3 TRUE Disturbing Home Alone Horror Stories

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[Music] [Music] when I was around 14 my mom and dad went away for the weekend leaving me home alone now I'm 17 so this happened a few years ago I was excited to be on my own because you know it's cool to have the house to yourself my parents are nice but I just wanted some me time but guess what that weekend became one of the scariest times ever it was Friday afternoon and my parents went away when I was still at school so when I got home I went upstairs to my room and started playing on my Xbox I was chatting with friends in the game after a while I ordered pizza and got ready for a night of playing games at about midnight I was still playing my game when I heard a weird sound outside it was like rustling in the bushes or trees at first I thought it was just the wind so I ignored it and went back to my game but the noise didn't stop I paused my game and listened closely I PE it out my second story window window and saw a shadow moving around on the side of the house then I saw the shape of a man in our yard we had a fence and a gate around it so it wasn't usual for someone we didn't know to be there after a few seconds I heard a loud bang at the front door I got really scared I went down the stairs slowly to the front window and looked out I couldn't see anything but I heard more sounds from outside side I didn't know what to do I was alone by myself and someone seemed to be trying to get into my house I thought about calling the police but I didn't want to bother them if it was nothing serious the noises stopped for a bit and I started to feel a little better but then I heard footsteps again from outside I opened the front door and checked around but there was nothing unusual I took a short walk around outside checking the corners of the yard and then returned inside feeling a bit more at ease I climbed the stairs looking forward to playing a few extra games before calling it a night but when I put on my headset that's when I thought I heard a strange noise coming from my parents' room maybe I was just scared from earlier but I thought it's better to be safe I looked around the corner into my parents bedroom and that's when I saw something a shape standing in the dark I felt my body shaking and it was hard to breathe I wanted to scream but I was too scared to make any noise so I moved back slowly I wanted to leave the room without him seeing me all of a sudden the man turned around and saw me I couldn't move my eyes were stuck on his he was a regular hey guy wearing a big winter jacket and blue jeans he started walking toward me and I turned to run I raced down the stairs and out the front door I kept running until I was a few blocks away I took out my phone and called 911 the police came and we went back to the house together they looked around and found the person who broke in he was still in my parents' room the police took took him out and put him in the back of their car but he kept looking down at the ground the whole way there the police stayed with me all night my parents came back the next day as soon as they could they were really surprised when I told them what happened we spent the day fixing things and cleaning up the mess the Intruder made it took me a while to feel okay at night but every little noise scared me I was afraid to be by myself so it took a long time for me to feel secure again even now I don't understand why he broke into our house that night maybe he was just a random thief or maybe he had been watching our house for a long [Music] time I live in a pretty big town near Niagara Falls not many bad things happen where I live but on the east side there's a lot of trouble I know because I used to live there and it was not good so my family and I moved to a nice place in the suburbs on the West Side well during that time something happened that I won't forget I was by myself at home on a nice summer day I was outside doing some chores like I was told to do the night before when I was almost done cutting the grass a man came onto my driveway I looked at him strangely because this was our property and people don't usually just walk onto your place I asked him if he needed anything he stopped for a moment didn't say anything at all then after a few seconds he just started running away I didn't think much of it and went back inside it was a little weird though later that night I went to the store at the end of my street when I walked in I saw the man again I told him I had to go but he just stood in my way blocking my path are your parents home he asked with a grin I responded yeah they are he didn't say a word but I said is there something I can help you with he simply stared to my luck the cashier came out and told him not to block the exit I got out of there faster than heck with my eyes as big as Marbles What kind of adult asks a child if their parents are home that seems strange so I hurried home like a plastic bag swirling in a tornado later that evening I got tired and wanted to take a nap I fell asleep fast already forgetting about what happened at the store but then not too long after after I woke up to someone banging on my door I checked the clock and it was 1:30 in the morning I peaked out the window but I couldn't see anyone I thought maybe it was a friend or a neighbor who needed help I was innocent and hoping for the best not thinking about any possible dangers but why would my friend or anyone for that matter be here so late and why were they in my lock backyard if they needed help it' be easiest to come to the front door so I ran downstairs and turned on the backyard light that was a big mistake it was the man from The Corner Store the man who had walked up to me while I was mowing I jumped back and screamed really loud the man smashed his elbow into the door and it popped off I tried calling 911 but my phone was dead I should have kept it on the charger I kept yelling at him and said I was calling the police but I think he knew better perhaps he noticed my phone wasn't lighting up or making any sounds or maybe he didn't care it might have meant he needed to finish his job faster he began pushing the door slowly breaking it by then I was crying and I ran upstairs I heard the man break inside I looked at my phone again just to be sure the logo screen was on when I rushed upstairs I turned it on and it wasn't dead just off I felt so much better but I