3 Hours Of The BEST Reddit Stories! (NEWEST)

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which of you guys and welcome back to another reading video we've been getting some comments lately about my reading and hopefully pretty soon I have my braces off next month it would keep my fingers crossed and also I'm gonna try reading these stories one at a time and then take a short little break in between so you know my mouth can get some time to like re salivate so I don't to keep drinking water in between every gutting paragraph so hopefully these stories will go better let's try and keep the quality great on the stories oh yeah this is ultimate revenge challenge petty revenge / revenge nuclear revenge goodie don't touch grandpas oj when my grandpa was alive he owned a house with some property enough acreage to put some trailers on it and winning them out unfortunately some tenets can be some real Mick jerk holes and a couple of his trailers was full of such jerk holes you know the types nosy messy late with the rent etc granddaddy was one of those angels on earth give you the shirt off his back and everything he certainly didn't deserve those screw as treatment and was still patient with him the worst thing they did was coming to his house his personal property and raid his fridge absolutely fail if those people needed fou help and asked he would have given it to them but really the way my mom tells it these people were just snacking and guess what he didn't do anything about it at all he just let him come and go and then say a word until they made that fateful mistake of drinking all of his orange juice oh no no do not leave no orange juice for my grandpa it was time to teach a lesson so without hesitation he produced a powerful laxative and spike the next oranges cartoon they tell me it seemed like those people had green apple splatters for two days and never ready to the fridge again you know green apple splatters ooh okay who describes it like that disgusting awesome job the grandpa though for finally setting up for himself I can't stand when people just tread on people that are like soft-spoken or like are aggressive enough to tell people that they want something I kind of that's kind of why I'm friends with in Traverse - I'm an extrovert but then I'm like I like having the back of my introvert ferns and I'm like after their back yoke on to the next story of pro revenge this was supposed to only one hour ago xbox tried to screw me on unemployment I thought I'd celebrate my cake day with my best revenge ever this is a long story so just stick with me though it's worth it I promise back story so 20 years years ago I worked for a small nonprofit I had worked there for years and loved my job there was less than ten employees at any given time I worked there including the married couple who ran it and were pretty much always got along at the same time I also developed their websites musical program called net objects as a side job there was no way related to my daily work there I was paid for the web work as an independent contractor well the couple retired and in comes a new guy George I freakin hate George before they've even gone he's just ripping them all over the place for no reason it's not like they were a threat to him or anything they had been successfully running this place for years so they weren't as big of a jerk as he wanted people to believe he was so talking about everything hey I'm dividing the office into his buddies and then everyone else you either kissed his butt or you got junk for it he would come in and have the most inappropriate conversation about his sexual antics during his college days how his wife is in bed how much he could drink and still be okay to drive etc a couple of us complain to the board of directors but they were going to throw out their new executive director over a little smut talk shame I hated watching all the wonderful things we had done as a group died in a slow death under this guy he didn't like me either and I got to where I hated going to work every day so we're headed looking for other options Edith's going back to school and doing night classes I kept quiet I worked though I didn't tell anyone it was pretty stressful I had a young child at the time and I missed her a lot since I worked all day and went to school nearly every night I had been making it and I was about three months from finishing my program one day I got called to his office alongside account an HR person he's number one crony I knew it was coming and honestly I were just relieved sure enough they told me I was being laid off they gave me a check for two weeks pay with pay me in lieu of notice written on the memo a packet of information about applying for unemployment and education resources etc then they told me I could clear up my desk and leave they were both smiling at me like I said just giving me a bonus so I responded the same and said oh this is such a relief I've been going to night school and everything has been so stressful now be able to relax and finish my program without the stress thank you the man turned purple he was so obviously pissed I was worried for a second he'd come across the desk he obviously had expected a different reaction from me he ground out his teeth that obviously my service as a web developer would no longer needed and I was not to produce any more work no skin off my nose I hadn't figured to continue my web work anymore things were brought to a pretty quick close after that and in less than 15 minutes I left a place I had worked and loved for years for the last time so life went on I continued my classes and filed for unemployment a few weeks later I got a notice for my unemployment got denied what the paperwork said had been fired well that can't be right so I called the UI office the nice man I talked to who found my case and stated that yes George's written response did indeed say that I had been fired making me ineligible for unemployment I guess George had wanted a little revenge for me not giving him a reaction he wanted I told the man about my packet and my check he asked me to send copies of everything I had and when opening a pill he said with the check memo it was obvious I hadn't been fired and it would be straightforward a pill but it would still take a few more weeks and in the meantime I have no income now long after maybe a few days I got a call from George he says I have a new web developer in the lead my files in order to maintain the database otherwise they would have to rebuild it from the ground up and that would be crazy expensive for them I told him all the files were uploaded to the web server they have everything he kept making comments about me withholding their property and rather than trying to explain the Internet to this [ __ ] I'll let him fine I would mail them a CD of the files right away I went to my computer and got their website on my internet I saved the entire thing to a HTML file put it on a CD and mailed it off a couple days later I got another call he says he got a CD but it's not what he needed I'll told him the entire web site was on that CD but it wasn't good enough they wanted my working files in this time they had given him instructions about what to ask for C and net objects you created everything you wanted for your website you had to publish your creation it'll do it makes the HTML files so I basically had net objects file that was their website and without that file you weren't going to do anything to that website but that file is huge and it wouldn't fit on the CD it needed to be backed up to be compressed then I can send it to him I thought it would take me a bit of time and I've just been crazy busy lately dealing with my pill did you know my unemployment was denied he played dumb like he didn't do that on purpose so I asked him if I could possibly get a help in that situation straight now because of that one on my plate I'd have all the time in the world to give him the files he needs of course he's happy to help right we get off the phone in a little bit later the nice gentleman from the UI office called me he told me that George had called him and told him I was not fired and he must have put in the wrong paperwork for me they made him rectifying writing that he had faxed him the correct statement so my unemployment was approved and I was going to be getting my first check including my back payments within a week whoa then George called me again he said he's gotten everything straightened out with him and can I please run the backup ASAP and overnight the CD to them I'm sorry running a backup what constitute producing war at work and I don't work for you any longer and I hung up never heard from her again but less than a year later he was fired and it was taken over by a management company oh my goodness that is some good revenge right there that guy got totally screwed and he totally totally deserved that what really sucks is that it was kind of a lose-lose because she really or he a girl or boy they really loved that job before you can tell by how they described in their manager than all that and then like new management can make or break a job really like anyone that's worked in like retail or like you know minimum wage or any kind of job like that with management is right next to you can honestly tell you that working with a bad management can make you quit off the trip proud of this young fellow forgetting their good revenge though what do you think was that provigil that a pro move I feel like yes that was a pro move the last one well actually not think about it the last part wasn't that petty he got a deserve to do that to them number one screw toxic managers number two on to the next story nucleus time entitled engineer makes a mistake he will regret for the rest of his life this is a story that I thankfully didn't witness but my coworker did an engineer relocated with his wife to a small town while he supervised a local engineering project he had three daughters who lived in the neighboring city and went visit him constantly well he wasn't exactly rich he was considerably wealthier than the average habitant of his little town this made him and his wife extremely entitled he would do as he pleased and then bribe the police to avoid repercussion he made himself infamous for cheating on his wife constantly one day he laid his eyes on a local eighteen-year-old girl the girl didn't like him back so she rejected him one day he got drunk and forced himself on the poor girl he hurt her so bad the girl was left in a wheelchair for a life the girl's father tried to bring him to justice but the engineer used whatever money he had to bribe the police what not many people knew is this girl's uncle was a local drug lord the father and the uncle hadn't spoken for years and the girl hadn't even met her uncle but when the drug lord learned what happened to his knees he decided he would have his revenge a few weeks later my coworker was working as a gardener for the engineer when the cries of a young woman caught everyone's attention outside the engineer's house where drug lords men who had captured the engineer's daughter in front of the engineer and his wife the men used machetes to cut off the daughter's legs there was blood everywhere but the worst was the cries of the three women they were rushed to the hospital but to have been bled to death on the way while the third was left obviously wheelchair-bound for life while my coworker has since left the town he says people told him the engineers wife hasn't said a single word since that day