3 Airport Horror Stories Animated

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before i begin this story i wish to make it very clear that when this incident happened i was neither sick nor intoxicated i know what i saw and i believe it was all real i work in real estate hence i travel a lot to meet clients all over the world generally i am from sydney but i mostly stay in la if i'm not traveling so this one time i went to scotland to meet a high priority client i stayed at his place and cracked a big deal i was on cloud nine when i booked the return ticket i generally prefer late night flights to early morning ones after searching for some time i got what i was looking for it was going to be a 12 hour ride so i booked a flight of 1 30 a.m i did farewell to my client and spent the day in a motel i couldn't get much sleep because i had a huge amount of paperwork i had to finish but i thought i would sleep on the flight after finishing my dinner at the motel i left for the airport i arrived quite early and grabbed a seat it was a weekday and unusual hours to expect a busy airport i plugged in my earphones and started watching videos on my phone just to kill the time apart from there was an elderly couple and a woman supposedly waiting for the same flight i was almost hooked up in my phone when i felt a sudden touch on my shoulder i looked up and saw a woman dressed as a flight attendant standing next to me she had a huge smile on her face yes sir your flight is about to take off i think you missed the announcement i looked around and i saw i was the only one sitting in the waiting area all other passengers were but my flight was at 1 30 am yes it's 1 15 sir i was going through the passengers list and saw one missing this is the only flight taking off tonight so i just came back to have a quick check i checked the time and to my surprise it was indeed 1 15. i didn't realize how time flew away i got up and thanked her for a kind gesture honestly i was feeling stupid at that moment i stood up and started to follow her the entire airport premise was pretty empty we reached the boarding gate and saw another woman standing there i was taking out my boarding pass but she smiled and said go ahead i followed the attendant into the flight while walking through the corridor i noticed a huge scar on her left leg it was as if some sharp metal-like object cut her leg open but the scar did seem old another odd thing about her was the excessive pale color of her body as i entered the plane i saw a surprising sight the entire plane was filled with passengers i have been sitting in the wedding area for a long time and i don't remember seeing any of them the ambiance inside the flight was absolute silence i mean it was so damn quiet that i thought for a second no one's breathing every passenger kept their head down and it looked like they were all sleeping i felt very weird after entering the flight the attendant whispered in my ear please take your seat i would have screamed if i was alone the way she whispered her cold breath froze my ear i saw a third world window seat i guessed it was mine because that was the only vacant seat on the flight beside me said a thin man dressed in formals maybe it was his business tour the flight felt excessively cold and soon a wreaking stench started to occupy the air around i buckled up my seatbelt and waited for the takeoff but i didn't see any change of behavior in any other passengers they all set like before quiet and expressionless i said to the man beside me isn't it cold in here he didn't answer just sat keeping his head down i thought maybe he's asleep or doesn't want to talk so i plugged in my earphones again and looked out from the window the pilot started the engine and the flight got on the runway we just took off and i could see the ground moving behind me vertically when all the lights started to go off the emergency alarm went on too and the plane started to shake violently a huge boat of lightning took place in the sky and a jerk took place making the luggage drop down from the upper cabins oh my god what's happening i screamed in terror but this time no one else seemed to freak out everyone was sitting like a statue as if they didn't even care what the hell is wrong with all of you i started to unlock my seatbelt but it got stuck excuse me please wake up this flight is gonna crash please we need to do something or else we'll all die i was panting in fear and flocking like a wounded bird on my seat when the man besides me lifted his face and our eyes met his partial face was burnt and his left eye was hanging on his cheek he smiled showing his horrifying grin and said we are already dead the demonic laughter echoed through the entire flight every passenger lifted their face and started to laugh like demons from hell their spine chilling voices numb to my ear i screamed please let me leave just that moment my seatbelt came off and i sprinted towards the gate to jump but the flight attendant came from nowhere and stood in my way she was looking like nothing before her mouth was lit open and blood was all over her clothes we can't let you leave now sir someone please help me help me i pushed the door leading to the pilot seat and what i saw made my skin crawl two headless pilots were controlling the flight and the flight was burning from the front end rushing towards the ground at full speed oh my god sir sir are you all right a man dressed as airport security was sprinkling water on my face and calling me i slowly opened my eyes where where where am i am i am i dead no sir you were screaming and then passed out on the floor but why did you come on this flight didn't you see it was out of order i got back to my senses and looked around this was nothing like the flight i saw when i entered i found myself sitting on the damaged floor of a burnt flight buggy no doubt this plane is under construction but this was my flight that that woman she called me saying no sir this unit is under construction since last week on its way to take off a boat of lightning struck the flight it caught fire and crashed on the ground no one survived the flight attendant and the pilot's remains were never found seventy percent of the bodies turned to ashes i missed my actual flight intentionally that night i still know what i saw was perfectly real the attendance ghost lured me into the flight that night and i witnessed a group of passengers submitting to a horrible death i don't know if those haunted remains of that flight are still on that airport or not but don't ever follow