Explaining Revelation (Part 13): The Battle of Gog and Magog

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we want to talk tonight about the what is called in scripture the Battle of Gog and Magog and if that sounds funny to you it sounds funny to me too it's weird words but it's you know it's what it's called um Gog and Magog so what we've been studying is the end times eschatology which means end times eschaton is just a Greek word that means the end so when we talk about eschatology it's endology or the study of end times things and so we've been going through and if just as a as a really brief uh recap you can think of a question mark the number seven the number one thousand and then an arrow okay if that helps you right the question mark a seven one thousand Arrow okay uh the question mark would be the time between now and when these end times things start seven would be the time of this Great Tribulation and difficulty comes on the Earth after that is a thousand years of Christ reigning and after that is an arrow just eternity with a new Heaven and a new Earth right so if if that gives you just sort of a simplified we don't know how long before it starts but once it starts or seven years then there's a thousand years raining with Christ reigning and then there's eternity and what we're doing now we've been we've gone through all the all the The Seven Year stuff all the tribulation stuff and now and then we've gone through most of the questions that we've that we've can't answer from scripture on the millennial Kingdom and now we're getting to the end of the millennial Kingdom now before we get to the end of the millennial Kingdom there was a few questions that came up uh last week actually one question in particular about the um that doesn't help when I dropped my notes so uh we we had a question about what's going on with the with the sacrifices are there really sacrifices taking place during the Millennium remember Jesus has returned he set up his kingdom on the earth there's no animals aren't attacking people and and it seems like they're eating straw like oxen and all that kind of thing so why is it that that there are sacrifices well first let's go to a few passages of scripture where we do see that their sacrifices taking on taking place during this time and this will sort of wrap up what we didn't finish last week about the sacrificial system and all that if you want to keep your finger in Revelation or if you just want me to read it that's fine I'm going to go to Zechariah Chapter 14. the prophet the minor Prophet Zechariah who gives us quite a bit actually about the uh the millennial Kingdom and the end times Zechariah 14 and um we read this last week but in verse 16 it says in this context of what's taking place during the Thousand Years while Christ is raining on the earth it says and it shall come to pass that everyone that is left of all the nations which come against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the king the Lord of hosts and to keep the feast of Tabernacles now there were basically six main feasts that were that were you know celebrated every year in the Hebrew calendar three of them would be all together uh during around the time of Passover Passover being one of them and then three of them were all together around the day of atonement and one of those around the day of the time you had the day of atonement the Feast of trumpets and then the Feast of Tabernacles they would go be back to back so you only have to travel to Jerusalem one time uh twice a year uh for for these events and this was about halfway through the year where the their year would begin with Passover that's sort of at the beginning of the year the first month of their year and then halfway through their year they would have the celebration of the Feast of uh the day of atonement the Feast of trumpets and the Feast of booths or the Feast of Tabernacles now one of the things that happens at the Feast of Tabernacles is every day for a week they're living in Tabernacles or living in tents to remind them of their Wilderness wanderings the Jews how they wandered from Egypt right and stayed intense and the other thing that they're doing every day during the Feast of Tabernacles is offering sacrifices every day burnt offerings so if people during the millennial kingdom are going to Jerusalem every year to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles that they are offering sacrifices you can read about the details of the Feast of Tabernacles in Leviticus 23 if someone's taking notes and one wants to jot that down look at it later but there's another passage I want to take you to in Ezekiel and this will be a little easier because we're going to be going back to Ezekiel in just a moment about Gog and Magog so I wanted to bring you to Ezekiel 43. if I could Ezekiel 43 now Ezekiel chapter 40 all the way to the end of the book chapter 47. I think that's 47 chapters if I'm not mistaken um but those last chapters of ezekiel's from chapter 40 on are all about the millennial Kingdom and or the reign of Christ so some of it's about the new you know the new Heavens the new Earth where Jesus is reigning forever and uh it's actually describing a new Temple it just ends up describing a new city of Jerusalem read through it sometime and knowing what it's describing you'll it'll be a little bit more fascinating to you because when you read it not knowing what it is it's just a measurement of this and a measurement of this and a measure but once you realize this is actually measuring like a the temple and the Altar and all this stuff in the new uh in the uh in the millennial Kingdom and and the water is coming out from under it and all that kind of thing but in verse 13 of Ezekiel 43 he starts to measure the altar so there is an altar in the temple in the millennial Kingdom and it