edit people have asked me for news coverage on this event this story happened on the opening years of the drug war in northern Mexico a time with both the government and the drug lords did everything within the power to keep the news like this from being published I will try to find some and asked my coworker but I can't promise anything man that sucks I was while that was happening I was thinking this could not be in the u.s. like there's no way you could get away with something like that man it's a bad day to be that guy's daughter like yeah it was a revenge and yeah it was nuclear but they got the revenge like on the wrong person why don't they do it to the dad jeez it's kind of kind of actually a sad story like it's crazy that that stuff kind of happens I'm not gonna lie I was trying to you know word around some of the things that were saying so we could get monetized by the end of that with cutting off people's stuff you know I don't think these videos get monetized anyways I read the story for you so if you liked it hit the like and subscribe comment down below if you thought that was nuclear I really think that was nuclear it is literally 224 a.m. and I just feel like making a video so we're just gonna go ahead and do this to you it's probably literally like 5 o'clock in the afternoon and if you're watching this after I post this it's probably 2 a.m. because we get a spike in our views at 2:00 a.m. so what's up my two-way nyan viewers this hope was actually suggested we got it from Aiden thank you so much for the suggestion and we're gonna go over this sub and tell me you guys like it it's our slash I don't work here lady it's pretty much weird of customers mistaking random citizens for employees we're gonna start out with is there a male version of Charon I think I encountered the male version of a Karen I was at a bank today and I was waiting in the lobby waiting to speak to the mortgage lender though I don't know work at this Bank I do work in the financial sector because of my job I wear a suit and a tie he mail Karen approached me while I'm sitting at the waiting room and must have assumed that I was an employee of the bank and started asking me about opening up a savings account and which I replied sir I do not work here he lost his mind he said her raising invoice and demanding to speak with the manager the worst part is that his grandchild I presume were present when their old cranky grandfather started to throw a temper tantrum in a bank I could tell you the grandchildren were embarrassed one of the ladies behind the counter then moved to his direction to attempt to handle the situation but he became even louder and more immature when she asked if he could help this jerk me told me he's not going to help me and now I'm going to take my business somewhere else her response sir he does not work here he responds well then who does her I do him I want to speak to the manager I cannot contain myself I was laughing so loudly what how are you gonna complain that some random guy doesn't work here hey that guy doesn't work here so I'm angry what what kind of sense does that even make sir Cora Bell says they are known as a richard as a nickname is dick that's actually no that is a good thing for the male Karen I never even knew that he learned to live every day huh after all this writ of scrolling you think button known with the male version of a camera huh this is like reliving my days back at Walmart with this reading these crazy customer stories I did actually read a few stories beforehand just to like see what this was all about usually I don't do that but this one I was bored and I wanted to read and I think that's what made me want to read now at 2:28 a.m. I literally took like two and sarita the next story is my daughter does not work here not sure if this fits exactly but they were asking kids did the job teachers should be doing so I think it works when my sister was in second or third grade the teachers had this dumb policy where they would have the kids who were doing well in school assigned to help the kids who were struggling one time my sister was told to help a kid with spelling things he decided to write a nasty note to someone in the class and asked my sister how to spell things she didn't know what he was writing all she knew what she was supposed to help him with spelling the right things she never saw what he was writing just would tell him how to spell words he asked her anyway he passed a root note and was caught when the teacher confronted him he said sister helped me do it so much she start got in trouble as well and the note was sent home with my mom explained that she was in trouble I think it was like a written warning or something when Mom got the note and asked my sister for the whole story she was pissed my sister was a good kid and a bit naive there is no way that she was involved and the teacher had assigned her to help the kid with his spelling my mom went into the school and yelled at the teacher in the office she made it very clear that her kid is no longer allowed to be assigned to help other kids if the teachers couldn't handle in their own maybe they needed to hire more instead of making good sirs in the class through their job especially if they were going to get in trouble for doing exactly what they were asked to do oMG that is like better like the worst thing when you do exactly what you were told you get in trouble for that poor little girl she was so confused okay first of all it Depp that she's working off of the clock she deserved the paycheck for that I don't care what age she is if she's doing the teachers then what the heck that's why they have like over racial classes and schools like that where you can only have certain amount of kids to teachers because there's only one teacher they what they really should have done was just hired a minimum wage assistant teacher that could have helped the little kids that needed help it's not come on 725 or up to 13 if this is in the u.s. that's not that much to help the kids learn instead of having some poor genius kids dumb themselves down not that the other kid was dumb but these kids want to learn too kids want to learn this one is Excel so what better mean it's really good or thats means i'm reading a really long bad satori i'm not saying as elf I'm just lost on the way to get to the Christmas card photos the other day my mother wanted my siblings and I had to do some Christmas card photos she had a nice list of what she wanted and while it annoyed us it always made her really happy when we pulled for Christmas card photos as a nice family this year she wanted to suggest like elves well us kids anyway so I got into my elf costume it's Christmas time and I've seen a lot of strange stuff and wondering elf this time of year so I head to the mall I am late I rush up and look for the direction to see where I can find the photo place yeah I should have on time I'm trying to figure out the location when I hear someone clearing their throat I shuffle over a bit maybe I'm blocking their view I throw clearing again maybe this person is sick I reached my coat pocket leave a cough drop I answered I turn around holding up a cough drop there was a rather annoyed looking woman about time where is Santa demanded the woman excuse me I replied where is Santa snapped a woman but the North Pole downstairs out to lunch on a date with mrs. Claus how should I know I said it I listed random things that thought of him the woman crossed her arms seriously are you trying to mess with me growl the woman that's what I noticed a small little girl dressed to the nines next ahead know I am I started an elf you should know where Santa is he is downstairs and we're in a hurry call him my daughter wants to see him grab the woman I'll look at this woman and little girl I don't want to brush little girls bubble but I don't have to time to deal with this oh sorry miss you got the wrong division of elf I'm not a part of this appearance or guard duty so I don't deal with Santa I'm a target of the reindeer fixing this picky and I was gonna pick her up a treat so I was trying to find a store on here for a reindeer you know this place isn't very reindeer friendly I started to begin a Yammer on about reindeer as I shuffle around the side well I'd love to stay and chat but if I slouch to mrs. Claus will have my hide tools I said and then leg out of there I could do her yell after me but I didn't look back after a bit I found the photo studio and took the photos I told my siblings about the whole thing my brother had this to say your own dumb fault for dressing like an elf maybe I am at fault but yet addressed like enough well that sounds like I don't work here lady to me but that's funny it's it's nice that this guy's like went along with the little girl even though the lady was like a little Karen inner jerk he still went on with a whole Sharad and acted like he was an actual elf that probably the grill was public Oh elfs are still so nice and Santa is still real and if you're watching this in your kit Santa is real and if you watch to save your adults and is real this is actually a pretty good sub I like these stories here I've never had an encounter like this if you had an account like this let me know down below this is probably a very niche encounter a lot of people encounter it and then when it happens to them they look it up and I find this out there like I'm gonna tell my story so if you had any of these encounters just let me know down below anyways thank you guys so much for watching I really really like this sub you got any suggestions just let me know down below I take pretty much every single suggestion that we had if you want to watch some revenge stories or some compliance stories view here view here we're gonna be doing a Christmas revenge all Christmas stories on all our slash pro revenge let's get into it hohoho style so you want me to fire everyone at the Christmas party okay then many years ago early 1980s I worked for a company that did what I call maul molesting they did market research surveys in the mall and were always topping people to ask questions etc the company was run by three older women who had started it in their kitchen they were opinionated and no one had cared about anything but money part of this included paying employees not by the hour but by the survey which was against labor rules as it never matched the basic hourly wage this is important Christmas came we were planning our employee party whenever the owners called and told us that in order to avoid playing bonuses we were to fire everyone at the party and then hired back the ones that we liked after the new year we the other managers and I talked about it and then I called the Federal Bureau of Labor who had been trying to get information for the employee pay for several years but had always been turned away I had them come to the back door and he let them into the file room and then showed them the boxes I then said I had things to do in the front would be back later and what's the front desk to finish the paperwork I needed said paperwork a blow-up of Santa going down a chimney with Mary effing Christmas typed across it all of the management resignations and the FedEx envelope that would hold our keys and said paperwork labor guy finished what he needed to do we locked up sent the package which was time to arrive at the Christmas party and walked away the company ended up spending about two hundred fifty thousand dollars in reimbursements and fines for the labor problem that's exactly what shady