcome back to the crafty couple we hope you're enjoying your weekend and hopefully you're excited for today's video today we're going to be doing 15 dollar tree diys that's all focused around boho decor and this is another mega video so if you haven't seen other mega videos definitely check those out and we hope you enjoyed today's video for this project i wanted to try and make a cute circle tray and so i started out with this twine from dollar tree and they come in a lot of different sizes now so kind of go and try and stock up at your local dollar tree and pick one size and then i grabbed a bucket from dollar tree just so i had a circle form to go off of and i cut this black foam board just for my shape so i knew kind of where i was going to start the circle of my basket i put some hot glue where i thought the center was and i folded the rope over and then i'm going to be going all the way around basically the whole entire thing and that will be the whole entire base of this tray basket [Music] when you're going around just make sure that you are hot gluing the rope directly to the foam board and not to each other so it doesn't look too messy in the end this is how far one of the rope pieces got me and so i'm going to hot glue it on to the side and then i'm going to grab another rope piece and cut it so that it is a nice straight line and put it right next to the other end piece and then just keep wrapping it all the way around [Music] when you do have two connecting you will want to put just a little bit of hot glue where the connection is just to make sure that they are secured when it once it is dry just a little bit you can kind of push down on that seam as well now i am getting to the end of this final rope and where you see the black of the foam board i'm going to go in with this knife and cut all of that foam board so that it's nice and even and you don't see any of it left when that is done it is time to start with another rope so where we ended the last rope i'm going to start another rope and put it on the very edge to hide where you can see the foam board let me know in the comments below are you guys liking these pottery barn dupes do you like the more black or modern dupes what kind of videos are you guys looking forward to in 2021 so just leave a comment below and let me know we are super excited to get into this year with all the new crafts and all of the new holidays once you've wrapped it all the way around you are going to just keep wrapping as much as you can just making sure any seams are in at the back where you are starting and stopping the rope and you're going to basically build up the sides of your basket so once you are building up the sides any time you are starting and stopping really make sure to keep it in the back just to keep it very very clean so this is what one more rope got me and so now now i'm going to do one more rope have it attach where the last rope ends and i'm going to wrap it all the way around still hot gluing it on top now of the other rope pieces [Music] when you get to the final piece that's going to be on top leave one section on one of the sides not hot glued and that is going to make a cute little handle and then when you get to the other side make sure it is even with the other side and just don't hot glue that part and you will have another cute handle what i did to kind of make sure it was even was use a skewer and i hot glued it up to that point to slide it over and then hot glued it to the other point just so that the handles were semi-even in the end it doesn't really matter that much and then just keep hot gluing on top until you get to the end where all of your seams are cut that piece and then just hot glue it and kind of smash it into the basket so that it does look pretty seamless use some hot glue kind of pour it on a little bit wait till it cools down and then kind of hold it there smash it in there so that it all looks very seamless and not too kind of fringy and unfinished if one of your handles did come out a little bit too big you can go in with hot glue and all you have to do is just put a tiny dab of hot glue underneath and push it back down and then it's a super easy fix for this project i had really wanted to use this bamboo windshield for a while just since i saw it come out at our local dollar tree i thought these could make really cool handles to any type of tray or basket what i did was just cut everything apart so that i was left just with the pieces and nothing else for the base of this tray i'm going to be using at this wood puzzle from dollar tree we really like to use these if we need one solid piece of wood i took all the pieces out our kids really love to have fun and just paint those but you can just glue them in back where they were maybe give it some more structure and stability but honestly it's going to be fine without it so then i stained it with our favorite stain which is the early american stain from minwax and then they now have these really really cute stencils from dollar tree we found this one that has this really really cute design on it and i'm going to be using the same white paint that we did before which is the waverly chalk paint just in the color white i decided to start in the middle because it's kind of like tile you don't want to start on the edges i didn't want it to look kind of weird so i wanted my design right in the center and then i'm going to be doing at the top part just the same way it did kind of fade a little bit but i liked that it gave it almost a textured kind of look and then of course you got to do all of the sides it will kind of go over the sides which is totally fine you want it to look very cute the only thing is i'm not a huge fan of the line that you can see in the middle but if you did the design maybe a little bit different way and didn't do the little tiny triangles it probably wouldn't give it that effect and then i moved on to the handles so i tried to cut them with the wire cutters this kind of works you can definitely do it this way but it is just kind of rough i would definitely just use the jigsaw if i was to do this again i just cut off kind of the knot just so that it was very clean and they both were the same size and then of course sanded it down just slightly to connect it