3 Keys To Sales Conversations That Close More Deals

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- How would you like to have better sales conversations that are ultimately going to lead to more deals? Now of course we all know that your conversations are at the heart of your ability to actually close business. And what I see going on in today's world of selling is really one of two things. One, is you see sales people who are just showing up and throwing up all over their prospects, they're pitching, they're talking about their products or services, they're focused on the features and benefits, and ultimately they're focused on themselves. The other world are the people that are showing up and they're saying, hey, I'd love to understand what keeps you up at night. Right, they're coming in without offering much value and they're trying to engage in a conversation around questions which is good, but they're not bringing much value to the conversation and so as a result, buyers are obviously a little bit wary and say, well, why should I tell you about my challenges, shouldn't you already know? So in this video I'm going to show you exactly how you get around those key problems. I'm going to show you the three plus keys to sales conversations that close deals, check it out. Number one, insight. Showing that you have insight to offer is so key to getting that conversation in the first place. We need to establish as sales people that we have the authority, that we have the value, and that we're not just going to be taking, taking, taking, from prospects by asking them tons of questions, but instead we're going to be offering them some value at the beginning. This is a really important distinction and it's really about the early part of the conversation. Whether it's on the phone, or it's face-to-face at the beginning of the meeting we want to start by kicking off the conversation with something that's different than just, so what are your biggest challenges, or what's keeping you up at night? But instead, is really focused on their world, on solving their challenges. So step number one within that is about your opening play. How are you actually opening that conversation? Having an opening play is not about using your value proposition but instead, using an approach that really is talking about some of the key challenges that they're seeing in their world. And so you might say something like, you know what, George, what I'm seeing happening with a lot of organizations just like yours is the following. Right, and then you're going to list off a couple of those key challenges that you're really seeing are affecting those organizations. What you're going to then is by starting the conversation that way, you're already saying, hey look, I understand what's going on in your world. We can start a conversation where I can actually get permission really to ask you some questions because I already know what's going on and that's where this next piece comes in, which is the whiteboard pitch. This is something that we've just started playing around with and it's so incredibly effective. And so a whiteboard pitch is you literally have a small piece of paper, or a whiteboard, and you're going to just write out using, typically we find a matrix of the root challenges that are actually causing those challenges to be an issue for the prospects and then ultimately some pieces of data that you're seeing that really are the reason that they're facing those problems in the first place. So again, a whiteboard pitch, and by the way, you could do this on a whiteboard in your prospect's office, you could do it just on a piece of paper, but what you want to do is have something that's really showing that you understand what's going on. So it's really an extension of your opening play, when you're focused on their challenges, not the benefits of what you offer, or the features, or anything about you, it's all about them, and what are those key challenges. And then lastly, we want to engage prospects in that conversation, right. So we've done our whiteboard pitch, we've talked about what are some of the key challenges that we're seeing going on in their industry, and now we're engaging with a simple question, something like, do any of these issues ring true to you? Or, do you see any of these issues in your world? So you're engaging them in a conversation, whether again, this is face-to-face, in your first meeting, or it could be on the phone, but you're engaging them ultimately with the goal of pulling them into a conversation where now, they're starting to talk about their challenges, and when you start asking questions, they're not just going to rush to, hey, can you just tell me what the price is? Or can you just tell me about the product? Instead, it's a well-deserved conversation where you've shown that you have expertise and now, you're going to be in that doctor role, and you're going to understand exactly what's going on which leads to part number two. Number two, disqualify. Now, if you've ever followed any of my stuff before you'll know that disqualification is such a big part of really high-quality sales conversation. The typical idea that most of us have been taught is that we need to persuade prospects to do business with us. This idea takes that idea and just flips it right on its head. We don't need to persuade people to do business with us. Instead, what we want to do actually is not even qualify prospects. But instead we want to disqualify. We want to come in with that doctor's mindset, we want our sales people, or just ourselves, to come in with that doctor's mindset, where we're saying to ourselves, is this a fit? And that starts with the first piece which is, understanding their challenges. You've shown some insight, you've brought some value to the conversation and now you want to dig into those key challenges that the prospect is facing around the areas that you focus on, of course. You want to understand exactly what those challenges are and this where we kind of get into our psychologist armchair mode, right, where we're just slowing down the conversation and we're just letting them tell us about some of the key challenges that they're facing at the moment. So there are a lot of questions like, help me understand why you say that? Or tell me a little bit more about that? Or can you give me an example of that? Right, so you're just some basic questions that are going to open up the prospect and getting them talking about their key challenges. The next step is to go into cost. We want to understand what is the cost of these challenges. I've played around for years with, do you we wanna understand what's the upside, do we wanna understand if we're able to solve those challenges, what does it mean? Or do we wanna focus on the cost? And we've come back to this idea that cost is so important because people will do so much more to stop from losing something than they will to actually go out and gain something. So if you tell someone, hey, I have a great opportunity for you. They're like, okay I'm interested, maybe. But if you say, hey, I can actually tell you a way to stop from losing what you currently have, that's going to be a lot more compelling to them. So we wanna understand what's the cost of the challenges they've just told us? What does this mean to the organization? So simple questions like, you know what, George, help me understand what are these challenges actually costing the organization? Or, if you were able to solve this, what would it mean in additional revenue? You can look