3 Things In Hell That Should Be In Every Church

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today I want to speak to you on a very unique subject or at least the unique title three things in hell that should be in every Church and I know that if there are any pastors that come across this or ministers that come across this teaching your knee-jerk reaction is probably going to be I don't want anything in my church that's in hell but I pray that you'll be patient with me as we read out of Luke chapter 16 and today I'm reading out of the King James version and in particular the 1900 edition of the King James version beginning to read at verse 19 which is the classic story of the rich man and Lazarus and pay careful attention to this passage as I read the Bible said there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and Desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his source and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom and the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and see if Abraham afar-off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said Father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in these flames but Abraham said Son remember that thou in thy lifetime receive thy good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented and beside all this between us and you there is a great Gulf fixed so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from thence then he said I pray thee therefore father that thou would Ascend him to my father's house for I have five brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also come into this place of Torment Abraham saith unto him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said nay Father Abraham but if one went unto them from the dead they will repent and he said unto him if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded the one rose from the dead what a graphic Passage that speaks to us as we're about to learn some of the most significant things if you're a serious student of the Bible that you should know about eternity about heaven about hell our study today three things in hell that should be in every Church let's take a moment to pray Heavenly Father once again as we open up the Sacred Scriptures we humbly bow before you and give you honor and praise we thank you for life and strength and health everything that we have everything that we ever hope to be we owe it all to you and we praise you today for your infinite grace we thank you for christ your only begotten son the blood that was shed on the cross that cleanses us and makes us what you would have us to be by the help of the Holy Spirit Now guide us in the truth we pray I pray for every single person listening wherever they're at in life I pray that you would help them to focus upon the fact that they must live every day ready to meet the Lord I pray that they'd not only be ready for heaven I pray for every member of their household every son every daughter every grandchild every brother every sister every mom every dad may all of their family come to know Jesus Christ and at the end of our time together in the moments ahead when we offer that invitation to pray the Salvation prayer give them the faith and the courage today to do what they ought to do in Jesus name we pray and all God's people said amen in today's text that I read to you I want to be very clear as we begin this study that this is not just another Parable as a matter of fact it is commonly referred to as the parable of the rich man and Lazarus and not to be legalistic but it is not a parable there is a theological proper definition for what a parable is and if you're taking notes I want you to take some notes on this because it's critical to the proper interpretation of this passage I repeat it is commonly referred to as a parable or the parable of the rich man and Lazarus but it is not a parable let me just give you a theological definition for what a parable is a parable used by Christ throughout the gospels Jesus used Parables continuously in his teaching and the gospels are full of The Parables of Jesus but a parable was a fictitious story often using metaphors and it dealt with the teaching of a spiritual or a moral lesson so a parable was a fictitious story using metaphors to teach a spiritual or a moral lesson the word Parable comes from a Greek word Parabola and it doesn't matter that you understand the Greek word of that but it is important to understand what the word Parable means from the Greek Parabola it means comparison a parable made comparisons now there is and I think that is why many times it is referred to as a parable by many preachers and teachers and even theologians and even many modern translations in Luke 16 you'll have a title there that says the parable of the rich man and Lazarus but again in your notes be sure that you don't miss this valid and important point it's not a parable and it doesn't qualify as a parable hermeneutically now I'm a well aware of the fact that many of you probably are not aware of the word hermeneutically or the word hermeneutics but let me teach that to you today because there's a serious student of the Bible every now and then I give you a word that I feel like you need to add to your spiritual Arsenal and the word hermeneutics is an important word for you to understand so when I say that this passage does not qualify hermeneutically as a parable what do I mean hermeneutics or hermeneutically in this particular application simply refers to the study of the proper interpretation of scripture at North Point Bible College and Seminary where I serve as president and any accredited and qualified biblical institution or seminary probably in your very first year you're