How to Create a Custom Email Signature in Gmail (2024)

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hey everyone I'm Shaw and in this video I'm going to walk through how to customize your email signature in Gmail so this is a continuation of a recurring theme in my past few videos which is all about leveling up how you present yourself as a professional in the data space so I talked about how to build a free website portfolio using GitHub pages I broke down the resume I used to get me hired in my current full-time role and here I'm going to talk about how to level up your email signature which may sound like a very small part of the story of you as a professional but it is one that I believe is very important so I did a deep dive into customizing email signatures when I started freelancing back in grad school so as a freelancer you're by yourself and you typically don't have a big name brand to back you up and give you credibility and this is where I feel a solid professional looking email signature can make a real difference so having a custom professional looking email signature is an easy way to give yourself credibility and an easy way way to share your online platforms and key links to anyone you send an email with with that let's see how to do this alright so here we have Gmail opened so for those who are not familiar you can make custom email signatures in Gmail and so what that looks like every time you hit this compose button to write a new email your email signature is going to pop up there so you don't have to write it out every single time and when you reply to people you can have this come up by default so anytime you send an email to everyone you know they have your name they have a link to your website they can have some call to action and they have links to your social media so the way you set up your email signature in Gmail is you got to go to settings so you got to click on this little gear icon here and you'll click on see all settings and then you scroll all the way down to a section called Signature and then you can create a bunch of email signatures here so I have a few on Deck so I got this master one I have one without my socials one with a few socials I have this test one which we can actually I'll go ahead and delete but what we can do to make a new one is just hit this create new button so we'll call this one example Sig as we saw with the email signature earlier you know is this picture and this formatted text and the social media icons so while it's easy to you know add text you know put your name here and it's easy to bold it it's easy to add in links here URLs you can add in images and then you can actually link these images with the URL one thing that you cannot do with the default settings in Gmail is have these like two columns or multiple columns in your email signature like what we saw before so if I hit compose again you have the headshot on the left and you have all the info on the right and so there's actually a trick in order to get like these two columns or if you want to add a third column or whatever and it's actually pretty simple so I'm going to go ahead and delete this and what we're going to do is head over to Google Sheets so if you're using Gmail you should also be familiar with Google Sheets what we'll do is we'll open up a new spreadsheet okay so what we're going to do here is we're going to basically create these two columns create the layout for our email signature in Google Sheets and then we'll be able to copy paste it over into our custom email signature the way to do this is you select the cell and then we can go over to insert and insert image and we're going to insert image into cell and so here you're are going to want to import your headshot so I already have mine ready to go so I'm just going to go and drag and drop this over and we can see the headshot is appearing here and so an important note here is that you need to make sure the headshot is a proper size so here my headshot is about 100 by 100 pixels and you really don't want it much bigger than that in fact if we go over here and we search Gmail signature size we see that the ideal email signature is 170 pixels high and 200 pixels wide so we have to be really cognizant about this when we're customizing our email signature and so here I just did a 100 by 100 headshot so just making sure I'm not too tall I think that's going to be the main concern here so I can clean this cell up a bit to make it nice and tight around the headshot if you want to add a bit more space you can always go over here and do the center of line and then this will kind of do the resizing automatically for you next we can add some text here so I don't recommend writing out your whole email signature here because when I was playing around with this and I was writing out my whole email signature in the cell here and then I copy pasted it over and then the formatting that got pasted over made the email signature too big and it wasn't able to be saved so I recommend just using Google Sheets to set up the formatting and then actually fill out all the content of your email signature in Gmail itself so here I'll just put test just so we can see that some content goes there and let's see I can now that's left to line it but let's make it in the center so I think that looks good and then one last thing is if I just copy paste this over it's gonna carry with it these like gray lines and it doesn't look very good so we don't want that what you want to do is highlight the cells and you want to add a border but you want to make sure the Border color is white and you do that and then you can click all borders and then you'll see the borders have disappeared from the cell and then when we copy paste it over we don't have those gray marks anymore Additionally you can add this little accent line in in between the headshot and the text so I'll just kind of put that in here as well it's just like a light gray have some thickness then you click right border and then it adds that little line there so that's optional you know you can really go to town on how you want to do the formatting of this okay but now we have the headshot we have the text we have this line in between and what we can do is just copy these two cells go back over to Gmail and paste that in and so now you'll notice that this headshot looks terrible we actually don't need to keep