3 Ways That Wood Ashes Will Help You Make Fire!

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hello YouTube I'm David with the David West Channel well today I wanted to show you three fire-making ways to use ashes wood ashes any wood ashes will do there's nothing special about the type of wood that you burn down into ashes this is just what I happen to have in my hobo stove at the time the three ways we're going to explore today is going to be ashed tinder Ruettiger roll and grip on your hands to help grip a hand reel spindle so let's go ahead and start off with ash tender now I haven't worked with jute in such a long time let's go ahead and use it and I'm going to impregnate this with ashes then we'll solar ignite it with my wallet for now lens and bring it back and put it in one of our pine needles bird's nest or tinder bundles now I think I can get away with not having to break this down into its separate fibers when we do the Ruettiger roll we will have to we will have to break it down so let's ball this up saturated really good with ashes let me get this out of my wallet before I get my hands all ashed up wallet for now lens you can get a three pack on Amazon I think it's $8 but make sure you get the three packs that has these green envelopes they're the ones that I use and yes there's cracks in this one from being in my wallet but that doesn't that doesn't influence the way it works is still still ignites very well concentrates photons beautifully now any tinder that you saturate with ashes like this will turn that tinder into a coal extender and that's basically what we're going to do we'll spend a little bit of time with the focal point on this tinder it'll catch that spark very easily and it'll just continue to make it grow and grow and intensify the jute on its own wouldn't do that it's only because we've added the ashes to it now if you're gonna stare at a focal point for more than like 30 seconds you want to put your shades on but this shouldn't take over 30 seconds just to get it started if I was to sit that on the table because there's it's saturated with ashes it would just sit there and completely burn up you know get my hobo stove over here too you know I've been trying to tell people the virtues of a sh tender for years now and people just haven't realized now with a sh tender you could do things that you never could do before when you put ashes in to tender it will go ahead and catch the weakest of sparks and go ahead and grow that intensify that spark so it's starting to catch on and I just have some pine needles here I roughed up some for the center and I've got some unprocessed ones for a handle in the center and if I need to I'll put a put some of these powdery ones up on top user knew pine needles they still have some moisture in them all right now on the Rudy Goro also known as Spyro we will have to disassemble this take all these fibers apart break them down into a smaller fibers as we can for it to be to get an easy ignition alright let's add some ashes and roll it up I used to just put ashes on a third of it but I like putting it on the whole length of fiber so that's a change I've made since I first started I've got 60 fire roll also known as Ruettiger roll videos so if you want more information on this technique I've got the videos you'll always want to keep track of which way you have this sitting down now this pointy end right here I know goes to the left I've actually seen people online take and accidentally this roll is sticked to the top board and they'll axle accidentally throw it on the on the ground and when they pick it up they lay it back on the board 180 degrees out which is the unraveling position so try to always remember which side is it's supposed to be oriented on and this pointy side is gonna be to the left if mine falls off the table the reason I'm doing it on this board is because this board is soaking wet some forward strokes to tighten it up and when you feel it's tight enough to withstand the rolling process then you'll go for it if you don't see smoke quickly go back and throw us some more I'm gonna try to get the I'm gonna try to get the ignited part to ignite the unag nighted part and I'll put this process bundle in back inside the needles just a little handle of sorts they put a little bit of powder on top of it alright alright three tries with the goldenrod and the poplar fire board is enough let's switch over to the Mullen and a poplar fire board we'll try it right here here we go again well I hate to show you this if I'm Mullen and my poplar fireboard didn't work either board all the way through that this board is very soft so I'm gonna try my secret weapon my best set my best fire board my best handrail hold on let me set this aside back to the good old faithful horse weed and shortleaf pine fire board this should work they're sitting me any problem with this let's give it a try and like I said Asha's foregrip had to go take a break I guess that's right four or five times already so I had to have a break all right let's do the Burnett so far so good I think this one's gonna work and I still have plenty of ashes on my spindle plenty of ashes on my hands it's a very humid day I don't think we have ignition that's what it is it's all the humidity we got ignition finally and that was about with all the different spindles and fire board's that was about eight tries [Music] [Music] if this stuff was easy everybody be able to do nacho that's three different ways to use ashes to help you make fire I am so glad that I'm able to utilize the first two segments because we've finally made the last segment work thanks for joining me on this one we catch you on the next one
Channel: David West
Views: 24,016
Rating: 4.9431281 out of 5
Keywords: ashed tinder, ashes, tinder, tinder bundle, wood ashes, solar, solar ignition, solar fire, magnifying glass, wallet fresnel lens, fresnel lens, pine needles, pine needles tinder, pine needles tinder bundle, rudiger roll, how to rudiger roll, cotton, cotton and ashes, cotton and ashes rudiger roll, hand drill, how to hand drill, hand drill ember, hand drill spindle, horseweed, goldenrod, mullein, fire, flames, ignition, survival, bushcraft, bush craft
Id: cHCvxXbtgxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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