3 Tips to Pass the CCNA | Cisco CCNA 200-301

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hello and welcome to the channel my name is Keith Barker if you are considering are thinking about getting your Cisco CCNA the 200-300 on certification but have some concerns or questions like how do I start or what should I study this video is for you in this video I'm going to share with you the three major things that you need to do in getting your CCNA and for those of you who are new to the channel if we haven't been introduced yet my name is keith barker i'm a CC cie a cisco certified internet work expert got my first one in 2001 and another one in 2003 and I love Cisco technologies so let's talk about the three main important steps you need to do to get your CSUN a number one we need some kind of focused structured study material what do you mean Keith well I'm talking about a book a very thorough book that covers all of the bullet points from the blueprint this can be very thorough or a video training series it covers each and every point whatever you want to use is great but you need to get that in place so there's a lot of great options out there on the internet and available today I work for CBT Nuggets we have one option it is a paid subscription model for CBT Nuggets it includes our entire library let me just share with you what it looks like from a CCNA perspective so in CCNA there are how many hours like 50 plus hours of training for CCNA specifically in the training list else has Microsoft and VMware and other software as well but for our purposes here this is one of the many options that are available out there in the world for structured training that covers every single item and if you are not yet a member at CBT Nuggets or I want to give it a try there's a link below that you can click on and sign up for a free 7-day trial to go ahead and take a look at it so that's one some structured focused way of covering all the blueprint topics and making sure you have the training in place for that and what are the challenges and opportunities in getting an end-to-end study program is how do you know what's great or how do you know what's really useful or what other people's used and that brings us to our second major point of what you need and that is a community we need a community of people who are also studying or willing to help you in your studies for CCNA and so in that community you can ask about okay what training resources do you use and what what do you do this helpful in your studies you can also study and ask questions back and forth and as part of the Keith Barker channel here on YouTube we have such a community and also we have a discord server where you can jump in ask questions is thousands strong and so if you want there's a link down below also for the discord server which is also free so my YouTube playlist here to help reinforce the topics in CCNA is free here on YouTube in the master playlist the discord servers free it's a great community we encourage you to join ask questions participate find study buddies and keep on studying the content alright so let's do a quick review number one we need some formal structure program that can train us from soup to dessert so whatever that happens to be get it secondly get your community and then continue to study and work with your community that's gonna root for you here we're rooting for you and third this is probably the most important aspect and that is to get hands-on practice so just memorizing oh here's what a VLAN does oh here's what a trunk does oh here's the tag oh here's IP addressing oh here's house up nothing works now if all those terms are new to you have no fear in the master playlist we cover a lot of those topics and whatever you're using for your main structure of studies will cover all those topics as well but the key is it's not enough just to memorize data points and facts because in a production environment you're gonna be asked to apply your skills so as you study we're going to need practice in reinforcing those skills and the best way of doing that is step number three probably the most important and that is hands-on practice now you might be saying well well Keith how do I get a hands-on practice I don't have a whole network here as I look around I think I do have a whole network around here but for for somebody's just getting in I'm just getting into the field of networking and intro at the associate level there needs to be some options for practice so for hands-on practice let's say we just were learning about something called a trunk or a VLAN or routing and we're learning about those topics we want to practice implementing and verifying those techniques there's three really great ways of practicing and one of those is absolutely free so let me share with you some of those options check this out I think you'll like it packet tracer is a free simulator from Cisco you put a link down below you can just go to netacad com sign up for a free account again it's in the link below instead of free account download packet tracer for free and you can configure routers and switches wireless LAN controllers all the kinds of stuff that you'll learn as you go through the CCNA content you're studying and get that hands-on practice and what's the price free it's free and I have many many labs that I've built that you can use as a starting point so you can just get packet tracer download a lab or two for me or all of them if you like and get the hands-on practice with VLANs trunking switching and the whole nine yards including wireless LAN controllers all for free that's certainly an option and I encourage you in fact meaning people ask hey for CCNA do I need like I need to go buy hardware and everything the answer is no if you have internet access and you're willing to sign up for a free account at Cisco with netacad calm and get packet tracer there are so many labs including ones I've provided that can help you in your practice you do not I repeat you do not need to purchase any physical gear to practice all right having said that if you do want to purchase gear to practice you can do that too that's certainly an option like on eBay or use gear but you know if you don't have the funds for that or you don't want to don't have the tolerance for the noise and you don't have to have physical gear because behind the covers it's the same I mean the commands work the same whether it's a simulated environment or physical environment big the commands and so forth are intended to work the same and give you that hands-on practice in building and troubleshooting networks and that's what companies want they want people who can support their network infrastructures alright the third option that I want to share with you is for hands-on practice one is packet tracer that's the number one choice I think for CCNA level ii would be a physical gear and the third option let me see about browser here for it the third option