3 Types of Deliverances // Fight Back (Part 5)

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the title of this message will be  called three types of deliverances   three types of deliverances I wanna share  today that every person is delivered some   people are delivered to their enemy  and some are delivered from their enemy   but they're delivered in fact before we see  God delivering people from their enemies   we see many scriptural references of  God delivering people to their enemies so everyone is going to be delivered we do have  to choose the right deliverance instead of being   delivered to our enemy God wants to deliver us  from our enemy and then one more deliverance   is God wants to deliver the enemy to us that's  pretty much my sermon let's just stand up and pray   in judges chapter 2 verses 11 12 13 and 14 then  the children of Israel did evil in the sight of   the lord I want you to mark this it wasn't the  gentiles it wasn't people who did not know god   it was the children of Israel so this is referring  to people who have a relationship with their god   when the children of Israel let's just  say another word when the children of god   did evil in the sight of the  lord and served the baals   and they forsook the Lord their god the god of  their fathers who brought them out of the land   of Egypt and they followed other gods from among  the gods of the people who were around them and   they bowed down to them and they provoked the lord  to anger, they forsook the Lord and served Baal   and other gods and verse 14 the anger of the  lord was hot against Israel so he delivered them   into the hands of plunderers who despoiled them  and he sold them into the hands of their enemies   all around so that they could no  longer stand before their enemies   and this is not the only time when the scripture  tells that if we flip to chapter 6 of judges verse   1 the children of Israel did evil in the sight of  the lord so the Lord delivered them into the hand   of media, for seven years we can see the same thing  in second Kings chapter 17 verse 20 where the lord   was rejected and then he allowed the people to be  afflicted and then he delivered them to plunderers   it's all throughout the scripture where when  the people of god get complacent they go into   compromise and from compromise, they develop chains  which become cycles it's pretty much how the book   of judges and the whole nation of Israel is  is the children of Israel become complacent   compromise chain and then cycle and then praise be  to god because the children of Israel it doesn't   end with a cycle that ends with a cry it ends  with desperation, it ends with and the children   of Israel cried out to the lord and the children  of Israel cried out to god and of course the god   who delivered them into their enemies went in  and start delivering them from their enemies when we offend God when we betray god when we  continuously I'm not talking about a moment of   weakness I'm not talking about we fall trip as  a righteous people I'm not talking about that   when we abandon our relationship with the lord and  we consciously do things that are evil in his side   we ignore our conscience we continuously  serve baals have different names today   they're different things today that  we serve that we worship we constantly   bow not before the lord but like you  see how when we use the phone we bow   act of worship we don't have bails today we have  television sets we have football we have sports   we even have families we just have things  that the bale was just simply a statue you   could have a statue in your house but when you  begin to worship that for example a lot of us   have decor in our house but you don't worship  the decor so there are things in life we can   enjoy and use but when we begin to worship those  things when we begin to give our affection to   those things whether it's money whether it's work  whether it's certain pleasures and they in return   don't just become things that we worship  they become the things that captivate us   they become that become the things that  capture us they become the things that plunder   us dispossess us they become the things that hurt  us and bring us pain and suffering and that is the   word that scripture uses the lord delivers them  into their hands and the hands of their enemies   now when I studied that I was thinking well that's  great that's old testament but does the bible say   anything similar of that in the new testament and  in Romans chapter 1 verse 24 in fact a little bit   earlier verse 21 it says because they knew  god because although they knew god the word   new god, there is the same word that adam knew his  wife, it's talking about an intimate experimental   experimental like when you experience it  this is not just new about god these people   knew God intimately this is not talking about  the world this is talking about god's people   because they knew god but I want you to notice  that it didn't the new indicates the past   new indicates not consistent current right now new  indicates it happened sometime maybe 10 years ago   five years ago that I had a relationship with god  because they