3 TRUE Disturbing Home Alone Horror Stories

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good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome back to unfold Diaries but before starting the video please consider giving us a [Music] like this story happened a few years back when I was living with my ex-boyfriend we had moved into a two bedroom house and were busy making it our cozy place we transformed one of the bedrooms into to an office because the only bathroom was accessible through it we often had friends crash on our sofa and we didn't want them to go through our bedroom to use the bathroom about a month after we moved in my ex was out with his co-workers so I was home alone I spent the early evening watching TV and eating some takeout a few times I heard some strange noises but every time I tried to figure out what it was the noise stopped stopped it got later so I decided to go upstairs and use the computer for a bit before going to bed at that time we didn't have our phone lines set up so I was using a pay as you go phone with no more credit left that's mean I couldn't talk to anyone while I was in the house I sat in the back room with only a small table lamp that gave off a weak light but as I was typing on the laptop I heard those strange noises again it started as a quiet rattling sound very faint so I had to really listen to make sure it wasn't just my imagination I turned off the music and tried to figure out what was making the noise I went into our bedroom and looked down at the front door there was no one there I returned to the back bedroom but it was hard to see much out of that window our yard was small and surrounded by a tall brick wall and there was no light near the wooden gate from what I could see there was nothing in the backyard either so I sat back down and turned the music back on about 10 minutes later I heard a screeching noise like metal rubbing against metal once again it was very faint like whatever was causing it was trying really hard to be quiet I was starting to feel pretty scared at this point so I left our bedroom to get a heavy iron Rod that we had found in the back of the closet I didn't turn on any lights because I didn't know what was happening and I didn't want to let anyone who might be in the house know where I was remember I couldn't call anyone and I was getting pretty worried that there might be someone in my house I went back into the office bedroom and closed the door as quietly as I could then I locked it and placed a chair under the handle for about 20 minutes nothing else happened I began to feel a bit silly for getting so worked up I thought it might be because it it was my first night alone in the house but this time I didn't turn the music back on and it was a good thing because few minutes later I started hearing sounds like two people whispering and both voices were male luckily the voices didn't seem like they were inside the house so I had the office window open just a bit and the sound seemed to be coming from there I went into the bathroom to get a better look at the alley behind the house the office bedroom and the bathroom formed an l-shape around a yard and the bathroom extended further out I climbed up on the ledge and slowly open the window to see into the alley I couldn't see anything but now the whispering was much louder right behind the gate I couldn't hear the whole conversation but I heard enough to understand these guys had noticed when we moved in and saw that we had a lot of valuable stuff like guitars computers my DSLR camera TV gaming consoles and more I thought they must have noticed that I was home alone and were waiting for me to go to sleep before trying to get into the house I stayed on that ledge for what felt like a very long time until I heard a really loud thud they seemed to have given up on being quiet and were now trying to force their way through the gate I saw it shaking from their strong pushes and I could only guess how big these guys were I'm a small girl about 53 tall all and I weighed around 98 lb at that time so I was really scared watching the gate struggling to hold up I held on to the iron Rod thinking about where I could hide from them then all of a sudden a bright light came from behind me at first I freaked out and hid thinking they were using a flashlight on the back of the house but then I heard dogs barking and people shouting I took another look and I when I saw the house across the alley had a strong light which lit up their yard I heard some grumbling and swearing and then two sets of footsteps hurried away down the alley I stayed in the bathroom locked in until my ex-boyfriend came home drunk at 4:00 a.m. I couldn't sleep at all that night when I went out into the yard the next morning my gate was barely hanging on making it easy for anyone to come in from the alley when I checked the back of the gate I saw the keyhole was all scratched up like someone tried to break the lock if they hadn't alerted the house behind us I'm scared to think about what might have [Music] happened I'm 23 years old female and started working as a babysitter I did it to earn some extra money to help my parents pay for my college at that time we didn't have a lot of money and didn't want to rely on student loans at first I only babysit for my neighbors but people liked how I took care of their kids and more parents asked me to babysit for them they especially needed me on the weekends when they had plans or special events most of the kids I babysat were easy to look after so I began to enjoy the job this experience got me thinking about changing my college major to something that involves working with kids so I thought about