3 Year Old Toddler Does The Grocery Shopping!

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I'm at the store right now I'm- Still in recovery from CVX live But I brought Charlie and I'm about to do something craaazy! He is going to do the shopping for the week But! Just like any 3 year old That's right! He's 3 And he's gonna do the grocery shopping for the week He has fallen asleep in the car On the way over to the store He's asleep So we gonna Wake him up because its too early for bed time And it's the perfect time to go shopping So... I'm going to get him and then we'll go inside Hey Charlie Gotta wake up bud We got to go shopping It's not quite time for bed yet! He's so tired Well.. We got him But he's still pretty tired He's waking up slowly Alright Charlie Are you ready to go shopping? Are going to shop for the whole week? Alright come on let's go get you a tiny shopping cart okay? Okay! The rule is if he can fit it in the shopping cart, then he can get it And I'll buy whatever he puts in the shopping cart Right here Charlie! It's a tiny shopping cart! It's just your size Do you wanna push it? He wants to get into a car huh? There you go Woo hoo! That's fun! Customer in training Here you push it from this spot right here Good Good job! Jelly beans! Ohhh! I don't have any change for this stuff Let's go get bags of jelly beans okay? Yeah! Okay! Are you gonna to fill this thing up? Yeah! What do you wanna get? Uhm.. You can get whatever you want Are you excited? Yeah! I wanna get marshmallows You wanna get some marshmallows? This Ohhh that takes up alot of space I like how tiny these carts are That makes me feel a little bit reassured It's good though It's good though? Yeah! We can have a fire camp A fire camp? And get them burned And get them burned? Yeah! They're big Yeah those are big Just 2 then huh? I love you though I love you You love me though? Hi! This is big! Okay So far we got Marshmallows and apples Is this for dinner? Yeah! Okay We can eat apples And get these? Yeah? Yeah! Okay! Oh! Oh! Ohhh Oh wait maybe we have to tie it on Should we tie it on? Yeah! We gotta tie on so we don't lose it Okay? I won't Then it won't get off Okay There you go Thank you! You're welcome Got a balloon because- You have to It fits supposedly in the cart That's great he says Yeah! Aww he's so cute Hi! Don't crash! watch where you going! I'm gonna make it! Don't crash What are we going to get next? Jelly beans Ok do you want me to show you where the jelly beans are? Yes Ok Come with me! Ok I've got a tiny cart Oh you're going that way? Yeah! Okay I'm going to make it to- The jelly beans! Do we need any of the stuff for dinner? Yeah! What are we gonna get? Uhm.. Is that a balloon? Yes it is! And these are smarshmallows Smarhmellows And these are apples Yup! What else do we need? Uhm cheese Cheese Okay Okay What cheese are you gonna get? Oh that looks like a good one It's so big Is that the cheese we need? Yeah! We better make alot of stuff with cheese Thats alot of cheese! So far he picked pretty good stuff It's not- I haven't let him go down the candy isle yet though I'll give you a jelly bean You'll give me a jelly bean? Yeah! Ohhh! What else are you gonna get? It's for dinner It's for dinner? Yeah! What is it? For dinner It's for dinner Okay Wait! put it into this bag I've no idea what it is Good job Good job Charlie Good job It's great for dinner That's righ- It's great for dinner! thumbs up! Thumbs up! Thumbs down Thumbs down?! Yeah! What else are we gonna get? Uhm, jelly beans Jelly beans Wait I think I see jelly beans Oh? They're behind you! Over there Jelly beans Oh no That's gonna be great he says This is gonna be a great idea! Charlie! Where is the candy at? Over here Wait! wait! You walked right past by all of it, this is all candy Okay Yeah! We- We need this We need that? Yeah! Ohhh Dinner! What have we done For dinner I just realized he put those Kitkats in the cart and said It's for dinner Ohh These are gonna be More! More- More gooder? Ohhh Hi! So we got some pop-its and some candy and marsh mallows and apples And fish Hi guys! Hi Hi cutie I'm Charlie Oh hi Charlie! Got it I get it now Got it We're going over here Okay Wait what about this way? Oh! That way! That way Are you having fun? Yeah! Hi! He's so friendly, he's saying hi to everybody Very friendly Oh no! What is that? That That That That Woah That That That Woah That That We need these Do we? Yeah! Be careful with it don't- You gotta hold it really good Okay Is that what we are getting? We need that huh? We need this We need it Okay I guess we need it Hi! Alright cupcakes I guess Cause we need it Over here? We need this We need that? Okay Oh thats actually dinner, so that's good Orange chicken? I'm okay with that That sounds- Actually really delicious So I'm okay with that Everything else though That's so much sugar Hi! He almost has a full cart She has a tiny cart Yeah! Yeah Alright That says- Clean Clean? Yeah That says clean And clean the cupcakes Clean the cupcakes? Yeah! It says Cupcakes Hey it does say cupcake Yeah! Says "Hey cupcake!" Hey cupcake It says hey cupcake Yup This says hey cupcake Yes! it's hey cupcake Good job! What do you think about your cart so far? Are you almost done? Yeah! Are you almost done shopping? Yeah