knew God they did not glorify him as   god nor were thankful they became futile in their  thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened   professing to be wise they became foolish  and change the glory of the incorruptible god   into the image made by corruptible man like  birds and four-footed animals and creeping things   verse 24 watch this therefore God also gave them  up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts   to dishonor their bodies among themselves  who exchanged the truth of God for a lie   and worshiped and served the creature  instead of the creator who is blessed   forever amen verse 26 repeats the same thing for  this reason God gave them up to vile passions   so first he gave them up to uncleanness  secondly, he gives them up to vile passions   instead of ruling their passions now, they are  imprisoned to their passions even their women   exchange the natural use for what is against  the nature so this is talking about lesbianism   verse 27 likewise also men leaving the natural use  of the women burned in their lust for one another   and men with men committing what is shameful and  receiving in themselves the penalty of their error   which was due speaks of homosexuality so for those  of you who are like well god doesn't talk about   homosexuality it's not in the bible bible tells us  to love one another let me just stop for a minute   and tell you the difference between the culture  and Christianity is one simple difference when   it comes to sexuality culture says love is god  bible says God is love that's the difference we we submit our passions to  the principles of god's word   the culture has their passions as their principle today it's men with men women with women tomorrow  it's going to be a man with a child and there's   nothing you can do about that why because  when you make your passion your principle   you're unstoppable it's going to be bestiality is going to be legalized   the insects is going to be legalized and you may  say well that's wrong if you think it's not wrong   for a man to sleep with a woman and call that  love because we should give everyone their space   why should we stop a man who wants to live and  sleep with their horse or the sheep they love it   if love becomes god then love decides what's  right what's wrong as Christians we have a god   who decides what's wrong and what's right  and this god is love can somebody say amen   our passions are regulated by our principles  our passions are not our principles   the bible says to guard your vessel control  your passions we don't let our passions   imprison and control us and so this is what  the bible says this is not being hateful   this is not being homophobic this is not being  disrespectful to the humanity of other people   this is we just have two different gods at war  one god is the creator of heaven and the earth   who designed our bodies in a particular way and  he says when you violate my creation this is what   happens he says you will receive penalty in your  own body and that's exactly what happens with   homosexuality there's a penalty right away comes  into their own body, you cannot legislate that   out of the system that God created it in you can  make it legal it's still the body penalizes you   because that's what the scripture said i  understand I'm gonna lose some of you but   I gotta stick with the word this is was written 2  000 years ago before this was normal before this   was legal and before saying anything against it  couldn't get me flagged on youtube or on Facebook   the scripture says God gave them up and verse  28 even as they did not retain see this again   retain meaning they knew god before they didn't  retain they didn't upkeep they did not maintain   their relationship with the lord you can't live on  yesterday's manner even though they did not retain   god in their knowledge God gave them over to a  debased mind to do things which are not fitting   and so on so I want you how do you get delivered  to the devil, in Romans chapter one we see pretty   much very simple four things one is when you  know god but you don't worship him as god   when you have a relationship with god  but have absolutely no reverence for god you know god but you don't have worship of god you  don't have and you don't maintain a relationship   with god now the beautiful part is that we  have to only surrender the lord is the one   that maintains us amen this is not a we don't get  saved by grace and then we live by works no but   we choose to stay Jesus says abide in the vine yes  it's his it's of grace but you still have a choice   because being in god's kingdom is not like  being in a cartel where you can't get out   or if you do you're going to get shot there's  still a choice this is not a prison otherwise   it will not be of love the second way that we get  delivered to the devil everything starts with this   is when you know god but you don't treat him as  god you don't have reverence for god it leads to   all the rest of the three things the second one  is this is when we begin to exchange the truth   for a lie when you lose your worship  you will always lose your truth   when you lose your reverence god's