going to take one or two semesters of hermeneutics it's very important in in the study of Theology and in raising up people who properly interpret the scriptures and especially for those who are devoting their life to Ministry and missions but don't let that big theological word throw you hermeneutics simply means the study of properly interpreting the scriptures so when I say that this does not qualify hermeneutically as a parable what am I saying the reason it is not a parable again a parable was a story and used metaphors to teach spiritual moral Lessons In this passage that I just read to you in Luke 16 beginning there at verse 19 Jesus is not giving a parable he's telling an actual account in Parables Jesus never used real names in this passage he used the real name of a real man whose name was Lazarus perhaps for reasons of Grace the rich man's name was left out of this story but don't miss what I'm about to say are you listening carefully this is an actual behind the scenes look where Jesus draws back the curtain of Eternity and allows us a glimpse both at heaven and at hell and so be sure as we begin that you have that foundational truth in mind and in spirit and hopefully in notes this is not a parable it is an actual story of real people Lazarus is a real person and if you make it to Heaven one day you are going to meet the Lazarus of this Bible story and hopefully you will never meet the rich man in hell the Bible tells us that there are ten lessons at least as I study and and dissect this passage hermeneutically I see 10 powerful lessons that I want to share with you and I want to give them to you quickly the first lesson we learn now there's two main characters there's the character in the story Lazarus and the rich man what are the 10 lessons that we learn as we read the story from the main characters number one there really is a heaven and there really is a hell heaven and hell are not mythological they are literal places and they are defined literally in scripture now it may shock you as a student of the Bible and if you follow us and I invite you to if we're new every time we do a broadcast or a podcast or make a YouTube video however you're listening to this teaching we have people that connect who say I just found you well welcome and I want to invite you to subscribe and I hope that I can win the place in your life of being a trusted voice and a trusted Bible teacher but it is absolutely true that there is eternity when you die life is not over when you pass away and take your last breath it's not a period at the end of a sentence it's a comma between life temporary and life eternal that's what the Bible means in Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 27 when it tells us it is appointed unto men and the word men there in the original text is generic it is both male and female it is appointed unto men for it is appointed unto people wants to die and after that the judgment did you catch that after that the Judgment after what after you die when you die it's not over your eternity begins with your last breath your last breath on Earth is a pass into an eternal existence in a literal heaven or a literal hell and the first lesson we learn from this story where Jesus draws back the curtain and allows us to look into eternity is there really is a heaven and there really is a hell did you know that Jesus spoke more about hell than he spoke about heaven you can attend some Churches for 10 years and never hear a single message or a single bible study on hell hell has become out of fashion theologically as a matter of fact some in seminaries are being taught not to speak on the subject of heaven and hell because it's not politically correct or it is offensive or it causes severe emotional trauma and triggers our audience and our congregants Etc I say to those weak spind individuals Jesus spoke more on the subject of Hell than he spoke on the subject of Heaven why because he doesn't want anyone including you to go there hell was not prepared for the human race it was prepared for the devil and the fallen angels and demonic Powers not for the human race if you go to hell when you die it will not be because God sent you there it will be because you chose to go there you have to make a choice so lesson number one there really is a heaven there really is a hell lesson number two while he lived on earth Lazarus seemingly had nothing but in eternity he had gained everything lesson number three while he lived on earth the rich man seemingly had everything but in eternity he had nothing what you have on this Earth is not a proper measuring stick for what you will have in eternity and too many people spend all of their life focused upon temporary things and have no agenda no plan no thought process for eternity that's why the Bible says lay up treasure in heaven and some of you that are listening to me and I love you but I'm challenging you are you laying up treasure in heaven or is your entire life focused around where you live what you drive the toys you buy the things you aspire to own material wealth material gain stocks etc etc and your entire life day after day is focused upon things that are temporary that will one day pass and you've given no thought for your eternal life well today I'm not your enemy I'm your best friend because when I'm done in the moments ahead I want to pray with you I want you to be ready for eternity and it's not either or it's not one or the other you can have a successful life on Earth and still be ready to meet God when you die it's not like you have to be like Lazarus to go to heaven the Bible said the poor will always be among you sadly because of too many reasons to cover in this study the root problem is the fall the curse