says and after these are the measures of the altar after the qubits and he goes through and he measures the Altar and so we know then that if there is an altar in the temple and they're going up to worship to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles then there are sacrifices that take place now this is this makes sense because death is still in existence right at the end of the Millennium we might get to it today but I doubt it we're going to read about how death is The Last Enemy that Christ conquers at the end of the Millennium he conquers death there is no more death which means that the new Heavens the new Earth there's not going to be any sacrifices because nothing dies but before then there is a remembrance brought up every year of Christ's Sacrifice by sacrificing in the temple just like in the Old Testament they would sacrifice in the temple to remember that the Messiah would be coming or that's what they would were supposed to be remembering and in the same way in the millennial Kingdom there'll be sacrifices to remember that the Messiah came you say well that's that's terrible for those animals to die well it's terrible for animals to die in the Old Testament too right um it's it's sad and that's the whole point right it's supposed to make us sad supposed to remind us that Jesus died for us and you know that our sins deserved uh what our sins deserve and why it's so um so important and special that Jesus died for our sins so uh we're gonna we're gonna move on but before we do any other questions about the millennial kingdom yes now I could be wrong and I might have to take this back later but I don't know of a passage in scripture that says Jesus is the final sacrifice Jesus is what all the sacrifices were pointing to none of the sacrifices actually did anything like sacrificing an animal didn't take your sins away sacrificing an animal showed that you were trusting in in the coming Messiah who was going to be the actual sacrifice the animals couldn't actually take your sin away right so I don't think that Jesus is the last sacrifice or at least I'm not aware of a passage in scripture that says that and instead he is the sacrifice that all the other sacrifices were a picture of and so all the other sacrifices just showed us that there needed to be a real one in the future and so apparently in the in the millennial Kingdom there will be remembrance of Christ in sacrifices and it also will remind us that the world isn't quite perfect yet and that there still needs to be a a finishing of the of the Redemptive work of Christ which will of course happen and we're about to read about it all right let's look at Revelation 20 because we're going to get to this thing called Gog and Magog all right now remember Revelation 20 on that question mark seven to a thousand an arrow that sounds like hieroglyphics right um we're we're past the seven years what people like to call the tribulation we're past the Thousand Years we're actually at the end of the Thousand Years right before God creates a new heavens and a new Earth okay so this is at least a thousand and seven years from today at least okay probably more than that but at least okay here's what it says um I think I'm gonna start at the first verse just to give us the background okay and I saw an angel this is the beginning of the Thousand Years I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years there's the beginning of the Thousand Years and cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the Nations no more till the Thousand Years should be fulfilled after that he must be loose the little season and I saw Thrones and they that sat on them and judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshiped the Beast neither his image neither had received his Mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years but the rest of the Dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection blessed and holy is he that hath part in the First Resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priest of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years and when the thousand years are expired here's the end of the Thousand Years when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison and he shall go out to deceive the Nations which are in the four quarters of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea and they went up on the breadth of the Earth encompassed the camp of the Saints about and the Beloved City and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them and that's the end of the battle um okay so interesting that this phrase Gog and Magog is sort of just thrown in to this battle this is the end of the Millennium what happens is the Satan has been bound for a thousand years and then God says go let him out now yeah that's thank you I was just going to say you might say why and you actually asked it so that's perfect thank you JPI I appreciate that um and uh so the question is why why does why does God let the devil out you know if you've got him bound why do you let him go well because there are people that after a thousand years are still not believers and it's time to end it it's time to wrap it up and move on right so Satan's gonna go out and this is just going to this is going to this is gonna this is going to reveal the the people who aren't truly saved because the ones you are who are genuine Believers during this time Satan's not going to be able to mess with them right and so he's going to go and deceive the ones who aren't and they're going to come against Christ and it's actually the Lord's Roundup tool all right he's rounding them all up so that he can he can wipe them out they don't get to to actually fight the battle they they start to wage the war and immediately fire comes from heaven and devours them but what's interesting is that it throws in this