word no longer  becomes the standard of truth it's what CNN says   what fox news says what the culture says  what's popular what's trendy what can   get you more likes and you begin to adjust  your truth to what's relevant in the culture   when you lose reverence you will  always seek to stay relevant they exchange the truth when you lose worship  after that you lose truth and when you lost   truth you're gone it doesn't matter how  many Christian bumper stickers you have   and what Christian t-shirt you were when you  lost your worship and you lost your truth   the third thing is you exchanged the glory the  glory of God is no longer your passion but guess   what you exchange the glory for the image  watch our culture today everything is about   image it's not the glory of God it's  the image of man what is Instagram   it's image it's all about the image the image i  maintain the image I keep the image that I protect   the everything becomes about the image so  now I live my life not to know the glory   and to live for his glory I live my life  for influence and I live my life for images this Romans chapter 1 I always  contributed to some of those bad people   I read it many times I found myself in  every verse I said I'm in danger of this   to live for god's glory we have to seek his glory  like Moses show me your glory but when we lose the   sight of god's glory we will never bring him glory  and guess what happens we will live for our image   how's my photos how's my appearance how how do  I look in front of my friends how do I compare   with this and with that guy it becomes  about the image you exchange the glory   for the image first, we forsake our worship then  we forsake our truth and then we forsake the glory   and the third thing is this is he says  you profess to be wise when you're full   meaning you still keep the pretense  game you still keep pretending someone   you are not meaning you still keep the mask you  still keep the facade you still keep the what's   happening on the outside so because you still  don't want to you don't want to appeal as a person   who lost their faith so you still keep the  facade you profess but no longer possess   you become an actor a hypocrite meaning you're  one on one said you're another person in real life   what happens when that when you get when  you and I get delivered to the devil three things we get delivered to we see  in romans chapter one number one is we   get delivered to uncleanness the scripture says  here we get delivered to uncleanness number two   we get delivered to passions and number three we  get delivered to the based mind uncleanness it's   talking about our body passions it's talking about  our passions and three is talking about our mind   and if I could summarize our culture today it's  these three things they're in boundaries of   your body becomes your idol your passion becomes  your prison and your mind becomes the control Scripture tells us we need to control our mind  when you when you're delivered to your enemy   your mind controls you the scripture tells us we  control our passions but when you're deliver to   the enemy your passions imprison you the scripture  tells us that with our body we worship god   our body came from dirt it will return to dirt  but the Lord will resurrect it one day and make   it glorious but our body is not our idol but in  the world that we live in today that is delivered   to the enemy their body is their idol it's about  what the body wants and what the body craves   so the first deliverance that we need to  repent from that we need to run away from   is deliverance into the enemy deliverance  to the enemy you may say but god would never   allow us to be delivered the scripture  clearly states in all the verses I've read   it wasn't the devil that delivered us it was  god you may say but what if you're a Christian   and you get delivered like that do you still lose  your salvation I don't believe so because paul   says in first corinthians chapter five verse  five he says I delivered such one to satan   but the interesting part what he said  there is that deliver such one to satan for   destruction of his flesh that his spirit  maybe saved in the day of the lord   as a child of God, I'm talking about a born-again  Christian who begins to trade his worship who   begins to commit idolatry I believe god  in his mercy delivers us to the enemy   so that we can get whipped beaten plundered  bruised beaten up broken hard we lose our mind we   lose our freedom because that is all it's going  to take for us to wake up and say god help me because one thing that sin makes us it makes  us heart callous it makes our heart proud it   makes our heart hard and nothing breaks the heart  when life falls apart yes it's painful yes it's   why are you doing this to me god and everything  but what it does is the conviction begins to come   when you realize man but I'm an adulterer you  realize that I serve my passions you realize   that man I made an image out of my body and i  worship that image instead of the glory of god   help me god and when you begin to  cry out the bible says though the   flesh can beat and your spirit is still  saved and god comes