What You Need To Know To Pass The Cisco CCNA 200-301

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[Music] well February 24 2020 has come and gone and the changes to the Cisco certification curricula have been enacted lots of folks have asked questions about what to expect now that the CCNA exams changed so I'd like to take a couple of minutes to help clarify those expectations first of all there's no more CCENT certification or ICN VIII exams in order to get your CCNA you must take and pass the 200 - 301 exam also there are no more CCNA specialization certification such as the CCNA wireless or CCNA security instead all of those specialty technologies have been rolled up into a single CCNA exam so let's look at some of the most common questions that folks have how long do I have to complete the exam with the new exam you've got under 20 minutes which is up 30 minutes from the previous how many questions are there on the exam there's going to be about 100 questions on the CCNA exam which is up from 55 or 60 on the previous how much does the exam cost currently the exam is $300 which is down from three hundred and twenty-five dollars of the the cost of the previous exam how do I sign up Cisco doesn't get personally involved with the testing process instead they partner with a company called Pearson VUE PE ARS o n vu e you'd create an account then you'd schedule the exam choose a test center at a date and a time what kinds of questions are there going to be on the exam so there's gonna be all of they're going to be some form of select the answer from below so there's going to be multiple choice single answer multiple choice multiple answer drag-and-drop matching fill in the blank the CCNA exam traditionally has had two simulation questions that required you to go on the command line and actually configure something one was a a configuration task that you had to do from scratch and the other was a troubleshooting task that you had to reconfigure something to make it work so it's reported that there are no longer any simulation questions on that exam there may be some questions that require you to get on the command line to issue show commands to answer questions but there's nothing that is going to require you to to do any configuration tasks so what's been added most of the additions are going to be topics that come from the older CCNA specialty certifications so you're gonna see a lot of network security it's highly recommended that you take some considerable time in collecting and studying the 100-plus network security terms that are described by Cisco you're also going to see a lot of wireless routing protocols have been whittled down to only single area OSPF however don't be lulled into complacency thinking you need to know nothing about EIGRP rip or BGP you're not going to be asked to configure these protocols but you may be asked some general questions about them such as what type of protocol are they or what's their administrative distance another big addition is a section on network automation and programmability so Cisco's made it very clear that a modern network administrator is someone who can manage and control a network using some form of automation it was rumored that you'd have to know about Python programming and that's not the case Python programming is not tested on in the CCNA exam it would be very helpful to understand the differences between the configuration automation tools that Cisco discusses also it's a very good idea to be very familiar with the format syntax for JSON data output and yeah Malan XML so those those data outputs are used when sending ap is very important that you know what proper syntax is and what it is not when looking at that output so the high number of questions allows Cisco to ask you about anything at all in in horrid detail so expect to see several questions that display output from show commands asking you to identify what's the problem here or what command produced this output expect questions asking about the IEP route table which route would be used to reach route X X X X when there's more than one route to that destination what is Oh star e to mean you also need to be very familiar with the GUI of a wireless LAN controller knowing what tabs you're gonna be using to configure the different things such as a VLAN interface or a WLAN so what hasn't changed strangely worded questions that require you to read them three or four times in order to understand what they're asking questions in which they're seemingly more than one correct answer but remember one is more correct than the others questions in which they're seemingly is no correct answer huh but again one is less wrong than all the others there may be questions that have a weight of zero and don't count for or against you there are gonna be some questions that require you to access a device via command line but it's just gonna be the issue show commands to answer questions so I'm not gonna say that the new exam is harder than the old one or that the old one was harder than the new one they're certainly different I'm gonna add that the CCNA is still one of the most highly regarded entry level networking certifications so the CCNA can be that gateway certification to a career in a wide variety of IT technologies the CCNA training here at next-gen T is geared towards helping you pass the CCNA exam as well as becoming very proficient at the skills required to make one successful in a networking environment so don't let the recent changes to the CCNA change your mind go for it start now and push forward before you know it you'll be certified and moving into a career changing your life forever so the idea is in your head right now act on it go out and get that certification good luck Jacob has here thank you for watching the video I hope you really enjoyed it and I'd also like to remind you if you're truly serious about your career and information technology be sure to check out our IT engineer training programs at ww0 to engineer calm
Channel: NexGenT
Views: 37,682
Rating: 4.9605761 out of 5
Keywords: cisco ccna 200-301, cisco ccna tips, how to pass the ccna, cisco ccna exam tips, ccna study guide, old ccna vs new, cisco ccna course, 200-301, what type of questions with be
Id: ISgnQKxuQu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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