would be CML cisco modeling labs it's a license for the purchase from cisco they have a personal edition it's $200 u.s. a year so it does cost money but it's yet another way you can drag out routers and switches and firewalls and configure them all in a virtualized environment and away you go so for CCNA I'd recommend packet tracer as hands-on hands-on hands-on as your main tool for practicing and anything above that including physical gear or Cisco modeling labs which is an emulator either one of those can be used additionally if you would like to alright so let me make sure I covered my points and then we'll finish number one get a mane course of study whether it's books or a video course and so forth the solution of that challenge is check out our CBT Nuggets content it's amazing I can tell you I'm pretty excited about networking but guess who else is Jeremy Chara also is in created that course with us and also network chuck has created that course with us it's Jeremy Chara Network Chuck and myself all creating that course I'd encourage you to least check that out use the link below it'll take you right to where you can sign up for a free 7-day trial secondly as far as communities go join us here on YouTube if you like this video click on the thumbs up that'd be great that other people know subscribe if you haven't already so you don't miss a single video in the link for this video there's also a link to our discord server it's also free so you can join our discord server there's rooms for various topics for regarding CCNA and just have a fun time there and also after many premieres we hang out the voice chat rooms we talk I've had I've had an amazing opportunities to chat with so many people that I would not otherwise have so it's just it's really cool cuz we can just click on a button and I can talk with you and it's been a real eye-opener with what are people looking for and and one of the solutions that this channel solves is that we're not creating an entire soup to dessert everything you'd ever want to know for Cisco CCNA but what we are creating this the problem we're solving is that when somebody studying something like routing or switching or trunking or VLAN or network programmability and they like just not quite getting it this YouTube channel which you if you haven't already yet click on subscribe this youtube channel is gonna fill a lot of those holes and it's gonna help reinforce and there's been so many light bulbs that have gone off or people have studied some content and then they've come and watch start to videos on this channel and I say our channel because it's a community and they've clicked on I was watch the video they oh I went to this course and it didn't cover that or I went to all this training I never picked that up or oh my gosh that's how it really works that's that's the key of what we can get that's the problem this channel solves is that as you go through the videos and enjoy the time together and then jump in discord we have conversations back and forth it's that light bulb going off like ah I get it like there's one coming I get all the time why didn't why didn't somebody else just explain it like that I said what are my goals in this channel is to take concepts and present them in a way that I would have loved receive them when I was first learning I've been doing networking for close to thirty years and a CCIE in routing switching for almost twenty and then a CCI in security for about eighteen based on the time of this videos show maybe even longer all right so okay so number one get a major course of study to join a community and put in the time enjoy and join joy and third get hands-on practice and I release new videos on this channel at least twice a week we also have an online quiz on Sundays which is fantastic 11:00 a.m. Pacific time we can support up to 2,000 people so the first two thousand people get into the quiz and then we focus like it's like the the best of two worlds of flashcards which are great to help remember topics and also games so you take games and flashcards you can put them together in a topic you love and I host them once a week and up to 2000 people can play join us mark your calendar right now for Pacific time 11:00 a.m. every Sunday what do I do next Keith what do I do next I would start by identifying what your main course of action is gonna be so whether whether your study material whether it be CBT Nuggets or somebody else there's a lot of great training out there I believe in our trainings at CBT Nuggets it is fantastic I think you'll oh - it includes hands-on labs where you click a link you do the lab right there and get that hands-on practice as you go through it's fantastic but whatever training resource you use that's great identify one find out from others if it's a good one use it bring it along and then start studying set a schedule carve out some time every day and study secondly join our community here in YouTube by joining well subscribing and then you can join on discord those are both free we'd love to have you and the third is do the hands-on which will be I'll do i do packet tracer labs two or three a month and i found those to be very very useful and getting people getting hands-on practice which again is absolutely free i also commit commit just that you know what maybe it's my time if you're nine to ninety i don't care where you are in that frame if you are just getting into cisco certification for you know the basic entry-level associate level stuff this is your place we'd love to have you here commit to it and i you can do it you can do this and it'll change your life because once you learn the basics you'll then take those and cascade those to the next and the next upping your game it up in your game it's me fantastic my call to action for you right now is down below there is a link for the master playlist that's here on YouTube it's just a collection of live streams and content I've created regarding Cisco CCNA topics if you click on that master play to side book market so take a moment right now you pause me if you want bookmark that playlist and then work your way through it and we're gonna start off with you know the basics intros to like what does the server one was a client and how they communicate and then start to build upon those so take a look at that first video and then just keep on going through the playlist and just enjoy it have a great time studying is fun so thanks for joining me in this video on the three main things we need to do for success in CCNA and I'll see you in future live events and videos or tools and tips today regarding getting your CCNA I believe in you see you next time [Music]
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 53,339
Rating: 4.9596438 out of 5
Keywords: ccna, cisco, 200-301, Cisco CCNA, Cisco Certification, ogit, Keith Barker
Id: Xp-kVc0eKFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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