3 Ways to Make an Amazing Signature in Gmail (Email Tips)

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having a great looking email signature is absolutely essential so in today's video I'm going to show you three different ways on how you can create a signature in Gmail hello everyone Scott Friesen here at simple tivity and I am excited to share with you three different ways on how you can customize your signature within Gmail so let's start off with the basics first let's make sure you know where to go to change or edit your email signature in order to do so you're going to want to select the Settings icon here and then select settings one more time and on the very first tab that you see the general tab we want to scroll down near the bottom and you will see a signature area now you've got two choices either no signature that means that there will be nothing appended to your messages or you can choose to have a signature and what you're seeing here is that you can actually have more than one email signatures in this particular example I am using two different Gmail accounts I'm using Gmail forwarding so I can send as either of these accounts and I can have two different signatures or even more signatures if need be but let's take a look at how we can change this very bland looking signature down below it can be so much more than simply your name and a tagline number one don't forget to include some links such as an email address I'm just gonna add a simple fake email address here now in order to add a link within your email address and to change formatting you're gonna want to use this editor up above now first things first is you need to select what you want to make linkable in this case I'm selecting this email address and then I'm gonna select the link icon here now this is a clickable email address and if I want to add a website or some other thing that is clickable I can do so as well let's see how we can add a picture to maybe spruce up this email signature as well I'm going to place the cursor and near the top of the box and in this case all you need to do is select insert image this will allow you to insert an image of yourself or maybe a logo whatever you would like to add to this signature as well now you can continue on and adding social media icons you can add other clickable banners to this email signature the one thing you want to keep in mind within Gmail no matter what you do with your signature here be sure to scroll down to the bottom and hit Save Changes if you don't hit Save Changes all this work that you've done up above is going to go away so make sure you hit Save Changes and then you'll be able to use that email signature but would you like to spruce up your email signature a little more than just what you've seen there well I'm gonna give you a second method if you'd like to add even more custom options and flexibility to your email signature I recommend creating it in Google Docs yes you can create your email signature in Google Docs and then copy and paste it back into Gmail and it will be saved as your email signature in the very same place that we just saw now the first thing I'm going to encourage you to do is actually to insert a table and you might be interested to know why I suggest that I'm going to insert a simple 2x2 table here and the reason being is that many email signatures start with an image perhaps an image of yourself and maybe you'd like to add other factors as well something that you can't do very easily in the standard Gmail signature window is to create this type of layout and maybe you want something even more complex that what I'm gonna show you right here so let's start out in this very first and the top left-hand corner of my table I'm gonna insert an image so I'm gonna upload something from my computer and since this is gonna be my my own email signature let's start with a picture of myself that's a little too big no problem I can just drag the corner here and adjust the size of it just like like about that now I can click and drag my table I'm gonna go over like this because in this next area this next portion of my table I'm gonna add things like my name right and then I can add my phone number if I want I can add whatever other details I want in this area here now down below I can customize further parts of my signature so let's say for example I want to add a banner for example maybe I want another image here so in this case once again I'm gonna go back I'm gonna upload an image from my computer let me go find I think it's under email templates there we go here's a banner that I've created previously again that's a little too big for me so I'm going to reduce the size of it just like that now because I want people to click on this all I need to do is right-click on it and I can insert a link and whatever I type in here whatever I type in this link field here whenever someone clicks on that whenever they receive my email and this is gonna be my signature they'll be able to go directly to that particular link now at this point you're probably saying well wait a minute Scott I don't want an email signature that has black lines around it well not a problem if we go up to formatting here actually let me make sure my cursor is within the table if we go back into formatting and I select table come all the way down to table properties I'm gonna say I want to make the table border white and I'm gonna say okay and now essentially it's invisible now all I need to do is copy copy everything that I see here and then paste it back into my email signature so if I go back into settings all I need to do is go back and paste it in this box that we saw before but if this seems like a lot of work aligning everything and adding links to images I've got even one more better way of creating your signature if you want a professional-looking email signature and be able to create it in a matter of minutes I recommend using a tool such as new old stamp here you can see an example which I've created in literally two minutes time and the great thing about a tool like new old stamp is it comes preloaded with a number of template's so i can quickly change the layout in a simple click the other great thing is that I can just fill in these areas you see it already has placeholders for things like name company telephone and so it's already making these things linkable such as this email address and these social media icons so that they go directly to my own personal social media accounts even other options you see the image here of my face maybe I want something more square light maybe I want some rounded corners I can easily adjust the size of it if I want and it even comes with some of these pre-loaded banners and special buttons such as finding me on Facebook or if you want it to link to other areas of your website you can do so as well now how do you install or apply this type of email signature well once you're happy with what you've got here simply select save and install and new old stamp gives you two convenient options you can either install directly with your Google account or you can select this option copy and proceed and then all we need to do is paste paste this signature into the box which I showed you previously now if you'd like to learn more about new old stamp and try their free email signature generator I encourage you to check the link in the description below so there you have it three different ways and how you can create a great looking email signature within Gmail which one is your favorite and I'd love to know what are some of the pieces of information that you think are essential in an email signature thank you so much for watching remember being productive does not need to be difficult in fact it's very simple
Channel: Simpletivity
Views: 172,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simpletivity, Scott Friesen, 3 Ways to Make an Awesome Signature in Gmail, Make an Awesome Signature in Gmail, gmail signature, gmail signature image, gmail signature picture, gmail signature settings, gmail signature design, how to make email signature gmail, how to make gmail signature, how to make gmail signature with image, newoldstamp, newoldstamp email signature generator, email signature generator, email signature gmail, email signature in gmail
Id: lB6RMxgJuI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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