i thought it would be really cool to use this wire it's in the hardware section of dollar tree instead of using twine i wanted it a little bit more clean and bohemian so what i did was just run it through the whole of the bamboo and then i'm going to be putting the wire on at the back of the tray and hot gluing it so basically i just placed the wire on the back and then kind of bent the handle forward how tall i wanted it i will be flipping it over and hot gluing it it does work really well it was really secure and i loved how it looked in at the end so all i did was put a little line of hot glue and then grabbed something so that i could press it down once it was kind of warm i just pressed with my fingers to make sure it was really attached to the puzzle piece just try and make sure that it's centered you do have some leeway with this it can kind of move one way it can kind of move the other so that is super nice when you're using wire then just clean it up even though you won't see it i just cut off the extra wire pieces and this is how the handle came out i think it came out really really cute and i love the way that it looks then i just duplicated the same thing on the other side make sure that they're both center and they're the same height for this project we're going to be using these two glass bowls from dollar tree and we're just going to glue them on each other like that so you'll want to use quite a bit of hot glue here this is a project where you may want to use something like e6000 just to make sure it has a stronger hold the hot glue has worked well enough for us but if you're worried about it coming apart or breaking definitely use something a little bit stronger and then the first thing that we want to do is take one of our ropes here from dollar tree and go ahead and unravel it then you should be left with three strands and then we'll start with just the one strand right here i'm just putting a little glue on the end to keep that together and then we'll start by gluing that along the base of this now when i was originally going to make this i was planning on doing the rope all the way around it to the top and then even the inside of the bowl so that would just almost be like a decor piece that could hold something maybe some keys or your wallet some greenery whatever it might be if you added some other little decor pieces to go in there but as i was doing this i like the idea of kind of going up most of the way and then leaving a gap and then doing the candle holder that you see so hopefully you guys like that idea let me know if you have a preference if you would have liked to have just seen it all with the rope or if you like the candle idea so if you've seen us do these projects before one of our main tips is to always cut the rope short if you need to so you can see there's a little bit of extra here but instead of using all that and wrapping it around until it's done i like to line these up in the back so that all of the seams are right there in the back that way when you turn it around to the front it's nice and seamless and it looks really really good and then of course as you're gluing all the way around you want to just glue a little bit hold it down give it some time to dry and then work your way all the way around this and then once we get up here towards the top it's kind of like what i was talking about i decided to cut it short and leave just a little bit of a gap here as you can see instead of going all the way and i think this ended up being really really cute this way um a modern kind of boho look i think also this would look really good with coastal decor you could also use like the white nautical rope and i think that that would look really pretty as well and the last little part here that i like to do just to clean this up and get rid of some of the strands and some of the fraying is to just take a little lighter and quickly go over this it also gives it a little bit more color if there's some darker spots from the flame i think that all adds to the character of this but it really cleans it up and gives it a lot smoother and sharper look to this and then of course adding our candle to complete this project for this planter we're going to be using seven of these dollar tree crates and we're going to be staining them all with this early american stain from minwax and as always feel free to change that up depending on your decor you can maybe paint it white do them all black a different stain however you'd like to do that the easiest way that i found to measure this out is to just line five of these up now only three of them will go on this first section but we need the gaps so i'm just putting in the extra crates to measure this out and then i'm going to line those up on these five gallon stir sticks and cut them with this jigsaw now we're going to need two of these at the same length so the first piece that we cut we can use that as a template for the second piece and these stir sticks are from walmart i believe they're like 97 cents for a pack of three for this middle section we're going to do the same thing except for we're only lining up four of these crates and then we'll go ahead and measure that out and cut it now originally i cut two of these and two of the smaller lengths it was late at night i wasn't really thinking clearly you only need one of each so one of this middle length and then one for this shorter one and we're going to just line up three of these crates measure that and cut it once we have all those cut again we're just going to use this early american stain to go ahead and stain all of these sticks so you should have two of the bigger pieces one of the medium size and one of the smaller sizes so the first thing i'm gonna do here is go ahead and take one of the longer stir sticks and we're just to glue it on the side of this crate now so i can get my spacing even i'm going to take one of the other crates line it up and then i'll put the other crate that we're actually gluing on top of that that will just allow us to get the right spacing so we're not guessing or anything like that and all this will line up in the end so again just put the middle one in there for the spacing we're not actually gluing that down and then we'll just glue that middle one and then