businesses like this get that's one kinda it's kind of a problem with small businesses some of them can be pretty shady and try to do things off-the-cuff to save their own pockets and not trying to pay out their employees or taxes or anything like that not saying that big companies don't do that to know but what kind of ho would fire everyone at a Christmas party how rude you couldn't do it like a couple days after Christmas or something and then hire them on a new year I don't understand where they're saving money and I don't know if maybe because a paid time off or something like that but why would you even why would you come back to a business like this where you you're like I can't get fired at any time and a freaking Christmas party along with the rest of everyone else Terral business is written exposing my sister-in-law over hating my family with a bit of help from a father Christmas throw away because this doesn't need linking to anything or anyone else apologies for the long length my twin brother 25 has been with his wife since we were 15 and they've been married for the last year since day one my sister-in-law hasn't been a fan of my family she and my brother met doing the same after-school Club a club that my best friend happen to also be in she always used to say that my sister-in-law always complained about my family my mother my father and myself and how we all treated her terribly though when she asked she would never go into detail because there was no detail in fact for the first few years of their relationship my sister-in-law was a daughter my mother she had had which strain our relationship unsurprisingly but not the time for that she was happy enough to be around us and my parents always made sure to include her in the family occasions such as our birthdays since we're all like 15 and moody teenagers if it ever comes up in conversation my brother sulking about something and throwing out a line about how he understands why his girlfriend never wants to be around or me and my mother arguing and me saying something about how a girlfriend hates her it's not taken as gospel the years go by and my brother and sister-in-law stay together through universities 150 miles apart and moving together and about the six year mark of their relationship I lived at home for a year after my brother moved out and during that time I witnessed numerous occasions of my brother being around for dinner that both him and his girlfriend have been invited to with just him attending for a variety of cheap excuses and have been cut short because sister-in-law rings my brother up telling him he has to come home because of X Y & Z while some of these may have been genuine every time he was around over half an hour he got the calls and messages saying that her world was imploding if she didn't come home right this instant I think my parents politely excuse the behavior as young love because it was an obvious tion about their especially it was cut off every month she didn't fight sister-in-law out for a girls day either with or without me or other family members and was always told no after the wedding which none of our side of the family was allowed to be involved in not an issue though it was hurtful that we were told that nothing family what's happening examples dancing speeches but in fact were only on the sister-in-law side of the family while we just sat there awkwardly I got a few messages from mutual friends of myself and my brother asking what the drama was between us and the sister-in-law who had evidently been telling people that all night we had done awful things throughout the wedding process and her and her new husband were on the verge of going no contact us something we hadn't heard it all from our brother or her since we were very much still in contact with him well him and couple had thought it was odd that she was saying this and forwarded screenshots of sister-in-law telling them awful stories of complete lies about things that haven't between her and us my favorite was a supposed time when my father the most Placid man in Britain scrums around their house demanding that the give him hundreds and cash to cover his gambling debts well my mother threw salt around the garden trying to kill the grass no reason for this given my father has never gambled anything more than a couple of pounds on a lottery they don't even have grass around their house to begin with and most of all my parents were both out of the country at the time that a sister-in-law sent the OMG you will not believe what brothers family just did message two at least two of my friends I'm not a petty person and I didn't go around all guns-a-blazing but the next time I saw my parents I said that it seemed like the sister-in-law was spreading potentially harmful lies they did both say that they knew that sister-in-law didn't seem to like him but decided many years ago to try and kill her with kindness if only got to give her a real ammunition against him I decided to sit on what I had evidence wives unless sister-in-law did something major the major came over Christmas for years and years my brother and sister-in-law had rotated between her family and my family this year was supposed to be the day with my family they live in the same town as both of their families so it wouldn't be a massive journey for anyone to go anywhere I live with my partner about a half an hour from my family and we were also going to be spending the lunch with my family partners family from a country who do their main Christmas stuff on Christmas Eve so we were seeing both sets of family over the period we get there bright and early on Christmas Day to find her brother there alone I asked her sister in lies and I'm told that she's having family emergency it'll be over before the meal no she's their family emergency or not we all get prepping the meal my brother's phone starts ringing the whole time he stops answering after a period of time and a particularly long call prior to that went outside for and confirms that that sister-in-law however it's just her phone messing up and consistently calling the last number on the call list a bit of junk excuse well whatever the ringing eventually stopped by this point my brother's off playing with mono my dad's old cars and everything's in the oven so we chill out for a while and look on social media at the easy cheesy Christmas present post myself and my partner just scrolling wait my cell phone my partner just scrolling away comparing friends presents my partner's screen comes up with a post by sister-in-law into a Facebook group called something like murderous mothers-in-law support group we assumed that we were blocked from seeing the sister-in-law spoke we she I let my partner slipped through the net it had only been posted about five minutes before the post was something like this husband is forcing me to go to his horrid family's Christmas dinner they make me do all the cooking on my own but tell me it's horrible his sister's even assaulted me the last time I went to their house and she's been kicked at her rehab so she's back there again I'm scared that everyday husband is going to believe their lies about me and leave me I'd rather kill myself than do this can I get some support ladies utter poop we all cook with my father doing the lion's share if anyone can be considered as doing more than average I have never been addicted to any substance and like my parents I said before they never sent a cross word about sister-in-law to anyone so she couldn't claim they did this was it for me I excused myself and went after the officer print off copies of the message she sent her friends previously and the post of the group that my partner screenshot at my request I put it enough copies for everyone at the table 10 were in there total and wrapped them all up in groups I then stuck some labels onto them as being from father Christmas I slipped them downstairs and put them under the street claiming there was some more gifts I had found just to say that everyone there was an adult so there wouldn't be any child there thinking father Christmas was a jerk hole the day continues sister-in-law rides and apologizes for the delay everyone says it's not a problem and the food gets cooked served and eaten we've always opened presents after lunch so everyone gets set up with each other's presence as well as the mystery father a Christmas present that everyone seemed to get everyone eventually opened the father Christmas present and start to read before asking sister-in-law what she means by being a horrid family my parents brother and sister-in-law all quickly opened theirs and read them through sister-in-law goals as white as a sheep it's not asking her who did this but my brother tells her that she brought this on herself and she's gone too far my parents say nothing to anyone and eventually sister-in-law excuses herself my brother says that since the day they started dating she decided that our family hate her and that she spent years trying to prove it ranging from the order their names aren't written in cards and the number of potatoes she served at a meal she obviously has no evidence since there is none my brother had no clue about the messages or Facebook groups but expected there to be many many more he decided to leave apologized and got in contact about half an hour later saying that we were both at home and stable since the kill myself part had worried my mother especially I kept quiet about my role in this until everyone else had left my mother suspected it was me but said she was happy that it would actually be out in the open I apologized profusely for ruining the day before we left none of this was my finest moment which I'm sure some of you reading will agree with my brother had been in contact with my parents and me to further apologize for everything sister-in-law has said and done and said he wasn't making any rash decisions yet but they needed to sit and talk about everything I'm sure some people think that this is sympathetic of a bigger issue of control concerning my brother and his life and might be justifying sister-in-laws views on us but I did this more out of anger the situation was in the person herself and this is the first and only instance of my family being negative to her I hope this has made her think about her choices and she could work on reasoning and that she can work on the reason why she lied to herself and others for so many years oh my goodness that's a lot to unpack right there first of all this was 11 months ago this was last Christmas but my god what she is like a master manipulator you ever those people that just manipulate the person that they quote-unquote love to try and do everything they say you can tell this is one of those people trying just fabricating lies to make up and trying to get everyone on her side no matter who it is trying to get sympathy I've been with something like that you don't want to be with nothing like that that is a terrible life to live she seems like a horrific person someone that you have to pawn off on someone else to get rid of her I promise you if they decided to get a divorce she's gonna try and ruin that man's life and he probably knows that too you got to be an extremely docile person to try and deal with someone like that or extremely accepting of someone else's flaws I feel bad for that man I feel bad for that entire family the only person I do not feel bad is for that woman hopefully the guy gets a divorce he deserves a break after 15 years of being with this ho ho ho Santa style anyways let