3 GAME CHANGING Tips for EVERY Role in Valorant!

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here's a news flash you can't be good at every role in valorant there are times where you may feel like you're performing worse than usual during these times many are quick to blame their raw aim while that may certainly be the case you might just be playing the wrong role the agent and role you select significantly affects how you play the game if your playstyle doesn't match up with the role you've chosen or perhaps you simply don't know how to play the said role that's what we're here for today we will be going over three tips for every role this will expand your agent pull while also getting you more comfortable with your main agents before we get into it this video is just a glimpse of what we can offer you if you want a full detailed guide on how to improve environment then you want to check out our website at skillcaps.com more on that at the end of the video first up let's figure out what our primary role is and what suits our play style best this is important to identify most professional players specialize in one particular role because that's what best matches their playstyle and allows them to perform at their best you can't be the best at everything we we've seen players get placed outside of their usual roles and they perform significantly worse as they're not used to that Style finding the right role depends on how you like to play the game we will simplify this for you if you're an aggressive player that likes to take duels and get into the enemy's face you should play Duelists who specialize in doing just that if you're a more passive player then Sentinels and controllers may be a fitting role for you with Sentinels you have various traps to make plays off of while on controllers you'll tend to play more in the back line setting up smokes while your team is getting ready to push in if you're somewhere in the middle where you like to mix up between being aggressive and passive then the initiator role may be a good fit these agents have abilities that are best when used for your teammates however they still activate fast enough that you can make some decent plays by yourself if needed like we mentioned earlier each role is played differently so we suggest picking a role that best fits how you would describe your style now let's delve deeper starting off with Duelists the biggest job of a duelist is to create space for your team this is especially true for Duelists with mobile abilities such as jet raise uru and neon take this double Satchel play for example we'll start looking at the defender game plan Omen TP is on top of rubble while raises back sight this is to set up a crossfire when players push through a Lobby well this setup crumbles with how fast a duelist like race can move and take space away from the Defenders durka starts off flying into Rubble at the start of the round he gets there before Omen is even able to teleport and the defender's plan is completely sorted now there's only one player on site who has to choose between looking at a Lobby or over at Rebel that split-sucking where they're thinking over their options is enough to throw them off and lead to an easier kill for your team an important note here you don't need to get kills to create space simply diverting the enemy's attention between locations is the goal you want to prevent them from sitting around comfortably with their Crosshair and setups waiting for you and your team to peek out being able to dash Satchel or teleport onto a location far away from the rest of your team will split up the enemy's defense which then opens the door for you and your team to make plays more easily now don't worry we didn't forget about our flash dollar us Reyna and Phoenix these agents create space in a more straightforward manner finding enemies with a flash gives your team time to push into a choke point or sight if you hit your mark the enemy is forced to back away or if they're in an inescapable position your team gets a free kill moving on from there now because Duelists are the space makers they need to be the first player on the site if you're already doing this great but make sure your team knows when you're going in we see many times where duelist runs onto site on their own gets eliminated and then wonder where the team was to back him up your teammates can't read your mind they'll only know you're going in if you tell them this heads up gives time for them to assess how they want to best back you up and position themselves to help on that topic also don't be afraid to ask your teammates to do something to set you up maybe you want some smokes on site or you want a certain area cleared out with the omen blind before you go in ask your Omen if they can do that or maybe you want to have an idea of what the enemy's setup is before you push ask your sky or Sova if they could use their dog or owl drone to scout out the site first having assistance greatly improve choose how effectively you can push out onto a site despite Duelists being proclaimed self-sufficient fraggers it's always better to push and make plays as a team moving on we have Sentinels one of the biggest rules for this role is making sure you have multiple setups in Your Arsenal Sentinels are best played when they can surprise the enemy with their traps if he plays aside for tripwire in the same spot every round the enemy will eventually figure where it is and eliminate it without any issue or if you place a sage wall in the same area each round the enemy will likely be able to predict where it's going to be placed they can then shoot it down before it fully blooms and the wall loses its Effectiveness changing your setup doesn't have to be complicated though this could mean just switching sights and placing some basic traps there instead just this could be enough to catch the enemy off guard if they expected you elsewhere at the higher ranks you'll have to put a little more work though this could include placing some tricky traps that the enemy will have trouble finding and destroying or using Sage's barrier orb to boost yourself and surprise the enemy while they're busy trying to destroy your ability now that doesn't mean you have to have a fresh new setup every single round you you only really need to change things if your setup hasn't been effective at slowing down the enemy maybe your setup was really good at halting an a main push but the enemy has been pushing through a link where you don't have nearly as well of a defense set there if this is the trend then we want to place more utility over at a link or say the enemy has figured out your setup and is countering it if they did it easily once they'll likely do it again and run over your site unless you change something to better stop them now in regard to how to properly set yourself up as a sentinel in this role you always want to play off your utility whenever possible this means as a cipher or killjoy player for example you don't want to set up your site and then dry Peak a choke point this is a 50 50 dual and if you lose all your utility gets shut down the enemy will then easily take over the site and likely win the round here are some examples of playing off utility as Sage you can boost onto your barrier orb to Peak an enemy players may not suspect this and you'll be able to easily eliminate them as they try to flick up onto you with our other current Sentinels you want to lay down low until an enemy falls into your traps if