3 ways to PREVENT BLISTERS from FINS! Duct Tape on TOES??

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hello everybody this is the millennial mermaid and welcome to my channel [Music] today we're gonna be talking about how you can prevent blisters on your feet caused by Finn's swim fins monofin mermaid fins any real kind of fins just like how a new pair of shoes can give you pretty bad blisters Vince can do the same thing blisters from fins are caused by you know a weird fit there can be weird rubbing or chafing on your foot you can get blisters on your ankles on your toes you can get them on your sides of the foot so really and they can become really painful when you're swimming in the water if you start to get a blister your skin's already really soft from the water so it's a lot easier for it to tear and then your blister just gets bigger and it just hurts like eight so in a mermaid sail usually you have a monofin which is something where the fins are attached together to just what and your feet are locked and loaded if you're spending time in your tail in land or water the blisters can change that's just because you're doing different movements you're putting different pressures on your feet especially repetitive motions when you're swimming it was can cause blisters so the first step in preventing blisters from fins is to do a short swim first it's gonna be really tempting when you get your mom a tail or maybe a new pair of fins to take them out and just go for an hour you're excited but just like a new pair of shoes or hiking boots you really want to prevent the blister quickly as soon as you're feeling it you need to address it feel a river for hot spots and you know get out and then maybe you already came prepared with some of the things we have today and then you can try it back on and just really make sure that you're taking care of yourself because if you like your blisters get bad when you're in the water it can really get a lot Roudier so take care of yourself take care of your body but remaining is hard on the body sometimes so just make sure you are taking care of yourself the next step is assessing how does the fin fit you is it too big is it too depending on how you answer that question will change really the techniques that you're gonna try to combat those blisters the first suggestion I would have is swim socks you can get these from Amazon you can get them from your dive shop and they're really just socks that are made out of a nylon swimsuits and surf suits are made out of this not wetsuits and they say thank goes on your foot and because it's like loose-fitting it doesn't trap in too much heat and you still have a lot of flexibility but it protects the whole foot so that you got those ankles those toes sides the feet so that's always a good option to try sometimes you can get away with actual just real socks that you don't like anymore so I use these for hockey the trick is that they have to have like they have to go up to the ankle at least a little bit otherwise they'll just fall off your foot while you're swimming so you know some ankle there and I'll use these in addition to ankle straps this will just kind of strap your ankle into the fins so there's a lot less wiggle you can't really use these on a model fan or in a mermaid tail it's really just for diving fins the last thing you can try and this is really especially if you're a fan or monofin is too big you can go for neoprene socks and these are used for free diving for scuba diving for snorkeling and these really are thick so they can kind of constrict your foot a little more they really will keep in more warmth too so just be aware that like they have a lot more structure they're not like they don't move around it's easily but that will really pad up if you have a lot of extra space in your face so that is a new breed sock and they come in different kinds of thicknesses millimeters you can go to your local dive shop bring your fin with you and like just start trying a mod with it that's one of the things I love about going into dive shops and now we're going to go on to preventative measures so your before you go swimming in your mermaid tail you're gonna have already tested where your problem areas are you're going to assess and try and figure out which one of these is gonna work best for your swim and if you don't really want any stocks if you don't have too many problems I'm gonna show you one other way that you can kind of combat these the last thing that you can do is if you really just have problems in your toes you can use duct tape and I found that the quality of duct tape doesn't really matter this is just scotch duct tape it's not like the crazy duct tape that's like silver and super-strong but I know when I go swimming in my mermaid tail that I have a problem spot here on my toe so before I go swimming with that tail I am going to break off a thin strip and I'm going to start wrapping it excuse my foot has like weird markings from my sock okay I'm still like not that great at this time so just wrapping that so and this is really the only trick that works because beyond dates we'll just come right off in the pool as we all have seen so just making sure it's not too tight but also not too loose because once it gets wet you don't want it to just slip right off so just make sure it's got you know a little bit of hold there and there we go the duct tape will stick to itself so I'll be a little loose but that's fine so that's going to protect that problem area from being rods against and that's gonna protect a blister now another thing is if you already have a blister this isn't from a mermaid tail but it's perfect example let's say you already have an open wound and you want to tape it up I'm going to show you a trick that my sister taught me before an underwater hockey tournament what you'll do is you're gonna take the long strip again okay take that long strip gonna get a similar thickness smaller strip it doesn't really matter the colors I just kind of do it to have fun colors cuz I think it's fun and then what you'll do is you'll put it right there yeah so you still have some stickiness then what you're gonna do is you're gonna make sure you cover your wound with the side of the duct tape that's already faced down okay because otherwise you're just taping a wound then you're gonna have to rip that band-aid off and that's gonna hurt sucker so so let's do that but make sure it's long enough so that after you can just you know keep wrapping and I'm really terrible at this like I'm still like you'll see hockey players who like just have this down makes you like oh this is looking awful but you know take your time I would probably redo this but I'm lazy so I don't want to not too tight as to not cut off any circulation a boom and then if you have too much just rip it you know okay and usually after you go swimming they'll still be on but you're still gonna need to take them off just you know unwrap and usually it won't hurt your hair or anything it's gonna be too wet so that same method works really good on your toes but you can really actually use it around your ankle and get creative with it and it usually works pretty well I used it to cover my entire burn during a hockey tournament and we like had to make a duct tape band-aid that big but it worked so now you know duct tape is a mermaid's best friend all right you guys so those are some ways that you can prevent blisters on your feet from mermaid fins or any other fins really this is the Millenial mermaid be sure to subscribe to my page comment like do what you do on the youtube but your support is appreciated this is the Millenial mermaid thanks for watching sorry I'm still nasally I'm like I've got this cough that's been lingering for three weeks and I'm dying but I think it's almost over
Channel: The Millennial Mermaid
Views: 2,612
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: mermaiding, how to, swimmer, swimming, freediving, snorkeling, self care, professional mermaid, diver, scuba, tips and tricks, mermaid tips, mermaid vlog, youtuber, mermaid life, silicone mermaid tail, blisters, first aid, blisters on feet, prevent blisters, swim teacher, diving, cute girl, real mermaid
Id: uoxYi35qzV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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