me know what you guys think about this Christmas revenge story thank you guys so much for watching this I hope you guys have an awesome Christmas and have fun opening presents if you guys don't celebrate Christmas then happy I have a happy Kwanzaa happy holidays whatever you guys got going on everyone's different entitled parent tries to take my dog to the dog park the cast iam entitled mother ek entitled kid hm handsome man who hooked me so this all happened like three months ago my dog is a golden retriever so she loves people and exploring so anyways my dog doesn't get out a lot so when she does she goes wild I finally go to the dog park and when I arrived I walked in and let her off the leash the second I did she bolted away the park has a two fin system so dogs can't just run straight out so anyways after like 15 minutes I'm watching a run around with the other dogs up comes I am with ek I'm sitting at the table watching the dogs play with a couple other pet owners when iam walk up to my dog and puts a leash on her in my head I was saying to myself please no please no please no I tried to stay positive but think that my dog was irritating hers but I quickly found out that that wasn't the case as iam starts walking the fence with ek I block her path she replies with uh can I help you I'm trying to leave with my dog outraged that I was being downright lie to I try to take to leash off my dog's collar the room implies excuse me I'm trying to leave with my dog and you're stealing him for information my dog is a female and she's mine is how I reply the crazy woman starts shouting and screaming that I'm stealing her dog murmur and for someone to call the police but the people that I was sitting with knew that she was mine because we spend 15 minutes talking they walk over and suggest that we call the police and try and clear this up so after my newfound friends call the police arrived within five minutes excuse me can we clear something up here yes so I I didn't get defensive or iam cut me off I was at the dog park and this crazy person trying to take my dog the others helped me out by arguing that she knows she's mine then I suggest a bright idea that we can check the tag at her collar and call the phone number the policeman agrees and leans down to my dog he calls the number on his phone and look at that my phone rings I answered the call from the policeman the lady was asked to leave the park because she didn't own a dog and was there for no reason she tries a fight but ends up leaving long story short I don't go to the dog park and the woman tries to take my dog we call the police and the dog is proven to be mine my goodness I can't imagine if someone tried to steal my dog like I don't even know if I'd be able to control myself I love my dogs too much you like my kids like theirs sitting here looking at me right now I'm like if I saw someone walking off with them I just attacked him I'd go into crazy mode someone said you should have pressed charges I know I would have taken that like the fullest think like you try to still like dogs are seen as property in the law though so you have to be do like stolen property which is kind of sad and that seems like living things like if someone kills your dogs like they're damaged property which is like said I didn't know that one was so sure let's read like one more little entitled parents and town her mother's oMG wedding speech short and maybe not so sweet a couple years ago an old friend from high school invited me to her wedding during the toasts her new mother-in-law got up with the intention to give a speech now these usually go something like welcome to the family or I'm glad my son found love etc I'm not even gonna try to recreate what she said but she started out by saying the bride was incredibly lucky to be marrying her son and then she went on a 15-minute long ramble on why her son was such an amazing perfect person spoiler alert it's because she raised him and because he respects his parents she then proceeded to remind the bride in front of everyone that respecting their parents is the most important thing in a marriage what she also told heard that now it's her dog would take care of her son just like she had taken care of him anyway all the bride started the part of just sat there stunned meanwhile the mother-in-law sister was crying because it was such a beautiful speech wow that there is entitlement that is one entitled mother now I got married pretty young and actually I feel like I've been made that long but when my mom told me was the most important thing was that we were in it together like what she told me is no one comes above your spouse to my wife and to me she said no one comes above your spouse until like we have kids if we ever want to have kids which I don't know if I want to I don't know anyways what she was saying pretty much is it's us against everything so like you pick your spouse over a problem you pick your spouse over your parents you pick your spouse over anything that was her like how she said that was the most important thing that's what my mom told me but anyways that is gonna be all the stories for today but I am gonna ramble just a little bit longer I want you guys to be brutally honest like do you not like this little moon thing look the way I'm talking right now I haven't even edited this together yet so hopefully this turns out better than I expected if it doesn't we can always go back to the old way either way I'm probably not gonna be changing my sprite on the channel like the reddit reading logo channel with the arse as my eyes I probably won't be changing that to like a moon or anything like that I just thought maybe we could spice this up and see how it goes if it doesn't go good we can always go back if you guys have any suggestions for sub that you want me to cover or your like any topics or anything like that just let me know down below in the comments it takes I take almost every suggestion that I get honestly since we're still pretty small so thank you guys for watching the entire video those that helps me out so much I am recently monetized like really really recently monetize we have made on welcome all the same as one thirty dollars well big but big money big money boy that's how we do anyways I'm trying to start like maybe a patreon or something and like put people's names in the videos and like release my videos early on patreon or something like that something to keep this channel like above the water and like being able to float by itself so it's not just like me reading and getting one cent a video which is a lot of my videos I made one to two cents sad to say but I want to be honest with you guys that's that's what it is and I like the three videos I have or the only reason that it's double-digit dollars and take the truth if you have any suggestion or any advice if you know anything about YouTube know anything about like things that I should be doing or if you have any or if you have like any suggestions on how I can improve I know that I do like list some of my words up I know I don't pronounce everything just right like my lips sometimes this is getting kind of weird I know I'm said I'm gonna ramble I am rambling my lips don't like close all the way all the time and also like the list was because all that's cuz of my bracelets right now so hopefully when I get my braces off and I'm able to like have a retainer and just take it out I'll be able to talk a lot better I know 50% of the comments are pretty much people just cussing me out about how bad my reading voice is or like how bad my voice sounds I can't really affect how my voice sounds but I will try and read more clearly and I have been working on reading it slowly I do have a habit of talking really fast so now I'm trying to like read slowly anyways that is it for the rambles right now thank you guys so much for watching if you would like follow my Instagram account shout out to Ian we're gonna be reading your story first thank you so much for submitting it in our /and titled parents if you guys would like sure you can click the link down below you can go straight to the story and voted for yourself I know this is gonna fit soaring ei thinks my cousin is required by law to cover her nephews medical bills for a minor injury that helping outside a daycare my cousin works at ok I'm sorry if I don't detail much I'm pretty much going off of what my cousin told me and whatever a little bit I saw also I think it's happening around mid-august this year here's some context my cousin well we'll call C works at a daycare it's one of the few daycares in our small town and all of our members are really nice so let's see who use of this like I said this happened around August entitled aunt EA moved to our area a month before her nephews he didn't really familiarize herself with the neighbors but I thought nothing of it our little Don ye8 was taking care of her nephew exactly but Willie knew she had legal custody of him she came in with her four-year-old nephew in and told the receptionist that she wanted to bring in to cease daycare our receptionist who legit has the patience of a saint told her that she can absolutely sign up and then directed her to head over to me to get the contract in agreement she came to sign them she came over through the clipboard with the contact and then she didn't even think for a second to read it but signed it anyways then she filled out the background of the child are you the legal guardian of the child is there any medicine that we have to administer to the child etc basic stuff usually we love the first day as a trial date EA comes back after the try a day and presumably in a worse mood and directs into the room where the first class was without paying see who was a worker on shift for watching the kids that day a CA if she paid yet for the season she didn't and she said to see that she wasn't told to do so on her first session to which she tells her to go to the receptionist and pay which she does but angrily she drops $10 on the table our sickness points out to the sign saying 34 she then smacks a 20 in a filing table she doesn't take the change and then blasts out the door he was bringing in for around two weeks and once classes ended she came somewhat late to pick him up see usually lets the kids play in the play gonna cross the street while the parents come and was playing in the platform part of the park when EA came and was heard it was time to go so any was trying to get down and went halfway down trips and falls into the wood chips now EA was there so therefore she was not technically the person liable for any injuries EA ran to N and he did have a really big bruise on his wrist but he wasn't moving it the EA picked him up and went up to the C and here's where I heard I was in the car because I was with C that day and she drops him off home after work EA how dare you let in fall and get hurt this isn't professional you probably aren't even licensed now ins broke his wrist C as stated in your contract we can't be liable after hours EA but you were here and it was your day care here C we have permission to use of park so the children are occupied when they wait for someone to pick them you weren't here and it's after hours so we aren't liable ei we will see about that and stomped her car two weeks will pass and we'll get a call from someone we don't recognize our receptionist picks up to find someone claiming to be EAS attorney he was asking for seat and when she picked up she said it was a lawsuit file she was actually trying to sue the company for