statement Gog and Magog in the middle of this now there's really only one rep thing that this can be referencing and that's found in Revelation in Ezekiel chapter 38. okay so this battle at the end of the millennium is called Gog and Magog in Revelation 20 or at least the people or or something like that is referred to as the Gog and Magog and Ezekiel 38 we read the only other reference to this thing at least this name in the scripture Gog and Magog and here's what it says we'll start it at verse one and we're going to just work through Ezekiel 38 and 39 and we may just probably take two weeks to do it but we're going to try to understand what it says verse 1 and the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man set thy face against Gog and the land of Magog the chief Prince of meshech and tubal and prophesy against him okay let's pause right there where where are these places what is this talking about GOG is Gog is basically a person he's saying this is he is the king or the leader of this place called Magog all right now Magog is is found in Genesis actually as one of the sons of japheth the grandson of Noah right so Magog and also Gomer who's going to be mentioned later In this passage also a son of japheth so it's generally agreed upon by all commentators and Scholars that Magog is referring to the scythians scythians were a people who sort of controlled um very similar land to what's now called Russia very similar land they actually went a little further into the uh into what we call today Europe than Russia does but they had the Northern Area North of of turkey and and Georgia and pretty much everything north of that was all the scythians and so he's talking about Gog who was as far as we can tell in history not an actual person in history and he says to you Gog who's from the land who's in charge of the land of Magog the chief Prince of meshech and tubal now it's interesting that the word Chief there and if you've if you've got a King James as translated Chief other other Bibles might translate it differently because the word Chief is is sort of a quizzical word nobody really knows how to translate it and some people think that that word Chief that's used the Hebrew word this translated Chief there actually is an ancient form of Russian so they'll you know say that this is also could be Russian but it seems like the the word Magog already ties this to Russia so we're probably talking about the area that's controlled by Russia meshech and tubal are from my research as far as I can tell gonna be the land of Armenia and Georgia which is right there next to Turkey right so again right about where Russia is today um it says now he's the chief Prince of Meshach and tubal and he's here's the prophecy that comes against him and say thus saith the Lord God behold I am against thee Oh Gog the chief Prince of meshech and two ball and I will turn thee back and put hooks in thy jaws and I will bring thee forth and all thine Army horse horses and Horsemen of all them clothed with all sorts of armor even a great company with bucklers and shields all of them have have handling swords so this is I had Gog and Magog is this guy named Gog who's getting together this great Army okay here's who's also included in the Army verse 5 Persia that would be what we know today as Iran Ethiopia that would be what we know today as Ethiopia and Libya and of course that would be what we know today as Libya and with them all of them with shield and helmet Gomer this is probably speaking these two next two names are probably speaking about places parts of turkey Gomer and all of his bands the house of togarma those two probably both speak to different parts of Turkey and of the north quarters and all his bands and many people with thee so here we have sort of Nations from all around Israel we're talking about what we would know today as Russia turkey Georgia Armenia that whole area plus Iran Plus two nations from Africa Libya and Ethiopia and then verse 7 says be thou prepared and prepare for thyself thou and thy company that are assembled unto thee and be thou a guard unto them after many days Thou shalt be visited in the latter years okay this is definitely even ezekiel's betraying that this is talking about a end times event in the latter years Thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from The Sword and is gathered out of many people now this is an interesting statement a interesting way for Ezekiel to describe Israel because Israel was in the time of Ezekiel it was it had been spread into one nation right into the Babylonian Empire well and maybe this Syrian Empire but that was conquered by Babylon so they were kind of in the Babylonian Empire and when they came back from Babylon and and settled again in Israel they came back from one nation but here it says that they're going to come back from many nations and come back into their land now I think this is an obvious we can see after 1948 that this is talking about end times events that couldn't happen until 1948 when the Jews came back into their land after the World War II and repopulated their land this seems very clearly to be speaking about more modern current events and saying that that type of thing had to happen before what's going to happen next okay so in the latter years thou shall come into the land that is brought back from The Sword and is gathered out of many people and by the way the reason that Israel went back to their land and and the U.N made a place for them is because of the the Holocaust and how they were trying to they tried to stamp them out in the Holocaust they were brought back from The Sword I mean the very very specifically fulfilled this this prophecy they were brought back from the sword from many nations back into their land but this takes place um it says look um out of many people against the mountains of