3 Onlyfans Horror Stories Animated

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i am highly terrified of this web platform called only fans a few years back i was dating this girl from my workplace we met through mutual friends and she was strikingly beautiful every guy at the office approached her and she rejected all of them even though i had a crush on her i never told her because i knew she would reject me as well one afternoon i was sitting in the cafeteria talking to a female colleague of mine she came to give some files to her and we got introduced there was something magical in her smile that blew my mind right away we only talked for five to ten seconds and her attractive stare pierced my heart i tried my best to control my reactions but i was pretty sure she saw me anyway after coming home i cooked dinner i turned on the tv to watch a game while eating my dinner as the game ended i decided to go to bed just when i got a text from that girl hi betty here took your number from sally my heartbeat got faster that she asked for my number on her own and texted me as well we chatted for almost an hour that night the more i spent time with betty the harder i fell for she had dreamy eyes and a perfect figure to attract everyone's attention around her we became closer and started dating we went on trips and i introduced her to my common friends betty often stayed back at my place i told her everything about me but on the contrary she shared very little about herself i've never been to her place but these small issues never struck me because i was too blind to think otherwise whatever she told me or asked me i did without questioning her once being with her made me feel why people say love is blind after a few months of dating betty told me that she needed to find an apartment as her previous place had been sold out to a permanent tenant i asked her that if she wanted to move in with me because i was serious about us at that moment she replied with a spontaneous yes as if she was waiting for me to ask her this question i was happy that i had finally found someone to share my life with betty could be a bit forceful when it came to things she wanted she wanted a big house which was quite unnecessary for two people right at the moment but to make her happy i rented a bigger house and we moved in there betty left her job saying she wanted to teach online classes as it'll be an easy way to make money from home i didn't stop her or rather i couldn't i let her do the things she wanted to do i left for the office every morning and when i came home i often saw betty dress too nicely i asked her why she dressed like that every evening to which she often replied she wanted to look beautiful for me i felt lucky to have so much of her attention but something strange started to happen every morning i woke up with a throbbing headache my health started to deteriorate with time i thought this might be happening off the stress in my workplace so i shrugged it off but the problems started to grow bigger with time i started noticing small bruises on my body which i had no idea about what felt even more strange to me was that betty didn't even notice all these changes one day i was sitting in my cabin all tired and worked up when my colleague cindy came to me um andrew are you all right you don't look good man she said i smiled and replied yeah the work stress is just getting to me i'm thinking about taking a break and going on vacation with betty i saw cindy getting extremely awkward as soon as i mentioned betty's name i noticed the change in her behavior and asked is everything okay cindy she looked here and there and said um you're doing good in your work maybe it's time for betty to quit her only fans account i mean this can be negative for your reputation in the office and also if you are serious about her i said in a shocking voice what betty has an only fans account honestly i had no problem with her using the site but i did expect her to tell me before opting for such a way of income now it became clear to me why she dressed so explicitly inside the house i said to cindy how did you come to know about it she smiled awkwardly and said well one of my friends subscribed to her account it's nothing she's just posting some you know eye-catching content but she can do so much better than that andrew you should talk to her i decided to confront her after going home that night i didn't scream or overreact i sat down and asked her betty do you have an only fans account i saw the color of her face change she promptly replied um i wanted to tell you but wait how did you know about it i told her that's not important but i expected her to be honest with me she said in an upset face i feel like i pushed you to invest so much time into buying this house this is why i thought that this could be a good way to earn some good money in a short period after hearing that i obviously couldn't be angry at her anymore i realized she just wanted to help me and nothing else i felt ashamed to doubt her for one second i comforted her and told her she didn't have to choose this way to help me out betty hugged me tightly and deleted her account right in front of me we went out on a dinner date and things got back to where they were but surprisingly my morning headaches and bruises didn't stop on a sunday afternoon betty was busy showering she kept her phone on the bed i was watching some videos on my phone when i heard sounds of notifications coming from her phone her phone rang repeatedly as if many messages came in all at once i casually checked her phone and as i opened the screen lock i saw five to six texts in her notification i clicked on the text and it redirected me to