of sin but one of the curses of sin is poverty and lack and if people are never taught how to break the cycle of poverty and lack the Bible said you'll always have the poor and the Bible commands those of us that have right relationship with God and it commands those who are a part of the church there needs to be a part of your life that has consideration for that I have never asked for money in any of the videos any of the podcasts that you'll listen to I have never asked for an offering but I will say this this ministry is supported by people who partner with the ministry and one thing that I can assuredly share with our partners is being a part of lost land and lost lamb Association there's a percentage of everything that God gives to this ministry that is set aside to help the less fortunate we support widows every single month we support I don't know how many hundreds of children that are fed every single day 365 days a year I never say hardly anything about this but I want you to know that I am not putting guilt upon the poor we have a responsibility to take them from poverty and bring them out of that through the power of the Gospel but we cannot deny the fact that the Bible says the poor will always be among you with God's help we just completely refurbish the church in the Dominican Republic through lost lamb Association and through our partners and their generosity and and completely restructured the roof and the trusses and they didn't have bathrooms there for for years and installed bathrooms and they used that church seven days a week and I'm not going to take time to talk about all of the things that we do for the poor I am simply telling you that I'm not hypocritical in my approach to this a percentage of everything God places in our hands is set aside to help the poor so if you're listening to me and you come from poverty or you're living living below the poverty line I love you I'm not judging you but I am telling you it is possible to have little on this Earth and be rich in heaven and be rich on this Earth and in eternity have absolutely nothing how are you living that's the question are you living with an eternal perspective lesson number four after death Lazarus opened his eyes to everlasting life and the comfort of Heaven lesson number five after death the rich man opened his eyes to Everlasting death and the torment of eternal hell lesson number six this story offers a sobering reminder that when you die there are only two destinations after death lesson number seven you alone will make the decision as to where you spend eternity no one has the right to make that decision for you did you hear me you alone decide where you spend eternity nobody has the power to send you to heaven no one has the power to send you to hell it's a personal decision that you must make spiritually number eight where you spend eternity is a decision that you must make when you're living because it's too late once you're dead where you spend eternity is a decision that you make when you're living because it's too late when you're dead lesson number nine you cannot remain neutral about your decision concerning heaven and hell you will be held accountable for your choices and lesson number 10 when it comes to Heaven God voted for you Satan voted against you and you cast the deciding ballad in the moments ahead we always close every Bible study in prayer and I like to pray with you and give you an opportunity to make peace with God some of you that are listening perhaps have never made peace with God being a good person does not guarantee heaven being decent and moral and gracious and generous does not mean that when you die you go to heaven the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God none of our good works prepare us for heaven there is only one way into heaven and Jesus told us in John chapter 14. he said I am the way I am the truth and I am the life and no one can come to the father except through me none of our personal Good Deeds buy a ticket to heaven we are all born with the curse of sin and the propensity of sin and the nature of sin within us and there is only one thing that forgives sin breaks the curse of sin and takes the prison door of sin and swings it open for you to live free as the man of the woman God created you to be and that is the shed blood of Jesus Christ and a heart of Godly sorrow and repentance let me close by showing you three things in hell that should be in every church if you're taking notes number one tears the word tear or tears plural or cried in the English translations of the Bible is found 248 times God created the body with the ability to release tears and to keep sorrow from becoming internalized crying is a part of life now God doesn't want you as a born-again Believer to live in depression and despondency and to whine and to complain I'm not talking about carnal tears but there is a Brokenness that comes in certain situations of life that cause the wells of the eyes to pour forth tears and the Bible tells us in the Psalms that God bottles the tears of the Saints God sees your tears God sees when you're going through tough times God sees your Brokenness God sees the wet cheeks sometimes from the tears that stream down from Pain and grief and things you're going through and there were Tears In Hell the Bible tells us in Luke chapter 16 verses 23 and 24 look at it the Bible said in hell he lift up his eyes the rich man being in torments and see if Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried why did the rich man cry in hell he cried because he came to the realization it's too late he cried because he he realized that where he was at there was no Escape there's no getting from one to the other there's no time off for