3 Terrifying Abandoned Morgue Horror Stories That Will Leave You Speechless

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I woke up in a cold sweat my heart was pounding and my breath was shallow it was the same nightmare that had been plaguing me for weeks I was trapped in an old and abandoned morgue surrounded by ghosts their eyes glowed in the dark and their voices echoed through the Halls calling out for Revenge I tried to shake the feeling off but I couldn't the more was real it was just a few miles away from my house and it had been abandoned for years the rumors surrounding the place were that it was cursed that it was haunted by the Restless Souls of the people who had been brought there to be prepared for their final Journey I had always been curious about the place but I had never been brave enough to go there that is until I met a group of people who I befriended and who were just as curious as I was we had all heard the rumors and we wanted to see for ourselves if they were true so one night we decided to sneak into the Morgan Explorer the morgue was located on the outskirts of town hidden among the trees it was a large and imposing Building made of stone and brick the windows were boarded up and the doors were rusted shut we had to climb through a window to get inside as soon as we entered we were hit by the smell of death it was overwhelming and it made me feel sick to my stomach we had brought flashlights with us but they barely illuminated the darkness the corridors were long and narrow and the walls were lined with doors each one leading to a different room we started exploring going from room to room some of the rooms were empty but others were still filled with medical equipment and supplies it was like we had stepped back in time to a place where death was a part of everyday life but as we went deeper into the morgue things started to get strange we heard footsteps coming from the hallway but when we turned our flashlights towards the sound there was nothing there we heard voices whispering in our ears but when we turned around there was nobody there it wasn't long before we realized that we were not alone the mort was haunted and the ghosts of the people who were brought there were trapped inside they were angry and they wanted Revenge at first we tried to ignore them thinking that it was just our imagination but then things started to escalate we heard doors slamming shut on their own and the temperature dropped dramatically we could see our breath in the air even though it was a warm summer night and then we saw the ghosts they were pale and translucent and their eyes glowed in the dark they were angry and they were coming for us terrified we tried to run but it was too late the morgue was like a maze and we were lost the ghosts were everywhere and they were closing in on us we could feel their cold breath on our necks and we could hear their angry Whispers in our ears it was then that we discovered the dark secret of the morgue the people who had worked there had been experimenting on the bodies of the deceased they had been trying to bring them back to life but the experiments had gone horribly wrong the deceased people's Souls became restless and trapped in the morgue and seeking revenge on the living we were also trapped in the morgue with no way out the ghosts were closing in on us and we knew that our time was running out we could see the fear in each other's eyes and we knew that we had to find a way to escape as we stumbled through the dark we suddenly heard a loud crash behind us we turned around to see that one of our housemates had fallen through a rotten floorboard he was screaming for help and we knew that we had to get to him we rushed to his Aid pulling him out of the hole in the floor but as we helped him up we heard a strange noise coming from the Shadows it was a low growl and it was getting louder we shown our flashlights towards the sound and we saw the ghostly figure of a man he was tall and imposing and he had an aura of anger and Malice around him he was holding a metal tray and he was dragging it across the ground as he moved towards us we tried to run but couldn't move he lunged at us with his tray swinging it wildly we dodged and weaved but we couldn't avoid him continuously he hit us with the tray sending us to the ground we scrambled to our feet but the ghost was still after us we could feel him right on our backs and we could hear his laughter echoing through the Halls we knew that we had to find a way to stop him or we would never escape the more GoLive as we ran through the corridors we stumbled upon a room filled with medical equipment we saw a table with a large syringe on it and we knew that we had found our weapon we grabbed the syringe and filled it with a strange serum that we found on the table we didn't know what it was but we hoped that it would be enough to stop the ghost we made our way back to the main hall where the ghost was waiting for us he was laughing and taunting us as he swung his tray back and forth we didn't hesitate we rushed at him and we plunged the syringe into his ghostly form there was a bright flash of light and the ghost let out a blood curdling scream he disappeared into the darkness and we knew that we had defeated him we made our way back to the window where we had entered the Mork we climbed out and we collapsed under the ground outside we were bruised and battered but we were alive As We Lay There gasping for breath we realized that we had uncovered The Dark Secret of the Mork we had discovered the truth about the experiments that had been done there we knew that we would never forget the Horus