at it both ways, but you wanna understand, and you wanna get a dollar value of what's really the cost of those challenges. And by the way, if the cost of these challenges isn't much, it's not worth it, right. Now we know it's time to eject, this is a disqualification moment, we're done. But, if they're saying, oh yeah, actually, you know, these challenges are costing our organization millions of dollars in lost productivity, or millions of dollars in lost employees, or whatever it is, right, now we know we're having a really valuable and focused conversation around the things that really matter. The next piece within disqualify that I just wanna focus on, the last one, I'm just giving you an overview here, but is, understanding their drive. We want to know what is actually driving them, right. What's in it for them? Right, one of my mentors used to always say, prospects listen to one radio station and one radio station only, WIIFM, what's in it for me? Right, what is in it for them? Why do they care about solving these challenges? How does it affect them personally? We want to understand how is that, kind of, the wound that they have, right, is that actually hurting them, or is it just more about the organization? And you know what, quite frankly, it's not a top priority. We want to understand their drive, what's really pushing them. And so, you might ask a question like, you know, behind every corporate objective is a personal objective. Help me understand what is causing you to be so focused on this issue? Or, how is this issue affecting you personally? Right, and that's where we go from really high-level to just in the weeds, right. And this is where you start to get things like, oh well if we don't solve this, I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble, right. I could be in risk of losing my job. And now you're having a conversation that they really care about. We're going to be ultimately avoiding so many of the objections down the road because they've already told you how important it is to them. So if later they're like, oh you know, it's really not a priority right now, you could say, well George, you just told me earlier that if you don't solve this you might be in risk of actually losing your job. Help me understand what's going on? Right, now you understand so much more. Number three, solve. In order to have effective conversations you need to show the prospect that you can actually solve their problems. This is really important to understand where we are in the sales process, right. We've already shown insight, we've disqualified people to the point where we know that this person at this point is a good fit, and now we're demonstrating that we can solve their problems. And that's where a case study presentation comes in. People are persuaded so much more by stories. If you start to throw out tons of facts, or features and benefits, or you're trying to tell them the solution, they're much more likely to actually resist. But when you tell them a case study, or a story, where maybe there were results as a result of that story, now they're engaged in the conversation. They can't fight with the facts of the story so we want to be using case studies in our presentation, particularly at the early part of the presentation as a way to demonstrate how our solution will help their organization. So that means mentioning what were some of the earlier challenges that maybe this other client was facing and then what was ultimately done, and then what were the results? It's a very simple, basic approach to a case study, and by the way, these don't have to be written out, these could just literally be some stories that you share, or of course, you can have printed out PDFs, you can do all of that. Ultimately, you want to have some case studies that you can reference in your presentation in terms of telling them a story of what we're going to do. Sandra, let me tell you a story about what we did with a client that was somewhat similar to you. Now, you go into the story, and now they're so much more engaged with that conversation. The next piece within solve, is dealing with objections. If you have done a good job up until now, you're not going to be getting a lot of objections. The key to handling objections is to avoid them in the first place. Be strong up front in the disqualification process, and you're going to have far fewer objections. But even so, even at the end, there's still a chance that you're gonna have one objection, or two, if you've done a good job up until now. And so, this is the place where you don't want to get into an arm wrestling match. You want to really understand why they're sharing an objection. So maybe they say something like, you know what, Marc, the price is much more than I had expected. Now, most sales people are going to start defending that price as soon as they hear an objection like that. But my first approach is to say, you know, George, I really appreciate you sharing that, help me understand why do you say that in the first place? We want to clarify exactly what they mean, and why they're saying that. And so now we start in a conversation and we can really unpack what they're most focused on. And they might say, oh well, you know, I really didn't expect this or that, and now you're starting to get a more clear picture of what they really care about because we want to remember, most objections are really just smokescreens, and we want to understand what they really care about. Oftentimes it's not about price, but instead, it's that they don't feel like maybe what you've put forth is actually going to solve the problems and so they do care about budget because they're not convinced that what you're going to do is actually going to solve the challenges that they have. You want to take objections in stride and always, almost like a hostage negotiator, you don't want to instinctually just fight back when you hear an objection, but instead take it in, slow it down, understand what they most care about, and then bring the conversation back around to what they really care about. Oftentimes in the objections moment, it can actually lead to a lot more really high-quality questions where you can unpack and learn more things about the prospect that you never knew before. So there are the three plus keys to sales conversations that close deals. And if you enjoyed this video then I have an awesome free training on the data-driven approach to help you crush your sales goals. Just click right here, to get registered instantly. Seriously, just click right here, this is an in-depth training that will help you close more deals at higher prices, all while generating more meetings. Also, if you got some value please like this video below on YouTube and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, by clicking my face which should be right about here to get access to a new video, just like this one each.
Channel: Sales Insights Lab
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Keywords: 3 Keys To Sales Conversations To Close More Deals, Keys To Sales Conversations To Close More Deals, sales, sales conversations, sales tips, sales training, sales conversation, sales strategy, sales motivation, mastering sales conversations, b2b sales, sales conversation example, sales conversation training, start the conversation in sales, sales podcast, sales (industry), sales techniques, sales help, sales enablement, conversations, business conversations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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