negligence and medical bills let's just say the signed contract backup the day care we don't hear much from them anymore and there was rumors she moved away Danny what an entitled jerk how about you come pick up your kids on time huh how about that one don't you just I just feel so bad for the kids I have to live with moms or guardians that act so entitled like that like what are you teaching your kid you're trying to teach them to act the same exact way and they're gonna have a tough time growing up just because you wanted to be a jerk hole while they were a little kid so that was a story from someone down in the comments if you guys have any of the stories you want me to read during these videos just let me know down in the comments you can link them down below I allow links in my comment sections I'll click on it read them up boom bada bing bada boom you've done on to another entitled parent story iam demands the slushy so while I was a senior in high school I worked in a Kmart for xmas season one night at about 10:00 p.m. right before closing a mother and daughter walked in that her looked like she was in pain and the mother makes a beeline for me iam excuse me can my daughter have a slushie a bit of context the Kmart I worked in was one that had a piece of chain in it when open serves slushies me I'm sorry I don't work for the PETA chain I can't get you a slushie a.m. my daughter just had her wisdom teeth pulled and she needs a slushy to help her with the pain I knew that I would make her daughter situation a bit worse by causing a dry socket Plus only peaches chain employees were allowed to turn on the selection machine or any beverage machine in the section me I could try but like I said I'm not authorized to turn on the machine iam just try I proceeded to poo pack up and find a way to turn on the machine actually I was just going through the motions me I'm sorry I can't find a way to turn on the machine um well you can get her a soda or water my daughter's in pain me I told you already the only PG chain employees can turn the machines on in their area and they are closed you're welcome to buy a bottle of water before we close my daughter isn't pain from her surgery and wants a slushy if you can't get it I will tell your manager my manager arrived after seeing this on the camera wondering why I haven't finished my closing beauty's ask me what's going on iam your employee will get my daughter a slushie manager well he's not authorized to turn on the machine since only the pizza chain employees can do that and they are closed at this time the daughter and iam will walk off in a big huff I felt sorry for the daughter at this time some people's parents uh see some of these like some of these triggered me when I read these I was like that poor kid like I don't I just want to smack that lady like not actually smacked it lady like I'm not violent but you know what I mean she needs to be slapped by somebody Jesus Jesus Jesus left her please anyways that's what she said was totally correct about not slurping through a straw causing dry sockets I had to get eight teeth extracted not because they were like rotten or anything I didn't have a cavity but I had to get my four wisdom teeth taken out and then I have really big canine teeth they look really similar to what a vampire teeth would look like they're really sharp and really big I was just born with them so they're the size about one and a half of a tooth so they had to take out the four teeth behind my top and bottom canine teeth so I had to get eight teeth extracted all at once I actually had to put me into like some they do put me to sleep because they don't like drilling to me to my bone under one side of my jaw to get my um wasn't truth out oh yeah this is the reason I have braces now but long story short at the end they told me not to select anything - a straw not to like if you smoke you don't want to smoke any cigarettes because any of that slurping motion could cause a dry socket so hopefully this girl didn't go home and slurp a slushy and smoke astir we're at the same time I've heard it it's not worth it just do not do it if you're a smoker just I promise you that a little bit of waiting is it gonna be a lot easier than if you have a dry socket but back to that story this is the thing that I can't stand about people is like why can't you understand like it people can't just do things just because you say so that's like going into McDonald's and being like I don't care give me a whopper now like lady what's what are you talking about like what do you expect me to do really some people have just always gotten their way by throwing a fit they think that throwing a fit can just get them anything and that's how an entitled parent is born I think that most entitled parents came from other parents that either let them be entitled as a kid or they got to watch their parents be entitled and learned that monkey see monkey do and yes your kids a little monkey you and had a parent now I'm just kidding the kid didn't do anything wrong they were probably high on whatever whatever they give you I can't remember what it took anyways thank you guys so much for watching this video I know it's probably short I haven't even been recording that long if you guys have any suggestions aside that you want me to covers let me know down below I have a patreon down below you can just look at it if you want to just look at it I'm still just happy got accepted if you guys want to submit a story just like the person in the first story dude just like I said link your story down in the comments I'll click it I'll read it doesn't matter if it has negative 5 million uploads I'll read it because thank you for the suggestion I love it you guys interact and I love when you guys comment don't forget to Like and subscribe the video wait subscribe the video with the freaky you talking about ready readings you idiot or something sadly we're reading the first part of the first story again because for some reason the recording was not recording correctly so here we go oh yeah before we start this video was sponsored by Aiden thank you Aiden really it was suggested by him and thank you so much for the suggestion I'm pretty sure this is the second time you suggested a video if you guys have any suggestions leave them down below we do them if anytime in the video you like this video don't forget to Like and subscribe let's go to the video umm I'm just a delivery guy so I don't know what this belongs here but I couldn't stop laughing a little back story I work for a great company FC and my job is to drive around town in a semi-truck with a 28 foot trailer with a lift gate on it and deliver items on pallets that are too big for normal mail trucks so I'm delivering an industrial dishwasher to a new restaurant I have to squeeze my truck through the alley to the back door like normal I'm too big to parking inside the road I go in the manager politely says we can't take that today I was told it was supposed to come in two days I just don't have the room I said no problem I'll bring it back in two days I lower it back up and leave which by the way is not easy to do because it weighs 700 pounds fast forward two days I'm back behind the restaurant so I lowered the lift gate open the door and head inside with the paperwork I need to show the customer I look around inside and find an employee that takes me downstairs to the locked door or the man rude owner comes out and immediately stares at me and repeatedly interrupts while I say my opening line hello I'm from FC I have what you want um yeah I have your dishwasher he abruptly walks away so I'll follow him and the kitchen area where he started the barking motors trying the dishwasher pull it out and electrical lines replaced and the feed in the drain lines replaced so you do all that and take your old one with you this was supposed to be done yesterday and we are open in two and a half hours obviously I'm confused so we share an awkward stare which seems like an eternity until you break the silence with a well I realize what's happening here so I say sir I don't know if someone told you the wrong information but I'm not the Installer I'm just here to drop it off he did not like that I don't care what you here for I need this done now I like how a muster up is sir if you need it installed you're gonna have to call a plumber he then throws a fit and yells at me saying I need to get down there before it calls my boss this is where I get evil you see we have to get a signature on the delivery receipt to complete a delivery well I had him sign off before it all happened so I go the 150 yards and two staircases back up to my truck I get back in and lift the pallet with the jack I drop it onto the asphalt I load my jack back up and leave as I leave I see him come running out waving his arms and I keep going an hour later I get to the yard and my boss says you got a call from our Oh he's pissed then sticks his hand up for a high-five nice one moral of the story don't be rude to people to have the power to make your day terrible wow this is like a I guess it is I don't work here he did work there like delivering it but he was in the installer yeah I mean that's a good very very good example of why you should always be nice to people like you don't know what kind of power they have it goes back to like whenever I was working at Walmart where I was working in the money center at a Walmart and if someone wanted to cash a check and like they didn't have like the jr. at the end of their name or if maybe they gave me their ID card and it was like any other plastic was ripped on it if they were rude I would just deny him like I'm sorry we're not allowed to accept any kind of messed up IDs and they would be so upset like normal people nice people like I wouldn't care like even something I'm not doing my favorite that my jacket ID got do it but like really people like really really rude people that just came in there and we're just stinky and nasty fish is stinky uh-uh I would just black ma'am I am so sorry forgive us but this is an envelope form of identification we need one without rips no tears you can't have any kind of smudges here it's right here in our handbook I'm sorry and let just being extra polite like that we just make them even more of say like got a good time good times and not good times because I job kind of sucked with it again it was fun doing that stuff okay on to the next video enough about Walmart the moment you realize a customer doesn't view retail as a job I'm gonna preface this by stating that the customer isn't malicious just ignorant and this kind of story is short but entertaining I also I wasn't actually confused for an employee but it did happen with a customer I recognized at some place other than where I work so I've worked at this grocery store for a really long time I don't remember how far back the story is but one Sunday after work I decided to go to a nearby pizza place to get myself a small pizza before I head home I don't order it ahead of time because this is before I carried your styrofoam regularly and it places like 500 dry for my work so I'm not gonna go home to order it first I walk in and immediately encounter an old man who Shops at my store regularly he never really comes off as senile or rude leave one of those people who has no filter on the way they talk he recognizes me as someone he's seen before but doesn't mistake me for an employee old man oh I'll give you a cuz your order has probably already ready me oh no I haven't ordered it I just got out of work and