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hello everyone, today I bring you an exquisite banana bread recipe, it has a soft and very moist texture, it can be kept for up to 5 days without losing its moisture, the crumb is delicate but does not crumble and does not have any kind of flour or starch, nor any type of sugar or sweetener, it's cheap and super easy to make, you don't use an oven but you can bake it and it takes few ingredients, if you want to know how to make this recipe, don't leave because we started! [Music] for this recipe we will use plantain. the more past the banana, the sweeter, they also know it as banana, so they don't get confused, but we will also use slightly fresher bananas to decorate, this recipe does not contain sugar of any kind, so we will use around 3 large bananas , approximately this size, if you go too far or you lack a little nothing happens, my recipes being homemade do not require very exact measurements, I will use a rectangular mold but you can use the one you have on hand, the shape does not matter , you have to grease the mold, I will use butter, but you can use any type of oil, we must grease the walls of the mold very well, in the bottom we only put a few dots of oil or butter, so that the baking paper sticks, I recommend that you put it so that it is easier to unmold, and it is also good to grease a little, just as a precaution, and we are going to reserve it, now we are going to make slices of the banana, but we must use those that are not very ripe, because we need firmness, here you can see the size of the banana that I am using, we are going to remove this little tail that really is of no use to us, we split the banana in two and we are going to try to get four slices from each half, that are not Not very thin either, I will cook these sheets slightly in a pan with a little butter, I do this to be able to form the sheets into the mold, we are going to put these sheets around the entire mold, they can fill the entire mold or put only on the sides longer, as I will do, or you can even just put it on top, or below the bread, the trick is to put some banana because this recipe does not use sugar and the banana gives it the necessary sweetness I made the sheets to make it easier to fit them , because I need them to bend without breaking and this step, as I told you, is optional, and we are going to reserve it, we will make banana puree and for this I will use the small banana that was very ripe and half of another banana, this eq It is approximately equal to a large banana, it doesn't matter if there are pieces of banana left, they give the bread a special touch, we should only leave it very creamy, just as you are seeing here, we will use oat flakes but we will grind them a little in the blender, it is not about making flour, it is just a slight grinding to get a softer crumb in our bread, I could substitute it with almond flour but you will have to add little by little until you get a good dough and if you use almonds you will not be able to substitute the the egg that has the recipe, I grind the flakes giving only four pulses, you don't need to grind a lot [Music] look at the texture, it's semi-ground, there are still very whole flakes, that's how it should be, we're going to add half a cup of water lukewarm and mix making sure that all the oats are very moist, you have to mix very well and it is good to compact the oats before putting them to rest, we will leave them for 5 minutes. after this rest look at the consistency, it begins to take a very heavy dough shape , this is correct, we are going to mix a little more and then add the banana puree, the puree also adds a lot of moisture to this bread, we make sure that that it is well mixed so that the oats continue to hydrate, as many know I am dedicated to rescuing animals from the street because I tell you that I tried to rescue a baby kitten, it was very baby but look how it scratched me! Quite ! and I don't teach them everything else! I couldn't catch it unfortunately, but I left a lot of food and water for it, it's not their fault that they scratch us, it's the fault of the human being and I don't blame them for scratching me, they are marks that are worth it, well, without further ado, let's continue with the recipe , we are going to compact, I am going to rest for 5 minutes again, after this rest look how our dough is going, it begins to look more dough than oats, in this recipe I will use a large egg, but you can substitute it with a tablespoon of cornstarch , diluted in three tablespoons of water, I give them substitutions according to the recipe so that they obtain a very similar result, but the egg is not always replaced in this way, in any case I clarify that any change alters the result, but with my substitutions the result is very similar and the flavor is delicious, we are going to mix vigorously for about 5 minutes, trying to fluff up the dough a little, look how creamy it is this is what we want to achieve [Music] now we are going to add the powder to Bake, if you like, you can pass it through a strainer or strainer, which is the same, so that it does not have lumps, we are going to mix only until integrated, we must not over-beat, it is not good and that's it, we are going to pour it into our mold, we will accommodate a little trying to fill the sides especially so that the banana remains well impregnated, we give a few movements and very carefully we are going to wrap the dough in the banana that protrudes from the mold, for this reason I cooked it a little in butter so that it it is flexible, but if you put it raw you can put it up to the level of your mold and decorate on top with the excess, as I am doing here this step is optional, you can put any topping that you want and we will steam cook according to the instructions that I leave written below. I recommend you pause and read them. also remember to watch my full videos because I leave you the list of concentrated ingredients. and also a lot of important information. We are going to steam so I already have my steamer preheated. They can also be baked but the texture changes because it is golden on the outside and with a slightly drier crumb, we place our mold well centered and we are going to use a piece of aluminum foil or a lid that covers the entire mold we will not put this from the beginning but you have to have it ready and on hand because we are going to use it, cover and cook over medium-high heat for 20 minutes, without ever uncovering the steamer, after 20 minutes we are going to uncover carefully so that no water falls from the lid our bread and now if we are going to use the aluminum foil or the lid that you have on hand I recommend the aluminum foil so as not to press the top bread and quickly cover it again, because you can punch our bread and we will cook it for the remaining time [Music] once the total cooking time is over, let's see how our bread is, it smells good! You have to be careful because that is very hot and the steam burns a lot! Just look how fluffy it was! we are going to do the toothpick test so that they can see that it is well cooked, look for no crumbs, with the time that I gave them it is more than enough, now what we are going to cover so that it does not lose heat suddenly and the bread is going to pierce , we are going to cover with the same aluminum foil, we are going to turn off the heat, now if we were going to let it rest for about 5 or 7 minutes, after this time we can remove the mold from the steamer and I recommend that it is still hot, we must disassemble it above all because if we leave it here, it will get very humid, we have to peel it off the walls with great care and I know it is hot but if we don't take it out of the mold it will sweat a lot, we have to put it on a mesh like this one I'm using or on a rack, this is very hot! I'm already burning!!! look, if you notice it's already well moistened, I 'm going to leave it for a little while, but I'm going to remove the baking paper and I'm going to let it cool, you have to let it cool completely, the longer this bread rests, the better Tomara texture is a moist bread with a soft crumb and a very delicious flavor. It's been an hour now, so it's already cold . Look at how soft the bread is and it smells delicious. If you could be here, you'd realize how soft the crumb is, I cut it easy! look, this softness!! The first slice was stolen by my husband, because since he likes it to have a lot of bananas, it magically disappeared! look at the texture and smoothness, even though it doesn't have any type of flour , it looks great, it doesn't have oil in case you didn't notice and it's still very moist, the banana aroma is very noticeable! If you see white dots, they are flakes that were not well hydrated, so it is important to let the oats rest and now, with your permission, continue the sacrifice, it is very tasty! softly! This is truly delicious and we do not add sugar or oil and the texture is spectacular, I hope you take advantage of this recipe and prepare it at home, thanks for watching my videos and if you are not subscribed I invite you to subscribe for free, do not forget to share my videos because they help me a lot!! thanks to all! a big hug god bless you and bye bye, don't go subscribe to my channel it's totally free just click on the green logo that appears below or look for the name of my channel under this video remember to share my recipes with your family and friends you can also follow me on my social networks the links are in the description box don't forget to watch the videos that I leave below click on the one you like the most and that's it [Music]
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Id: OlkQ3b5CaxY
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Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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