was still in trouble the home screen seemed to take forever to load but when it did I called 911 right away then I explained my situation and they told me I needed to stay on the line I could hear the man yelling up to to me you were lying I don't see any parents here I quickly climbed into the small space at the back of my closet and closed it tightly my sweaty body probably smelled like fear I was shaking as he walked in he started banging on everything this man was not stable after he couldn't find me upstairs he looked even more crazy and he ran back downstairs trying to find me soon I heard several cars stopping near my house then the sound of footsteps running out of the house in a hurry it seems the cops saw him pretending to be calm just walking casually out of the house but they caught him and took him to jail then they asked me questions and later accused the man that guy was really not right in the head he had some illness even now I still can't pronounce I'm 21 now now and I'm living happily but since that happened being alone in my house feels a bit scarier than it used to if you're curious that man didn't get any jail time because of his disorder it was like a small punishment but the way he looked at me that night makes me think he might try it again and maybe next time he'll get the person he's after [Music] this story happened in 1993 when I was only 6 years old I'm not sure if it was a dream I had a few times or just my imagination going wild or it might have been something scary trying to frighten me when I tried to sleep alone in the dark I lived with both my mom and dad in a big trailer which was brand new it didn't have any creepy history or bad things happening in it before and I don't think it was haunted so what I think happened to me was either really real or just a bunch of super clear and real feeling bad dreams maybe it was because I watched too much Tales from the Crypt this experience is the reason why I have some slight uneasiness when it comes to dark hallways and shadowy corners now before I share the story let me say now that I'm well aware of how ridiculous and oddly hilarious some of this will be even though I'm still nervous about the dark I can easily say I can laugh about some of this story now anyway I could never sleep in my bedroom alone at night even with a nightlight on I always wanted to sleep in my parents' room either in bed with them or on a pile of blankets on their floor this was before my little sister was born so I was the only child in the house at that time it was really quiet and kind of creepy and I always heard strange sounds my six-year-old brain easily imagined normal things like clothes in the closet turning into monsters or scary stuff under my bed or outside the window but then my parents said I had to stop running into their room at night because my dad needed good sleep for work he had to wake up at 4:00 a.m. every day so I had to start sleeping on the couch in the living room which was close to my parents' room but I was still too scared to sleep alone in my bedroom the living room and my parents room were separated by a hallway that's when things got really scary every night after my parents went to sleep I would often hear someone Whispering my name from somewhere behind my head listening to the whispering happened every night I could usually fall asleep if I ignored it for a while but one night I actually saw the thing that was saying my name there it was standing in the hallway and looking at me it was really tall almost 7 ft it wore a long black cloak and had a black face with horns and bright red glowing eyes I was so scared that I couldn't move or talk I just stared at it for what felt like a long time then it talked again its mouth opened showing lots of small sharp teeth and it whispered my name in a rough voice once more I covered myself with the blankets and stayed low feeling really scared I hoped it would leave and let me sleep peacefully next thing I knew I opened my eyes and the Sun was shining I had made it till morning I thought it was just a bad dream then not wanting to believe how real it felt after that I spent the whole day playing and watching TV trying not to think about it I didn't even remember the entity until it was night time again I set up my bed on the couch just like the night before and closed my eyes tightly trying to sleep my parents were already asleep and it was dark in the house and once again it happened I heard my name being whispered in that same creepy voice I turned to look feeling really scared and there it was that monster with red eyes just staring at me with a face that showed no feelings it stayed as still as the Shadows around it this part might seem a bit funny depending on how you see it but back then I was so scared that I couldn't even catch my breath the thing opened its mouth showing its pointed teeth and hissed at me RA I screamed jumped off the couch and ran all the way to my bedroom I turned on the light and slammed my door shut my dad came in a moment later and asked what was happening a scary monster with red eyes was trying to take my pillow my dad smiled and told me it was just a bad dream he said I could keep the bedroom light on for the night but not to wake them up by screaming again normally I couldn't sleep in my bedroom alone because my parents room was all the way at the other end of the 80ft trailer but I was so tired so I ended up falling asleep only waking up when the Sun was shining of course the next night I couldn't get to sleep in my own room again I made my bed on the couch long after my parents had gone to bed you'd think I wouldn't want to sleep near the dark hallway again but my parents' room was right on the other side of it back then it felt way better to be near the dark hallway than being alone in my room but once more I heard and saw the monster with those bright red eyes where is my pillow Brock it said why do you want my pillow I asked but it didn't give me an answer it just kept repeating itself like before it made a loud impatient Screech at me it scared and annoyed me so much that I grabbed one of the throw pillows from the couch then I shouted here take your stupid pillow it went straight into the hallway right at the monster's face it leted out a surprised hiss before disappearing into the Shadows I sat there for a moment looking into the hallway knowing it was still there because the pillow had hit something and fallen down I