good behavior in Hell there's no Rehabilitation no one can pray you out of hell no one can buy you out of hell once you are in hell you are there forever it is irrevocable the good news is the same thing is true about heaven once you are in heaven the Bible says for those who have made peace with God when you die the Bible said to be absent from the body death is to be present with the Lord Jesus Christ if you're a born-again Believer if your heart is right with God if you've repented of sin received Christ and you're living by his grace and by the strength of his word and the help of the Holy Spirit there's no Panic about death your last breath on Earth brings you in to the presence of the Lord and the Eternal hope of heaven and once you're in heaven it is forever eternal life in heaven you will never be cast into hell from heaven but neither can you be taken from hell and brought in to Heaven one of the lessons we learned from this rich man is doing the wrong thing don't miss this I would encourage you to write it down doing the wrong thing is always easier than doing the right thing it's always easier to follow after sin and temptation carnal Pleasures the things of this Earth worldly goals it's always easier it's easier to do the wrong thing than to do the right thing but the pleasures you may enjoy in doing the wrong thing are you listening the pleasures you may enjoy in doing the wrong thing will pale in comparison to the regret you will have throughout Eternity for failing to do the right thing don't ever forget that we are living in a time it seems where there is no longer remorse for sin there's no shame for sexual sin or for living together outside of the Sacred bounds of marriage there's no guilt for drinking and drunkenness there is no repentance for breaking God's Commandments and I'm not just talking about people that are in the world I'm talking about many people who go to church every Sunday it seems like we don't want to talk about Sin anymore but sin separates you from right relationship with God sin separates you from the favor and the blessing and the promotion of God that's why the psalmist wrote in Psalm 84 and verse 11 no good thing will I withhold from them who walk uprightly the greatest key to the blessing of God the greatest key to the prosperity of God the greatest key to the favor of God and no one seems to want to preach on it is living holy and living clean now none of us are perfect I certainly in no way shape or form am a perfect man I am flawed like everybody else I have to depend upon God each and every day the psalmist said in Psalm 119 Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee none of us have the ability to be righteous without the power of God that's why the gospels tell us in the Gospel of John as many as receive Christ as many as believe upon his name he gives to them the power to become the Sons and Daughters of God there might be some who would say I'd like to be a Christian but there's no way I could ever live a Christian Life none of us can you have to come to Christ by faith you have to make a decision to turn from sin and turn to God as an intellectual decision by faith believing that God will help you to be what you ought to be and he will people today live for lustful pleasures again both inside and outside of the church and we don't even like the word sin most pulpits today when the subject comes up if it ever comes up you'll hear people say well you know everybody has issues everybody has things in the closet everybody carries baggage and we don't even use the word sin issues and hiding in the closet and baggage and no it's sin and to get right with God you have to do three things number one you have to recognize you're a sinner number two you have to repent of your sin and number three you have to receive Jesus Christ and we're going to pray together about that very thing in just a few moments in Ephesians chapter 4 if you have your Bible turn there with me Ephesians chapter 4 and go down to verse 19. Ephesians chapter 4 verses 19 through 24 the Bible said they have no sense of Shame they live for lustful pleasure and eagerly practice every kind of impurity but that isn't what you learned about Christ since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life which is corrupted by lust and deception instead let the spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes put on your new nature created to be like God truly righteous and holy we need tears in the church where are the tears of Godly sorrow for sins where are the tears shed for The Souls of our unsafe family and loved ones and Friends where are the tears of pastors whose hearts are broken because their churches are not growing spiritually and they're not growing numerically I'm not again talking about despondency and depression but where are the tears of Godly sorrow that cause us to want to be more like Christ and less like ourselves I was preaching in Texas just the other night and I said the altars in our churches should have tissue boxes and tears I grew up in churches where it was common for people to gather at the altars and to pray there was not a formal benediction per se but the service is usually closed with the altars being open and people called to the altars and People Prayed and they prayed for The Souls of unsaved children and grandchildren and people that were going through physical difficulty or facing disease and it was not uncommon at the end of a service as people dispersed that the altars were tear-soaked and tissue boxes and tears could use a Revival in most modern churches Lamentations chapter 2. I love this passage Lamentations and the second chapter in the 11th verse the Bible said I have cried until the tears no longer