any mysterious person if they come to escort you saying the flight is about to take off sir hey guys i see many of you commenting on my videos that this channel deserves 1 million subscribers but i also see the percent of people who watch my videos aren't actually subscribed to the channel so if you like the content want to support my channel and want to see this channel reach 1 million subscribers or maybe 500 000 subscribers then go ahead subscribe and hit the bell icon it's free and you can always change your mind later i am a 21 year old petite woman after spending a long time apart last year i finally got the chance to fly back to my boyfriend mark this was my second time traveling through the air so i was still nervous i remember how early i reached the airport panicking what if i missed the flight it was an early morning flight that took place on a foggy winter day i even thought the flight will get canceled because of the weather after the security checks and other formalities i went to get a coffee i just took the first sip when i noticed a boy around the age of seven or eight years old standing near the dustbin in the corner and staring at me he was holding a candy wrapper which he was about to throw in the dustbin but instead i caught his eye and he paused he was staring at me with wide shocked eyes as if he couldn't believe that i was there few seconds went by and when he still didn't move i walked to him hey that's a cool t-shirt he was wearing a spider-man t-shirt and i thought to chat with him for a bit also his stare was making me uneasy i approached him just to break that hearing words of praise about his t-shirt a big smile slowly appeared on his face i mean i know i shouldn't talk about a kid like this but his smile was way more disturbing than his stare um what's your name are you playing with me huh you know my name already he said this with such confidence that for a moment i tried to recall if i knew this kid or not sorry kiddo but i am meeting you for the first time are you still angry with daddy mommy what i am not your mommy sweetheart you have me mistaken is my son bothering you i turned back immediately after hearing a man's voice a man in his late 40s were standing behind me with a serious face but excessively bright eyes after seeing his eyes i had no doubt that he is indeed the father of this boy both of them had this disturbing stare no your son must have me mistaken yeah my wife passed away recently he is still trying to get over that trauma don't mind his words calvin let's go the boy held his father's hand and started to walk away he was constantly turning back and staring at me the father-son duo was so weird that i stood there for another 10 minutes thinking about what just happened the way the man spoke about his wife's death and his son's grief felt so lifeless to me as if he had no emotion i came back to my seat and got back to my coffee the airport was almost empty from my seat i could see the entire waiting area without any obstacle the father-son duo was sitting at some distance from me but i still point out that wicked grin on that boy's face he just couldn't stop smiling at me there was two more hours before the flight and i was already feeling anxious to leave when i travel i always carry a book with me i took out a novel from my backpack and started ignoring this creepy child i must have dozed off while raiding when i felt someone's breath on me i opened my eyes but didn't see anyone near me the father-son duo was gone i saw the time and realized i have an hour more before boarding needless to say i felt relieved seeing them gone i had to pee so i got up and started to look for the washroom it took me five minutes to find it a long corridor led to the washroom it was so quiet around me that i could almost hear my heartbeat i got inside and closed the door to do my business while i was doing so i heard a burst of laughter and running footsteps inside the washroom the hair on the back of my neck stood up immediately i know this laughter i just heard it some time back it's that creepy kid but suddenly i heard another heavy footstep entering the washroom i thought the kid might have sneaked in again and now his father is here to take him back i didn't come out of the washroom i waited for them to leave after a few minutes when everything got silent i stretched my hand to open the lock but immediately pulled back hearing a whisper two voices were whispering in a very weird way what's wrong with these two why can't they just leave me alone i saw a shadow from the space under the bathroom door i crushed down and peeked to see who was outside as i tilted my head to look out i found another face looking back at me from the space under the door it was the father of that creepy kid our eyes met and a chilling shiver ran down my spine he had a scary looking expressionless face my voice choked inside my throat and i just forgot to scream i was about to get up when suddenly that creepy kid jumped on me from above and started to laugh hysterically boom mommy i screamed and tried to get him off me but he was grasping my hair so tightly that the more i moved the more he pulled my hair out boom mommy get off me get off me the man started to laugh as well then why don't you open the door margo this is not the way to behave with your son and husband he then started banging on the bathroom door open it open it now i knew no one would be able to hear me from this washroom i have to save myself i need to get out of here i grabbed the kid by his neck and pulled him off my back he bit me on the neck and then kicked in the air but i was at him as soon as i pinned him on the bathroom wall he realized i am bigger and stronger than him the smile on his face wiped out and a tense look appeared he said in a fumbling voice but but mommy i was just playing with you i looked him in the eye and said i'm not your mommy no matter what i didn't want to hurt the child so i just opened the door in one go and threw him on the man's lap and started running for my life i was sprinting down the empty corridor while screaming for help i turned back once and saw the man at his son both were chasing me like mad dogs i luckily reached the waiting area before them and screamed at the top of my lungs help me a few cabin crew associates came rushing and the security guards were called too they caught the father and son at that moment and called the cops i didn't take the flight that night because i wanted to know what the hell is wrong with these two i went to the police station and gave my statement