I came straight here old man where the F do you work that you have to work on a Sunday heals us while we're standing in the middle of a pizza place that in fact is open on a Sunday hence why we were here buying pizzas I hear a couple employees in the back grumbling something because he yelled this rather loud and sounded outrage at the concept of someone having to work on a Sunday I remember what I said to him after that because I just wanted to get my pizza and go home but I can't imagine what kind of logic was turning in his head not sure if he just doesn't view retail as a work and think they're all just here for fun in games or if you've used employees like some kind of magical extension of the store they'd have no personal life outside of the store okay I know I said I was done talking about Walmart but whenever I was working on a holiday like Thanksgiving or like Halloween a shot like that or like even Christmas Eve the people would come and you'd be like oh my goodness I can't believe they have you working and I'm like I'm here working because you're here if you didn't come here I wouldn't be working I don't like you hypocrite that cat actually shows you how little people think about other people I want to be able get nervous and anxious because I think like oh my god everyone's thinking about me but everyone else is thinking oh my gosh everyone is thinking about me what everyone is so busy worried about themselves I don't really notice it each other um that was kind of short so let me look for another one I forgot I do work here so I work for this company that deals with anything to do with transport the most famous part of our company is a local moving part biggest in my country but I barely have to work with them or think about them as I work in an international transport most people don't know our company does do other things in moving a year ago I hope to my sister who was moving out of house since I could get her a free truck and tools him to work on weekends since I was doing heavy labor I was in my work here with this famous company logo plastered all over I loaded and a load of the trunks since it was borrowed from my work and I wanted to make sure it stayed in pristine condition so I was with the truck at all times which had our famous company logo on the side random lady RL walks up RL hey I was earning about the prices of your moving company since I'm going to move soon me totally forgetting that my company does moving as well excuse me I don't work for a moving company are L slightly confused thinking that she's bothering me I don't want to know too much just how much it costs on an hour and how big of a truck we need for an average move me sorry lady no clue you might want to ask the actual moving company are left with a very confused look on our face she kept looking back at me Alex confused as well until I saw the company logo on my sleeve Oh guess I lost the company a client and some trust that day well okay I know I already said I wouldn't talk about Walmart twice in a row now but like since this is turning into a part wait while my video since I've worked in the money center I would come through the front door turn to the right and would be in my little office area and then I would walk out of there turn to the left and the front door was right there so I never went anywhere in this store and people would be like do you know in what I oh I may be able to find a closing pin attached to oil regulator and I'm like uh no maybe look in the closing pin oil regulate inside of the store and maybe ask an employee there and they'd be like what are you working at Walmart I'm like ma'am I work in a money center or even go anywhere else in the store okay enough for the short stories no one cares about Walmart anyways what do you guys think about this sub R / I don't work here lady this these actually seem pretty good the last one seemed like the most like I don't know I don't work here but like they just forgot these like that middle one like I don't even know what that had to do with our size I don't work here it seems to be just like funny stories let me know if you guys like this stuff down below and you guys have any suggestions remember at the beginning I take every single suggestion that comes in since we're still not that big of a channel coming your favorite ones down below and we'll go through them even if they're just like picture stuff and stuff like that once again if you like this video with any point in the video like and subscribe today we're going to be going on the sub of our slash space but not just like down the whole sub I want to go to this one picture specifically that it kind of caught my eye I didn't read through it but I did read the titles and I kind of got adjustables going on and it's something I'm actually really interested in and I'm not you know I'm not that kind of alien guy I've went through stages of believing and not believing in aliens this this isn't one of those creepy rated stories or anything like that anybody's right before we get into it if you guys like this video at any point in the video hit that like and subscribe that's getting to it why haven't we found aliens an analysis of the problem now this was on our slash space don't get me wrong this is on no kind of conspiratorial thing these are actual like theories and hypotheses of what is going on in the world and what's up with this whole alien situation that the earth is going through not that we're like going through something but the active search for extraterrestrial intelligence or SETI has been going on for half a century to date no et signals from stellar systems have ever been detected here are the popular theories on why the searching has come up empty obviously like the thing just stated the following are the theories they have actual scientists and whatever philosophers and smart people owe our time the times past have come up with on why we have not reached aliens or why there's no solid proof on why we've reached aliens whether you believe that there are aliens hidden somewhere and people know about them or if you think that we haven't contacted and this is what the general public has access to starting off the rare earth theory basically we're unique the rare earth hypothesis argues that planets with complex life like Earth are extremely rare and that intelligent extraterrestrial life is highly improbable hence we are one of a kind now off on this note it I'll just go ahead and state the fact that I do believe in evolution as I have scientifically come to the fact that I do believe that evolution is a thing we've we've seen it since the past 100 years there are obvious signs humans have sped up evolution it happens now the crazy thing is humans weren't the only humans and we weren't the first humans Neanderthals were before humans in Homo habilis I think it is and there is [ __ ] people and not like MIT I'm sorry that's a slur really short looking kind of humans but all those kind of ape-like people are all dead now they all none of them survived sadly they're more bigfoot-like and really smart orangutan like than human especially like me and adults who didn't have them as much brain capacity as we do they were all intelligent now how intelligent we'll never know but knowing that you know we found weapons and cave drawings and stuff from Neanderthal people that humans didn't make it didn't come from us this was before we were even here they used tools and they used fire that counts as intelligent they were able to create and understand and comprehend and people think that they were they might have had some kind of communication symbol a communication system I bet and that just shows that there is other intelligence out there we can obviously we can communicate with dogs on some sort of level dolphins are smart octopus are smart pigs pigs are actually really intelligent we can see that there's a different type of intelligent level but as of now only ape-like people or ape-like animals have been able to conjure up the intelligence enough to have you know complex civilization like we do now so what I'm saying is do I think we are just so complex and awesome and so rare no I don't think that we are I think you must like to think that because we are the human we are the thing that we're talking about of course we'd like to think that ourselves are we are the one we are the oneness of the universe that was made for us no we can't survive in 99% of the universe none of this was made for us we just happen to stumble upon the next one is the guy in bottleneck they didn't survive the guy in bottleneck hypothesis by astrologist doctor i eated chopra suggests that alien beings are all dead they simply didn't make it life-forms on habitable quote-unquote planets failed to emerge quickly enough to stabilize the planet and pave the way for more life this is what scientists and progressive people are trying to solve right now with the climate change and using sustainable things to try and keep us from bottlenecking ourselves and to just destroying the planet instead of being able to upkeep it's pretty much just a self-regulating system as the rest of the universe is there is life and death everything comes to life and then everything will die so there's no such thing as being able to keep on existing past being able to conjure up enough scientific methods and theories to reach other civilizations everyone is alone in their own sphere until they die do I think this is a thing up quite possibly we're on the road to doing the same thing ourselves you know down the road of destruction you know the world is getting better in some ways but it's also getting worse in other ways and unless the most intelligent creatures on this planet are the ones that are causing the most harm so maybe the more intelligent you get the more harm you caused and by time you hit a certain point boom there's no turning back and your world is gonna end the next one is the great filter earth is subjected to the great filter five mass extinction events but nevertheless evolved complex creatures what if all habitable quote unquote planets were hit by a killer asteroid squished by solar flares torn apart by geological uphills seared by supernova blast or gamma ray bursts radiation and net of all worlds only earth successfully hurdled the stumbling blocks the scary part is hopefully the filter is behind us and it's not in front of us all of those could not be a part of the filter and the filter is something that is so inconceivable to us we don't know until it hits us that's the thing about the filter it's a filter for a reason it it grabs every one unsuspecting or not now do I think this is a thing uh most definitely now do I think that any of those are what would stop every other world definitely not there's no way there's no mathematical way that an asteroid and you know geological supernova this and that could all happen to every single habitable planet especially if it's one not even in a solar system just one single planet in a one single star and maybe a Jupiter you know to stop it from getting hit by asteroids like the earth you know god maybe something like that there's got to be some out of all the infinity out there in the same exact situation as us I don't think we're the one in the infinity that's just like the odds are so low to impossible but I think the great filter is a thing I feel like that actually is a thing I definitely agree the next is the great silence alas we are not worth it the great sign atop offices that advanced beings who belong to a type 3 