10 Best Knee Pain Exercises Ever Created (Stretches & Strengthening)

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top and Brad the two mostly this physical therapist only today hi hi folks I'm Bob Shrum physical therapist Brad had a physical therapy other we have the most famous physical therapist on internet in our opinion of course today Brad we're going to talk about the 10 best knee pain exercises ever created stro has another big molecule Bob yeah that's a big you know promise but Brad and I have been doing this for combined probably 50 some years now and you know over all those years we've kind of called and picked out which ones we thought were the best exercises eternal and and this is taking to account Brad did your knee pain can be caused by a lot of different things so we're going to show you some exercises give them a try and you can see which ones work for you right and only use them if they clearly give improvement if they create pain you stop and put that one off to the side so hi to the folks on Facebook that are we're going live right now if you're watching the rebroadcast on youtube please click take a second to subscribe to us we provide videos on stay healthy fit and pain-free and we upload every day and if you're on you to go over to Facebook to pee we do these live events we do lots of fun things we like to be liked yeah back and forth of it can they see if they like me better than you guys I don't think they can sorry okay first exercise Brad this is a technique if you are having something going on in the joint sometimes even a little bit of if you have a meniscus tear even a cartilage tear sometimes this helps out okay or if there's arthritis and there's both eggs flaking off and flaking off this says this actually can help so much sulphur we're talking inside the joint not Yong Kim right so what you're going to do what you may not realize is when the need band's it also turns so there's a that you when Denis is bending this bottom bone here is actually turning yeah it rotates slightly it's not is that significant but it's subtle but it's important so especially if you if you if you don't have as much knee bend as you should have and it feels like it's getting blocked somewhat after arthritis or after some injury what you can try and this should be pain-free by the way sure I don't want pain with this so I'm going to actually yeah he's going to grab on him I'm grabbing the lower part of the tibia here I mean the upper part of the tibia and I'm turning it I'm turning it this way I'm turning it towards the other leg so you kind of get a hold in the front that's the bony part you can get it and in turn it is somewhere in the back gathering and as I turn I'm bending the knee and I'm going back and forth I'm doing this turn the whole time I'm holding the turn the whole time now again this should not increase pain this should not cause more pain it should sometimes actually feel better right and you know that you're doing the right thing and you can bend it further then you're right on the money like a pain more range of motion and you can do two sets of ten of those sir so another common problem that people have Brad is that they are having pain underneath the kneecap itself sir underneath the patella so one thing you want to do is you want to stretch that kneecap okay so that it has more motion it's not grinding down onto the bone as much so basically we're doing a patellar mobilization recall that's right so you're gonna have to take a look at my ugly leg here but not that ugly found oh it is it is it is that ugly yep so Brad's going to show on we're going to little close-up on Facebook and Lonnie's going to kind of go in on the camera there so the first thing you want to do is you know you know you're going to make sure the leg is very relaxed you know the quadricep if you if it's not relaxed you can't move that kneecap at all so you get a support on something and as you can see I'm using my two thumbs and I'm pushing down like this I'm pushing the kneecap down and for some people this is kind of a achy feeling bread ready to say they don't like this you know you have to be relaxed yeah let it and now I'm going to take my other two fingers and I'm pushing it up so I'm pushing it towards me I'm giving it a stretch I think your hands are the way to see them all right there you go so I'm stretching it this way that's not lipstick on his knee there that that's I put that on yeah he put arrows there so we know the direction we're moving and the final one is I'm gonna go this way I don't wanna you can see this nut but I'm going to push the kneecap this way because quite often it's tight and it wants to go out to the outside that's where it's giving you troubles so I'm going to push the kneecap over this way you got any of that Lonnie she actually smiling so I know what that means so you ought to see this from their view I mean these are stretches you can do a lot I mean these are especially if you're getting pain underneath except if you feel like grinding will do that it's a good one to do now they call that a lateral release if they do the surgery so we're trying to doing this could actually save you that ride and surgery yep so if you have patellofemoral syndrome that is what the one of the things you're going to do is that stretch all right the next one Brad is this this is a good one for people who have maybe a lot some arthritis in their knee and their knee doesn't straighten out quite all the way sure it you know and what they have found Brad Brad and Lonnie is that you're