3 TRUE Disturbing Home Alone Horror Stories

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[Music] this story takes place during Christmas in 2021 to give you a bit more information in my apartment complex we use Smart locks these locks work by entering a code rather than using a physical key it's pretty convenient but there's also a traditional Keyhole as a backup just in case the lock runs out of battery or encounters any issues now let me tell you what really happened so around a week and a half before Christmas I had trouble with the keypad on my door it just wouldn't turn on and I couldn't get inside my room so I informed the people in charge of the apartment and they sent someone over the very next day to put in a new lock while the maintenance guy was fixing things we started talking he was super chill and we ended up having a really good conversation but he kept checking out my Christmas tree where I had a bunch of presents for my family I hadn't wrapped them up for Christmas yet some of the stuff was pretty pricey like electronics and other things as we chatted he kept mentioning I really wish I could afford a place like this especially at your age now I'm 20 years old and I've got this business online that's doing well so I can get nice things when folks say things like that I just laugh it off after he replaced the lock he said bye and left oh by the way I have this Australian Shepherd if you know about these dogs you'll know they're not just smart they're also very loyal my dog's name is opal and she's never been mean to anyone not even a stranger she loves it when people give her attention especially when we're out even when the guy fixing things was here she was super friendly just letting him do his job the hallways outside my place have cameras and there's the smart lock on my door it locks itself after 30 seconds of being opened also I make sure to check it every night to be sure it's locked before I go to sleep sleep my girlfriend and I were both in bed and my dog opal was on my side keeping an eye on the door in the middle of the night I woke up because Opel was making these small barks and she was looking at the open bedroom door I'm a light sleeper so I usually wake up to any noise I told opal to hush thinking it was just a random sound but something felt off then a few moments later there was another loud sound from the living room area and my dog opal suddenly jumped off the bed and sprinted out of the room I hurriedly followed her to figure out what was happening soon after I heard a guy screaming in pain when I turned on the living room lights there was a man in opal who had bitten into his arm near the Christmas tree I instantly recognized the guy who came to fix things before even though he had a mask on I could tell it was him before I could react he pulled out a knife from his hoodie pocket and stabbed my dog right in the shoulder opal let go of him and he quickly ran out of the apartment I didn't try to go after him because he had a knife and my immediate worry was taking care of my Injured Dog by now my girlfriend was up and we had to quickly take my dog to the car for a ride to the animal emergency room we were also on the phone with the police there was a lot of blood from her wound but the Vets did surge surgy and she made it through we could press charges because the guy after leaving my place put on his mask right outside my door and my camera caught a clear picture of his face they also found out he used a key to get into the apartment and only residents and the maintenance person who was him have that key he brought a really big garbage bag that night to take all the Christmas gifts as a consequence he got a 5-year sentence in federal prison I really believe dogs can sense if someone is up to no good and I'll always be thankful to my dog especially because of the Australian Shepherd breed who knows what could have happened if I didn't have my dog and walked in on him taking the gifts he had a knife so you never know remember to stay safe during the holidays if a stranger is coming to your home make sure they can't see the gifts under the tree take care [Music] everyone before I start telling you what happened that night let me give you some backstory so I'm the oldest of three brothers and at that time Eli was seven Danny was 12 and I had just turned 17 a week before this incident my parents really like to have fun and go to parties especially during holidays they would go out and enjoy some drinks with their friends so they used to leave us at home with a babysitter during those times and this continued until I was around 14 after that it was my job to take care of my younger brothers we had a neighbor girl named Shelly who was the same age as me she lived across the street with her brother Charlie who was around Eli's age and they were good friends I used to like shell but I never told her because of the usual awkwardness teenagers feel when I got over that awkward phase Shelly had already dated a few guys I don't want to be mean but Shel didn't pick the best guys she always went for those guys who acted like they were tough but they really weren't those were the kind of guys you'd see arguing with the person at the DMV it felt like these silly people were all made in a factory or something I promise you she'd break up with one not so great guy only to start dating another who was just like the one she left anyway when I turned 17 I had changed a lot physically I got taller and stronger than many kids my age my dad is a really big guy 6 ft tall and 240 lb and it looked like I was turning out just like him as I grew Shelly started hanging out with me more trying to flirt and all I was mostly nice to her but honestly I didn't want to be in a relationship with her I'd seen the problems she brought with the guys she dated she was the kind of girl who thought it was cool to talk about hanging out with gang members and smoking weed I thought it was gross and irritating the day before Halloween I was fixing my dad's lawn mower so I was in the garage and the door was open because it was too hot inside I can't recall why but I was in a bad mood that day when I saw Shelly in a really short outfit behind me it just made me instantly annoyed hey Mike she said in this annoying flirty way I let out a quiet groan before responding what's up Shelly can I help you with something I was just wondering if you wanted to go somewhere and have a little fun um no thanks I think I'm good stop playing I've seen the way you look at me I don't know what what you're talking about now if you don't mind I'm busy at this point I was starting to lose my patience don't act like that you know you also want this the only thing I want is for you to leave my garage can't you bother