again we'll do the same thing take another crate put it in there for the spacing and then we'll glue the top one down and essentially all we're going to do is just repeat that same process we're going to glue on the second taller stir stick here on the opposite side and then we'll go ahead and move on to our other crate so i'm going to put this one here on the bottom for spacing and then i will glue this middle piece on here and then move on to the other pieces so as you can see here since we're staggering these crates that's why i'm using these uh ones in the middle to make sure that all the spacing is going to be the same throughout and those aren't kind of mismatched or not lining up and after we have the first two rows complete we can move on to this medium stir stick so we want to line this up with the top of the crate there glue it on the edge and then that will be flush with the bottom of our entire project and then there at the bottom we will add our last row of crates so this one's just going to glue on that bottom corner and then the last crate will go in between these two right here in that gap and then once we have those glued on we can add our final stir stick which is going to be that smallest one and just glue it right there on the end like we did the other ones that's really all there is just a few cuts with the jigsaw but a very simple project and i think it's really really beautiful in the end for our last project you would just need this nautical rope from a dollar tree and we will go ahead and unwind it so that there will be three separate strands i use this tin from dollar tree kind of as my template but of course i made it harder than it needed to be in a little bit i show you how i would have done it if i had done this project before i would have traced the bottom out with foam board first and use that as a template instead of trying to do it this way this was the first one that i made obviously it was way too round and i needed to make the middle a lot longer so that the whole base was just a lot more oval so now that i've made the base more oval i'm going to just use hot glue to combine these pieces the base is kind of the hardest part so if you want to just skip it and do just a foam board base you kind of don't see it anyways and it's kind of just for your own preferences anyways so what i did was just go around this oval shape just over and over until i had the whole oval piece this is how far i got when i realized i really should have just put it onto foam board so i traced the bottom of this tin onto foam board and cut it out so that i had a better template so if you are going to make this project i would start here and then go ahead and put your yarn on top of it and then make your whole oval shape and put that onto here instead then i glued it on to my foam board and then i kept going around the whole entire thing until it was mostly covered so that you wouldn't see any of the foam board when i got to where the back of the basket will be i just cut the yarn and then just hot glued it [Music] this is the part that i thought was going to be the hardest but i ended up being the easiest so now starting at the back you just want to put the yarn on top of the base and then just go all the way around so then you're making the actual basket part and make sure that you're not just getting closer and closer every row that you do that's what i ended up doing and the basket at the top is a lot more narrow than it is at the bottom i don't think it's a bad look but it's not necessarily what i was going for just make sure to keep all your ends of the rope at the back so that it looks nice and clean so just cut it and then hot glue it and then keep the start of the next rope at the back as well [Music] for the end at the top i originally kind of tucked it inside the basket but i didn't like it in the end so i show you in a little bit that i undo this what i'm doing here and i kind of tuck it behind the basket which i end up liking a lot better then we grab this leather from i believe it was michael's or hobby lobby and of course use a coupon if you go there and this is what we'll be using for the handles and just to make it look quite a bit nicer i just eyeballed how big i wanted the square to be and then i just cut it out and made sure it was the same on both sides i did try and round out the corners as well just to make sure everything looked pretty nice and then i did need to make it more of a rectangle in the end just to make them a little bit smaller so that they fit the basket size a little bit better let me know in the comments where you guys get your leather or your faux leather we have had a really hard time finding this we haven't looked too much on amazon just because of shipping times here we've had some people say that they've even found some at dollar tree we have never seen stuff like that at dollar tree so i don't know how you guys are getting so lucky some people have said they've even found some leather looking headbands so i don't know how you guys are getting so lucky but we've never been that fortunate then once you have your rectangles cut out i just put a little bit of hot glue in the middle and then i will be flipping up one of the sides hot gluing it and pushing it together and then flipping up the opposite side hot gluing it and doing the same thing then for the other side just do the exact same thing and put some hot glue in at the middle put it over the side of the basket and then just make sure to secure it down with the hot glue ugly worked perfect for this project you can probably use like the fabric glue for this project i haven't used it i don't know how fast that glue dries or anything like that i wouldn't use e6000 just since that doesn't dry very quickly and you don't need that strong of a hold so personally i would just use hot glue and then like i mentioned earlier i didn't like how i finished it off so i brought the end of the rope just in the very back so that it looked just a little bit cleaner i do love how this looks with the more clean handles it looks a little bit more bohemian but i'm going to be adding these push pins on at the sides to make them look like they are buttons i spray painted them with the oil rubbed bronze spray paint and then once they were