3 Things You NEED Before Starting FlutterFlow | For Complete Beginner FlutterFlow

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I'm going to be showing you the three most important things you need to know to get started with flutter flow and by the end of the video you're going to be confident to be able to build your very first app using flutter flow so let's get started with the three things that you're going to be learning today you're going to be learning how to map out your idea understand the basic database structure and getting started with the right project so when we're getting started with flutter flow it's really important to understand where you're going to begin how is your app going to be created what is your user going to do so it's important to map out the user Journey what is the user going to be doing just like if you had a user trying to use Instagram what would be the journey you would want them to take likewise I'm going to be showing you how to map it out now there are tons of different tools but there's a a free tool that you can start with called Market plan although marketers use it to build out marketing funnels what I like about this is it allows you to build out a workflow for for you to understand what you want to build and for you to convey it to other developers no code developers or full developing team I'm going to show you an example real quick this is an app that I was building for a client this was going to be a wine app the the client wanted the wine app for people to look at different wines and to favorite them that was the whole purpose of the app so here I broke down the four pages that were going to be necessary to build out and for everyone to be on the same page I was able to use pages right here and to pick and copy and paste and just have them on the screen and so I have a login page a home page a favorite page and then details of a of wine page right so I needed to create four different pages in flutter flow and this was going to be the progression of the app now this is a basic app you can do tons of other Pages if you want to but this allows you to have a very concise canvas for you to explain your idea and to keep you on track so you don't feel overwhelmed when you're in flutter flow trying to design and feel like you're never going to finish if you have a plan then when you go back to flutter flow and you're ready to start building you're going to feel confident and you'll know what to do so I use I use Market plan there'll be a link down below to get started and to create your own account if you want to use it to get started it's free and whenever you want to add more pages I'll go down just to show you more examples I can take a page like this and I can just use something here so say for instance I'm thinking about creating a sign in or you know a page where people are going to sign into that now you see where it says opt-in I'm going to click View and then where I'm going to be able to see opt-in on the right I'm just going to highlight and then change it to sign up slash login page right so once I have that click return make sure that it's good and now I have my first page then when I want to have another page I can just select a page whatever I want maybe I want to use a confirmation page it's a basic format it won't be perfect but it'll allow me to have the basic structure of a page that I want here instead of confirmation I can just say home page something like that now once I have that done I can take this and where it says why it says yes or no and that's really for funneling but I'm just going to have it I'm going to have it attach over here and now I have where it's going to be now if I don't want to have it say leads or something like that I can change it visitors whatever or I could just turn it off and that way it's just a straight line I don't have to worry about it but this allows me to again understand okay I need the user to first sign up on a page and then I'm going to take them to a home page of the app it allows me to start mapping everything out and that's crucial in the comment section down below write down what you're planning to build what kind of app are you trying to build for your next project so you need to plan out your idea looking at that user Journey the next thing that you're going to have to know how to do is understanding a basic database structure now don't feel like you have to understand everything to do with databases right now but once you understand what a database consists of this allows you to make your app location smart without having a database you're not going to be able to effectively save or really in that matter if you don't have a database you can't save any information and your app will not be smart imagine you going to Instagram or Twitter every single time you log in you have to tell the application what kind of content you're looking for it would get kind of annoying in fact it wouldn't know who you were you wouldn't have a username or remember all those things with your login that's the same ways when you're thinking about creating a database you need to understand what kind of information you're saving so here we have a breakdown and there's a guy down below if you want to support the channel and get this but also too this allows you to think about if you have used a spreadsheet like Google Sheets or Excel it allows you to start thinking about how flutter flow saves information called a collection but really it's a really big spreadsheet think of it as a spreadsheet first so this is broken down for you to understand what a collection is but just like a spreadsheet understanding what you need to do so the tab or the sheet that you're going to have that would be a collection and then when you're thinking about the columns and then the rows it allows you to think more about the database again if you want to know more let me know in the comment section down below and if you want more resources we have this in the guide but the bottom line is it's allowing you to think about structuring your data like a spreadsheet and saving the data in the individual cells so if you're looking at a spreadsheet it allows you to think about a database for example the rows across would be say for instance an example of one person so if you're thinking about a user The Collection would be users the horizontal or the rows would be different information about one person right so it might be a person's name and then it might be where they're from and then their age so the rows across will be all be one person and the column will describe the person the column like column A could be the name column B will be location column c will be age so once you understand that that allows you to have more information um or structure how you can save your information with creating Collections and again if you want more information we have our guide that supports the channel or all the free resources that they have with flutter flow University and the flutter flow documentation which we'll touch upon in a few moments this