heard one of my parents say something unclear and I realized I must have woken them up with my shouting again I listened for a while half expecting to hear a creepy whisper but it never happened eventually I fell asleep the next morning I woke up thinking that the previous night was just a strange and again very clear dream I stretched rubbed my eyes and got off the couch then I happened to look over and saw the same pillow that I had thrown right where the red-eyed monster had been standing it had to be real I thought to myself or was it all in my imagination that was the last time I saw the redyed hallway demon it just wanted a pillow for some reason [Music] I went to a party when I was around 21 years old but it's a bit fuzzy because it happened about 15 years ago but I remember this incident very well as it was one of the scariest times in my life and that feeling has stuck with me it was my cousin's graduation after party she had just finished school and threw a party at her house my parents gave me a ride to the party but I thought they would be asleep when I wanted to go home there were guys girls and even some parents stayed up with us after we celebrated her graduation with food and cake and had a crazy night we thought it would be a good idea to play more games until about 3:00 in the morning then at 3:00 I thought it was time to go home some of the girls stayed at my cousin's place but I don't like sleeping at other people's houses not even my aunt and uncles I think my aunt and uncle might have thought I was staying over because I left without telling them and also I don't think they would have let me leave alone even though I was an adult so at 3:00 a.m. which is technically towards the end of the night or early morning I was about to leave it was summertime and it was still pretty humid so I wasn't wearing much I had a dress on with a skirt that went just above my knee I said a kind of slurred goodbye to my cousin congratulated her and waved to everyone else staying the night about 10 people decided to stay because they couldn't drive home and only a few of us lived close by my house or my parents house was about a 10-minute walkway and it was maybe three or four blocks from the party they've moved since then and I can't quite remember the exact distance so I waved goodbye walked down the driveway closed the door and left them to continue partying for maybe another hour or two as I walked down the sidewalk everything seemed okay I was trying to get less drunk by taking deep breaths as the air inside the house was kind of heavy with all the candle smoke and partying I had a bottle of water and was trying to take small sips but I remember my walk home being pretty wobbly because of the alcohol it seemed like my body wasn't cooperating well not moving fast or in the right way after a while I managed to get about halfway or maybe a quarter of the way home I had been walking for at least four or 5 minutes I was really tired and confused and all I wanted was to reach home the neighborhoods were quiet because everyone was asleep it was dark but the street lights were on lighting up spots every 10 to 15 M on the road I was stumbling walking kind of crooked holding my plastic bottle of water and my bag in the other hand I thought I was about halfway or something close to that by now I recognized most of the houses in the area but I didn't really know the people living in them I wasn't very social and only knew my two Neighbors on either side of my parents' house finally as I mentioned earlier I got halfway there and suddenly I heard a dog making grunting sounds in someone's yard you know how people have fences on the side of their yards leading to the backyard well for some reason the gate in the fence was open and because I was drunk I didn't really pay much attention to it but looking back I should have the dog was making grunting sounds so I thought maybe I've woken it up but I soon noticed the dog wasn't tied to the fence then I noticed that this dog was huge it seemed like a Belgian Shepherd similar to a German Shepherd but all black they look cool but they can be dangerous too and this dog in particular seemed like it had owners who didn't take good care of it I kept walking swaying from side to side bottle in one hand bag in the other the dog was walking behind me on the sidewalk making grunting sounds it was growling as a warning and snarling with its ears up and its tail raised I'm into dogs and like watching shows like the Dog Whisperer even though I was pretty drunk I could recall that when a dog acts like this it's not a good sign there were some bins like three or four stacked together forming a kind of pile they were maybe on top of each other and they were next to a tree without meaning to of course the dog starts running after me I understand I have to get off the ground to have any chance I climb onto these bins maybe about 4 or 5 ft High not nearly enough to escape the dog but like I mentioned they led up to a big tree it was like a small young pine tree but it was still big going at least 15 to 20 ft High I climbed onto the first branch and started screaming right away I tossed my water bottle at the dog's nose but it didn't help and made things worse by now the dog had changed from growling and sneaking up on me to barking and going wild I recall a light turning on in the house that owned the dog the owner came out an overweight man who seemed really drunk just like me he was the one who had left the dog outside by mistake and almost got me attacked he tried to calm his dog down but it didn't work then he went back into his yard if I fall right now it's over and it would take maybe 10 or 20 minutes for the police to arrive and get this dog off me the owner comes back out with a chain and finally chains the dog up the owner said sorry and then stumbled back inside with his dog then he slammed the shed door and locked the gate I knew this was my chance so I fell out of the tree and I tried to gather whatever energy I had left to run away I almost stumbled a couple of times but managed to get home quickly finally I made it through the door feeling so relieved to be home
Channel: Unfold Diaries
Views: 23,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horror Story, Chilling Night, Home Alone Nightmare, Home Alone Horror Stories, home alone
Id: 8Nc5Teuhi4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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