dry i just pushed them into the leather they did take a little bit of force to push them in but once they were in they were fine and they don't come out that easy i tried to use hot glue on one but i felt like it was harder to get in and it didn't hold that much better so this is what they look like with and this is what they look like without let me know in the comments below what you like better and this is how it looks all completed i know that you can't see at the bottom and they are just little details that don't matter too much but i personally just love how this turned out for this project we are going to need this nautical rope from dollar tree and i ended up using three of these so you will want to take it all apart so that you will have three separate strands once you have those you can go ahead and use just one of these plungers from a dollar tree or i am going to be using one of these long dowels from walmart i believe it was only around a dollar then i stained it with the early american stain we get ours from walmart after i stained it i grabbed all of the rope that we had previously and separated it into the three separate piles to measure out how long i wanted this string i just wanted to use all of the rope so what i did was my way of making sure i was evenly measuring out one of the strands into thirds so just grab the rope and make it into three sections and then cut it here in a minute i do show you the measurement and i think it was about 31 inches long so you can either cut them into thirds or you can cut them all at 32 inches long once you have all your pieces cut you will just make it back into kind of a loop and loop it over the dow visually you can see it a lot better than i can explain it and then we are just going to repeat this process for every single piece so we did three packages and in those three packages you get three separate pieces of string so when we are done with this whole project you should have 27 different ties on this whole dial so this is how far the one package got me and this is when i started with the second package [Music] you could definitely leave it just having the two sets of the rope but i thought the third one really completed the whole look so from here on is totally optional but i decided to take apart all of the rope at the bottom i wanted it to look more stringy at the bottom and not so just rope like and so what i did was just untwist it the easiest way that i found to do this is to twist it the opposite way that it is wound and then just pull the strings up and then just pull them out once that was done you can definitely leave it again just like this but i took one of our dog's brushes and then just started brushing it out also i would love love love to know what kind of dogs you guys have we have a four-year-old doberman and a two-year-old little malty poo so let me know in the comments below what kind of dogs or just other pets you guys have and then of course because you guys know me and i don't know when to stop i grab my straightener and then i tried to straighten out the top because it was just too curved and wavy this didn't really work that well just don't do this it didn't work the greatest it kind of straightened it but it was just kind of a hassle and then cut the bottom however you would like you can cut it straight across like i did i just went straight across because we cut pretty much everything in a triangle pattern and i kind of wanted something at just a very blunt cut all of these flowers i got from amazon forever ago and they have been some of my favorites and some of the best quality for a really really really great price i will link those flowers below in the description and then these i don't remember where we got but it was probably either from walmart or we got it on sale at hobby lobby or michael's but i just cut some sort of greenery and then zip tied it to the dowel i would recommend zip tying everything if you can not gluing it glue it just won't stick that well and you can change it out whenever you want if you zip tie it once those were on i just kind of stuck the flowers in where i put the other zip tie so i didn't add any other zip ties it was just a lot easier and it didn't add any more bulk also to hang it i just used a tiny piece of string that i had on hand and i just tied it at one end of the dowel and up and over to the other end of the dowel for this vase we're going to be using this 11 foot nautical rope from dollar tree this is that white rope's a little bit different than the other one and the first thing that we want to do here is take the little piece of tape off of each end and then we're going to actually unravel this whole thing so that we have the three separate strands once we have all these strands separated we're going to braid these together to get a little bit of a unique look or just more character instead of just a rope when we wrap this around the base so i just tied mine in a little knot you can also just use a little bit of hot glue to glue those ends together and then you will need something to hold it down as you're braiding it once you have that secured you can start braiding this and you want to go ahead and braid the entire rope if you have someone that can help you with this to kind of control the back part from getting tangled up that will definitely make this easier since it's such a long rope and then here in a second i'll show you we don't actually need to use the entire braided part but i would recommend just braiding all of it first and then at the end you can use the remaining part for the top of the vase and then right here just put a little bit of hot glue to connect the ends like i said earlier you can do this at the very beginning instead of tying the knot but if you tie the knot just undo that and then glue it right here and then that is going to be our starting point for where we start wrapping this around the vase and gluing it down and just so the threads weren't going everywhere i waited for the hot glue to cool down a little bit and then i just pinched that together so it was nice and tight now that we have our rope ready we can move on to gluing it onto our actual vase so run a little line of glue on the bottom there and i'm just using hot glue that should work just fine for