without missing a single detail after a heavy interrogation the cops finally found the truth it was true that the man lost his wife and since then he is having mental issues but but the kid wasn't a kid he is a full-grown man with a rare case of hypopituitarism it's a rare hormonal disease that stunted his physical growth and caused proportional dwarfism he spent most of his life posing like a little boy not just that taking advantage of his medical condition he has manipulated his brother in doing several criminal activities such as petty theft and robberies and today they plan to sexually abuse me or maybe even abduct me because the cops found chloroform and several sleeping pills from their bags i wonder how they managed to fool the security in the airport still at night i wake up seeing bad dreams i see myself tied to a chair and that man standing beside me all of a sudden that creepy dwarf man jumps on me screaming boom mommy [Music] i went to visit my grandma before the pandemic took place she lives in ohio even though the entire trip was quite fun it took a scary end after a tiring flight when i finally landed at the airport i was feeling exhausted i was walking towards the baggage claim when a woman bumped into me accidentally what the i i am sorry she quickly walked past me i couldn't tell if she was nervous or in a hurry anyways i let it go and saw her disappearing among the passengers ahead i reached the baggage claim and stood in the queue all of the luggage was being dropped off one by one on the moving track i was waiting for mine when i noticed that same woman standing on the opposite side she had a tense look on her face i have never seen anyone waiting for their luggage to arrive so anxiously don't know why but i felt i knew her from somewhere she was sweating out of nervousness maybe she needs to be somewhere else that's why this sudden rush in her behavior slowly the crowd near the baggage claim started to loosen up as people picked up their bags and went on their way i had a black rucksack after waiting 15 minutes i finally saw my bag rolling towards me i picked it up and noticed the woman had also received her bag she had a blue trolley she grabbed the trolley in such a manner that people would take it away all this time she didn't notice me observing her but suddenly she looked at me and we made eye contact i got awkward and took my eyes away from her but still i could make out with my peripheral vision that she was walking away once i saw her going out of my sight i looked back again i could mark the blue trolley skating in the airport as she picked up speed also it was the only blue trolley i could see at the time the woman looked here and there while dragging the trolley i could tell from her body language that she was carrying something highly secretive inside that trolley but the obvious thought that came to mind is if she has something illegal in that trolley then how come she passed the security check without being noticed i followed her yes i did because my instinct was telling me something bad is going to happen the woman slowly walked to the washroom and got inside there was no way i could enter the women's washroom so i waited outside i got close to the washroom door and tried to listen to what she was doing in there don't get me wrong i was just trying to overhear a secret conversation which she was making with someone over a phone call yes i have it now no i'm not gonna leave it here are you crazy i got sure that this woman is part of something really bad i want it to be surer before taking any drastic step what do you have any idea how many people will die no you told me there are drugs inside it you didn't tell me it has explosives what the hell i bolted inside the washroom and the woman looked at me with terrified eyes who who are you what are you doing in here ma'am you better come with me you don't want to do this this is but before i could finish she pushed me with a trolley and ran towards the wedding area i chased her and screamed security security she stopped right in the middle of the passage and screamed if you don't let me go i will press this button and lifted her hand that had a small pager type remote inside it the security circled around her and a panicked situation took place inside the entire airport i know i won't be able to run away if she presses that button the entire airport will blow up why are you doing this they have my son i can't let him die backup was called along with a bomb squad everyone was waiting for her to lose the remote so they could capture this woman and defuse the bomb inside that blue trolley people all over the airport started sobbing in fear one mistake could lead to the death of thousands at that moment the general stood in front of the armed forces and pleaded to the woman ma'am please give us the remote we promise we will get back your son no they will kill him if i don't do this i am sorry as soon as her finger touched the green button on the remote i heard a loud venture everyone gasped and screamed while the woman fell on the floor bleeding terribly paramedics took her to the hospital the general shot her in the arm otherwise she would have killed god knows how many the bomb squad opened the trolley and found a time bomb installed inside it they defused it immediately but everyone was shocked and furious at how the trolley passed the security check i mean it traveled the entirety with her and no one knew there was an explosive inside it the security team got fired and taken to the police station for interrogation i came home somehow and felt relieved that no one had to die that day later when this incident made headlines in the news i came to know all about it that woman and her husband got mixed up with a terrorist group that made them do many criminal activities but the husband tried to escape from them and he got murdered the poor woman pleaded for her and her five-year-old son's freedom to which they demanded her to plant an explosive inside the airport the police have kept her in custody and they are still searching for her son i pray to god that the little kid is doing fine and he gets back to his mother soon
Channel: IMR Scary Tales
Views: 304,349
Rating: 4.9180555 out of 5
Keywords: Airport horror stories, Scary airport, imr airport stories, Horror Stories, Animated Horror Stories, IMR Scary tales, Scary stories, Horror movies, Animation, IMR, Creepy Animations, imr scary tales
Id: Q-ACiGY_sIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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