what the people out there and and subscribers if if you actually increase the knee extension a little bit even it helps decrease the pain sure so even if it's a modest amount so you can tell whether or not your knee is not straight as the other one is you just put both legs up and if one's down straight like this and the other one's up a little bit you know that one needs work because that one's not not straining as much as it should exactly so what you can do is you're actually going to put it up on a stool like this and you're going to actually take both arms and you can just go pressure on pressure off pressure on pressure off they might be asking how much pressure bob bob tell us how much well I don't want pain but you know you can bump into the pain go ahead so after repetitions after four or five the pain should be reducing and maybe a little more range than you know you're doing the right right and I would do the first day I would only do ten of these and see how it is the next day or how you did that night I had one guy that got a little too exuberant on this and he did like 3040 and he was not even going to come back to therapy yeah but overdid it he overdid it was he couldn't sleep that night which means that he did something you know he actually had things moving but he irritated but in the end it did work for him it did work really quite well all right next one Brad the same is true if the knee is not bending as well as it should yeah we did that one but you can also just do a straight straight I'll lay down and do some of these pressure on pressure on pressure on pressure off and where you put your hands on this can make a difference sometimes it's a little better if you go up closer to the knee and are sometimes down here but get a little more leverage which way it feels better and it makes the knee move better with less pain you can do that one in a chair too or a higher bench like this you can put it up there if you get your leg up there and you can do a pressure on this way too and pressure off pressure on pressure off that's a nice one you can do into a stairwell sure if you got spaceship there's armrest or Armas handles on both sides you know what do you call those the banisters railings I don't know the Rayleigh's I lost it there Bob all you want to show a quad stretch pritter yeah I you know if you've got good balance you know use something to hold on to if you've got a balance problem as long as you're capable of stretching like this those quadriceps will stretch really nice if your quads are really tight they're going to pull on that kneecap and it's going to grind it up some more so it's it's important that this is a you know you get stretch this muscle all right it does knees up like here it won't be stretching you want to bring it down here but but not like this either good tall posture knee down everything in line and then you're going to feel those quads stretch right there yep and you can actually do this laying down too you can do it lain flat on your stomach but you can also do it this way Brad you and you can bring your leg back like this you can lay on your side and it's the easy way to do it yeah it was a simple way to do it and here I can pull it back and give it a good stretch right right so next one Brad if you're having a lot of pain on the outside of your knee and it might be coming from your IT band right which is that a wide band down from here that goes up to the the muscle it's that muscle again called VFL TfL that's right tensor fasciae latae good job Brad I blanked out on it for a minute and a good way to stretch that Brad is just to actually lay down if you can do it you can do this with a stretch out strap where you can also just bring the leg up and you're going to bring it over to the side here and I'm now that's stretching here and you can we hit different angles of the TfL play by the IT band it'll attach it to you well how you move it right so in other words you've seen if you bring a leg up this way further or down this way and normally I guess we're going to have to remove the cover out of your foot sitting there you're going to have to get covers and move that home that we don't mind just tell your wife all right next one Brad a hamstring and heel cord stretches you want to show a hamstring stretch you better believe it my favorite one is I just simply like to go up to something about this height a stairwells nice with the handrail remember now and keep the back straight and just lean into I mean good stretch right now don't get all caught up and around in your back and trying to touch your nose to your toes you near divots that's not what you want good posture stretch it out are you going to show that Bob yeah I thought I was that is a nice tool yeah I think some of the demo that I think some dog collars and leashes are like this I think they they have a thing and then they have a lot of handles on them I think I've seen that really yeah but anyway this is a stretch out strap it's from old PTP and this works out really well for doing hamstring stretches because either put it on here and you can grab through the handles here and it just just really easy to pull up and get and do a stretch easy on your back sure and you can do keep the knees straight is great to emphasize hamstring stretch and you can do contract relaxed where you actually pull push down great pull push down and as you relax you pull it up further sore and push down then relax push down relax so this is the contract and this is the relax and that will give you more range of motion and more