studying child care or something like that I really enjoyed babysitting and I had a strong feeling to protect the kids I looked after one Friday night instead of hanging out with my friends I went to babysit for one of the families I regularly helped I drove my old Jetta to their big house in the fancy neighborhood I liked this family because they had a nice home and also paid me well when I got there the parents were already at the door we quickly said our goodbyes then they hurried off to some fancy event on Friday night they had two kids both of them were boys the older child was 5 years old and the little one was just a year old they were already sleeping when I arrived so I didn't have much to do except wait for the parents to come back I thought about watching a movie but I was worried it might wake up the kids and it was pretty late then I remember the lady of the house had a nice collection of romance novels some of which were a bit too grown up for me I'm pretty sure she knew I read her books but she didn't seem to mind I was sitting in the kids room the lights were off but there was a nightlight which gave me enough light to read and keep an eye on them I moved the sofa closer to the window to see the street outside then I got all settled in it looked like I'd be up late the book I was reading was really interesting interesting and it kept me engaged for a while but at some point during the night I noticed something moving outside the window I thought it might be the parents coming home but it wasn't them instead I saw two guys in dark clothes one had a mask covering his whole face and the other just covered the bottom part of his face I got really scared and couldn't move I watched in fear as these two guys quietly came up to the house but then I quickly snapped out of it and grabbed my phone I got really confused and decided to call the lady first her phone rang but she didn't answer I didn't try calling the man as there wasn't much time left those guys were already at the house I couldn't see them but I knew they were looking for a way inside luckily I had locked all the doors and checked them again before going upstairs then I dialed 91 one a lady answered and asked me what was wrong I explained the situation her voice changed from sounding a little bored to sounding very serious she asked for the address then told me the police were on their way but there was a short pause then she said gather everyone in the house you're looking after and try to lock yourselves in a bathroom or hide under a bed at that moment I realized that the police wouldn't arrive quickly enough I needed to escape but I couldn't just leave the two sleeping kids behind I started to panic trying to figure out what to do where could I hide should I leave the house altogether this job wasn't worth all this trouble I was scared thinking about whether I might get hurt or taken by those guys suddenly while I was worrying about a million things I heard the sound of breaking glass downstairs now I knew I was out of time I grabbed a chair and pushed it against the door to make it harder for them to get in then I rushed to get the baby carrier from the closet in the room I quickly put the baby in the carrier and strapped it on the baby got a little restless but fortunately fell back asleep the older brother woke up when I touched him he was about to say something but I covered his mouth with my hand before he could make a sound then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs these guys were attempting to stay quiet but it was difficult for them they probably thought everyone in the house was asleep they were big and trying to be quiet didn't work very well I didn't think the door and the chair would hold them back for long the older boy stayed quiet even when I took my hand away from his mouth he really looked very scared and I totally understood why I was scared too I took his arm and tried to guide him away from his bed but he stopped and his face showed he was unhappy he started to pull away from me trying to get my hand off his arm I got really worried I really didn't want this to happen he wasn't the kind of kid who just did what he was told he questioned everything because his parents taught him to be that way so I bent down and whispered in his ear as quietly as I could we have to be really quiet inside this house please listen to me and do what I say after a moment he agreed probably because of how serious I sounded I felt relieved that he would follow my instructions but it didn't last long I heard someone trying to open the door we were in they pushed it but couldn't get it to open I looked at the older boy and he looked really scared I motioned for him to stay calm and gently rubbed his shoulder my hands were shaking I heard the door open the main bedroom wasn't locked so I hoped they would spend some time in there they were opening a different door not the one we were in so I took the boy to the window hoping we had more time because they were now in our bedroom I quietly opened the window and climbed onto the roof it took a bit of convincing but eventually I got the other boy to come with me by the time we were on the roof the men were back at the door and they were making more noise this time that made the older boy decide to join us on the roof so we were all outside the house but I didn't know where to go from there I had a baby in one hand and a young boy in the other finding a safe way to get down with both of them wasn't easy if I were by myself I might have taken a risk but I couldn't leave without the two kids we were stuck on the roof with nowhere to go the men broke their way in so I grabbed the older boy and we huddled in the