to rescue you amen   so the first deliverance is when God delivers  us to the enemy the second deliverance is when   God delivers us from the enemy in chronicles  the famous verse that we all remember second   Chronicles chapter 7 verse 13 when I shut  up heaven and there is no rain or command   the locusts to devour the land or send pestilence  among my people so this is talking about bondage   meaning God is allowing heaven to be closed, god  is allowing locusts speaks of like demons and the   enemy to devour our land and send pestilence among  our people god says pretty much if I allow you to   be delivered to certain things because you forsook  me because you turned your back on me because   you stopped worshiping me you ignored my truth  and god says if that happens I want you to get   this across us today being delivered by god into  the hand of their enemy is not god disowning you   it's god dispossessing you displacing you not  disowning and then it says this if my people   they're delivered into pestilence they're  delivered into captivity they're delivered   into drought but he says still my people meaning  they did not get disowned they did not get   relationship god's love and mercy didn't stop if  my people in drought closed heaven being eaten by   locusts being eaten by pestilence if my people god  says the same God who delivers you into the enemy   is ready to deliver you from your enemy  is ready to deliver you from your demons   he's ready to deliver you from your struggle  it's ready to deliver you from homosexuality   from lesbianism from transgenderism come on  somebody if my people and look what it says   if my people do what humble themselves let me  tell you how to be delivered humble yourself   you can't be cute and be delivered you can't  remake keep your image and be delivered you gotta   get desperate and God says if you're proud you  can't get delivered I don't want to manifest you   can't get delivered oh but I don't what do people  will think you have to choose do you want people's   opinions or your freedom god says if you're  in shroud if pestilence is eating you he says   humble yourself when you get rid of  your pride when you get rid of your ego   when you get rid of your self-entitlement will you  get rid of what will they think about me god says   you're ready for deliverance humble yourself but i  don't want to tell that person that I'm struggling   with that what will they think what if I lose  my job humble yourself if you want to be free   I'm giving a simple recipe humility if my people  humble themselves and they pray begin to pray   oh but I need to go to a prayer line prayer  line helps but you know that God can deliver you   if you pray when you're in drought you don't pray  but when you want to be delivered you need to pray   that means five o'clock in the morning you need  to pray if you are bound to alcohol if you are   bound to some sexual immorality if you are bound  to perversion, if you are bound maybe to drinking   perhaps you are bound to cursing maybe you are  bound to nightmares or something and you're like   man I felt like God gave me up humble yourself and  begin to pray set your clock early and begin to   seek the lord's face why there is power in prayer  god says if you call upon me i will deliver you   I will deliver you if you call upon me I will  deliver you if my people humble themselves and   pray oh but I love this and not just pray but  seek my face you were seeking the face of your   boss, you were seeking the approval of your wife  you were seeking the approval of your ex-boyfriend   you were seeking the approval of the culture  but God says seek the pleasantness of my face   seek the smile on my face seek my face and then  god says begin to turn away from your sin meaning   the sins that you can turn away from but god  I need you to deliver me no no my friend you   can cancel that relationship you can cancel that  subscription you can unplug that tv you can remove   that you can do it yourself through the conviction  of god turn from their evil ways four steps   humble yourself pray seek my face and turn  away from your evil ways when you do these   four things god says then this is what I'm  gonna do I will hear i will hear your cry   god says i will forgive you i promise to forgive  you i won't fight you back i won't revenge i   will forgive i will wipe your slate clean and god  says not only i'm gonna set you free i will heal   your land I'll begin to heal your life it might  not happen overnight it might not happen in one   week but god says i'm gonna start restoring the  very things the locust has eaten the pestilence   has eaten homosexuality has eaten your anger  has eaten your drinkies has eaten maybe your   judgmentalism has eaten maybe your pornography has  eaten the things that it has eaten god says I will   not only hear not only forgive but god says i  will begin to heal your real estate your land   our father who is in heaven hallowed be your name  your kingdom come your will be done give us this   day our daily bread lead us not into temptation  and then it says this and deliver us from evil one   that means it's possible to call him your father  and be needing