How I Discovered The Ashed Tinder Technique

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hello YouTube I'm David with the David West Channel well today I wanted to take just a little bit of time and mention a video that I just watched this morning of Canton Kenton / dree Wilde University he made a video on ash tender he said the first time that he heard about it one of his students told him about it and he wanted to investigate a little bit more about it so he looked online I guess he searched ashes and cloth and he came up on one of my videos and I said he didn't watch he didn't watch the whole video so he I guess he just watched enough of the video to see that ashes in cloth or really any tinder will catch a spark and then you can intensify that spark or you could just leave it and let it smolder for a long period of time he also mentioned the fact that the first time he saw that Ash has had any kind of a reaction with fabric was through boggy creek beast channel now that was legitimate to bring up Tim because he's the one that I learned the fire roll technique from as a matter of fact early on he by comments online and stuff he coached me and gave me advice on how I can get achieved my first fire roll so it's legitimate to bring him up because it was through the fire roll technique that I saw that any tender at the time I was using cotton any tinder impregnated with ashes will become a coal extender but I would take him try the fire roll technique with cotton and ashes and sometimes when I didn't get ignition I taken a lighter out and I lied you know just light the least little bit of it up and set it down and I noticed that it burned to ash and that was the first time that I discovered ashed tinder and like I say if you go to that playlist you can see seven or eight videos that I've made about it over the years it's an amazing discovery now kenton wants to call it ask law which associates it with charcoal or and yes it has this that has it catches a spark easy like charcloth does and it can be intensified to use it to bring tender to flames but I disagree with calling it ass cloth for two reasons we associate char cloth with flint and steel there's no way you can ignite ashed cloth with flint and steel the the sparks just not hot enough so that by itself would keep you from calling it ashed cloth i also don't like the name ash clock because ashes impregnating any tender causes that tinder to become a cold coal extender so for those two reasons i don't think we should call it ash cloth we should call the technique ashed tinder but you know what I'm happy when I put these techniques out and people use them I would prefer the people shout me out like Kenton did which was an honorable thing to do but you know most people are taking these techniques to a few of them that I've invented over the years and they don't mention me so I'm glad that Canton mentioned me today's video I wanted to show you I want to do a better video than what we did yesterday yesterday I asked some of these pine needles and took a small pot cook a small part of them with the ashes in it and used this polished soda can bottom and got ignition and then I noticed that my tinder bundle was too big I was blocking out too much Sun so then I made a smaller one and tried it and even that was was too big I was blocking out too much of the sun's rays so then I took and I made it into a long tube like that and then I was finally able to get ignition after five tries today I don't even want to block that much Sun today I'm simply gonna carve out a thin spear and put a put a ball of ashed pine needles on the end of that spear and then stick that set spear up into the focal point one of my subscribers gave me a heads up yesterday and told me hey you're blocking out too much Sun and he was right I just wasn't thinking so that's the experiment today let's see if that works all right I got you sitting way back there so you can be in the shade yesterday the camera cut off on me let's use this first spear if the tip of it isn't strong enough we'll go down here where it's thicker let's try that I think it's gonna make a difference because even on that tightest tinder bundle that I used yesterday I think I was still probably blocking out 20% of the Sun so try to get an ember right there and then quickly transferred into some pine needles and then after we try this one without ashes we'll try one with ashes which you know this may work but I can tell you that the ash tinder is going to work a whole lot easier and quicker let's see if this is gonna work I think I need to be a little steeper on the can like that let's try the sky is a little hazy let's just give it a chance to warm up maybe it'll maybe it'll take off all right it's the next day and we got a little bit brighter Sun and I do want to give you this head so don't think you're going to be able to get the bottom of the cans shiny enough using a chocolate bar toothpaste or anything else this has been highly polished now it only took a few minutes buy some aluminum polish that I got from the auto parts store it's called blue star and I've got other videos that shows you me actually buying it from the auto parts store there's some good stuff now this is the UH gnashed look at that shadow right there first thing you want to do is direct this can exactly perfectly with the Sun and you could do it by watching that shadow that's it right there right there it is aimed perfectly at the Sun now let's see if we can get the non ash pine needles to go always wear your shades when doing solar experiments and getting some smoke it helps for it to get black like that it's starting to get a little smoked again now in my mind just that little bit of smoke right there if I had the ashes mixed in would have been all I needed for it to take off what it's doing is it's burning one or two pieces of those pine needles and then the pine needles burns back and it's too far away from the focal point and at that point so you sort of need need a tight ball so you can't even see the black on it let's go ahead and put ashes in this and see if that makes the difference where you think let's try it again goodnight that table is hot so I guess that shows you pretty conclusively when ash's makes all the difference in the world because it catches that first spark and then it just increases from there see here's the here's the bird's nest we made up yesterday with the course on the outside and the fine on the inside let's use it alright y'all so it did help for me to get my fingers out of it did help for me to get my fingers out of the way and to use this little spear said only the tinder could be up inside the up next to the focal point not blocking out any of the other son that needed to get to this collector alright so I appreciate you joining me on this one wheel catch you on the next one be long Upstate South Carolina pecans will be ready me and the squirrels are anxious for thanks for joining me on this one we'll catch you next
Channel: David West
Views: 24,104
Rating: 4.961123 out of 5
Keywords: ash, ashed, ashes, ashed tinder, ashcloth, experiments, coal extender, coal, ember, catch a spark, pine needles, pine needles tinder, solar, solar fire, solar ignition, solar experiments, wear shades when doing solar experiments, Rudiger Roll, Boggycreekbeast, rewild university, kenton, tim
Id: Cn2_rMEoV44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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