some one gets caught under your tripwire Nano swarms or trademark that's your cue to peek out you can easily Trace these players down while they're caught in the Mayhem lastly as a sentinel you want to check the map frequently in this role you aren't doing all that much until players start to run through your setup as a result you should always keep an eye on the map to see if anyone needs help say we're defending B-side on split our coverage of garage should be pretty thorough because of that we only really need to check garage intermittently for sound cues indicating that the enemy is approaching if we don't hear anything we can focus our attention up over to heaven where you don't have as much utility setup our defense is weaker here and we want to keep an eye on it so that we can quickly back up our teammate if it becomes necessary with sage you want to be particularly active in looking at the map if you hear teammates duking it out you want to watch the health bars and see if they need healing if they do you want to rotate over as quickly as possible but not too fast though make sure you cover your choke point before rotating over this prevents the enemy from sneaking past your defenses and getting a surprise flank next we have initiators if there is any tips to take away from initiators it is to call out your flashes we've all been there we're trying to push a site everything is set up we're going in and then bam we get hit with a flash from a teammate and the plan falls apart it's one of the worst feelings if you call your flash and where you're flashing your teammates can quickly respond and position themselves so they don't get hit as an initiator you are able to make plays on your own however their abilities have a bit of a delay before you can use your Weaponry because of that making plays on your own is less effective than making plays for your teammates so when possible set up plays for your team instead if you call out when and where you're going to flash your teammates can prep themselves and use it to its fullest potential lastly make sure to gather information for your team before you make a play initiatives are the key agents in information gathering this is thanks to abilities such as Ko's knife Silva's Recon Vault and Owl drone and Sky's Trailblazer all these abilities will reveal player locations and thus give your team a better idea of where to peek and use the rest of their utility when making plays finally we have our controllers this is Argyle really one of the most important roles in the game if you've ever tried pushing a site without smokes you likely know what I mean without smokes there are way too many angles to watch out for one of the biggest mistakes we see out of controllers is burning through utility too early this happens often on attacker's side you pick a site to push and you smoke it off at the start of the round the idea is good here but the timing is off the enemy will still have full abilities at this time and can slow your push with the simple ability of their own this could be a sentinel trap grenade Molotov barrier orb or Flash by the time these abilities have worn off your smokes have likely vanished now you have nothing to cover your team for the push before you decide to smoke off a site bait as much utility as possible you can do this in several ways one you can make a ton of noise towards the site this will trick the enemy into thinking you're doing a hard hit onto a choke point when the actual matter isn't just looking to burn their abilities and maybe take a small duel or two you could also trade out utility say you're on Brimstone with three smokes you may only need two of them so during one at a common spot may also treat the enemy into using abilities to stop your assumed push your teammates can also help bait out utility making noise after using a rechargeable ability such as Silva's Recon Vault or breach's fault line could help sell your fake if you have two controllers you can really sell a play by smoking off a site with one of the agents this is sure to sell a push and bait out abilities by the enemy you can then save your other controller smoke for the actual sight hit this gets really fun here the enemy will have to take a gamble on whether your team is actually pushing or faking if they guess wrong and think you're faking you have yourselves a relatively free site one baiting out utility you always want to think about cost versus reward the ideal situation is that your enemy burns more abilities than you do that way you have your smokes available and your teammates also have tools to help with the sight hit now on the defender side you want to use smokes reactively a common Trend we see is players smoking off choke points off the start of the round this is okay to do but only if you feel fairly confident that smoke will block someone off this comes from observation in previous rounds for example if an enemy likes to push out middle from links it'd be a good idea to smoke that off to delay the push if they decide to go through it anyway they should be an easy kill as you get Vision before them you can also strafe jump to check for enemies before smoking for example if you're playing B garage you can strafe jump to scout for players if you spot one immediately back up and smoke out garage to prevent them from charging through another point is to listen to your teammates calls look at the map and see if anyone is in a duel and needs help if so have a smoke ready to protect them if they ask or look like they need it this global map awareness is a big component that differentiates good controllers from mediocre ones finally as a controller you can utilize smokes to give yourself more space to work with during one-on-one Duels for example if we're facing an enemy that's pushed out of a long and we're at generator there's only two places we can possibly peek from either the left or the right side it's not all too difficult for the enemy to flick their Crosshair between these two points but what if we smoked out the center of sight now we have access to double boxes to Peak or the right side of generator this gives us much more space to maneuver between and the wide distance between these two areas will make it very hard for the enemy to cover they'll essentially have to take a big gamble and Target one of the two hoping that they chose correctly another way to utilize smokes for space is smoking off the spike when trying to defuse if you tap the spike the enemy will likely appear and try to spare you down at this point you can back out a spike and simply wait most players will Panic fearing that you may still be sticking they'll then run quickly towards the smoke to make sure you aren't doing so at this time you can peek out to surprise them and land the elimination that's all we have for today's video we hope this gave you fresh new ideas on how to play your role to the fullest as always we hear skillcats want to thank you all for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides
Views: 55,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Guide, Valorant Tips and Tricks, Valorant tips, Skillcapped valorant, Valorant Skillcapped, Skillcapped, Skill Capped, Gameleap Valorant, Pro Guides Valorant, Proguides, Proguides Valorant, Valorant Ascended, Dragonmar, Sero, Duelist, Inititator, Sentinel, Controller, Jett, Harbor, Deadlock, Gekko, reyna, Raze, Yoru
Id: oR3TCYpwSwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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