is the most that I would say this is the part that gets the most people tripped up when they start going flutter flow especially if you've used Glide or app sheet or software before creating your database is the hardest part when people go to flutter flow and so just understanding the database and setting it up that's why we have a whole complete beginner guide how you can do that so you can feel confident but once you get this down you'll be fine and remember you have tons of examples that will allow you to get started with this and there's tons of videos that we provide on this channel and other great channels that really allow you to have but I would say more often than not not most people get so overwhelmed with this part of databases they'll just go back and use another platform so that's why it's really important you've got this it's just like using a spreadsheet and if you want more in-depth videos or resources let me know in the comment section down below the next part is getting started with the right project now that might seem very easy but tons of people will will say in the comments I want to create a dating app a ride sharing app a tick tock app all these different things but if you've never used flutter flow or built an app those are really Advanced projects and it might be overwhelming to you so what I would do is write down why you want to create the app do you already have customers have you validated this with money if you haven't go get more validation before you begin but after that if you're wanting to do this for your own portfolio or you have validation now now you want to begin you can break it up by either using a template or smaller projects so you can be more well equipped so you can be successful with flutter flow now if you want more information and if you say like hey Doc this is really great but I need help where can I get more help and ask questions from you well that's why we have Doc's help desk there is going to be this allows you to ask questions every single week I put out private videos to our community just from questions from you you can sign up for five dollars a month or twenty five dollars a year it stops a docs help desk you can ask me business questions how you build your first app how you launch your first app all of those different things there's going to be a link down below or you can ask me more questions in the comment section as well the other thing is say for instance you you're like well I just want someone to build it for me that's why we have docs connection as well so that way you can let us know your budget and then we let you know who are great people that we have worked with in the past that might be a good fit for you and if you want to know how to actually do that and get and find the right kind of developer let me know we might do a video in the future okay so let's go into finding the right project for you there's two different ways the first one like I mentioned is actually going into flutter flow in finding finding a project in the marketplace so say for instance you want to have a very specific app there's not a problem with you actually going into the marketplace once you create a free account you can click Marketplace which is in beta right now and you can start looking at different applications that are similar to what you're looking for right now for your business now this is really important because this allows you to find the right kind of project that meets your requirements for example if you want to create a social media um app here we have is profile social network template you can be able to view it live and if you like this you can clone the project in your account so you can get started and you'll have all of the basic Pages already formatted for what you want to do also too we mentioned the documentation right here you can find different uh projects or documentation for you to really try out different things for you to again be comfortable and launch the application that you want for example I mentioned the the um the wine app right here we have the project let me scroll down and then get started so right here I mentioned that I was trying to create a um a wine app well I just needed to save have something with a home page a detailed page and and be able to favorite it so right here I found a popular popular cat names uh application that I could be building so this is under the page where it was going to be your first application oh I forgot they're they're changing the community so the community is going to be over here so you're going to be able to find it in the new flutter flow Community I forgot so if you want to see how I did it there's a whole video of how I did it step by step and then you see how I broke down all the different steps right here and this allows me to build my first project there are tons of projects as well on the flutter flow YouTube channel for you to go step by step with different things and for you to really take advantage of this this is just one example so again finding the right project for you is crucial or deciding hey I know the idea I want to get connected with someone for me to build in order to do that remember you're going to have to know or describe to someone in detail what kind of application you want time and time again we have people that might have a great idea but they haven't articulated it they haven't been able to describe it and then when they go to hire someone there's frustrations on both ends perhaps there's something that you miss or haven't explained to the developer or the developer on the other hand might feel like they know everything that you want and then they might miss details that are crucial for you so being able to have a better communication by wireframing or building out the workflow of your application will allow you to be more on the same page with your developer or even yourself when you're building your application and this will help you be successful as you build your first flutter flow application in the comments section down below let me know what you're building what questions do you have and if you like these kind of videos make sure you let me know in the comments section down below if you want more details on the database if you want to see more examples of projects or some of the favorite people that I like to work with with my students and clients let me know and make sure that you like and subscribe we do this every single week I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Doc Williams
Views: 3,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No code, adalo, bubble, voice flow, repurpose.io, softr, appgyver, backendless, glide app, no code app builder, app builder, doc williams, bubble app builder, no code development, brand factory, build with me, build app without code, flutterflow 2022, flutterflow tutorial, flutterflow tutorial 2023, flutterflow tutorial for beginners, flutterflow, no code app examples
Id: SN7QME-h38k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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