3 Ways To Cook Bushcraft Style without a Stove or Grill

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whoa what is up everybody so today we're going to talk about cooking because everybody loves a good meal if it's at home if it's out with their friends but especially when you're out in the woods when you're camping or hiking or just spending a day out a good meal can set that trip apart from every other single trip you've ever been on i mean i love to eat so i'm super excited about this one so my name is dan wolak yuko brand ambassador owner of coal cracker bushcraft in appalachian bushmen school where we teach survival skills bushcraft skills and a little bit of everything in between related to the outdoors now what i'm going to teach you today are three wilderness cook systems that are easy to make when you're out on the trail in case you forget you know that real nice yuko flat pack we all love so much or maybe you took your food along and when you get there and you decide you're going to cook you think how do i grill this or how do i hang my pot or what do i do what do i do well dan's here to help you so i'm going to show you these three systems they're easy they're simple you're going to remember them and next time you're out you're gonna love it let's get started okay so system number one has to do with boiling or cooking a stew in a pot with a bail over the campfire sticking the pot right down into the embers is usually a no-no it's going to get just too hot and whatever's inside is going to burn on the bottom and you're on and off on and off with it so i'm going to show you a really easy way so for now we don't need that but what we do need is we need three branches now these branches they need to be about chest height they're not too much higher not too much shorter chest height is going to be good and about thumb width and then you're also going to need a little bit of rope and then just a little bit of know-how and that's where i come into play so let's uh show you how to tie this thing up it's so simple it's so easy you're going to love this okay so here's how this works we have our three sticks together just clump them together it doesn't have to be anything special the top of the sticks are here bottom of the sticks are down there um you want to just make sure the bottom of the sticks which are down this way are all even on the bottom then we're going to come from the top about a foot down and we're going to take the line the cordage or rope that we have and we're simply just going to wrap it around the sticks okay it doesn't have to be anything fancy just wrap it around it should look like there's two wraps of string around all of the posts then you're going to just simply tie a knot now you don't want to tie this super tight i don't want to pull this tight to bind all this up that's going to happen in the next step so i'm just going to tie this knot not that the knot is tight but my wraps are nice and loose on there so you can see that it's loose just like that that's all we're looking for at this point let the rest of the rope hang that's important too all right now here's where all the magic happens i'm gonna take one of those sticks and i'm literally just going to spin it around so i'm just going to flip it over you should as you're doing this start to feel some tension build up okay flip that one stick around and now my friends you have made yourself a tripod okay so that long end of the string that i said make sure you keep hanging it there just pick up a stick make sure it's not gonna break and that it's a little bit robust but you can see what size i picked here and then simply tie this on i don't really care how you tie this thing on if you know any kind of really awesome knots like a clove hitch that'll work absolutely perfect if not just i don't know figure a way to tie it on it's going to work fine for you so once you get that knot in place what you're doing is you're creating yourself a toggle okay so i have that thing in place now and then the rest of that rope that's underneath it i could just take my knife and i can really quickly just cut that away now here's the best part once you get your um stew or your container or whatever you've got um and you have everything in it you can really easily just put that toggle through the bale and it will hold in place now we have our pot suspended over our campfire and we can make really quick easy adjustments with this and those adjustments work really easily by opening up the legs of the tripod to lower our kettle or we can raise it up really easily by just closing the legs in that's going to raise our kettle up better so we have a ton of adjustability like a ton a ton a ton of adjustability with this thing we can get the exact amount of heat that we want on it and it's just like cooking at home on your stove you turn it to low to high or burn so now you got total control tripod check okay so the next thing that you might deal with when you're out there is you have this big hunk of meat like a big hunk of beef or maybe a chicken and you want to cook it but what you really quickly realize that once you place it on a stick and you try to cook it by rotating it you realize that the meat just slides around or the chicken just slides around on that meat and you just can't cook it so you're trying this balancing act of getting it to stay and then it just it starts cooking and it slides the heavy portion slides so it's just like it's literally just rotating on here like like a rotisserie right so let's just make a rotisserie and say the hell with that stick all right so the first part of the rotisserie is going to be the stick that we skewer the meat or the chicken or whatever it may be with so here's my stick now i know what you're probably thinking dan you just had a stick and it was spinning i split this stick so this split stick is going to act as a pinching device not only to skewer the meat but also to pinch the meat it's not going to allow it to slide around okay so as you can see now it's not moving and then i can just take this in and tie it down with some rope now it's pinched so i can slowly rotate this thing okay get the wood shavings out of it but i can slowly rotate this thing and not have it rotating on an axis point it's going to stay exactly where i want it exactly how i need it but what about what do we do now we're not just going to hold this thing it gets better so the back side of that stick what you want to do is you want to cut it into a triangle type shape this triangle type shape is going to help us in a little bit but we need another part well actually two other parts just cut the triangle and you'll see why in a minute okay so we have our fire started of course we'd want to build that up a little bit more low and slow is the best way to cook like this but what i've done is i went ahead and i added some y branches two of them into the ground so these y branches are just uprights that are going to hold our rotisserie in place when we cook so really easily now i can rotate this thing as needed now remember that triangle we made on the back this is why we need it that triangle is going to lay into this y branch as i cook so what happens is as i rotate this different parts of the triangle lay into this y of the branch okay so i can rotate that and find all those different angles in order to cook this beautiful hunk of mate so we got our tripod we can hang our pots or kettles and we can cook with very precise heat over that and then we also just talked about making that rotisserie that way we can rotisserie chickens or meat over the campfire without just cooking one side way too much but what about if neither of those work we need to grill something say we catch a nice trout in a stream or we have a steak along with us or a pork chop or we want to grill some vegetables but we don't have a grill top we can make a grill easy breezy like super simple okay now with this what i have done is i went ahead and i put y branches yet again four of them in each corner of my fire okay then i'm gonna take two straight sticks and i'm gonna lay them across from branch to branch very similar to how we set up the rotisserie okay we just want to make sure they're all nice and level and even it's gonna help us with this so let's get this one up a little bit all right so we got that all leveled out now you might be thinking what is happening well you're gonna take some green branches so green wood you don't want to use dry wood for this it'll hold up better and we're going to just lay that across the top of our fire now what we're creating is a grill top [Music] so just like that we created a woodland grill and there you have it three woodland cook systems for your cooking pleasure i guarantee utilizing these things is gonna make your camping and outdoor experiences just that much better so definitely give them a shot now a couple things to remember with this you don't have to go and cut live trees for all these cook systems many times you can find downed trees in the forest that you just have to break some of the branches off specifically for the tripod and the rotisserie now the grill itself those cross pieces they should be green branches so they don't burn and the other thing with the grill top is that you might at time have to as you cook replace some of those cross members if they start to burn a little bit you don't want to lose your dinner down in the fire but that grill works great for like i said fish or anything else so you can literally cook all different types of things out here with just a little bit of ingenuity and that is three ways so i hope you enjoyed this video also check out all the cool gear over at eucalgear.com and as i always say until the next video stay in the woods
Channel: UCO
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Id: yZ4hOn662gU
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Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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