this project i don't think you guys need anything stronger and then i would wrap it around a little bit more and then put some glue all the way around till you get to where you started and then once we get to where we started what we want to do is just move up a little bit from there so as you work your way all the way around you'll see you will meet up with the starting point right here and then just glue it up into that point and then wrap it up a little bit around that and then you can start your second row really really simple that's what i love about this project is pretty straightforward easy project but i think the end result is very very elegant and beautiful when you get close to finishing up the braided part of this project what you want to do is keep in mind where you started so you want to glue this all the way around to where you originally started since you're going to see those seams and then we want to cut it off right there and then this is where you want to unravel the remaining amount that's been braided because we're going to use those three strands to finish off the top of this base now that we have the three separate strands we're going to use these to finish off our design for the vase so instead of doing the braid all the way up this just gives it a little bit more character and what we want to do is start in the back where we have our seams that's one thing that you may think of doing is just wrapping around all the way until you run out of the string but to make this look as good as possible you want to keep in mind where all of those seams are so by wrapping it around to the seams and cutting it off it's going to give it that really crisp polished look so this should have a little bit of extra string left over once you get around to the back side as you can see here so you just want to cut off the remaining amount and then glue that down and then you're going to do that with the other two strings as well and just to give you guys a few ideas while you're making this if you wanted to since they do have the two different nautical robes they have this one and the one that's a little bit more of a brown or tan color you could use some of that for maybe half of it or a third of it and then this for the remaining amount there's a lot that you could do to kind of give it a different feel i was going for more of a neutral and a boho feel for this so i went with just the one single white color you could also add some different paints if you wanted to kind of add in some tribal designs there's really a lot that you could do that's why i love working with this rope i just want to give you guys a few other ideas while you're making this and to finish this up we're going to use a couple picks from walmart now these were only 98 cents each so anytime we can we always love to take it up just a little bit and the dollar tree products aren't always the greatest and if you can get away with a similar price but a much higher look i would definitely recommend it [Music] for this first project i grabbed this hexagon box from dollar tree and if you can't find any of those this can definitely work with one of the circle boxes that they have all year round what i'm going to be doing is cutting the very top off so that it's just left with the outside of the shape and then for the other box you'll just leave the lid just how it is so you'll only be doing this to one of the lids this is what it looks like after it is separated from the top and then we are going to go ahead and just sand down these sides slightly just so that they look a lot cleaner and they aren't so messy i then painted everything with the white waverly chalk paint that we get from walmart all you will need to paint is the other lid from the other box and then the one that we cut now it's time to add the dowels these dowels are just the 12 inch ones from dollar tree and i just put a little bit of hot glue at the corner and i'm going to be doing this for about three or four of them and then we're going to add the other lid that we cut now that the top lid has something to hold onto i am going to put a little bit of hot glue at the very top and lay the lid on top the same way that the other hexagon is on the bottom now that those are together we just need to do basically the same thing all the way around just keep hot gluing at the bottom and the top and put your dowel on just make sure that they're kind of separated about the same distance just so that it looks really nice i did try and put some on the other side so that it didn't kind of warp i don't think this is necessary it was fine even if you don't do it on the other side i would just work your way all the way around the whole entire shape [Music] this is how far i got with one pack of the dowels and so we'll be using another pack to finish off another section of this lantern if you are using a different shape you probably won't need as many dowels also it depends on how far apart you space them if it's closer together you'll need more dowels if it's farther apart you won't need as many so this is now my third pack of dowels now i will be using the fourth pack of dowels and then i did need one more pack just to do this tiny little section so you will have dowels left over when i was finished i felt like it needed a handle so i just grabbed this leather that we got forever ago from i think either michael's or hobby lobby always try and get 50 off there but i just went ahead and cut it in half since the handle was just a little bit too thick and then i'm going to be gluing it to the sides of the hexagon to decorate it i just put one larger candle and one smaller candle inside you can do a lot of different things with this cute lantern you can even leave it empty but just remember since they are candles don't light it if there's anything in the way of the flame for this project we're going to be using this planter from dollar tree and we're gonna give it a nice makeover and make it look a lot better a lot higher end and what i'm doing to start is using this matte white spray paint from krylon and this polished hemp you can get that from walmart for i think like four or five dollars and then i just cut a few long pieces maybe like four feet i wasn't quite sure what i wanted to do but what i started