flexibility how about a heel cord stretch Brad a lot of people don't realize the calf muscle actually crosses over the knee too so you want to make sure that your you're doing that too so right so he's saying right here this the gastroc goes up over the knee joint crosses the knee joint and we want to keep that muscle as well this is my favorite way although a lot of people don't have an inclined board like that on Facebook oh yeah can you see it down there now no okay now I do oh thanks Bob now we got some and I'm going to keep my knees straight till I get that gastroc muscle that does cross for me and I can bend the knee if I don't have one of these you know you can simply go against the wall or a chair and stretch it like this the little work doesn't work quite as well Oh Bob you walked right in front of the can I know but I had to do this okay okay so we're stretching there and make sure you do both legs otherwise you start walking in circles but I'm just going to say hi to Alexandria Hutchinson oh really well no Sally Anna crawl all right well thanks for watching I hope you're enjoying this and maybe learn something new one and you know we gotta just this is working out pretty well all right we got to keep moving that's all we're going to do just a straight leg raise spread now we're getting just strengthening sure so we're going to lay down this is just a good universal strengthening of the knee without really bending the knee and putting stress on the way up this knee has been time strengthening this one right and you can just go up and hold it for a count of 10 and you know after a while you'll start to feel these it looks easy but you'll be amazed so you want to keep the knee fully extended here and the toe pointing up don't feel out this way or this way exactly and you can do some power ones to bread finish up with some power ones where you just go up and down kind of like a plyometric that we have is you know fancy exercising and it's important to have this knee up in this but it really helps though the low back and when we get some of the young girls who have to tell a femoral syndrome I tell them they can do thousands of these if they want to I mean that's how often you can do them I mean you can do lots and lots of strengthening of these sure so Brad you want to a hamstring on the ball sure hamstring strengthening oh yeah okay no rats money falling out for you Bob yeah all right I'm gonna stop that from happening so you don't get any more okay so in here lift the buttocks up in the air and simply roll the ball towards you and that is a great deal of hamstring work being done right now if your can do 10 20 of them like this without much problem to make it harder you can emphasize the right leg by putting the left one across on the top and then make sure you again you do both sides so you walk in a straight line the right leg on top of the left if you're really one of those I'm saying hi to Alexandra Hudson send and also Fred C Dobbs who thinks we look like two old women Fred does yeah Wow Fred how could you see the thread anyway let's do a hamstring right here oh really no H is high oh good all right so that's a great way to work and focus on those hamstrings and I would do 3 sets of 10 3 sets of 20 of those depending on how aggressive you are and I love doing those those are one of my favorite ones and last one we're going to do a brad is the ball on the wall wall you can do shallow squats with those or you can and I'll go ahead and handle this Brad so you're yeah that's going to go on the wall the ball on the wall back on the ball feet shoulder-width out in front of you good posture not rounding forward shoulders back head option and all that type of thing we're going to go down until her thighs are parallel with the floor if you're not able to go that far do not just kind of make a short one and build up to the deep one do not go down this deep yeah now Alexandra Hutchinson was asking if she's had pain in her meniscus after having surgery years ago she could do these she can do shallow ones of these ok you know I'm free and straight leg raises - okay perfect yeah that's exactly what we're looking for after the surgery so yeah and these if you want to make a more difficult for for those people that are really strong you can cross over like this thing as when we did the ball the hamstrings laying down and again you're going to watch do both sides so that we keep walking straight line you can see I cannot go down with one leg that's working hard aren't you right that he can get really aggressive with this particular exercise all right last comment Chris Middleton Vaughn says she thinks we have great bread oh thanks Chris it's a wonderful time we got one personality that likes yeah I always hope she liked this on the Facebook thing all right Brad well I think we can we can wrap it up here so thanks everybody for watching and remember Brad and I can fix just about anything except for that broken heart but we're working on exactly right we got some duct tape here we've got we've got a lot of tools that we're going to keep working with remember Thomas Edison he took 10,000 times to make that light bulb all right thanks Brad you
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 2,000,691
Rating: 4.8660636 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, knee exercises, knee pain exercises, knee pain stretches, knee pain strengthening, knee pain, knee pain self-treatment
Id: 4UxUfRb619A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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