Israel that means Gog and Magog are coming against the mountains of Israel with all these armies which have been always waste but is brought forth out of the Nations and they shall dwell safely all of them so this has to take place when Israel is dwelling safely in their land after they've come back from many nations well that makes sense because we've already seen Revelation 20 that Israel's dwelling very safely after a thousand years with with the Messiah right he's what they're dwelling very safely in the land right okay but that's not all because what we're going to find here and I'll uh instead of going through the whole thing and then telling you the secret what we're going to find here is that this is going to be a dual fulfilled prophecy that means it has two fulfillments now you say well what is it that you could just make stuff up like that Pastor Barnes well we saw this already right in Daniel Daniel describes this abomination of desolation and he says it's going to be a Greek king during the Greek Empire then he says no it's going to be a Roman King and then he says well it's the Greek king but he's a picture of the Roman king and you that's basically what Romans what Daniel 11 is all about and so there was a dual fulfillment That was supposed to be something that was going to take place once and then something very much like that was going to take place again later and so it was prophesying about both of those events that's gonna we're gonna find that that's clearly what's being taking place here one of these this prophecy is going to be describing the battle at the end of the millennium and it's also going to be describing another battle sometime before it and the question I want I want us to be asking ourselves as we're as we're walking through this passage is when is the first fulfillment okay we're gonna we're gonna have some people argue that it this is talking about the um battle of Armageddon as the first fulfillment and the final fulfillment is at the end other people will argue that it's a it's a battle that takes place sometime in the middle of the tribulation sometime and others will argue that it's a battle that takes place before the tribulation and might even happen before the Rapture that we might even see it in our time and um it's easy to think that way because of where Russia is right now and because of the alliances that Russia is making with Iran and so on and so forth so it's easy to start thinking that way but I don't want to interpret scripture based on what I'm seeing in the world I want to interpret the world based what I see in scripture right so let's let's be careful not to let that get backwards okay so let's see what it actually says here all right so they're going to come after Israel during a time when their peace and safety that part seems to be obviously talking about the the last fulfillment at the end of the Millennium because that's when they've been for a thousand years peaceful and safe right verse 9 Thou shalt Ascend and come like a storm and shall be like a cloud to cover the land thou and all thy bands and many people with thee and thus saith the Lord God it shall come to pass that at the same time shall things come into thy mind and thou shalt think an evil thought and thou shalt say I will go up to the land of unwalled villages I will go to them that are at rest that dwell safely all of them dwelling Without Walls and uh having neither bars nor Gates now this some people will point to this and say this is saying this is meaning that it's that the first fulfillment of this is before the tribulation because right now Israel doesn't have any walls which is true I mean Jerusalem has old walls but it doesn't surround the city the city if you look at the city of Jerusalem on a map the walls are this much and the cities this much you know um so yeah it's not really a walled City it's even though it has walls in it um but can we really say that they're dwelling safely right now I mean yeah they got the Iron Dome so they can pretty much act like they're safe but it's hard to it's hard to see how that would be considered uh just peaceful safe hunky-dory don't don't expect any kind of attack right because they're expecting attack all the time right now in in Israel they I mean everyone in Israel when you hit 18 joins the military period why because they're not like the idea here is that Israel it feels at rest and safe and right now I don't think that's what you a good way to classify Israel um so I I would say that's probably not a good reason to argue that this is going to happen before the tribulation this probably is still talking about the end of the Millennium after for a thousand years they've been at peace with Jesus says they're as their King verse 12. so that he comes to take a spoil and to take a prey to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited now remember in the Millennium the desolate places start to grow again the the deserts start to grow again because of the water coming out of the city of Jerusalem and so the desolate places that are now inhabited is what they're trying to conquer um and it says and upon the people that are gathered out of all the nations which have gotten cattle and goods that dwell in the midst of the land Sheba and deedin and the merchants of tarshish with all the Young Lions thereof shall say unto thee Art Thou come to take a spoil hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey to carry away silver and gold to take away cattle and goods to take a great spoil now Sheba and Eden are basically different parts of Arabia what we would call today Saudi Arabia and so some had said well this this can't happen until Saudi Arabia starts to line up with with uh with Russia and right now Saudi Arabia is a rather um peaceful country as far as Middle Eastern countries go they're in the talks