3 Simple Things Everyone with Knee Pain Should Do Daily

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♪Bob and Brad♪ ♪the two most famous♪ ♪physical therapists♪ ♪on the internet♪ - Howdy folks. I'm Bob Schrupp, physical therapist. - Brad Heineck physical therapist. - Together we are the most famous physical therapists on the internet. - In our opinion of course, Bob. - Today we're going to talk about three simple things, everyone with knee pain should do daily. So these are just some general guidelines. it'll help you knock that knee pain down. - And it doesn't take much time. - No, it doesn't. By the way, if you're new to our channel please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos, how to stay healthy, fit, pain-free, and we upload every day. Go to http://bobandbrad.com and go to the giveaway section, and we are giving away a mattress this week. We'll show, we'll talk about just in a second. You can also go to Facebook and it'll be pinned to the top of the page, the contest that is. Go to Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok if you want a 60 second version of our program. Go to podcasts, if you want to listen to us for a long time. - Yeah, yeah (Brad laughs) - So, so this is a sleep evasion mattress most comfortable mattress by far for pain. I, I think my. - I agree. I'm very happy with my... - Yeah, so this is a cutaway of it. They actually took the cover away from it. And you can see it's made up of 700 individual mattresses. It's got coils underneath it, it's got air channels. Makes it very, very comfortable. This is, would be a, maybe a part of a twin. I don't know. (Brad laughs) But they come in all the sizes. - Right, yep. They ship them right to your house and they one, work wonderful. Let's just get it out of the way for now though. - All right. Number one. These three simple things, you want to strengthen your quadricep. Now they did many many studies on this and they found out that this is the one muscle really four muscles, the quad, that very often are weak, especially with knee arthritis, knee pain, ligament injuries. It seems like for some reason the body picks on that muscle. - Well, it makes sense. All the quads connect up to the patella, which is... - Right on leverage. - Yep so, you know. - So you can do it just a very simple exercise here. You can do it in bed when you wake up if you want to. You're just gonna fold the pillow, put it underneath the knee like this, and you're actually going to push the knee down to the, to the bed. And by doing so, and you hold it for a count of 10 seconds. (Bob laughs) - You're, you're counting? - Counting to myself. - I thought you lost your mind or something (brad laughs) - But you're going to do 15, this 15 times. 10 seconds, hold it for 10 seconds 15 times. - That's a long time - Yup. And then relax. - And I want you to do another set of 15. - Whoa. - So the, you're gonna find out this is going to strengthen that quad. You only need to do it three times a week. - Oh, okay. - You'll get some pretty good start. - I thought you were gonna say three times a day. - No, no. - That would be a chore - That'd be a burden. - Yeah. - So, this this'll make a difference. If the knee is stronger, it's gonna be less strain on the joint. - And it's nice to have that pillow, gives you something to push into, it makes it feel better. - Yeah, all right. Next, Brad, you're gonna wanna check and see your knee is lacking motion in one direction or another. Because if it is, if you regain that motion you will knock the pain down. So Brad, why don't you show like, how you would measure extension? - Right. So extension knee only has two motions extension and flexion. So that means straightening the knee. You can see with the stripes on there. Let's say, I only can go this far where this is completely straight. We want to see if we can get through that and stretch it out so it straightens fully. And that sometimes happens rather relatively easy, and sometimes it's going to take you, you know a week or two, or perhaps even more. - Right and you can actually put both legs up there. If you wanna see if one's not, one one is bent more that the other. - Let's say this one goes straight, and then you put the other one up, and a little harder to see in the black here but that one is clearly, you know, a couple inches higher than this. So we want to get that even out. If you have a stool with wheels, it actually works quite well. - Yeah. - Or if you have an ottoman, it's okay if you don't have wheels because you can put it on and then the idea is to put it up and push down. You could go above your knee cap and gently press down and hold and relax and get that stretched. If this creates sharp pain, you're going too aggressively. Don't overdo it. Bob, you had a patient. - I had a patient the first time we, he did a bunch of sets came in, he was so sore, he wasn't going to come back in. - Yeah, he.. - Buddy. - He came in to holler at you. - Came in to yell at me. (Brad laughs) And, and in the end, his knee turned out really well. - Yeah, you got him settled down, and yeah he went back at it. So you probably don't want to do this 5 or 10 times. - You can say the words pressure in, pressure off, if you want to know how long to hold the stretch. - Now, by the way Brad, you mentioned there's only two measurements on the two directions it moves. It does actually move a little bit in an external rotation, and internal rotation too. - Right - I know you know that, but they don't need to know that I guess but (Brad laughs) someone's going to correct me. - Yeah. Someone's going to get technical on us. - Now, when you're doing this, you can also try this. Let's say you're having knee pain on the inside. You could try turning your leg out a little