only fans i was extremely shocked to see betty maintaining her only fan's profile even though she just deleted it in front of me a few days back but as i scrolled down to the profile my heart stopped it wasn't her only profile it was rather a different profile under a pseudonym but this profile didn't have the usual contents that one could expect on an only fans page some of the videos chilled my bones and explained everything that was happening to me for the past several weeks she uploaded creepy torture videos on her profile and in those videos the victim is none other than me there were videos where i was dead asleep in this very room on this very bed while betty sat on me with a sharp knife looking at the camera giving a huge smile there was nothing magical in her smile rather it was haunting and terrifying this is not the betty i know she then made small cuts on my body letting blood come out from it she then licked my blood and looked at the camera she started to laugh like crazy making bizarre faces i immediately understood that all those headaches were nothing but being drugged somehow betty gave me pills to make me unconscious just to film these sick videos and night after night she kept abusing me in my sleep just for some sick popularity and money i got up right at that moment and went to her bathroom i heard her humming a song and taking a bath she seemed so innocent but i knew she was not i locked the bathroom door grabbed my stuff and left the house i was more heartbroken than scared of being used by a woman i loved with all my heart i never called her back or tried to contact her surprisingly she never tried to find me either i hope she understood that i discovered her dark secret because i left her phone on the bed like that i once searched for her account to see if she was still using the only fan's platform the account is still there and she is still uploading such bizarre videos of torture and abuse except in those videos the victim is a new guy i want to report her to the cops but i know how extremely smart she is and maybe i still couldn't get over her i'm stuck in a very bad place i was an avid user of the website only fans my name is sarah i'm 24 years old and this happened last year i took a job in a beauty salon needless to say it didn't pay much hence i was desperately looking for a side income my roommate dolly was a shy girl she was working in a small startup the house we stayed in was a two storied home i was unable to pay the rent with just one source of income dolly was so kind to me that sometimes she covered my side of the rent as well one day i decided that i couldn't keep going like this and i had to figure out a way to make money that's when i came across the website only fans i opened an account and within a month acquired a moderate fan base things started to look up for me as i managed to earn some extra cash using the website one afternoon i was chatting with my fans when a new subscriber texted me hello beautiful how about a close-up of your beautiful body i replied by sending a picture with a five dollar unlock fee the guy paid five dollars immediately and unlock the picture he then said send me a picture of your feet i didn't think much of it and sent another five dollar unlock fee he paid again he started asking me to send pictures of my body parts separately at first i didn't think much of it but with time his requests he started to become creepy he said tell me hon how does your skin feel i felt uncomfortable with this question i replied just like everybody else's he replied no everyone's skin feels different i bet yours feels soft i sent a smiling emoji and decided to call it a day i was about to go offline just when i received another text from the same guy i will pay you fifty dollars right now if you give me your number i was surprised man this guy is desperate i didn't want to share my personal info but at the same time i could use that fifty dollars i mean all that money just for my phone number what maximum harm can it bring i could always block him whenever i want so i agreed with him he paid the money as soon as i shared my number that night i went to bed with a smile thinking i will be able to start college again as i had managed to save enough to pay for the college fees around 2 30 in the morning my phone rang i was in a deep sleep hence it took me some time to figure out everything i woke up and saw an unknown number hello uh who is this no one spoke but i could hear someone's heavy breathing coming from the other side excuse me who are you how does your skin feel when you sleep on it sarah i realized it was the same guy from last night who paid me fifty dollars for my number i kept calm and said don't you think it's a bit late to call someone at this hour i've paid you fifty dollars [ __ ] i own you now you are bound to answer my call whenever i want drops of sweat appeared on my forehead i said in a shocked voice how dare you what do you think you are you jerk you want to know who i am you really want to know [ __ ] like you love teasing people for money huh you all can go to any extent for money tell me sarah will you let me slash your throat and stab you until your entrails come out for another hundred dollars think how much fun that'll be [Music] [Laughter] you i disconnected the phone immediately i sat in my room panting in fear i wanted to call my roommate out loud but i couldn't i was feeling disgusted his words took a toll on my mental health he kept calling me as i didn't pick up he started to send me texts making death threats i blocked the guy's number immediately the next morning i deleted my only fan's account too needless to say he sent me some scary messages there as