that we had experienced in the morgue but we also knew that we had overcome them we had faced our fears and come out alive and that was a victory in itself we left the morgue behind us vowing never to return but the memories of that night would stay with us forever a constant reminder of the power of the unknown and the terror that lies in the shadows as the sun began to set on the small town I felt a strange urge to explore the abandoned morgue on the outskirts of the city it had been empty for years and as a thrill seeker I couldn't resist the temptation to venture inside as I approached the building I felt a chill run down my spine The Rusted sign reading more creaked in the wind as if warning me to turn back but I couldn't resist the urge to explore with a deep breath I pushed open the heavy door and stepped inside the air was thick with the smell of death and Decay and the silence was deafening as I made my way deeper into the morgue I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched every Creek of the old building made my heart race and I found myself jumping at Shadows as I turned a corner I saw something move out of the corner of my eye I spun around but there was nothing there my heart pounding in my chest I continued deeper into the morgue suddenly I heard a faint whisper I froze listening closely it sounded like someone was calling my name I tried to brush it off as my imagination but the whisper persisted crawling louder and more insistent I began to feel a growing sense of unease as I made my way through the dark and narrow hallways I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched and the Shadows seemed to move on their own as I turned a corner I found myself face to face with a ghostly figure it was an old man his face contorted in pain his eyes bore into mine and I could feel his cold breath on my skin I tried to run but my legs wouldn't move the ghostly figure reached out to me his hand passing through my body I felt a coldness spread through my veins as I realized that I was not alone in the morgue as I stumbled through the hallways trying to find a way out I heard a series of eerie sounds the scraping of metal on concrete The Whispers of the dead and the creaking of doors filled the air finally I saw a glimmer of light ahead I raced towards it feeling a sense of relief wash over me but as I got closer I realized that the light was coming from a room I had already explored Panic said and as I realized that I was lost in the maze-like Mork The Echoes of death seem to follow me haunting my every step as I turned another corner I found myself face to face with a row of corpses their lifeless eyes seemed to stare straight through me and their pale skin seemed to Glow in the dim light I backed away slowly feeling a sense of dread wash over me suddenly one of the corpses moved its arm twitching slightly I bolted in the other direction my heart racing as I ran I heard footsteps behind me I turned around but there was no one there the footsteps grew louder and I realized that I was being chased by something otherworldly I stumbled and fell feeling a sharp pain shoot through my leg I looked up and there she was the ghost of a young girl her face Twisted in anger she reached out to me her fingers wrapping around my throat I gasped for air feeling her icy grip Titan just as I thought it was the end for me the ghostly figure suddenly vanished I lay there gasping for breath as The Echoes of death faded away with the final burst of energy I pushed myself up and hobbled towards the exit my heart was racing and I felt a cold sweat on my forehead I knew that I had to get out of there as soon as possible as I stumbled towards the door I heard a faint whisper in my ear you'll never leave it said I turned around but there was no one there The Echoes of death seem to be closing in on me with a final burst of energy I reached the door and pushed it open the sunlight flooded in and I took a deep breath of fresh air I stumbled out into the daylight feeling a sense of relief wash over me as I looked back at the morgue I saw the ghostly figures in the windows they seem to be watching me their eyes filled with a mixture of anger and sadness I knew that I had uncovered something dark and Sinister in the abandoned morgue something that was beyond my understanding I knew that I would never forget the Echoes of death that haunted that place as I made my way back to town I felt a sense of unease the ghosts of the morgue seem to be following me haunting my every step I knew that I would never be the same after that night weeks passed and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching me every shadow seemed to hide a ghostly figure in every creaking floorboard seemed to be a warning one night I woke up to the sound of footsteps in my room I sat up heart pounding and saw a ghostly figure at the foot of my bed it was the old man from the morgue he looked at me with sad eyes and I felt a sense of understanding wash over me he was trapped in this world unable to move on as he vanished Into The Ether I knew that I had to do something I couldn't let the ghosts of amor caught me forever I had to confront the darkness and find a way to put the Echoes of death to rest with a newfound sense of purpose I returned to the morgue this time I wasn't alone I brought with me a team of paranormal investigators and experts in the field together we explored the depths of the abandoned morgue we uncovered the secrets hidden within its walls and found a way to put the Echoes of death to rest as we left the morgue for the final time I felt a sense of Peace wash over me the ghosts of a morgue have finally