of making deal a peace deal with Israel but notice that this passage doesn't say that that Saudi Arabia or Sheba indeeden are actually coming against Israel they're actually asking Gog and Magog as they're coming against Israel why are you coming right so it doesn't look like they're part of it um so that that wouldn't really affect our our interpretation here verse 14 therefore son of man prophesy and say unto God thus saith the Lord God in that day when my People Israel dwelleth safely shalt thou not know it and thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts thou and many people with thee all of them riding on horses a great company and a mighty Army now you might say why are they Rising on horses well if this is in the middle of the tribulation it would make sense because they've had tons of earthquakes and all kinds of things it probably set them back in their technology if this is the end of the Millennium we have no idea uh what's going on then and it's possible that they would ride on horses because they're not exactly exactly manufacturing tanks all around the world at that time right but if this is before the tribulation then the horses would then have to be a metaphor right because they wouldn't be riding on horses in a big army right now right um verse 16. and thou shalt come up upon against my people of Israel as a cloud to cover the land it shall be in the latter days again a reminder that this is an end times prophecy and I will bring thee against my land that the Heathen may know me when I shall be Sanctified in thee o Gog Before Their Eyes now this is an important verse look at verse 17. thus saith the Lord God art thou he of whom I have spoken in Old Time by my servants the prophets of Israel which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them so this is an important figure in Bible prophecy who's been prophesied to come against Israel now when the at the time when Ezekiel was writing we don't know how many other prophets had prophesied things that weren't written but Isaiah had written stuff and he had written about about armies that would come up against Israel and uh but he you know other than generically talking about Satan he hadn't really talked about like the Antichrist or anything like that that was Daniel and he was writing kind of at the same time as Ezekiel it wasn't something that Ezekiel could say you know hey haven't all the prophets always talked about this this sounds to me like he's he's saying Gog you are Satan like this Gog figure is the devil right and he says you're the one who's been prophesied to come for a long time and come out against Israel and that makes sense because in the final fulfillment of this it is Satan himself who comes against Israel and there is one other time we know when Satan comes against Israel and that's at the battle of Armageddon at the end of the seven years of tribulation so now I'm thinking if as I'm reading this is probably a dual fulfillment first fulfilled at the battle of Armageddon and finally fulfilled at the end of the Millennium all right well let's let's read on it says um that verse 18 it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel saith the Lord God that my Fury shall come up in my face for in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken sure sure surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel that's an interesting statement it's talking about an earthquake that happens during this battle then remember what happens at the end of the battle of Armageddon when Jesus puts his foot on the Mount of Olives there's this great earthquake and it seems like it might even coincide with that last vile judgment where there's this great earthquake well there's going to be a shaking during this battle it says so that the fishes of the sea the fowls of the Heaven and the beasts of the field and all the creeping things that creep upon the Earth and all the men that are upon the face of the Earth shall shake at my presence and the mountains shall be thrown down the mountains are thrown down and the Steep places shall fall and every wall shall fall to the ground this sounds to me like the battle of Armageddon now verse 21 and I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains saith the Lord Every Man's sword shall be against his brother and I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood and will reign upon him and upon his bands and upon the many people that are with him an overflowing rain great hailstones fire and brimstone now this is interesting because part of the Judgment the seventh vile judgment is hailstones and remember what happens at the end of the battle of Gog and Magog at the end of the millennium they're destroyed by fire that comes out of out of Jerusalem out of the throne right and he says I'm going to rain fire and brimstone or fire and sulfur on these people now here's why we know this has to be dual fulfillment it can't all be talking about the end of the Millennium and that's in chapter 39. third 23 says thus will I magnify myself and sanctify myself and I will be known in the eyes of many nations and they shall know that I am the Lord verse 39 therefore thou son of man prophesy against Gog and say thus saith the Lord God behold I am against thee oh God the chief Prince of meshech and tubal I will turn thee back and will leave but the sixth part of thee and will cause thee to come up from the north parts and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel and I will Smite thy bow out of thy left hand now this is a pause for a second and remember when the Antichrist first comes on the scene and the first seal is opened and there's a white horse does anyone remember what he has in his hand he has a bow but no arrows right because he's promising peace and so he has no arrows right he's got a bow like you know like hey I could I