civilization on the Carver scale able to harness the energy output of a whole galaxy simply do not reach out to insignificant carbon-based humans why bother with the type-0 bipeds this is something that I don't think is it I don't think that someone who is intelligent enough to roam the galaxy and take over an entire solar system would stop at just a solar system if they could learn anything else we know by intelligence sake because they were so propelled by intelligence I don't think they did not take the time to document who we are just as we will not even be half the intelligence as they would be and we still document beetles and grubs that who cares you know I think that's like a far cry from the other one I think that instead of people people I think a lot of people see it as all-or-nothing as in like you know people say that as a universal revolves around us we are the one or we just are so insignificant that nobody cares like people have demonstrated there's different types of blades of grass if I think if we can do that they can look at each different planning just go to it and be like yeah screw it then the next one is the early birds Earth had a head start in a study dr. Peter Burroughs EES said that compared to all planets that will ever form in the universe earth is actually quite early and the last star that will burn out is on a hundred trillion years away from now and 92 percent of planets are yet to be born we're the first but not necessarily the last and this is something that I totally agree with I realize 100% I think that we are actually really early or early on the universal scale of the people that are intelligent that's one reason why I feel like if any intelligent being is going to be the first one to actually move out there to try and contact the other ones that it could possibly be us but I don't think I think if we do find survive you know habitable planets that actually have surviving beings I do not believe they'll be intelligent the earth has survived 99% of its years with unintelligent creatures and 1% of us intelligent creatures on it so what are the odds that we find the planet that actually has the 1% time zone that we're looking in it's very very small the next is not life as we know it we've had are wrong all the time ETS may not be biological beings like us at all noted astronomer Lord Martin Rees said they might be machines not organic creatures so we should be looking for solar harvesting non-carbon-based structures instead of listening to radio signals that's nothing that I totally agree with - if there's another beat if there's other beings out there there's no like what's the odds of their carbon-based just like us you know like other people say why won't there still aren't a silicon-based like that's a totally you know valid form to be why wouldn't they be that and you know communicate in other ways that we can't communicate their senses that other things have on our own planet that we don't have we don't have a sense of like electromagnetism Birds can see magnetic fields and fill them unlike us other animals can see in infrared unlike us other animals can see heat signals maybe like if we can't even see if we can't even communicate with the things on this planet like they can what do you think about other planets it's totally plausible that there's there's aliens on another planet that can't communicate with us at all a long road ahead of us basically we've got a long way to go and a lot more searching to do city has barely scratched the surface of their radio universe there are many more wavelengths to scan so we shouldn't give up hope yet I mean yeah this is true we have more radio signals to scan I mean there's nothing to say about that but do I think you know other planets are sending out radio waves no it's hit by time they get out that far it'll be so weak that no one's gonna be able to even comprehend what it was the next one and a galaxy far far away 46 billion light years is a distance to the edge of the observable universe that's really far we've scanned for extraterrestrials signals to just around 40,000 light-years from Earth we haven't even out past the bounds of our galaxy which is 100,000 light years wide alien intelligence would simply be too far away for our current technologies to reach see that's crazy when you think about like have we searched the universe like people say we've searched the universe and look for aliens we haven't even searched our edge of our own galaxy yet I'd be hard-pressed to believe that there aren't other living things out there I don't think we're special I don't think we're the oneness I don't think if anyone's the chosen ones it's not us or we would have been born the chosen ones not after that I think the dinosaurs were the chosen ones no just kidding do I believe in aliens in a sense that our other living things on other planets I'm 100% sure I can say whatever I want but do I think aliens have contacted earth heck to the no no I think people undermine the abilities of the Egyptian people to be able to make things I think you're really undermining the intelligence of humans and how they can create if you think that they could make the pyramids I think a lot of people have hallucinations I think a lot of people are just crazy the only thing that is you know working for the side of there might be aliens but we can't see them today is because you know no one catches you know flying saucers on cameras anymore but people are saying that our time is now so well documented that maybe they don't have a reason to come and see us but they do have a reason to go and see you know the 70s and 80s and back when there was no internet to just instantly know everything maybe everything is already uploaded on every file from the 2000s onward so now nobody really wants to come and see our time maybe which is not interesting enough but I mean that is also a theory and I'm hard I'm I'm not very pressed to believe that out of my right mind anyways let me know what you guys think about this down in the comments from this our slash space thing is did take a minute I didn't even know that videos would take this long I got to talking that opens this is something I actually really enjoy let me know what you guys think down in the comments do you think that aliens have came to earth do you think aliens are just us visiting from the future do you think there are aliens out in the wildness of the universe anyways thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed this different kind of space and Sciences kind of thing I am really interested in these kind of things don't forget to Like and subscribe I hope I see you guys next time and goodbye my lovelies power slash ultimate revenge challenge I don't know my color alter oven shells when it's just ultimate revenge challenge technically I've been calling the ultimate revenge fresh challenge since I got the idea from fresh whatever the main thing is Runa are / petty revenge in our / Pro revenge in our SAS nuclear avenge and the almighty once again big Mamo Jamo are / let's get into the are / petty revenge with ride my butt get pulled over so let's happen a while ago but I still laugh about it I was on my way home from a pretty major state route when their speed limit was 55 and she go through a town [ __ ] drop down to 45 sometimes 30 in this story it drops down to 45 so I was coming down a pretty significant hill and we all know that vehicles pick up speed while going down as I came down the hill I started breaking since the town had a speed limit of 45 the guy behind me did not like that he was on my butt it's so incredibly bad I can count the whiskers on his face as I went through town I had to pass the fire department and sitting in the opposite side of the road was a state trooper hue petty revenge as I drove past the state trooper digested the cop to look behind me I didn't think anything would happen cuz who's that lucky apparently me I kept watching my rearview mirror and roughly about a mile out of town the a hole behind me got pulled over Thank You New York state trooper this is the the revenge every driver once whenever they see someone's on their butt they're like oh why can there be a cop right now behind me this guy got that wish he took everyone's luck on the highway I'm not gonna lie when people started to ride my boat whenever I'm driving I started to go like 15 underneath the speed limit like usually I'll go like 5 over but if I'm doing that I'm doing like 5 or 10 over and you write my but we're slowing down is that right go the same speed as the car that I can get next to not not if I have people from the car with me just if I'm by my I don't want to get anyone else into danger but I'm just too passive-aggressive to let that kind of stuff get back around there Pro revenge and before we do revenge and nuclear revenge I've actually noticed that the people that moderate Pro revenge and nuclear revenge take off 90 percent of the stories and don't let most of them get posted like the newest stories are always like a week out because they don't allow you know subpar stories to come through and that's why you see a lot of people reading the same Pro revenge and nuclear revenge is like there hasn't been any for the new ones in this past week so like any new ones that come up people will read them and that's what everyone's gonna be hearing but during these ultimate revenge challenge we tried to go through and pick some of the short ones just because you know the supernova revenge is supposed to be the bread and butter of this event and that's some little Pro revenge stealing my notes guess who won't graduate high school I first posted this in nuclear revenge though I think it's not that drastic so I thought here was more fitting so this happened in 2018 when I graduated high school a quick overview of a Swiss school system normally you go through school until ninth grade if you want to go to university later you can change your grammar school from 8th to 12th grade I decided to study and went to high school also in Switzerland my state canteen at least everything under a 75% is a fail we have a really strict thing going on there there I clearly became friends with Chelsea now my girlfriend and Alisha Alisha is the kind of person that it's funny if you don't have her around too much she is always a victim she can only talk about herself etc but if you spend too much time with her you are a mess she is never responsible for things that happen with her because she grew up in foster care system whatever so this happened about two months before our finals now graduating means passing the finals obviously but not only them the finals are half of your eventual grade the other half is your last report card if I had to am my final English exam but I seen my last report card and my eventual grade would become a seat I mean a B and so on sorry guys Alisha really struggled with that because she'll report card wasn't that good she had to excel in most of the subjects to graduate so you would think she write as many notes as possible and study pretty early right nope she procrastinate until two months before our final exams when I and Chelsea started our butts off now I was always a girl who offered her notes in our class group chat in case someone was interested this gets important later we had a fairly long list of things that we would be able to use in the mass and I wrote notes for every single topic and kept in a folder in my locker only put some of them in the group chat just when someone was asking about a certain topic one day