Okay Wait, okay Oh I can't say no so I guess there's more We're gonna have to party or something to get rid of all of this sugar Okay Are you going down this isle? Yeah! Okay I want this Ohh but does it fit? It might not fit! It might fit It might fit It can't- It barely fits barely fits It barely fits Wow thats a full cart okay Wait Charlie! Charlie come here It looks like your cart is getting pretty full Not full yet It's not full yet? Let's get water Oh do we need water? Yeah! That's a big water Can you get it? Yeah Wait! will it fit? Yeah Wow you know how to get that to stay It's all big? Oh no That's toilet paper Is it toilet paper? Wait! are you sure about that? What is it? I sure bought What is it? Now it's all full! Now it's all full okay Are you sure we need those? Yeah! Why? Because We need jelly beans! Oh okay Alright I think we are almost done Ready to go pay for it? Yeah! Okay Pay for it Worm Are we buying worms? Yeah! Are you getter worms? Okay Wormy wormy You're so cute He's so cute Okay Oh my goodness that might fall Alright we're gonna put it right- Right Here There we go He's so cute You got worms! That's great Pay for this Yeah we need to pay for all of it Yeah! Okay Good Good job 71.29 Look at that He's so excited! Are you excited? Yeah! Woo hoo! We're almost done and then we can go Yeah! Good job! Thank you It's so full You got the cookies? Yeah Alright let's go I filled it up And it was crazy! Do you wanna see? Yeah! Come here Okay Let's bring in the groceries! It's so awesome! It's gonna be so awesome! Okay let's go! Thanks for doing the shopping Charlie It's gonna be great! So Charlie did all the shopping for the week huh Yes he did All the other kids are very curious to find out what he got This is what we have to survive off for the next week! Hopefully we don't starve this week Let's see what you got okay What's in here Alright! go ahead Charlie show daddy what you got Uhm water Oh! He was grabbing it and I was like "Woah thats really heavy!" And it almost look it he couldn't even get it Alright What do have here? We got that Night crawlers? It's- it's worms Are you gonna open it up and look inside? Do you want to eat a worm? There's worms in there huh Charlie? Yeah! Are you gonna get it? Do you want to eat a worm? Yeah See if you can find one in there Charlie I see a worm here Those aren't gummy worms Here we go Here's your dinner Charlie You hungry? Say ahhh No! no it's mine It's my worm Oh you wanted a pet worm Yeah Oh! Help me put it in there Alright let's put it back Let's put it back Maybe Grandpa will have to use those for some fishing He's like "No! it's my pet!" He's- He loves those That's so sweet Marshmallows for dinner?! It's marshmallows for dinner! Apples Yeah! for dinner! I love how he says "Smarshmallows for dinner!" He always calls them "smarshmallows" And he said- I think he said like "Fire camp, It's for the fire camp" He says Ohh! And chip! Kitkat candy Kitkat Orange colored- Woah! Orange colored halloween treats And then cheese, tons of it Charlie- Charlie said "Chips!" Alright We have that! I could tell that Charlie did the shopping I know! You can eat them! You can eat them! How to fish fillet? And another apple I loved how- I loved how kids pick out apples like randomly They never put em in a bag, they just grab em He saw that and he walked around the entire stand and went "Boop! boop! boop! boop! boop!" And he was like "We have to get this" And he grabbed it What are these Charlie? And I was like "We have to?" Toilet paper Toilet paper? Is that toilet paper? It is uhmm It looks like a bandaid Bandaid Okay! Oh yes! Yes! - What's this thing? - Ohhh Play for this Play? Play for this Play for this Yay we got dinner! He actually did get something that was And fire works Yup I was like "Oh actually that is dinner" Good job Charlie! And I got this (9x) Good job! And I got this And I got this And I got this I don't think Charlie- I don't think you're gonna do the shopping again anytime soon buddy But you did a great job! So give me five! Woo! I am fine! Alright Charlie did you have fun? Yeah! You wanna go shopping again? Yeah! I know Jame's is dying to go shopping Thank you guys! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE if you like this video We are about to open up a letter from one of you guys Right now! Yeah! This is from Sam "Dear The beach house, I LOVE YOUR CHANNEL!" "I watch it alot, your videos are awesome!!!!" And so on "From Sam" "I love your Channel" Thank you! that's so sweet! Thank you Sam A channel and subscribe and thumbs up! Down No! Thumbs up! Good Down No!! See you guys tomorrow bye! Bye!
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 1,996,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 year old toddler does the grocery shopping, toddler does the grocery shopping, grocery shopping, shopping, toddler does the shopping, baby does the shopping, baby goes shopping, 3 year old goes shopping, going shopping, baby shopping, kids do the grocery shopping, kids go shopping, shopping spree, the beach house, beach house vlogs, beach family, love at home, family fun, shop, shopping skit, baby shopping cart
Id: 6o2O-j6ECaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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