come my heart is broken my spirit is poured out in agony as I see the desperate plight of my people little children and tiny babies are fainting and dying in the streets the second thing that's in hell that should be in every church is prayer the rich man not only cried but he prayed in Luke chapter 16 and verse 27 the Bible said then he said I pray thee what really is prayer in its most simple form prayer is simply talking to God from a sincere heart anybody can pray you don't have to be at a church you don't have to be in a religious building with stained glass windows you can talk to God anywhere anytime day or night any place it does not matter the Bible said the ears of the Lord are open to our prayers prayer is just talking to God from a sincere heart did you know that God want you to acknowledge Him in all your ways that's what it tells us in Proverbs chapter 3 and all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path there's power in prayer in the Book of James if you want to open with me there James in the fifth chapter verses 13 through 18 listen to these powerful words are any of you suffering hardships you should pray are any of you happy you should sing praises are any of you sick you should call for the Elders of the church to come and pray over you anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick and the Lord will make you well and if you have committed any sins you will be forgiven confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results highlight that in your Bible the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results verse 17 Elijah was as human as we are and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall none fell for three and a half years then when he prayed again the sky sent down rain and the Earth began to yield its crops prayer has powerful miraculous results years ago I helped to plant a church many of you know that I've been involved in evangelism and missions for well over 40 years and in one of our missions trips to the beautiful country of Germany I was there with precious friends and a missionary couple by the name of Jesse and Kay Owens they were missionaries to Germany at that time and I had helped through one of our lost lamb events to plant a church in a city in Germany called noivid a few years later they had asked me if we would do the same and do a kickoff crusade in a town by the name of Alton kershen Germany and there was no Full Gospel Church there or nearby and we rented the dance hall it was really kind of the only common neutral property in that town that was available it was actually located above the local post office as it were and it was a dance hall that seeded maybe 400 people and we rented it for the week and did a lost slam event there and by God's grace over a hundred people in that week of meetings in Alton kershen gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ and they opened the church the following Sunday after that lost lamb event and on their very first Sunday I think they had 129 people and have grown from there and it was a wonderful week but I was being hosted by a local family near altenkirchen and was staying in their home they were a very lovely couple and very hospitable and gracious to me they had I believe it was two children and they were daughters again I would estimate them to be early 20s one of the daughters had recently become a Christian and was serving the lord but it became very obvious very quickly that the other daughter was far from God and I'll not describe her but as I'm talking even now I have vivid pictures of what she looked like and she would come to the house sometimes with friends and you could smell the drugs and at times you could smell the alcohol and just without being judgmental it was obvious that she and her friends were far from God probably had never heard the gospel in their lifetime and it was my habit I I went to the to the dance hall in the afternoon that we were using for a sanctuary to hold services and I would be there by myself in the afternoon and I would typically take time to walk into praying and during the week my heart became incredibly broken for the lostness because the parents had talked to me about this daughter and how one had come to Christ and one was far from Christ and With Tears in their eyes they were saying please pray with us we're asking God for her to be saved this week and and so one day and it was the end of the week it was the last day if I remember and it was uh Friday and that Friday night was our our last scheduled night there in Alton kirchen and as I was walking that dance all by myself and around the seats my heart became broken and I began to cry out to God and I'd been praying for her on and off all week long but that particular day I became very broken for her salvation and for her eternity and as I was walking and praying for her in the Holy Spirit the lord gave me a word of knowledge and I was in the back corner if you were standing in the front of how we it's set up it would have been the back left corner as I walked by two chairs there was the last row of chairs but as I walked by the two chairs in the far back left corner the lord gave me a word of knowledge and said she'll be here tonight with one of her friends and they're going to sit in these two chairs now whether you believe that or not makes no difference to me I'm just being honest with you I was so sure that I had heard the whispering of God in my heart I knelt down I placed one hand on one chair one hand on the other chair and I began to pray in the spirit for some time I don't remember how long but I do remember shedding tears and praying for their souls when I got up off of my knees there were some tear stains on on both