3 Reasons You Haven't Heard Back On Your Interview

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hi everyone hey fan of this is Jennifer's party I am your career success coach and you are looking at another episode on our YouTube channel today's episode provides you with three reasons what you probably haven't heard back from your interview and one solution at the very end one key solution that you need to know so make sure you stick around through to the very end so I can share that with you now let's kind of jump right into it so you've interviewed the interview is over you thought that they loved you and now it's been a couple of weeks so matter of fact it's gone past the deadline that they told you that they would reach back out to you so a few things could actually happen what is that managers get busy and I am a part of the problem here as well too because I am one of those managers that my intention is to move this process along quickly and if I tell you I'm going to get back to you by the end of the week that is the goal that I'm shooting for but then something happens as soon as you leave I get a new project I get a new deadline a fire happens an emergency happens and it takes my complete attention and even though my best intention as the manager is to get back to you things happen and so there's a delay now good managers will reach out to you and say hey I need a little more time I really haven't made a decision yet but we will get back to you but some good managers also have every intention of even getting back to you to tell you they need more time but they don't have enough time to even get back to you anyway so that's the first reason that the offer could be delayed second is it takes some time to get approvals but now oftentimes managers underestimate the number of people that have to buy in before they actually extend you an offer so one and some organization you have to get approval again for the head count meaning you have to get approval again for the actual open position and some other organizations you also have to get approval on the person that's going to go into the open position and for some organizations you have to get approval on the salary that you want to offer to the person that's going into the position so can you imagine how long that process could take and and so approvals in and of itself could just take a little while and sometimes it's so political because now we have to figure out how not only can we get the position and you and the salary that you want to prove but what if there are some other things like we may need to hire you at a higher level because you were more qualified than we initially posted the position to be so we have to think about things like that so that could be taking up some time as well - another reason could be that that company that employer has made the decision to extend someone else an offer and because you are a runner-up in the process they don't yet want to let you go just in case this other person doesn't take the offer now I know you're saying huh why would I want to go and work at a company that didn't choose me first but I am here to tell you that an offer is an offer and sometimes when another person declines the offer that could be your greatest blessing and besides you'll never know you're a company a good company would never tell you that you were their second choice and so now this offer is your it's yours so anyway so that could be the case but there could be a billion other reasons that the company hasn't called you back a billion other reasons including they may have decided not to move forward with you or not it could be you know the other reasons that I've indicated before the key is and this is the piece that I'd mentioned I wasn't the same towards the end of this video the key is if you don't follow up follow up follow up then you'll never know so not only do you need to find the courage to follow up with the hiring manager and say hey I'm just checking in I knew that we had discussed that you would probably make your decision by the end of this week now you know we're a couple of days over that deadline so I wanted to see where you were in the process right now have you made an offer decision so asking that question to some that's a very courageous question but if you ask it then at least you'll know so you don't have to you know tear your hair out trying to you know make making assumptions so you want to make sure that you at least ask the question so that you know that what is taken some time all right sound good so now you know what your next step is if you're waiting for them to extend you an offer and you haven't heard back yet either way to the deadline or if the deadlines passed call somebody ask the recruiter or ask the hiring manager whoever your main point of contact is so again you know if you liked this video there are plenty more videos to come subscribe to our Channel visit us on black career success comm your career success coach here Jennifer tardy I will see you in the next video again
Channel: Career Success
Views: 37,684
Rating: 4.8549514 out of 5
Keywords: #BlackCareerSuccess, #BlackCareersMatter, #InterviewingWhileBlack, Waiting for a job offer, have not heard back after interview, waiting for an offer, job offer, follow up email, interview follow up, interview process, job interview, Video Advice, Linda Raynier, Don Georgevich, The Interview Guys
Id: unaUvfDwQK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2017
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