with was just gluing the end together here and braiding it i knew i wanted to do something with a braid and ultimately i just went for something really simple and clean i'm just going to glue this along this top edge here and just go all the way around with that braided rope and i thought about doing a few other things maybe adding some handles or adding more rope to this but i wanted to just kind of keep it simple a really clean kind of a modern boho look so let me know if you think i should have done a little bit more to it or if you like the more minimal look to this so obviously we're going to just glue this all the way around to the back here and then trim it so that we can lay that down and glue the seam and then you could use this for maybe succulents i'm gonna use kind of a medium-sized plant or if you wanted to use uh kind of a taller tree or taller plant you could definitely do that now i'm just doing this to show you this is some michael plants they were i think 70 off for like four dollars it's a big huge one that we cut down and then when you put this in here you could even cut some foam board to cover up this gap here and then lay some moss or dirt on there too to fill in that empty space but ultimately i think it turned out absolutely beautiful this project i'm starting out with this really unique vase that i got from dollar tree and i just really really loved the shapes that it had i'm going to be spray painting it with the satin almond kryolan spray paint and also this kind of weird shaped face as well also from dollar tree once it was dry i went in with the snow white paint i believe i got this from walmart it's like 50 cents and just to be honest guys this is where i do not do very well so i tried to draw lines where the peaks are and it was supposed to look really cute i do a lot of trial and error try to fix the lines so basically if you are really good at this stuff this will turn out super cute if you're like me though maybe just spray paint it and leave it as is as you can see my lines came out kind of sloppy and just not exactly what i wanted for this project so moving on to the next one i am going to try this stencil that i got from target and the target dollar spot and it was only three dollars for these four stencils i'm going to be using the stencil on the side and not to ruin it for you guys but this does end in a big failure as well but don't worry i will show you how to fix it just like i fixed mine the stencil does work great it is a really cute stencil i love the design i just it doesn't work around this circle pot this is what it looked like after i did a little section of it really really splotchy a lot of bleeding so what i did was i went in with a brush and just went over all of the lines again to make it look a lot stronger and hopefully not look as bad once i did that i realized oh i could probably just do this freehand so then i just started freehanding the rest i would just freehand this design it's just a bunch of lines it's very very fun really cute and i love how it gave a really simple but beautiful look to this face at this point i was so cringing with how the lines looked i didn't know if i wanted it to make the video or not so i thought i would try one more thing i went in and got the spray paint one more time and just sprayed it into this bowl until i had liquid at the bottom and i'm going to be using a paintbrush to clean up all of my lines this did work really really well but if you're just better at drawing lines in the first place none of this would be an issue also if you use just like a white paint marker that probably would have made this project 10 times easier and it would have looked 10 times better for this project i'm going to be using these skewers from dollar tree i originally wanted to use the extra long skewers but i couldn't find any at my local store so i guess we have to wait just a few more weeks or even months for that but i just grabbed a bunch of them i've used this pack a lot of times so i don't know exactly how many i grabbed but then i used wire cutters and just cut all the tips off of each of them when that was done i lined them all up and i grabbed a pencil and just started drawing random lines where i was going to cut then again with the wire cutters i just cut on each of the pieces and i did keep them in order so that when we put it back together it's super easy now that we have all our pieces it's going to kind of look like a disaster and if you've watched other people's videos and they did it way easier it's because i haven't not watched anyone do this before and i always choose the hardest way to do something so make sure the one side is completely even and then i grabbed a piece of tape just so that they all stayed in the same line so that i could go in with the stain once again i'm using the early american stain we get it from walmart we love it we use it for everything as you guys know then it was time to flip it over which was extremely scary but i ended up getting it all the way over and only losing one so i placed that back i believe in the right place and then i stained the whole back which ended up being the front and the ends i decided to glue them all onto a piece of foam board i just got a random square of foam board and then i will cut it down later so i'm just going to place it on top and then i will be grabbing each piece one by one and hot gluing it in order [Music] this is a tedious process but i think it came out really really cute i think it would look a little bit better if you use the extra long skewers that dollar tree carries but like i said i went in and i just grabbed one by one in order and hot glued them all the line at the top so that it was completely even when i finished the top row i decided i wanted to cut the side just so that it was easier to maneuver you can do this before or after it's finished it doesn't matter too much i just set up this ruler to kind of know where to cut in a straight line and i took my razor and went across the side and then i went right next to the wood and cut all of the foam board off and then all you have to do is add the bottom section so it's easiest to add a dot at the top and a dot at the bottom on the actual stick and then place it where it needs to go this should be a