The (Must-Have) Mindset Of A Closer

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Let's face it, selling can be hard. And sometimes we just need that kick in the ass to motivate us to do those things that we know we need to be doing often what separates those top performers from everyone else is that consistent cadence the ability to just gather all of that motivation and just take that next step. One after another after another and so often people are waiting for that moment that aha moment to just motivate them yet top performers are good at just getting it done. So in this video, I'm going to show you the must have mindset of a closer. This is all about sales motivation. Check it out. Number one motivation isn't about being excited. Is so important because we see people in all Realms of Life who just somehow associate the idea of motivation with just jumping up. I think of all of those motivational posters that maybe you have in your office. The person has their arms up over their head there on top of a cliff and clearly they're just like pumping with endorphins and they feel so great and you look at that and you think that would be awesome. Why don't I feel that. Well, you know, what motivation is not about. Doing great. It's not about being excited. It's just about getting off your ass and doing it think of going to the gym I go to the gym five six times a week. I'm often really not excited to go to the gym. But what do I do? I get up every single morning and I just go and then once I'm there it kind of starts happening. That's the same exact thing with sales. You just have to get up you have to go and then you. To get going and then before, you know, it it doesn't hurt as much anymore. It's not about being excited number to stop waiting for the feeling. This is a build off of that first idea, but we're so often just waiting for that motivation to just gather us and swing us and pull us into that next step, but it's about just taking that first step right now. Honestly, if you have been putting off something that you know, you need to be doing as soon as this video is over just. Do it. Don't wait. Just do it. Don't wait till tomorrow. Don't wait till 3 p.m. This afternoon. Don't wait till tonight. Don't wait till next week do it. There are a couple of key things that we must do in sales and quite frankly. They're often not the most fun things. Don't wait for that feeling to just do it get in there and take action and do it number three small consistent steps every single day. This is really big because I find that a lot of times sales people are much more the hair as opposed to the tortoise. It actually really top performing sales. People are much more like the tortoise instead of the hair the hair is they get a burst of motivation and they bang out those 50 calls today and then tomorrow, what do they do? Nothing. The tortoise is just making that consistent set of dials or ascending that consistent set of emails or is picking up that phone. Whatever those Key activities are for you. They're just doing a couple every single day small consistent steps are much more sustainable. Right I to me reading is a really important part of my personal development and just my general mental health. I don't feel like I have to read a hundred pages in a day, but every single night I'll read five to ten pages. And what happens is that every single. Night 5 to 10 pages. That's more than a book a month most books are going to be done in 10 to 15 pages a night at the end of a month small consistent steps every single day number four. They can't hurt you. This is so important from a sales motivation perspective because I find that says people get so nervous about the rejection. They're so afraid of doing something wrong. And the reality is that prospects can't. Q physically they can't they can't punch you they can't hit you. They can't shoot at you. They just can't do any of that. All they can do is possibly say something mean which they're probably not even going to do. We just spend all of this time worrying about what someone is going to say or do to us they can't hurt us. And once you determine that you know, what? You're afraid there's really not much risk. We're not risking our lives in sales. It's not that scary whether it means making that call or setting that appointment or sending that email they can't hurt you. So don't be afraid of what someone's going to do. Just get out there and do those things that you have to be doing and if by the way if someone does say or do something that kind of stings take it and move on. Move on number 5 sales is a sport. I can't tell you the number of sales people who whether it's on my online Forum or people come up to me after an event and they say Mark, you know, so this Prospect they said that they were going to be at a call and then they didn't show up. What should I do? And by the way, I'm so pissed at them. I'm like, dude. Sales is a sport. The prospect is playing a game. You're playing a game the part of the game that you're playing is that you're trying to sell the part of the game that they're trying to play is that they're trying to get the most advantageous purchase with their time and money. Sales is a sport. If someone doesn't show up to a called don't be mad at the prospect. If someone doesn't buy when they said they were going to buy don't be mad. Don't get upset. It's a sport just like a great athlete shouldn't get upset when an opponent does something same thing for you. It is a sport and the more lighthearted we can be about our profession which by the way is not life and death. We're not doing anything. That is so critical and so for Prospect does something that's annoying. Laugh it off move on sales is a sport number 6 focus on activity and pipeline not sales numbers from a sales motivation perspective. This is one of the biggest takeaways that you can Implement right now, which is to stop worrying about what your sales numbers are right now. That is backward-looking write the sales numbers that you have coming in today are a result of the work that you have been doing over the past few months, depending on how long your sales cycle is so don't worry about today's sales numbers instead focus on today's activity and the pipeline that you have currently. Right that's focusing on the future. That's like if you were driving a car and you were looking straight down right at your feet if you had a hole in the ground, that's that's basically what looking at. Your sales numbers is right. Now you're looking and you're saying okay. This is where I am, but you're not thinking about where you're going what you're doing. What's in the future? Focusing on your sales activity. How many calls you're making how many emails you sending how many appointments you're setting all of that and then of course, how many deals you have in your pipeline? What's the value of your pipeline that stuff matters so much more than what your sales are today. Because what your activity in your pipeline is today will reflect in your sales numbers in tomorrow or in a couple of months, which is so much more important number seven know exactly why you do. This sales motivation is not a mystery. There are certain things in selling that are not easy to do. They might not be fun to do but when you know exactly why you do this suddenly, it becomes so much easier. So think about it for you. Why do you sell I don't care about you being interested in meeting new people. I'm not talking about that. Like why do you need to close a sale tomorrow or why you need to. A sale today. What does that cell bring you in your life monetarily. It could be toys and cars. It could be lifestyle or it could be something maybe more personal like family or security for your family or paying for college for your children, right? Knowing exactly why you do this is so key to you picking up that phone or setting that meeting or doing whatever it is that you need to do today. To ensure that you are going to be helping those people realistically to help them live the lives that they want. So knowing your why is going to be so big. So let me ask you what is your why why do you do this write that down put that right on your desk, right? You should have pictures of those people. You should know exactly why you're picking up the phone every single. Number 8 be smart not hard working. Now. This is a little tongue-in-cheek. I'm not suggesting that you should be lazy but really good sales people are often not the hardest working and they're not working the most hour. But they're really smart about the opportunities that they're going after they're making sure that when they do make a call it's to a true decision maker at a possibly large opportunity. So you want to be really smart about how you're using your time. So you can actually be a little less hard working and this is really an important distinction from a sales motivation perspective because if we're just banging her head against the wall every single day will working super hard and we're not. Much in terms of results. Ultimately. We're going to quit or you're not going to quit but you're just going to be miserable with what you're doing be smarter about how you're spending your time get in front of those prospects that are truly the people you want to be in front of so that way when you do close that sale, it's a much bigger sale. It's the kind of sale that you want and it's ultimately going to help you achieve your sales goals so much more easily without all of that. Work, so there is the must-have mindset of a closer, and if you enjoyed this video then an awesome free training on the data-driven approach to help you crush your sales goals. Just click right here to get registered instantly. Seriously. Just click right here. This is an in-depth training that will help you close more sales at higher prices all while generating more meetings. 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Channel: Sales Insights Lab
Views: 31,003
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Keywords: the must have mindset of a closer, mindset of a closer, mindset, closer, growth mindset, how to create a closers mindset for success, closer mindset, what is a mindset, mindset for pitchers, how to close a sale, reds closer, mindset for pitching, high ticket closer, mindset shift les brown, mindset 22, how to develop a millionaire mindset, sales mindset for success, nlp mindset, legendary closer, les brown mindset for success, les brown mindset development, success, motivation
Id: swlzrlvSBhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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