corner of the roof the baby was still sleeping but the boy was scared and held on to me tightly I silently cried hoping and praying that someone would come to help us suddenly one of the men opened the window and looked out I was terrified and it showed on my face our eyes met and he looked at me and then at the kids I was holding I thought he might say something there was a moment when we just looked at each other then he suddenly turned away and urgently called out to his partner oh no I think they saw us coming they've escaped which means they might have called the police by now he said the other guy asked what how but didn't get an answer answer I don't know for sure but it seemed like the other guy didn't want his friend to find us as if he knew his friend might do something bad to us then I heard them rushing downstairs and their heavy footsteps echoed throughout the whole house it's mean they were coming outside so I thought about going back inside to make sure the other one didn't see us here but I was too scared to move I watched as both men ran out the back of the house and started heading down the driveway then I heard sirens in the distance the men heard it too and started running faster they jumped over the fence just before I saw red and blue lights approaching the police found us on the roof I was still shaking when they brought us back inside we finally reached the kids parents and they returned to the house in less than half an hour my parents arrived shortly after I never really got over the fear from that night but I also felt thankful to to the man for not hurting us it might sound strange but I was a little relieved that they didn't catch us especially his [Music] friend my grandma raised me for a big part of my life and I'm thankful for that she taught me many important values and how to be a respectful person but when I turned 15 I moved in with my dad stepmom and half siblings and I had a wonderful life with them but before move in I lived with my mom and her boyfriend Dale for a year in the top part of a duplex my cool aunt lived nearby and I visited her a lot because she was awesome she was in her 20s really fun and very pretty she had a 1969 Firebird convertible and we'd cruise around in it listening to Aeros Smith back in the 9s because of this I spent time with her brother-in-law Jeff who rented a room in her basement I thought Jeff was a bit strange but later he seemed okay one night around 11:30 I was home alone when I heard a knock at the door our door had a glass window near the top but it was painted over with a small hole scratched into the paint for looking through I looked through it and it was my aunt's brother-in-law Jeff so I opened the door and said hey what's going on Jeff asked if my mom or Dale were home I told him my mom was at work and I had no idea where Dale was then he asked if I could come downstairs because he wanted to talk to me I trusted him because I thought of him as family and I was a bit shy so I didn't like saying no to people I followed him downstairs to the front porch I saw his car parked on the street with the headlights on in the passenger seat there was the guy who looked like the Jerky Boy character the one who hung out with my mom's boyfriend I hesitated and said uh Jeff said hey we want to talk to you we have something to ask then he gently tried to guide me into the car now my heart started racing and suddenly I felt like something was wrong I stopped and pulled back a bit trying not to show Fear Jeff kept talking softly and touched my shoulder to fix my spaghetti strap he said it's okay just come closer to me I politely pulled away and told him it was fine he could ask me right there he kept gently trying to convince me to get into the car to talk saying it was okay if I was scared he suggested I stand in front of the headlights as soon as he mentioned standing in front of the headlights my stomach churned and my whole body felt on edge I knew that if I I stood there I wouldn't be able to see well and it might make it easier for one of them to grab me at that moment I realized I was in a very dangerous situation so I pretended to act a little silly and clueless because I was scared that if they realized I suspected something wrong they might grab me to keep me quiet I thought he might cover my mouth and pull me into the car so I made a playful joke saying I wasn't wearing shoes and didn't want to step in dog poop then I saw the Jerky Boy coming out of his car so I quickly sprinted back to the house I ran up the stairs and locked the door I was shaking with fear about a minute later The Jerky Boy knocked on the door and peered through the small hole he said he needed to talk to my mom's boyfriend I told him my mom's boyfriend wasn't home and he stepped away from the door but I didn't hear him going down the stairs about 30 seconds later Jeff came up and knocked he talked through the door saying he needed to talk to my mom's boyfriend and tried to open the door but it was locked I repeated the same that they weren't home then Jeff started saying things like I'm sorry we scared you honey we just want to talk to you about your mom and Dale and he made other bad excuses I got scared they might try to break in so I decided to sneak out the back I walked toward the back door and I'm really glad I looked out the back window first because I saw the Jerky Boy Standing Outside by the back door downstairs so Jeff was at the front door talking nicely to me and his friend was waiting by the back door I know what you might be thinking right call the police I'm not sure why I didn't maybe because I was so inexperienced and shy and this guy was my relative I also had had doubts about