3 Reasons Your Employee is Treating You With Disrespect - Small Business Coaching

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Hi there! If you've got an employee, they're just driving you crazy because they are disrespecting you, you may want to listen carefully because I'm going to give you three reasons why your employee is treating you with disrespect. My name is Rich Grof and I'm a Performance Sales Coach. We specialize in Business Development and Leadership, and I want to let you know that there's a great reason, there's good reason, why your employee is turning around and treating you the way they're treating you. So let's talk about some of the basics and see if you can kind of figure it out for yourself and maybe get some actions on what you need to do. Now, the first problem that we run into with this, and this happens a lot, we've actually encountered this many many times in all sizes of business, is that there is a dysfunctional, if you will, leadership thing that's happening. So the person that walked in the door is actually what we call them an "immature leader", but they believe they understand how leadership should work. So they look at you and they say "well you're not the leader I expect you to be", and therefore they disrespect you. Disrespecting a leader is a number-one thing that can actually cause a disconnection, if you will, between employee and the owner of the company. So, what do you do to fix that? Well there's different ways you have to put people in their place, if you will, very calmly and coolly, but the number one thing that you're not going to do is try and be nice to them, because that doesn't work, and number two, you don't want to be bad to them either, you just want to be very firm and very much you know ,take the challenge on and tell them directly what you're thinking, you know, and so that they are put in their place if you will and you may feel a little bit harsh for you to do that, but you'll find that they will respond to that in a healthy manner. Now what if they don't respond well? That's where number two comes in. Number two is that they could have really bad habits. Now if they've got bad habits that they've established in the past and they use bully tactics to get what they want in life, they're going to come in to your place of business and they're going to try and pull you because it works in every other area of your life. A good indicator that this is happening is everybody in the store if you will or in your business, is now walking around on eggshells because they don't want to tick off this employee. If that happens bully tactics are present and it's a really great indicator that that individual needs to be reformed. So the best thing that you can do there, is to turn around and actually write them up, and start what I call it a "Progressive Performance Improvement", and so you have to identify with them that their behavior is substandard and you have to let them know exactly what good behavior looks like. If they're turning around barking at everybody that comes in their department or ask someone to do something that's when the within the normal context of your business, your job is to let them know that they don't have the right to bark, bitch or complain. They don't get paid to bark, bitch or complain. Just saying it straight up. And your job is really to help them understand that. Now, in the event that you actually set parameters and you start to work towards that, they may actually, and you might get a coach for them, you might turn along and get them therapy, I don't know whatever it is, but you get them the help that they need to make the transition. If they choose not to get that help, it will end the relationship, and they know it in advance. So this is not a negotiable type of thing. It doesn't matter how good they are at their job, they cannot turn around and bully up people around them because it'll kill productivity all array around the organization. So no, it's not, it's not something that's going to happen. Matter of fact it's actually one of the things that actually causes a good person, skill wise, you know to actually lose a job often is because you don't get along with people they've never been taught how to play with people properly. So that's number two. Now on the other part is, that they just may have a real big problem with authority. They may have had a leader in the past that use what I call "Hostile Leadership Tactics", and aggressively manipulated them. So, therefore their perspective on leadership is very tainted, and so if that's the case it will take a little while to win them over. Again, you're still going to have to be using some remedial response to them to help them improve their performance, but you have to let them know that you're not like the other leader, because they'll expect you to respond just like the other leaders and treat them with abuse, and if you're not that person you will get treated like past people have treated them, and that's the way it's going to work. So it's probably going to be one of those three things that's going to cause your client (or pardon me) your staff member to actually cause those but watch fur walking around an egg-shell feelings, watch for harsh comments or real disrespect, people walking out of meetings those types of things indicate one of those three things are happening and now you get a little context of what you need to do to actually get this back on track. If you're struggling with this go ahead, pop some comments down below, sign up for channel, I've lots of information about leadership, but just know, you're not alone, it does happen and it is correctable and a lot of times you can get a really great employee out of it and sometimes you have to part ways but that's the way it goes, but I find it you know nine times up ten most people want to work, and they want to do a great job it's just all the other stuff gets in the way let's see if we can help them out. My name is Rich Grof, I run Rich Grof Performance Sales Coaching and Leadership Development. We're a company that's dedicated to small business success and if you're interested in any more information, leave your comments and would love to talk to you again.
Channel: Rich Grof
Views: 43,580
Rating: 4.7929153 out of 5
Keywords: difficult employees, problem employees, difficult employee training, bad employee attitude, bad employee behavior, difficult people, managing angry employees, handling difficult employees, difficult people at work, bad employees, bad behavior at work, business training, conflict resolution, Rich Grof, small business training, management training
Id: d9DfQwrcvxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2017
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