well i didn't tell dolly all this at first i couldn't go to work that day i cried on my bed thinking how stupid i was to share my number with a stranger just for some cash i was feeling ashamed to put myself in danger at night when dolly came home from work she found me asleep on the living room couch she woke me up sarah sarah are you all right i slowly opened my eyes she said did you eat anything the entire day you look sick will you please tell me what's going on with you i burst into tears and explained how a psycho dude threatened to kill me over the phone last night she calmed me down dolly prepared food for me and we decided to go to the cops the next day to file a report about this guy that night i requested dolly to sleep beside me as i was terrified to sleep alone after dinner we both watched a movie just to take our mind off and drink some wine around 11 30 we went to sleep it was a warm summer night none of us had ac in our rooms for obvious financial crises so mostly during summer we kept our windows open dolly was a heavy sleeper so she fell asleep within minutes even though i was distracted a bit the wine helped me to fall asleep that night i have a habit of going to the washroom in the middle of the night i woke up probably at around 1 to 1 30 and went to the washroom which was at the end of the corridor i locked the bathroom door and did my business i was washing my hands in the sink when i heard a muffled cry i was in a half awake half sleep state hence i thought i might have imagined it i came out and started to walk towards my room as soon as i came in front of my closed room door i felt like there was something wrong i stretched my hand to twist the doorknob just when i heard the muffled cries again what i'm gonna tell you next might create a difference of opinions among you all but trust me i did my best that i could in that situation something told me that dolly and i were not the only people in this house even though the room was dark the pale moonlight coming from the window made it easy to see the room quite clearly i could see thick liquid dripping from the tip of his knife on my floor and dolly was muffling in a traumatized voice i knew that this man had already stabbed my roommate and if i have to stop him i can't face him empty-handed i have to take him by surprise there was a baseball bat in dolly's room i tiptoed to her room and took the bat and then rushed towards the scene i opened the door and bolted inside the man was about to strike her again and i saw dolly fainting her clothes were drenched in blood the man said in a shocked voice sarah if you're here then who is that but i didn't wait anymore i swung the bat hard onto his head screaming as loud as possible the man's lifeless body dropped onto the floor making a loud thud i called the paramedics at 9-1-1 dolly got six stitches on her stomach but thanks to god she made it alive the cops arrested the intruder who was the same guy that threatened me on only fans cops found remains of a missing girl from his house it came out that this guy was a cold-blooded murderer who used to trap girls using platforms like only fans and other social media he's now been charged with life imprisonment it gives me chills to this day that what if i slept in my room alone that night for the past few days i've been going through a traumatic phase this all started once i opened my only fan's account i'm a 30 year old divorced woman i was being raised by a drug addicted mother my mom often passed out on the house floor being high on drugs i kind of raised myself being honest after i finished high school i eloped with my boyfriend matt and we started living on our own but we were young and sooner or later we became annoyed with each other i started waitressing at a local restaurant one day i was about to finish my shift and leave for home when i overheard a random conversation a girl was sitting at the corner table talking to some guy in a very flirtatious manner i heard her saying well for that you have to subscribe to my only fans account it's not much only ten dollars after coming home that night i couldn't help but think about what the girl was saying i checked this website only fans and realized it can be an easy way to earn some instant cash it allows content creators to receive funding directly from their fans monthly as well as one-time tips and pay-per-view features this seemed like a golden opportunity to me hence without thinking much i opened an account i was never a shy type hence with time i didn't hesitate to show some skin i started to receive payments from fans all around the world every night after coming home i sat down in front of the laptop wearing nice clothes i talked with my fans and sent them pictures in exchange for five dollars sometimes ten sites like these often attract creepy guys as well i tried to handle people like that tactfully and whenever i couldn't i ended up blocking them i never gave too much information to anyone such as my home address or phone number for safety purposes there were many requests of people who wanted me to add them to my social media accounts such as facebook but i never did i wanted to keep these interactions extremely professional with time my fan base grew and i was getting a fair amount of money to support my livelihood now all this time people asked for intimate pictures but i remained too careful to save myself from internet fraud so i never posted any picture that revealed my face as i already said i wanted to be safe as well one weekend i was sitting in my room talking to some of my fans when i received a notification a guy named ted underscore b subscribed to my channel out of humbleness i texted him saying thanks