deliverance it's possible to be my   people but prayerless proud and living compromised  life but then pestilence eats things up maybe it's   in the mind, because god gave that up maybe it's  the passions that are ruining you because god gave   you up to it maybe it's your body that is causing  you pain because you're drawing identity from it   because God gave you up to it and now you're  seeing god I humble myself god I pray god i   seek your face god I turn away from the wicked  ways and God will deliver you from the evil one   can somebody say amen and the last thing  not only god delivers us to our enemies   God delivers us from our enemies the last  thing that and we talk a lot about a hungry   gen it's pretty much like our our dna  is when god delivers your enemies to you in genesis 14 20 it says blessed be god  who delivered your enemies to your hand   when God delivers you from your enemy he  removes you from your enemy as far as possible   when he delivers your enemy to you  he'll actually bring them close to you   he will just strip their power from  them and give that power to you   Joshua 10 19 for the lord your god has delivered  them into your hand it's interesting god didn't   deliver Joshua from their enemy in the promised  land he delivered the enemy to Joshua prepackaged   amazon prime right at the front door god  packaged the whole thing and god says   I've given you authority I've given you power i  want you to unpack that and I want you to rule   and have dominion over the enemy in luke chapter  10 verse 19 Jesus did not say I will deliver you   from the enemy, he says I will package the enemy  and I will put it in front of your door behold   I give you authority to trample upon scorpions  and snakes and nothing by no means will hurt you   that is not being delivered from the enemy  that's the enemy being packaged and put at   the front door of your life so that you can rule  and so you can exercise your god give it dominion hallelujah Romans chapter 16 verse 20 it says god  of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet   the bible doesn't say god of peace will remove  satan it says it will crush Satan under your feet   there are enemies god will deliver you from  there are enemies god will deliver to you   i'm not talking about you being delivered to  the enemy because of your sin and complacency   I'm talking about because god deems you worthy  God deems you and God wants to train you where   he will do what Jesus did to the paralyzed  man he didn't just heal him he said rise   pick up your mat and walk he didn't say just rise  up and run he says that thing that carries you   I give you power to carry it that thing that kept  you that thing you relied on that thing which was   your ban that being which was your crutches that  thing which you always went to as a source of   comfort Jesus says I am healing you from that i  am delivering you from that but not only that I'm   giving that to you carry that thing with pride  as a testimony that I am not who I used to be   this is not who I am Jesus Christ the son of the  living God through his spirit by his blood has   delivered me and not only that he restored  me to my original position when god blessed   adam and eve he says be fruitful and multiply  fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion   God is in the business of restoring  men to that original position   the lord is not just interested to deliver us  from our enemies when we cry out when we humble   ourselves seek his face and turn away from  our sin the Lord is in the business of the   living out delivering our enemy to us maybe it's  insecurity maybe it's fear maybe it's nightmares   maybe it's the spirit of unforgiveness that you  were delivered from but it seems not leaving   your front porch what if I am to tell you  that god sent it what if I am to tell you   to stop asking God to deliver you from it if  it's on the front porch and say lord thank you   I'm above this thank you this is under my feet  thank you, lord these thoughts are being subject   to christ right now thank you lord I'm putting  this nightmare under the blood of Jesus it's   not coming back and if it is coming back it knows  where it will go the next morning it will go under   the blood until it would lose its power over my  life listen god will deliver you from some enemies   but there will be enemies god will send  to you for you to have authority over   have authority over them walk in dominion during  this season walk in your power during this time
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 11,893
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Keywords: deliverance, deliverance ministry, power of god, crazy deliverances, faith deliverance, sermon deliverance, deliverance prayer, spiritual deliverance, christian deliverance, deliverance ministry teaching, bible verses for deliverance from evil spirits, stories of changed life, HungryGen, hungry generation, Pastor Vlad, vladimir savchuk, deliverances, God's Will, sermon series, Fight Back sermon series, authority, nature of God
Id: dz2jVIV0wW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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