found rest and I could finally move on but as I walked away I couldn't shake the feeling that something was still watching me The Echoes of death still haunted me a reminder of the darkness that lay within us all I always knew that the old morgue was haunted the rumors had been swirling around my small town for years but nobody had ever been brave enough to investigate that is until my housemates and I decided to venture inside and see if the stories were true we had heard that the last mortician who worked there had died under mysterious circumstances and that his Spirit still haunted the Halls some people said that he was seeking revenge for something that had happened to him while others believed that he was simply trapped in this world unable to move on despite the warnings we were determined to explore the abandoned morgue and uncover the truth about the mortician's death we waited until Nightfall and then made our way inside armed with flashlights and a sense of curiosity as we made our way deeper into the building we could feel the chill in the air the morgue was dark and foreboding with shadows lurking around every corner we began to hear strange noises like footsteps echoing through the hallways did you hear that my friend Sarah whispered I nodded my heart racing we continued down the hallway and I could feel my Palms starting to sweat it was hard to shake the feeling that we were being watched suddenly we heard a strange noise behind us like someone was shuffling their feet on the floor we turned around and I saw a figure standing in the doorway it was The mortician's Ghost and he looked angry get out he screamed his voice echoing through the room we didn't need to be told twice we turned and ran our feet pounding on the ground as we made our way back towards the entrance we heard the sound of laughter behind us it was the mortician's ghost taunting us we burst out of the morgue gasping for air I looked back and I saw the mortician's ghost standing in the doorway his eyes filled with anger and Hate from that moment on I knew that the mortician's ghost was following me I could feel his presence everywhere I went haunting my every step one night I woke up to the sound of something scratching at my bedroom window I open my eyes and I saw the morticians ghosts staring at me through the glass his eyes were filled with a mixture of anger and sadness you shouldn't have come to my Mork he whispered from that moment on things only got worse the mortician's ghost seemed to be getting stronger and I was plagued by nightmares and visions of his haunting I tried to talk to my housemates about it but they didn't believe me they thought that I was just imagining things that it was all in my head but one night things came to a head I was lying in bed trying to sleep when I heard a strange noise it sounded like someone was breathing heavily right next to me I opened my eyes and I saw the mortician's ghost standing at the foot of my bed he was holding something in his hand something sharp and shiny you shouldn't have come to my Mork he whispered again I tried to scream but no sound came out I felt a cold sweat break out of my forehead and my heart was pounding in my chest the mortician's ghost moved closer and I could feel his breath suddenly the door in my room burst open and my housemates rushed in they had heard my muffled screams and came to investigate when they saw the mortician's ghost they froze in Terror but then one of my housemates a brave and quick thinking guy named Tom grabbed a nearby lamp and swung it at the ghost the lamp shattered on impact and the ghost disappeared Into Thin Air we all sat there in silence for a few moments catching our breath and trying to process what had just happened finally Sarah spoke up what do we do now she asked we have to find out what happened to the mortician I said my voice shaking we have to figure out why he's haunting us and put his Spirit to rest so we started investigating we researched the mortician's death and discovered that he had been murdered in the morgue by a group of vandals who had broken in armed with this knowledge we set out to find the vandals and bring them to justice we spent weeks tracking them down following leads and Gathering evidence finally we had enough to go to the police and they were able to make the arrests after that the haunting stopped the mortician's ghost seemed to have finally found peace knowing that his murders had been caught and punished but even though the haunting was over I couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed in me I had seen things that I couldn't explain and I had felt the presence of something Beyond this world it was a feeling that stayed with me long after we had left the more behind in the end I came to realize that there are things in this world that we can't fully understand things that are beyond our control but by facing our fears and standing up for what's right we can make a difference and bring Justice to those who have been wronged and that's a lesson that I'll never forget foreign
Channel: Nightmare Chronicles
Views: 2,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, abandoned castle, horror stories, scary stories, creepy stories, true horror stories, night horror stories, horror, alone at night, true scary stories, abandoned morgue, true abandoned morgue horror stories, nightmare chronicles, mr. nightmare, street light terror, blue spooky, ripshy, chilling scares, whispered diaries, lets read, chills, horror shorts party, wansee entertainment
Id: m_tEBMHvUE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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