this headshot here we really just wanted to get the formatting get these two columns into this signature customizer here so we can actually go ahead and remove the headshot but now you see we have like this other column here and so with that what we can do is we can reinsert our headshot so I'm going to go to insert image and then I'll do upload and then I'm gonna drag over the same exact headshot I use so again you know I use 100 pixels by 100 pixels here so just make sure it's a reasonable size if the size is not little big you can go ahead and just hit small and then that'll make it look nice so now with the headshot in we can start adding text so what I had was something pretty simple I just had my name you know we can just have a title I like to have my website here and then some call to action so I'm going to put okay so here now we're running to an issue so going back you saw that the text was kind of jumping over to the next line that's because I didn't make this second cell wide enough so we're going to go ahead and make that cell a bit wider and then we're going to come back delete all this put this back in and just repeat those steps so yeah so I'd like to put my home page in there and then I'll put a call to action book a call so this is a good checkpoint here cool thing is just like with a lot of text editors these days we can make any text a URL so I'm going to go over to my website and I'm going to get this link as well I'm just going to copy this and you can highlight the text you want to turn into a link you just highlight it and then click this link button and then you're just going to paste in the link you wanted to go to and so now you should see it pop up as a link and then we'll just do that again for book a call there we go and so already this looks like a pretty nice email signature maybe I'll I'll add a space here just to give it a bit more distance from that line but this looks pretty professional so kind of going the extra mile we can import the social media icons like we saw so kind of going back adding in these social media icons and what's cool about these is that these are actually clickable links when you send the email and so to do that we'll do a similar thing as we did before and we'll insert an image and so if we click this insert image button here and there are actually two ways to do this so the first way is you can import an image as a URL and so you know an easy way to do this is just go to like any websites already have it loaded up in the search bar social media icons for email signature I found this one was pretty good and what you can do is just go to any website that these images exist and you can just right click on it and copy the image address and if you do that you can come back over here paste it in and you'll see the image pop up and there you go so now the image is in your email signature the other way to do it is to insert the image like we did before which is by uploading it from your computer so I have these like already on my desktop so I'll just kind of go drag and drop them over and so there we go and now the image is there and so again whenever we're inserting images into the email signature we have to be cognizant about the size of the image so the headshot I did is 100 pixels by 100 pixels and this LinkedIn icon I made sure it was 24 by 24 pixels and that's actually the same as this website over here I thought this was a good size 24 by 24 pixels but this website has more 32 64 128 so on also it's pretty easy to resize images if you're on Mac you can use preview and so it's pretty easy typically to scale down images just find it on the web somewhere download it and just make sure it's 24 by 24 30 by 30 whatever you want to make it okay so we'll just repeat this process so I'll go ahead and insert the other links and space and I'm going to hit insert image again I'm going to upload it again and then I'm going to bring in a few more so here's YouTube okay and you know obviously what social media icons you put here will depend on your industry and whatever platforms you're on but you can kind of customize it get the spacing right I just added white spaces in between the icons for the formatting and then what you can do to actually make these clickable links is you can highlight them just like we did with the text hit this link button and then paste in whatever link you want so I'll go back my home page and grab all these links so grab my LinkedIn gratitude that video highlight like and I finally sometimes it'll hide behind this thing but you can find that all right there you go and so now we have our custom email signature and when we're done we got to make sure we save changes so we'll click that I'll make a new email I'll send it to myself make the subject in line check out my email Sig and so this is actually a different one you can actually choose whichever email signature you want to use so I'll go to the one we just made which is called email Sig and it'll actually automatically change to whatever email signature you want to use so maybe you want to have different signatures for different clientele or different audiences and then I'll just hit send alright so that's it so I hope that was helpful if you were painstakingly trying to figure this out for hours like I was at one point hopefully this made your life a little easier if you enjoyed this video be sure to like subscribe and share it with others if you run into any issues or you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment down below I do read all the comments and try to answer all the questions that I receive and as always thank you for your time and thanks for watching
Channel: Shaw Talebi
Views: 86,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data science, how to, data science career, data analyst, how to become a data analyst, tutorial, 2023, job, role, career, resume, portfolio, how to get a data science job, resume tips, gmail signature with image, gmail signature settings, gmail signature too long error message, setup, walkthrough, guide, beginner, custom, social media icons, clickable, links, create custom gmail signature, freelance, freelancing, solopreneur, entrepreneur, data entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, professional, gmail, sheets
Id: NjMD1bGBNqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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