seats and I remember taking my hanky out and just wiping the tears off of those seats and I came to the service that night and as the service began and into the initial opening of the service and the greeting and some worship and praise they were nowhere to be found and that began to fill up until it was almost completely full and they finally introduced me to speak I spoke with a German interpreter and as I stood to preach those two seats were empty but as I began to preach in the very infancy of that last message in the back she came with a friend just as the Holy Spirit had whispered to me that afternoon and sat in those two chairs and I knew that that was God and sure enough that night when I gave the invitation there were many people that responded and came forward her mom and dad had actually taken the altar counseling for that lost lamb event we were using Billy grahams and still use Billy Graham's altar training courses and her mom and dad therefore were at the altar with other people that had come forward when she and her friend came forward when she came forward she went to her mother and her mother let out a shriek just from her her spirit and they both knelt to the floor in a tight end brace and that mother along with our prayer LED that daughter to the Lord the husband came over moments later he had been tending to another man that had come forward and that entire family before it was said and done had come to the Lord but as I share that story I I think of what I'm teaching today three things in hell that should be in every Church what if there had been no tears what if there had been no prayer the prayers of a righteous man or a righteous woman produce miraculous results and you can pray friends and family into the kingdom of God and persist in faith and don't ever give up and don't feel discouraged by things that would make you think it'll never happen greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world and lastly and I close with this there were Tears In Hell there was prayer in hell and there was a passion for the Lost In Hell this is remarkable think about that there was a passion for the Lost In Hell look at Luke chapter 16 and verse 28 the rich man knowing that he is eternally irrevocably going to spend his eternity in hell comes to his senses and what does he say verse 28 please for I have five Brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also come to this place of Torment notice that when the rich man came to his senses after his initial horror of his permanent destiny his mind immediately went to his family in particular five brothers perhaps he was the oldest brother I don't know the Bible doesn't give us the ability to be dogmatic about that but perhaps he was the most wealthy successful brother maybe the oldest brother and he knew that his brothers were following in his path his brothers were imitating his lifestyle and and seeking after the same things temporarily that he had sought for his entire life but now realizing that hell is real and that he is there and it's a real place he begins to plead and to pray and to cry out for the souls of his family please I have five brothers have somebody go and tell them so that when they die they will not have to come here I close with this and it's sobering is it possible that there is a greater passion for the Lost In Hell than there is in many modern churches I have to be honest with you if I go to a church and I've been there and I've witnessed that church and I see that that church is no longer growing then I know there's not a passion for the loss there that meets the standard of the Bible I spoke just a few nights ago at a district council an auditorium that probably seeded fifteen hundred two thousand people pastors and their wives and ministerial staff and others from all over that region and I had been asked to speak the opening night and I spoke to pastors about this I said pastor when is the last time you personally have led somebody to Christ because if you're not a soul winner your people in your church will never be Soul winners nothing can be imparted from the from the pulpit to the Pew that is not spiritually alive in the heart of the shepherd of that house if a pastor is not a soul winner his people will not be Soul winners if a pastor is not passionate about the lost his people will not be passionate about the Lost and I challenge those pastors I said I wonder this Sunday is there anyone who will attend your Sunday morning service that you can look down from the platform and visibly see and know in your heart I led that man to Christ he was someone in this community that I met up with or befriended or someone I've done business with or my barber Etc and I begin to pray and pray faithfully and fast even for their salvation and God gave me opportunity to befriend them and to begin to talk with them and through prayer and through fasting and through time I was able to lead that man or lead that woman to the Lord and now they attend the church I'm not talking about people who get saved in your church I'm talking about people who you led to the Lord in your community what about you that are listening who claim to be Christians will there be anybody in your Sunday morning service this week that you've had a part in their salvation and their discipleship A.W tozier said in one of his great books there's only two classes of Christians Soul winners and backsliders and there should be a man of God in your life or a woman of God in your life that your association with them keeps a fire burning in your spirit I must be a soul winner there is no greater cause than winning the lost and we must not lose sight of that churches today can get focused on so many things that deal with the