someone else I couldn't believe I said those words as she walked away I'm usually much nicer to her but this was the first time she ever came on to me I knew it might happen sooner or later but I didn't plan on being so firm when I said no are you serious you're saying no to me you're stupid you're going to regret this um yeah can you please go now I just shook my head as I saw her walk away I didn't think her threat was for real I thought she just didn't handle being told no very well and I moved on with my day the next night was Halloween so my parents were going to a party for adults they told me to take my brothers trick-or-treating and not wait for them because they wouldn't be back until the next day so I did what I was told and I took care of Dany and Eli as they went from house to house getting candy after about an hour we saw a little boy in a ninja costume standing in the street the boy was crying a lot and asking where his sister was but later I found out the boy was Charlie shelle's younger brother so I asked him what happened Charlie said he was trick-or-treating with his sister but when he came back from getting candy at the house with the long driveway across the street his sister was gone I got worried right away I thought something might have happened to her so I quickly called Charlie's mom Shauna Shauna was really mad when she heard that Charlie was alone then she explained that she and shell had a big fight that day shell wanted to be with her boyfriend instead of taking her brother trick-or-treating so Shauna thought Shelly left her brother and went off with her boyfriend I didn't want to be part of their family drama but I said I'd look after Charlie and go trick-or-treating with my brothers Charlie and Eli were good friends after all Shauna thanked me and said she'd talk to Shelly once she figured out where she was I thought it was pretty shitty for Shelly to ditch her brother and run off with some guy but that wasn't my issue I just wanted to make sure Charlie had fun and got home safe but I wasn't ready for what happened later that night the rest of the evening was pretty quiet being with Dany and Eli really lifted Charlie's Spirits he was a nice kid I felt good that I could make his Halloween better and keep him away from the problems at his house even if it was just for a little while we had a great time trick-or-treating around the neighborhood then around 9:00 we walked char Char back to his house shaa opened the door and said thanks for taking care of him I could see she was really sad about everything my brothers and I came back home we watched a movie and checked out our candy then I had them wash up and get ready for bed after the boys fell asleep I went to my room and started looking at my phone as I was drifting off to sleep a really loud bang on my bedroom window startled me then there was a muffled voice outside and even though I couldn't make out the words I heard a guy saying mean things repeatedly now you might be thinking that someone was trying to break in or some crazy person was in the backyard with a knife but I can assure you what was really happening is way dumber than you could think I recognized the voice outside my bedroom window it was a guy named Derek and he was a jerk who used to go to my school but he got kicked out for causing problem in the bathroom he of course had a relationship that was Sometimes good sometimes bad with Shelly like I said I knew why he was outside my house knocking on my window I think Shelly had talked to him after I said no to her and made up some fake story about me being mean to her or something I calmly stood up and went to my back porch I saw Derek peering into my bedroom window which was next to the porch Shelly was standing behind him with her AR arms crossed I opened the door and walked out onto the back porch and as soon as I stepped outside they started saying really mean things to me Derrick had a small knife in his hand and he was coming up the porch steps towards me when I saw the knife I knew I had to do something without thinking much I rushed right at him and pushed him backward off the steps he fell to the ground hard and before he could get up I was standing over him and hitting him in the face with my fist after a few punches I saw that he was knocked out there was a lot of blood coming from his nose and mouth and he was twitching a lot I knew if I kept hitting him he could have serious problems and I didn't want that I got up from Derek and looked at Shelly she had a shocked look on her face I was really angry with her and I said something before she left did you really leave your brother just to be with this guy and cause trouble for me that's really sad Shelly it wasn't until I turned around and went back up the porch steps that Shelly started yelling at me saying you jerk I know people they're going to come back here and hurt you I kid you not when I turned around again there were two police officers standing behind shell with their guns out shell kept yelling at me not knowing the cops were right behind her I just smiled and crossed my arms Shelly looked shocked when one of the officers said stop talking and put your hands up when it was all over Derek went to the hospital he had a concussion a broken nose and lost some teeth he would get in trouble for trespassing once he got better Shelly got kicked out of her house for what she did that night and I haven't seen her since even now I'm not sure if what happened was a dream or real maybe my brain is struggling to believe it really happened but I remember it so well that I can't just call it a dream this happened in Brooklyn New York when I was 14 years old I just began high school and I felt more on my own I got my own room when my grandma moved to a different apartment for our family before that I shared a room with my little sister she's 3 years younger and we always got along when we were kids but when I turned into a teenager I wanted to be more on my own even if it was just having my own room and my parents said okay when my room was ready it was great I had my own bed my own TV and my own video games so I could pretty much do what I wanted with not too much bothering from my family this room was like my small Paradise everything was perfect until bedtime the not so good part of being alone was feeling lonely at night when I turned off the lights the room got really dark there was no Moonlight and my room was far from the street lights so it was completely dark and I wasn't used to this I admit when I shared the room with my sister there was some light when it was bedtime but now I was all by myself totally surrounded by Darkness soon my other senses got better and I could hear every little sound the house made like tiny mouse squeaks and