3 Reasons FlutterFlow Is NOT For You!

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going on everybody it's Celine from ambitious labs and yes I'm sitting under a tree I'm in the heart of New York it's the morning after photo flow developer conference 2023 spent all night till like two in the morning hanging out with over 200 Builders who are building in flutter flow agency owners and even the core team athletic folks spent all night talking about why flutter flow is the best the new features they're launching and why everybody's missing out by not learning flutter flow and that flutter flow is the only way to be building out businesses in 2023 and Beyond but honestly I have a footer hangover this morning I'm sick and tired of everybody saying that flutter flow is the only way to build apps and you know there's no other way to bring your idea to life and so in this video I'm going to be a hater and I'm going to tell you exactly why I think flutter flow sucks and why you shouldn't use it to build your app and bring it to life so let's get started I'm going to go into three reasons starting now number one web performance so flutter as a language was optimized to be a native first language flutter was built to talk to the low level bare metal apis that run on a computer or on a mobile device that means that there's very very little space between the software and the underlying processors and the actual chips of the device whereas for HTML based apps like react apps or View apps or just regular HTML apps there is something called the Dom which is an abstraction layer between what the computer is processing on the bare metal layer and what the user actually sees there's this entire abstraction layer called the Dom that concept doesn't exist in flutter so it makes flutter apps terrible for web and mainly this shines right through when you're talking about SEO because since there's no Dom Google doesn't know how to scrape the content of your flutter app so if you're trying to build an app that's content having like a blog or an e-commerce store absolutely flutter sucks for that because you're going to have a very very hard time indexing for SEO traditionally in HTML based websites especially in single page apps we already have this issue where Static Age application or single page applications like react already had problems with SEO and we released a hotfix for this idea of a robots.txt and creating server-side rendered react apps but that concept doesn't exist in flutter yet so the web performance absolutely has issues it also uses different rendering techniques like canvas which honestly isn't performant either however this isn't a flutter flow issue this is a core flutter team issue last night we did talk to a product manager who's working on the flutter language itself and she did mention that it is a priority for them they are outpacing interest for react native and react they know web is a weak spot and they are prioritizing fixing it so I'm bullish honestly if you're trying to build a web first application you can look at tools like we web you can look at tools like bubble but I'm bullish that they will come back for web however if you're trying to build a web first app flutter vote sucks for that all right number two solopreneur support and this is one of the first things I identified when I first started working with flutterfo in October 2022. so flutterflow internally is prioritizing support for Enterprise level clients they're going top down which isn't a terrible thing because they're going for the masses they think this is a winner takes all category and that they need to educate the masses before they go bottom up and work with solopreneurs and that's one of the biggest Market gaps that I saw when I first started using flutterfo and it's exactly why I founded ambitious Labs because solopreneurs are the ones who are changing the world solopreneurs like you who have app ideas who aren't afraid to track Uncharted territories and bring their ideas to life to solve problems for Niche groups of people or even though whole world those are the people who are changing the world and I feel like that was overlooked by flutter flow it was one of the biggest reasons I started ambitious Labs was to focus on solopreneurs and flutter flow themselves doing a terrible job of that so if you're a solopreneur trying to build a flutter flow and you have no idea how to code you're going to have to scavenge through Discord groups you know talk to people buy courses online but you know what the great part about all that is is that flutter flow is relying on the community like us like all the other ambassadors and all the other creators in the political ecosystem to create content to fill in the knowledge gaps and promote butterflow so this isn't a bad thing this is actually how strong products are built because when you have a community backing a product you actually have a lot more feedback and you're taking in feedback from the important users who are the people from the bottom end of the spectrum right and so I think photoflo is doing a great job building with the community however if you're a solopreneur the support does lack and you're gonna have to spend a little bit of time digging and this is exactly where our dreams of the apps accelerator comes in if you're a solopreneur and you're struggling to go from literally that idea in your head to launching something on flutterfo that's who our dreams in the apps accelerator is for because building an app based business or building a startup is a lot more and just building up on flutter flow it's customer Discovery there's idea validation there's project planning there's design uiux customer Discovery you know onboarding there's so many more components to building an app that solopreneurs are struggling with so if you're interested in learning the end-to-end process for making an idea out of your head and launching an MVP use a link in the description to request a free Discovery call from Member of our team we'd love to tell you more about how our dreams of the apps accelerator is filling this Gap that flutterflow is leaving wide open to help more soloprers so yeah number three it is not a no code tool everyone keeps saying build an app without writing code but it's actually not true quarterflow is not a no code tool it's a low code tool so if you're looking for something where you're going to be completely taken away from the code and you're never going to have to look at a single line of code flutter flow is not for you look you can get very far without having to write any code but you have to be open to the idea of seeing code of debugging it of challenging yourself just one step further to think like a scientist and a problem solver and so if that's not you if voting is something that you absolutely want to stay away from you don't want to go to flutter flow if you want to grow and you want to add hard skill to your toolkit whether you want to become slightly technical you want to learn what full stack development is so that you can speak the language of a full stack developer that's who flutterflow is for okay so a lot of our students and entrepreneurs they go into flutter flow with the mentality of okay hey it's no code first but I am going to learn a little bit of code so if you're someone who maybe even contemplated learning how to code maybe a few years ago but never really got into it orderflow is a great stepping stone into learning full stack development learning flutter and since flutter looks a lot like other languages like Java and JavaScript you can actually take what you learned from footer flow and apply it to other languages so it's definitely not no code it's low code and you have to be willing to step out of your boundaries and learn something new so yeah those are the three reasons I think flutterflow sucks number one web performance number two solopreneur support and number three it's absolutely not no code you need to be ready to challenge yourself it is a low code tool awesome so those are three reasons I think floater flow sucks and if you agree with me leave a comment below I'd love to learn more reasons that you think flutterflow sucks leave a comment below and join our free Discord Community using the link in the description thanks for watching this video and I'll see you next time
Channel: Ambitious Alim
Views: 41,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WgBb9LoDoTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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