could be fighting you but I'm not because we're gonna have peace and then of course by the end of the tribulation he's fighting and he's got the arrows well look what it says here I will Smite thy bow out of thy hand thy left hand and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand this sounds a lot like the battle of Armageddon to me it really does and remember that the Antichrist in the battle of Armageddon is controlled by Satan so if Gog is speaking about Satan this makes a lot of sense doesn't it um it says then verse 4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel thou and all thy bands and the people that is with thee I will give thee unto the ravenous Birds does anyone remember what happens at the end of Revelation 19 there is a feast of the birds on the bodies you remember that now verse 5 Thou shalt fall upon the open field for I have spoken it saith the Lord and I will set a fire on Magog and upon and among them that dwell carelessly in the Isles they shall know that I am the Lord so I will make my Holy Name known in the midst of my people and I will not let them pollute my Holy Name anymore which doesn't seem like it's possible if we're talking about a before the tribulation thing because remember God's name is going to be polluted more than ever in the middle of the tribulation the abomination of desolation it says and the he then shall know that I am the Lord the Holy One in Israel behold it is come and it is done saith the Lord that this day whereof I have spoken and they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth and shall set on fire and burn the weapons both the shields and the bucklers and the bows and the arrows and the hand staves and the spears they shall burn them with fire seven years now remember what happens at the end of the Thousand Years of the millennium at the end of that time that it's it's the end right God there's the earth and the heaven flee away God creates a new heavens and new earth there's not seven more years to gather up all the weapons there's no need to plus they're burning the weapons wasn't weren't they destroyed by fire why would you need to burn burnt weapons right apparently this is a s this is why we know we know without any real question that there has to be a dual fulfillment here that final Gog and Magog battle is mostly described in chapter 38. but that first fulfillment of the Gog and Magog seems to be in chapter 39 and this is talking about something different that afterwards is going to take them seven years to clean up all of the dead bodies and this is why the seven years this is the chief reason why people will argue this has to happen right before the tribulation because seven year tribulation seven years cleaning up the dead bodies um but I don't think so and I'll show you why here's what it says in verse where we're on verse 9 verse 10. so that they shall take no uh wood out of the field neither cut down any of the forests for they shall burn the weapons with fire and they shall spoil those that spoiled them and Rod those that Rob them saith the Lord God and she'll come to pass in that day that I will give unto Gog a place there of the graves in Israel the Valley of the passengers in the east of the sea and it shall stop the noises of the passengers in there they shall bury Gog and all his multitude and they shall call it the valley of Haman Gog and seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them that they may cleanse the land so they're seven months burying the bodies seven years cleaning up all the weapons all right seven months burying the bodies again is not necessary if they were all burnt right yea all the people of the land shall bury them and it shall be to them a Renown in the day that I shall be glorified saith the Lord God so this is a privilege to be honored of God to be one of the one of those who goes out and buries the bodies of his slain that seems obviously to be talking about the Army battle of Armageddon right because it's God's slain that he slew and everyone's going out there an honor to God to bury these bodies so this is not something that takes place before the tribulation it really demands that that first fulfillment of the Gog and Magog battle has to be the battle of Armageddon at the end of the tribulation when Jesus comes back and claims the kingdom for the next seven years he's gonna say hey you're the honored one go out and clean up those bodies and they're going to think that's a wonderful thing like thank you I get to go you know you know clean up the bodies of those foolish people who came against God you know it was like it's like a it's a Renown a thing of renown that you got chosen for that and I don't think I'll be chosen I'm probably not good enough but I wish that I could clean up dead bodies in the Millennium that would be great um probably I probably won't have to hold my nose with my with my resurrected body so you know um anyway the day that I shall be glorified it says here's how they're going to do it he even explains how they're going to clean up the bodies verse 14 they shall sever out men of continual employment passing through the land to bury with the passage passengers those that remain up on the face of the Earth and to cleanse it after the end of seven months shall they search the passengers shall pass through the land would any seeth a Man's Bones eventually set up a Sign by it till the barriers have buried it in the valley of ham and Gog take out this whole system you know one person goes through he spots bones now notice that he's spotting bones again they're not burnt but they're picked clean by the birds right so all that's left is bone so he spots the bones he puts down the you know he puts down the the marker somebody else comes by and he's going to all the markers and burying them you know and it says and the name of the city