bit, stretching it that way. My wife had good luck with that one. - I had a woman with two really bad knees and she couldn't get replacements, and this is what worked for her going out, and then she would work these stretches. - Now you could also possibly go in. - Yep. - So you find out which one feels the best Yeah you're looking for which one feels most comfortable. - Right - That's the one you want to do. - And usually that's the direction that's gonna give you more range. So if you do 5 to 10 of these the first day and it's sore the next day, you're going to give it a break. If the next day it feels okay, maybe you can go right to 10 right away. And you kind of get a feel for it. Eventually you may be stretching it 3 or 4 times a day. As long as it doesn't flare it up. - Right. Or even McKenzie says four to six times a day. - Yeah. I'm always a little nervous about that but he knows. - You can also do this just right on the floor. - Sure. - We should push it down like this. Now the other one you want to check and see maybe your knee doesn't bend as much as the other one, - You are right. You are right. - And you could, You can kind of tell usually like if you bend it and then you bend the next one, you're like, Oh this one's just not going quite as far. - Yup. - And if it's the painful one. that's something you're gonna want to work on. So you can do it in a chair. You can just slide forward on the chair like this. - Yep. - Put your button in, and lean back. Chair supports you, and you just comfortably pull it up like this. Same thing. Pressure on. - So we're going to do some pour posh. - Yeah. - We don't recommend that usually, but for this, that's fine. You might want to get your hands just below the knee. I've had people go down here and get more leverage but sometimes it's too much leverage. - Sure. - And this can work out better. You have to experiment. - You can do it lying down in bed too. You know, you can just - That's good Bob? - Do it, there we go. - Yeah and it might be more relaxed this way, and you may get better results because you're relaxed and your you know upper body, you can breathe better. You may reach under here to start out with and then go to here. You know, compare one side to the other. This one might go to here and then this one starts out here and we want to get that to drop down in. It's funny how I noticed your, your hip externally rotated on this one not on this one but - I was hoping you wouldn't say anything about that. - All right that's so that's the second thing. The first thing you want to strengthen, next you want to stretch it, third thing is you want to keep it moving. Joints are a lot better off when they're moving. They get kind of self lubrication if you move it. So if you sitting a lot during the day, one thing don't sit with your knee bent more than 90 degrees. That's putting extra stress on the knee. Sit with the knee at least at 90 a right angle or even straighter. - Sure. - And and you might even vary it back and forth. - But the other thing is you want to get some movement every half hour in the knee. So you can basically just even, you know, lean back in the chair and do 10 of these. - Yep. Let's say you're watching a movie, you know you don't want to get up, you know. - Yeah. That's all. That's all we're asking you to do is you know both legs get it moving and that's going to help. - Now, if you want to go a little more of a training program here and to help get lots of movement of the knee, we're going to recommend the thick glide. What's nice about this, is it so lightweight. - It is. - So if you're elderly or if you're, you know, you're worried about someone that has to taste this piece of equipment. Now it's not super quiet. There is a swish swish sound, I don't know if you can pick it up with the mics, but it works really well, glides really well, and it's a so can put it on your desk and just and slide away. And it's got a little stand on it too to go uphill, and put a little more stress on the knee or strengthening or you can also do the hamstrings. - This one is a lot harder than it looks. It's amazing. I've always made amazing... - What's nice about this thing it's one of the few times you can actually do an exercise in bed. Yeah if your knees are really so tight and painful with arthritis, this may be a good way to get a moving. Now I'd probably use a towel underneath there if I if I was doing this, but you could just work her this way. - He's talking about just to pad your heel. - Yup. Or put a pillow down. - I mean, you could wear your shoes if you wanted to. - But this is great. You can wake up in the morning and start working out Brad. - There you go. - Not even get out of bed. - Yeah. It is really a nice option that you can't find with other things. - All right. Remember Brad and I can fix just about anything - Oh are we done Bob? - Yeah, I'm finished - Oh, except for, except for... - good, good, good. Where are we gonna fix now? - I just turned my mic off. - Oh (Brad laughs) - We can fix just about anything except for - a broken heart. - But we'll work on it. - We should rehearse that a little bit. - Yeah, maybe. - Take care everyone. - Thanks. (up beat music)
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 45,792
Rating: 4.973948 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, knee pain, knee pain exercises, knee pain stretches, knee pain treatment, knee pain relief, exercises for knee pain, knee pain remedies, back pain, knee exercises, how to, pain relief, neck pain, shoulder pain, how to fix knee pain, yoga for beginners, beginners yoga, hip stretches, for beginners, low back pain, lower back pain
Id: wxEaNfjLGHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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