Believers in my life and my blessing and my promotion and my breakthrough and we hear it preached all the time but where are those sermons that cause us to run to an altar and to kneel and cry out for our families and to cry out for our children and to cry out for our sons and to cry out for our daughters and to cry out for our grandsons and our granddaughters and our brothers and our sisters and our moms and our dads I hate to say it but I fear that in Hell there is a greater passion for the lost than there is in many of our modern churches and if we covet A Spiritual Awakening in the last days at the top of that list must be a passionate Pursuit to win men and women and boys and girls to Jesus Christ three things in hell that should be in every Church there should be tears not despondent depressed tears Godly sorrow the things that break God's heart should break our heart the things that touch God's heart should touch our hearts I wonder if there's tears I wonder if there's prayer and I wonder if there's a passion for the Lost we need a Revival not only in this nation but in Nations around the world our churches need to do more than hell's doing have you ever stopped to consider from reading this passage that it's possible that a lot of the the volume the cries the screams are not screams necessarily from Pain and torment alone but screaming out as this man did please have someone go tell my brothers so they won't have to come here when they die and I leave you with this very challenging sobering point when you get right with God many of your family will follow in your footsteps if you live for God your family may follow in your footsteps if you have a younger brother or a younger sister or many younger siblings if you get right with God they may follow in your footsteps some of you you may not realize it but you're their hero perhaps this rich man in hell was a hero but a poor example he was a hero in their eyes of success and wealth in a big home and the poor in the area hanging around his house to eat the scraps off of his table and they thought wow our brother is one of the most prominent businessmen in this community and he was a hero for wrong reasons when my wife gave her heart to the Lord as a young teenage girl after the Unexpected death and sudden death of her father nobody in her family was saved she had Five Sisters told her she was one of the five four other sisters but none of them were saved none of their husbands were saved one raising a child out of wedlock mother not saved grandparents not saved father passed away but when Judy gave her heart to the Lord she committed herself to pray and in my wife's heart and I pray that in mine there were tears there were prayers there was a passion for the Lost and all these years later all of Judy's sisters are saved all of the brother-in-laws are saved her mother was saved when she passed away well into her 90s her grandmother was saved when she passed away all of our nieces and nephews but just a few are saved their children are saved and we continue to pray for unsafe family God help us that hell does not do a better job tears in prayers and in a passion for the Lost you'll never regret the price you pay to be ready to meet the Lord in eternity's morning will you pray with me listen I know this is a very sobering challenging message I know this but I love you and the lord loves you and I'm crying out for your soul today some of you that are listening to me are not living in victory over sin sin is living in victory over you some of you have never ever made peace with God or believed that God loved you enough to save you some of you once knew the Lord but you've wandered away or you've got bitter or something happened in a church and you've forsaken the church and cursed the church and you're on the wrong my friend there's no such thing as a perfect church with perfect people and perfect pastors and perfect leaders you can't allow those things pull you away from the most important thing will you pray with me and when we're done praying I want you to go to our website lostlam.org it'll be on the screen one word lost lamb dot org and click on New Beginnings and begin to study the teachings that I've made specifically for you before you listen to any of the other content and get rooted and grounded in your faith pray with me right now pray with me out loud God hears every word from your mouth just say heavenly father today as I was listening to the Bible you were speaking to me down deep in my heart I want to be ready for heaven today I choose heaven I choose Jesus I choose the blood that was shed on the cross for the Forgiveness of my sins today I repent cleanse me make me pure and holy In Your Eyes by your great grace for as I turn from sin I now turn to God and I trust in your mercy come into my heart be my Lord and my savior I vow this day I will serve you all the days of my life and I pray for my family to follow in my footsteps every single one today I'm saved and I'll never be the same to take my hand guide me through life Lord may I live every day ready to meet the Lord in Jesus name I pray amen amen to stay come here to my heart Lord Jesus please go
Channel: Tiff Shuttlesworth
Views: 26,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tiff Shuttlesworth, Tiff, Jesus, God, Prophecy, Salvation, KJV, King James Version, Bible, Scripture, Bible accuracy, confirmation, antichrist, Rapture, Tribulation, Revelation, Hell, Heaven, Angel, Demon, Satan, Rich Man, Brothers, Unsaved, Church, Soul, Heart, Right, Luke, hermeneutics, Lazarus
Id: sAAlBS1sQIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 6sec (3426 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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