breeze since you have all your pieces in line if you didn't do that though you're going to have a very interesting puzzle to figure out so when that was done my ends were a mess also you probably can just do a full length skewer after you've done the variant on the one side where you've cut them but i wanted to not waste so many skewers on this project so i cut off the foam board on the back and then i'm going to be grabbing the wire cutters and cutting across the whole entire bottom to give it a straight line for this project we're going to be creating a really simple boho planter using this plastic bucket and these two rugs from dollar tree the first thing that i'm going to do is cut off the ends so that we just have a flat edge and then we're going to wrap this around the bucket using both of these rugs so the first thing that i did was take one of the rugs and then we're going to slide it down inside the bucket until we get to this white line here and that's going to go along the top edge of the bucket and then that will actually go all the way down to the bottom of the bucket so it creates a really even layout for your planter here and then it will cover the whole thing as well also by sticking it down in it'll cover up some of that pink on the inside of the bucket so that you don't see that so the first thing that i did here was start at the bottom and i'm just gluing this corner down using some hot glue once we have that bottom corner glued i'm just going to work my way around and kind of pulling this to keep it tight and gluing it all the way around the bottom edge of this bucket until i get to the other corner now because the bottom of the bucket is a little bit smaller than the top this won't fit um absolutely perfect it does start to angle up as you can see here but what we want to do now is glue this edge down and pull it as much as we can to try and even that out so glue pull it glue it a little bit there and then as we get to the top we want to stretch that even more so that we're creating these horizontal lines instead of having them angle up towards the top ultimately if it's not perfect that's okay because we will add this other mat to try and even those out a little bit now since we don't need as much i am going to cut in a little bit more here and you may have to make some adjustments and you don't want it to be too big wrapping around to the front of this we want to try and keep this towards the back so cut off a little bit more and then we're just going to do the same thing slide this down inside the bucket and then align that white part at the very top now if it looks like this a little bit off then what you need to do is just take it out and flip it because you put it in the wrong way so i had to actually just take it out and then flip it the other way and then it should line up just perfect and then again what i'm doing is just gluing it right at the top here the main thing that you want to do here is focus on getting these lines to match up so you're getting the black part and then the white part that way when you look at it from the side it looks pretty good last thing that you want is for these to not line up and then it just doesn't look as clean in the end now you can see if i pull this tight this one angles really far up so what we want to do is pull it and then we're going gonna actually cut it on an angle now so that we can try and straighten this out a little bit and then what we're gonna do here is again just try and pull it and straighten it out so that those lines match up so originally i was trying to keep it towards the back so you didn't see it but i kind of like the um fringe that almost has like a like you have tassels on the side here i thought it was kind of cool so what i would do is if you're wanting that look i would actually just try and keep it half and half so that if you do the fringe on the side you're splitting the bucket directly in half because the way i did it it ended up more towards the back i didn't like that as much but i do like the look i think it adds a little bit more style especially if you're going for the boho look so what i would recommend is cutting your rugs so that when you lay them down and you have this fringe part here it's you have one of that on one side of the bucket and then you have the other on the other half so that if you're looking at the bucket straight on you can see on both sides and i think it would look really pretty that way mine was just a little bit too far towards the back but i do like that style on there once we have everything wrapped we can move on to adding our plants and i'm using a couple that i got from michael's 70 off so a lot of stuff that we can get from dollar tree or walmart maybe online at good prices and it's going to look good one thing i would recommend though for plants get the nicer plants when they're on sale or you can get a good deal because it will make your projects look a lot better in the end for this project i wanted to do something that i saw from west elm and it was this really cute planter i thought i could do that for a lot cheaper using this magic modeling clay that i found at dollar tree when you take out of the package it will be super stiff and so all i did was just play with the clay for a little while run it under some water until it got this texture this is three packs put together and i just flattened it out quite a bit and then stretched it over this planter and i'm going to just be pushing it all over so that it fills most of this planter i will have to use two more here in a minute or about one and a half to fill the rest of the planter and like i said earlier i had to grab two more so that makes five packs total but this was more than enough to finish the rest of the planter for the bottom and other smaller pieces that it just doesn't cover just grab little tiny pieces of the clay and put it over it's really really simple to do it gives it a nice texture you can if you don't like this texture from using your hand you can grab like a piece of parchment paper or something like that and roll it so it's a lot flatter i did not mind how this looked at all i thought it made it look a lot more unique and almost homemade then for the top just to give it a clean line i'm just kind of pushing on