for the subscription the guy replied i had to you make me go crazy i laughed hearing this compliment and said how sweet of you ted started to talk to me about his regular life he said that he worked at a department store and is currently single i didn't want to share too much hence i lied saying i'm a 25 year old woman working as a model he replied hell yeah you got the beautiful figure since then ted became one of my most alert fans whenever i uploaded a picture and made any post he was the first to like it and comment on it he never said anything inappropriate so i didn't see any red flags i went on a hiking trip for three days after coming back i immediately opened my only fans account for not being able to stay active for a long time as soon as i opened the account notifications flooded in i was expecting this but i noticed my inbox and saw 45 messages i was shocked because i never got that many texts before i opened the message box surprisingly all those texts were only from one guy ted underscore b i started scrolling through his messages hey what's up hello you there why aren't you replying seems like you're too busy huh i pay you it's your job to entertain me the more i scrolled the more his angry irritated text scared me off he started using slang and foul language for not receiving replies to his texts i wanted to remove him from my fan base but i didn't i know i should have understood right then and there i texted him back saying sorry went on a hiking trip how are you after 10 to 15 minutes a reply came who the hell do you think you are ted underscore b replied i said what he went on with his hurtful rantings yeah you are nothing more than a [ __ ] you [ __ ] this time i finally lost my calm and replied go to hell you freak and blocked him he was probably typing more obscene messages for me but i didn't wait to see that i chatted with some other fans and went to bed in an awful mood a few days later something weird started to happen no matter where i went i felt that someone was following me for example i went to the supermarket to buy a few things after being done with the shopping i went to the counter to pay the bill as soon as i turned to the exit i saw someone swiftly move away i didn't see anyone in particular but the feeling of being followed started to annoy and frighten me at the same time one night i was coming home from work i stopped at the bus stand i often took the bus which happened to arrive at 8 pm i sat down on the bus stand and got busy on my phone while waiting for the bus to arrive suddenly a text popped up from an unknown number hi how's everything i replied who is it your friend i thought maybe someone was playing jokes with me so i didn't reply anymore within a few seconds another text came from the same number so you don't want to talk huh i still ignored it a few moments went by and i got a text i opened it and my face turned pale in fear my hands trembled as i read the text with shocked eyes it read the red shirt is looking amazing on your beautiful figure i sprang upon fear i looked around me but it was an empty street there was nothing but street lights and this small bus stop how did he know that i was wearing a red shirt the hair on the back of my neck stood up in fear is this guy around me right now i screamed in a loud voice is anybody there but no reply came i replied to the text who the hell are you within a few seconds a reply came reading you're crazy fan my stomach dropped in fear i had no doubt that this was the psycho guy from only fans named ted underscore b i had no idea how he got my phone number i called his number and what happened next well let me tell you i never felt death from this close before as soon as i dialed the number a ringtone started to go off in the near distance and looked at the bush nearby and saw a bony man coming out of it the man came out behind the bush and stood in the middle of the road i couldn't see his complete face but his eyes were like a dead goat it was so still and dangerously calm the man then spoke in a spine-chilling voice you should never upset your crazy fan do you want me to chase you [Laughter] he then started to run at full speed towards me i screamed at the top of my lungs and ran for my life i looked back once and saw the dark figure chasing me like a wild cat all i could spot was his hungry eyes i ran as fast as possible thankfully i saw headlights coming from the other side of the road there was a car coming in the opposite direction the car stopped in front of me and i fainted on the road the car owner took me to the hospital later i went with the cops to report about this guy the cops couldn't catch him because i failed to see his full face time went by and i came across an article about a serial killer named ted bundy right then this terrifying feeling struck me ted underscore b he named his profile ted underscore b it scares me to sleep to think that there are sick people in this world who idealize these horrifying criminals and even tries to follow their path i don't know where this guy is now but i hope he's not planning to turn himself into a monster like the serial killer ted bundy
Channel: IMR Scary Tales
Views: 797,922
Rating: 4.900383 out of 5
Keywords: Only Fans, Only Fans horror stories, only fans scary stories, Only Fans Horror, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, horror stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, scary stories, true horror stories animated, horror story animated, stories animated, true horror story animated, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation
Id: af123kSV4CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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