sometimes I thought someone else was in my room it felt like I was never really alone the first few nights were hard because I couldn't fall asleep easily I usually ended up sleeping very late I would just knock out from being super tired I couldn't keep the TV on because the bright light bothered me too much and also I thought I might get in trouble if my parents saw the TV on in the middle of the night so I decided to admit I needed help and got a nightlight it wasn't too bright just enough so I could see in my room this little addition really made me feel better and I could fall asleep much easier everything was normal until one night I woke up to a noise that was like thunder but more like a whoosh of air now that I think about it I opened my eyes and checked the room when I saw the window there was this really bright light coming in almost too bright I couldn't understand what was going on I even asked myself am I dreaming then a voice in my head growled no you're not I got really wide-eyed and surprised then the bright lights slowly went away and I quickly looked around to find where the voice came from usually I'd hide under my sheets if something like that happened but this time was strange I was more confused and interested than scared I left my room and checked the hallway I saw that my sister's bedroom door was a bit open so I peaked inside and a chilling feeling went down my spine my sister was asleep in her bed however there was a dark figure kneeling beside her he was on the other side of the bed so I couldn't see the rest of his body but what I saw definitely didn't look human I couldn't move and I just kept staring it felt like a long time before I saw it move a bit was it going to come toward me was it going to harm my sister so I walked toward it slowly I wasn't sure if I could even do anything to harm it and I wasn't thinking about what what might happen next but I wasn't going to step back when I got halfway I saw it move a bit again then it started blending into the darkness in a short time it disappeared I remember thinking where did it go was it real how could something like that exist or was it just my tired mind playing tricks on me I was wide awake fully aware of walking around and everything that had just happened this couldn't be a dream I looked around her bed and checked all the corners of her room I searched any possible hiding spots being careful not to wake her up after a few minutes of looking I was sure it was gone or maybe it was never there in the first place I thought about staying in the room with her all night but then I felt like whatever that thing was it might come back I'm not sure why I felt that way but the feeling got stronger it was the feeling that said she was safe now when I went back to my room I wondered what was that voice I was still trying to understand what had just happened would it come back was it going to come after me next so I turned my NightLight back on and finally I fell asleep but I never told my sister about what happened I didn't want to make her scared about something I wasn't sure of she seemed okay as she got older that thing never returned but my sister got a bit scared of the dark sometimes she talks about seeing things in the dark corners of her eyes now that I'm grown up I have two little toddlers whom I love a lot I'd do anything to keep them safe I never told my wife about the scary thing when I was a teenager it's not because I'm afraid she wouldn't believe me but more because I'm scared she might I don't think she would sleep well again but now whenever I wake up in the middle of the night I don't go back to sleep without checking on my [Music] kids I'm a 19-year-old female but at the time of this event I was around 13 or 14 years old I live in a small County in p Pennsylvania it was just a regular day and my younger sister and I had just gotten home from school it was cold outside and I had a pet bird so I decided to take my bird out one more time before it got too cold I told my sister about it and she agreed just so you know we lived in an apartment and from our balcony we could see other people's balconies but right behind our apartment building there was another road so we weren't all by ourselves and between the apartments there was a small wooded area like a little Forest remember this because it matters later in the story so I took my bird and went to the grass between the apartments because there was a nice open space for my bird to walk around it was a quiet area and the wind felt really nice that day because it was fall Halloween was just around the corner and everyone had their balconies decked out with decorations like ghosts and pumpkins my bird was just chilling taking a stroll on the grass I noticed we were getting closer to the woods but I made sure to keep a good distance you know I've Heard lots of scary stories especially about weird things happening in the woods so I wanted to stay safe and not go too close we stayed there for about 10 minutes and I was totally f focused on my bird because he gets scared easily then out of nowhere I heard this strange squeaky sound it wasn't just any squeak though it was like the noise a clown makes when it honks its nose or horn this was the time when there were stories about clowns scaring kids and being in the woods I heard the noise from the woods so I quickly turned my head in that direction but when I looked all I saw were trees and leaves it got me kind of worried so so I started looking around to see if maybe it was just some Halloween decoration making the noise you know like those things people put up around this time or perhaps someone was watching a horror movie with their balcony door open but nope I didn't see anything like that making the noise then what I heard next totally creeped me out as I was trying to figure out what made the noise I heard a kid-like giggle coming from the woods and guess what I heard that clown squeak again I didn't even bother checking the woods I just grabbed my bird real fast and sprinted back to my apartment good thing I had my key with me so I quickly unlocked the door and ran inside I put my bird back in his cage and went to my balcony because we have a good view of the woods but thankfully I didn't see anyone or anything and I'm just really happy I got back home safe I know it's not the scariest story and nothing bad really happened to me but I still think about that day a lot I always wonder who or what made that scary sound
Channel: Unfold Diaries
Views: 12,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horror Story, Chilling Night, Home Alone Nightmare, Home Alone Horror Stories, home alone
Id: YW9tvjgZuyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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