it so that the top of the planter almost cuts all of the modeling clay to give it those lines i just went in with a popsicle stick and i'm going to be pushing it down vertically and then in a little bit we will be doing horizontal lines but right now i just pushed it in and made sure that it looked nice then went over just a little bit and did the same thing this worked really really well for me i thought about using like a piece of string or something like that that would also work i did do vertical lines almost around the whole entire thing but right here i am doing horizontal lines so just do the same thing that we've been doing but kind of roll it across the planter so that it makes a really nice line and then on the other side where these horizontal lines end we will just continue the vertical lines this is what it looked like when it was finished before it dried i did let it dry overnight that's what it recommends and then this is what it looks like completely dry to finish it off i just spray painted it with satin almond spray paint from krylon this is what for this first craft we are going to start out with one of these circle boxes from dollar tree they kind of are just in theme with whatever holiday is happening so mine happens to be this christmas one and then you're going to grab a pack of these dollar tree skewers what we are going to do is just cover this whole entire thing with these skewers so we are going to start by just hot gluing one on this side so go ahead and just start wrapping them around i just did a small line of hot glue and then would just put it on and then just kind of push it on for a second it seemed to stick just fine i don't think you would need a stronger glue for this project and then just keep going in a line all the way around try and make sure that you're going as straight as possible and then at the bottom just make sure that you are pushing all the way down so that it is flush at the bottom as well and then once you have several lined up i went in with some wire cutters and just cut them at the very top i tried to cut several at the same time and it kind of just didn't work so then i just went one at a time or a couple at a time and it worked just fine once those are cut those same skewers that we just used you can reuse them again for another line after i cut that section down i realized that i could get one more section out of that with the same skewers so one skewer can get you three separate sections when you get to the end we just keep doing the same thing just keep adding all of the skewers after i cut those down i just sanded them down slightly so that they were more even since i don't want to fill this whole entire box with rocks i put just a smaller box in at the bottom and then i filled the rest just with some paper towels so that just the top layer will be filled with rocks then i just filled the whole top layer with these dollar tree white rocks after i did that i just grabbed these succulents they come in all these different types and a lot of them you do have to pull out of those little pots or they come in these clips i was originally going to leave it just this color but it was a little bit too yellow for me so i went in with this waverly antique wax and i grabbed this dollar tree sponge and just went over the whole entire thing this is what it looked like when it was finished i thought it came out really cute it just gives quite a bit different look to it let me know in the comments which one you like better in a way this next project we are going to start out with one of these dollar tree glass faces and this natural polished hem from walmart i have been obsessed with this hemp for a very very very long time i just had no idea what to do with it so finally i decided just to grab a ton of it and cut it into three strands and then braid it i do not know how long i cut each of these strands but they are extremely long then i just use some electrical tape at the top then i decided to put it in a door so that i could braid all of it it did take a little bit of time but when it came out i think it came out really really really cute for the end i am just kind of squishing it all together where the braids end and i am hot gluing it going to wait for it to dry and kind of squish it together a little bit and then i'm going to cut it so that i have a nice edge to put onto the glass now all i'm going to do is just start hot gluing it all just onto the glass so i'm going to start at the end and put a decent amount of hot glue on the very very bottom one just since that one does need a little bit more support but when you get into the middle they don't need as much hot glue wrapping around i think this project can definitely go a little bit more nautical but it can go definitely a little boho as well i just kept wrapping it all the way around until i got to the end of my rope i did try and make sure that the seams matched up from where i started to where i ended luckily for me mine matched up perfectly i'm not sure how but at the end you will just take off the tape and then hot glue that piece down anytime we use hemp or twine or anything like that we always go over it with a lighter it helps get all the frays even the hot glue way and it makes it just look so much cleaner to finish it off i just put a little candle inside that i got 50 off from michaels thanks for watching guys we hope you enjoyed today's video we have a lot of our followers that like to sit down in the evening time and watch our compilation videos they are a lot longer so you don't have to worry about flipping through different videos to get a lot of crafts at once so if you want to check those out you can click right here and watch those compilations i know you'll love them but as always make sure to subscribe and hit that bell icon so you can be notified every time we upload a new video
Channel: The Crafty Couple
Views: 273,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dollar tree diy, easy dollar tree diy, diy dollar tree decor, cheap diy decor, diy room decor, diy home decor, the crafty couple, crafty couple
Id: wo1QNLDogNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 21sec (4581 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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