myself and my judgment because Jeff kept reassuring me at the front door I got to the front door and Jeff was still there talking to me saying he felt bad for scaring me I spoke through the door trying my best not to show Fear I said it was okay and apologized for getting frightened I told him it wasn't his fault and I tried to calm him down and make him believe that I trusted him they eventually left and when it was safe I sneaked out and ran to my friend's house next door I didn't tell them what happened I just said that I am scared and wanted to stay there until my mom came home I did tell my mom about it thankfully nothing serious happened 3 months later I moved to my dad's house which was 45 mil away and I never saw them again when I think back on it now years after it happened I realized just how dangerous that situation was was I'm so glad I followed my instincts went back inside and locked the door because as most of you can imagine they had very bad intentions toward [Music] me previously I lived in a small town in the northeast of England it was surrounded by fields and smaller villages is because of this not much serious crime happens here the worst thing I can remember is a stabbing about 8 years ago and more recently A friend of mine got hurt because he was drunk and two teenagers decided to pick on him he ended up with a lot of bruises but he was okay this is just to help you understand what my town is like but last month I moved to a not so nice part of town where most of the trouble happens there was even a guy who thought it was funny to leave half a rabbit on the doorstep of a store as a prank so it's not a very nice area and living next to it means you hear a lot of noise at night I had spent 3 years in the city while I was at University so I got used to all the constant noise Sirens traffic and such when I came back to my quiet Town it took me a while to get used to the quiet again during that time I would hear a lot of strange things and sometimes even see strange things in those first few nights I had trouble falling asleep so I'd lay in bed trying to sleep without any luck I should mention that in my town there are four common noises I hear there's a clock that Chimes every 15 minutes teenagers who think they're cool playing loud music past their bedtime and sometimes drunk people as I lay there trying to sleep I would hear voices I'd look out the window and see people walking by nothing out of the ordinary then there was a drunk person yelling about fighting someone and after that a random guy walking home alone probably after having a few drinks himself more days passed with more noise but then one day I heard a scream it sounded like it was a little girl upset as if her mom scolded her for something there was shouting too and the screaming went on then slowly faded away until it stopped I thought maybe it was just a tired child who stayed out too late with irresponsible parents which wasn't uncommon there so I went on night after night trying to sleep the interesting part didn't happen until about a week later I was playing a game called Sims 4 at around 1:30 a.m. when I heard a deep scary scream but I couldn't tell where it was coming from the sound was echoing pretty badly or it was on the road nearby behind the houses in front of mine either way I lost interest in the screaming and it stopped after a couple of seconds so I still couldn't figure out where it was coming from two more nights passed once again I'm playing Sims 4 and I hear the screaming this time it's much closer close enough that I should be able to see it if it weren't nighttime we don't have many street lights on our street maybe just one or two there's a good 20 M or so between the street lights where it's very dark so I'm trying my best to see but it's not working I was getting into bed then suddenly I heard a bike going by I peaked out my window but I couldn't see any sign of a bike while I was looking a man suddenly appeared from the dark part of the road he seemed like he was just walking down the road Road and I didn't think there was a problem until he stopped right in front of my house I quickly turned off my lamp and hid out of sight the street light I mentioned earlier is right across from my house so it shines right into my room and I couldn't watch from the darkness the street light makes anyone facing it look like a dark shape when I leaned to see if he had left I was horrified to spot him by my garden fence I could only guess he was staring right at my window I panicked and hid again listening carefully for any sounds of him leaving after about 5 minutes I heard footsteps but it was terrifying because they seemed to be coming up the steps into my garden now I was too scared to look but I gathered enough courage and stayed in the dark when I finally did look he was gone but I'm sure of what I heard three steps toward the garden entrance four steps up the stairs and three steps to the left onto the gravel yet there were no sounds of gravel or footsteps I waited a few more minutes but I didn't hear any sounds inside my house I have a one-year-old very energetic dog named Dana if anyone came through the back she'd bark loudly and I'd hear it I'd also hear if they tried to break in through the front door or window because I'm right above those two entrances I'm pretty sure he's gone but I can't shake the feeling that he might come back to my house
Channel: Unfold Diaries
Views: 36,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horror Story, Chilling Night, Home Alone Nightmare, Home Alone Horror Stories
Id: O1pa64ZMWpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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