Shall be Called Haman thus shall they cleanse the land and thou said of man thus saith the Lord speak unto every feathered fowl here we go again the same thing we saw in Revelation 19 and to every beast of the field assemble yourselves and come gather yourselves on every side to My Sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you even a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel that you may eat flesh and drink blood he shall eat the Flesh of the mighty and drink the blood of the princes of the earth of rams of lambs and of goats and of Bullocks and of the fatlings of baishan and you shall eat fat till you be full and drink blood till you be drunken of My Sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you thus shall ye be filled at my table and this is almost identical language to what we find in Revelation 19 about the birds coming in and uh and devouring the Flesh of those who stood against God and it says here's an interesting thing to note verse 22 and then we'll read verse 29 and we'll we'll close after that verse 22 so the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day and forward so after this battle going forward Israel knows that he's God period now that's not talking about the at the end of the Millennium because they already knew that that for a thousand years right um he's reigned so this is talking about that first fulfillment and that makes sense if it's the battle of Armageddon if it's some battle sooner than then like before the tribulation I don't think so because the tribulation is about trying and purifying the people of God and uh so I don't think that would be um from that day forward they all know if it's before the tribulation and in verse 29 it says neither will I hide my face any more from them meaning I'm coming to dwell with them in person and I get to see me in person right I'm not going to hide my face anymore after the battle of Gog and Magog which again just says this seems obviously to be talking about the battle of Armageddon and so why do people think that it that it's just describing something that happens before the battle of Armageddon well because we're seeing peace is moving into place for this kind of a thing to happen I mean we are I mean and just to see Russia's advancements in in the Ukraine and I mean Russia has a base in Syria and Damascus and there the I I heard actually just today or yesterday that uh Putin went to Iran to meet with the leader of Iran I mean like this these types of things are in the works but I don't think we have Prof prophetic reason to think this takes place before the tribulation is all I'm saying although I'm a hundred percent confident that the devil is trying to make this happen and I think that's what we're seeing in the world right now I think the devil is trying to move these pieces into place and all God has to do is remove the church in the Rapture and he's going to let this all to play out or he could say no hold on it's not time yet I'm choosing not to allow it to happen and he could make it put it on pause for a little bit longer it doesn't seem like he's doing that though it seems like we're getting very very close to the Lord withdrawing us and in the Rapture and uh letting this play out you know um and that's uh that's exciting right that's pretty exciting I think we need to be prepared though you know as we discussed before we don't know if if there will be some of this one world order stuff if we'll see some of that before we're gone now we don't know how dark and how difficult it might get before we go um so I don't think it's I don't think that this is a reason for us to not be prepared for dark times but ultimately that's exciting isn't it I mean I'm looking forward to get this ball rolling I'm I'm very very anxious to be done with the question mark okay and then uh that we can let the seven years play out and then we can get on to that thousand years with Christ on this Earth and then next week we're going to get into that new heavens and the new Earth and uh and of course that's what we're ultimately looking for but next week we'll do uh the great white Throne judgment and maybe get into the new heavens and new earth all right let's pray and we'll close father we do thank you so much for your goodness thank you that when we look at the scriptures we can find answers to our questions and we thank you that you gave us so much of the scripture to deal with end times events I mean this is not a small portion of scripture this is perhaps 20 or so percent of the word of God is dealing with End Time stuff and we thank you that we we can look at it we can examine it we can find what you mean what you mean by it we can be careful with it and we can let your Holy Spirit lead us as we attempt to understand it and we pray that you'd help us now knowing that that these pieces are all in place and all it's going to take is for you to say go ahead for all this to start happening help us to be ever Vigilant help us to be those who are going out and reaching the lost and bringing people to to Christ and using whatever time we have left because it's very likely that we have very little time left and uh we're we're looking forward to you coming at any moment and we thank you for it even so Lord Jesus we pray come quickly we pray these things in Jesus name amen
Channel: Weare Bible Baptist Church
Views: 8,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Scripture, Jesus, Christ, God, Faith, Church, Sermon, Millennium, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom, 1000 Years, One Thousand Years, Revelation 20, Jerusalem, Gog, Magog, Battle, Armageddon, Armagedon, Antichrist, Satan, Ezekiel 38, Ezekiel 39
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 51sec (2691 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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