I went to my locker and they weren't there I was freaking out I spent weeks on writing them I looked for them an entire week in approximately three panic attacks because I thought I wouldn't pass now and hit him all over again that's when Alisha casually told me she took him the other day when I asked her date a book from my locker she actually hadn't planned to tell me it because it's not like you need him anyways you had them long enough if you didn't make copies it's not my fault the blatant entitlement was enough for me to come up with a plan a vicious plan not only has she stolen my notes if I hadn't bothered her so much with it she wouldn't even have told me she had taken them if she was only a high school friend anyway and I knew I'd never do anything with her again once we graduated so frankly I didn't give a single drunk about what would happen to her her entitled self-centered wait was enough for me to finally burst I apologize for making drama it's okay you're just like that sometimes I was about to lose it and just continued my school now ELISA kept calling me about the notes etc even before that especially my notes for various books she chosen the same books so she didn't have to study extra I started giving her a wrong analysis into fake notes obviously enough to figure out they were wrong if she'd think herself but not too obvious if she read the books she would have known it was BS I did the same with our English books and French she already had my math notes too I couldn't fake bills but I could fake German French English chemistry physics and psychology now after I had invested so much in faking notes I watched it all go down for day before graduation we went to a pub with our teacher to watch a football game I don't even remember and she distributed our results I passed with the 5.38 and Switzerland the grades are from 1 to 6 6 is the best so about an eighth and Alicia went pale 3.21 a d-minus he had filled all of her classes but maths and psychology oops it seems she really read my notes she read the book she was supposed to read he didn't read our textbooks I had to hide a grin my girlfriend next to this day it was cruel but seriously there was a damper for her entitlement and narcissism from what I heard he is currently trying to repeat the year and try again hopefully without stealing her friends notes edit thank you to everyone explain difference between a cup and a mug edit too many people are asking me and no I don't regret it to pass her finals she had a study and read her French German and English books the task was not just to read the notes and Biersch our way through them the language finals were done orally if he had read the books should have known my notes were not correct so honestly her fault oh that sucks but that's but that's kind of what she deserves you can tell that this person was a big jerk to everyone around them was just like a giant black hole of negative energy this is one of those friends that you around sometimes cuz you can just like barely stand them and you just want someone else to be there with your group but you wouldn't be upset if they just left and never came back to be fair is in high school I never studied not even I don't think I studied once ever ever I just kind of learned I learned in class and I just used whatever I learn new class up at I have kind of good memorization of watching someone talk but like reading through stuff is just like not my stuff studying is just it hardly works for me I don't know why so I kind of just skipped over that portion in school it all just kind of worked out I'm not saying I'm not saying if you're in high school do this that's not a good idea if you can do that I mean eight more free time but if you can't just study the notes it's fine on to the nuclear revenge was since sadly only just a barely bit smaller than that last one these stories are always like a little bit longer than normal also I'm like gonna be blurring out and not saying any of the like quote unquote bad words because our videos are getting demonetized and you know that's just not working out for me so I'm sorry if you guys wanted to see these totally dirty disgusting words but it's fine just kind of imagine them they're okay alright nuclear revenge time assistance from AC double hockey sticks let me preface this by saying I'm still going through some mental issues because of what happened in this story background I was born with cataracts that later became glaucoma when I turned five after some years something happened that caused me lose all my vision in my left eye this meant that I needed an assistant for the rest of my education now the trial informed a story when I was starting middle school my parents want an assistant to help me move around my school I'll call her Ella for simplicity's sake anyway Ella's friendly to me and my parents so they didn't have to worry Ella did her job but she was friendly with me and then it began one day I didn't come to school she called my dad saying she got in an action on the road it was fine she got an accident it wasn't her fault I spent the first two weeks of school trying like darndest to explain why I couldn't write the work and give a convincing argument and walk around without bumping into every wall in person on top of that Ella became more and more hostile the months went by she then began telling me awful things about my appearance my personality and she talked junk about me and my parents to other teachers who were just asking me as her the only reason why I didn't say anything is because she made me think that doing so would give me expelled and me being stupid 13-year old I believed her needless to say I was miserable the straw that broke the camel's back was the day where she was so angry that she slapped me I was done the revenge I told my dad about everything the absences the slander everything when I told him he went absolutely ape poopoo and we went straight to the principal after telling her everything that happened we found out that Ella was present to write herself up as president but she never arrived help me we also found out she had faked to most of her reasons for absence after a long investigation that took two years to actually prove we took Ella to court I only had to testify every single detail which she did and what she said long story short we won the case and Ella went to prison for three years after word got out about what Ella did to me my father heard that her friends and family basically disowned her she had also lost the remaining custody of her kids which went directly to her ex-husband who works for a vendor that passes by my school Ella became forgotten garbage it's been almost a year since Ella went to prison but sometimes I still hear all the terrible things she says thanks to her I'm scared to make decisions because I can't get her words out of my mind I'm going to start school soon maybe I'll finally get the demon woman out of my head headed thank you for the kind words honestly I thought this was going to get ignored at the time we're writing this I'm going to start my second year of high school I'm just happy that even strangers on the Internet willing to say some nice things thank you all for the support edit - I've noticed some comments feels about my condition I'll clarify to be perfectly honest I don't really know how it happened I don't remember since it was a long time at least for me okay let's stop being nice is when I started seriously learning how to use a cane for blind people yeah true I mean you're not gonna be able to switch from being able to see a little bit to being able to walk around with a cane blind knowing how to use it right but dang screw Ella that's like the scum of the scum picking on people that can hardly stick up for themselves these are the worst type of people to know and be around and I bet you she picked that jobs just so she can be like that's the kind of narcissistic personality trait that people have when they just want to have someone that's small so they can feel almighty and make the other person feel insignificant it's terrible but man three years that's crazy like how I maybe it's like falsifying documents cuz like I slap to the face like open-hand slap that's like that's assault hard was that like maximal in six months in jail or something dude there must have been more charges in there than just the slap all right on to the super nova Lulu checkmate in double time I don't know if this is pro or not but here it goes excuses language mobile a kid radd once upon a time when I was in eighth grade I had two boys a kid and a teacher so let's see the cast me English teacher bully so let's go to the story the plot hath like this in my school in Puerto Rico I had a blog that unfortunately was always put into my home room of 30 students approximately over and over and at eighth grade I had an English teacher that had a lot of errors and grammars and speech people say I have patience so it was easy to target me do you remember how a rubber band works that was me the teacher was yelling at me because I wasn't on the same level of the class and had a different pronunciation as my teacher until one day I waited until after class and I told her that she was doing something wrong in class so she destroyed my scholarship because she will not give me anything other than see after the event so no music no money to study no peace at the house my parents were abusive in the worst ways so let's step it up a notch my friend started making my bully go against the English teacher and so I started to do pranks and mess around with all her stuff like unfolding the chairs when she would use hide her key put missing notes in her desk and purse and the glory to my bully until you became so paranoid in the classroom but nobody suspects the nice teacher's pet that apologize to the English teacher one day I decided go cootie grass and aggravated him and to who was yelling at the English teacher and the English teacher was trying to scold and drag him to the principal's then my bully gutted him/her grassed and started fighting her so I had a thought while the commotion was going on I broke her windows and mirrors in her car with an extra shirt from the gym bag didn't use her charged to scratch the paint off and let the shirt in the crime scene a bully got suspended and banned from most of the schools in my area my English teacher had a meltdown and was forced to retire well I told her about the whole plan as she deteriorated and it when she was admitted to a psychiatric institution oh my goodness one thing that still sucks is this guy still has to be in an abusive household so that that sucks but I mean he at least he could get out some anger on two people that definitely deserved it but man he ruined her collar he took her job wait and sent her to a loony bin and got his bully suspended he must be like living like he must be the king of his friend group they must go crazy go Jimmy woo what do you guys think well that is super no revenge was it was that a super novae as you expected let me know down in the comments there was some grammatical errors in this I was like makes you want to pull your hair out but I didn't exactly read everything word-for-word but that's okay you said I'd never hydrate at high school so I gave you my diploma I don't know if this counts as a revenge but it felt like it to me I have a TD septums that were really bad in high school so much so that in 10th grade at a 1.57 GPA and the mathematical comprehension of an 8th grader I also have a really bad family life my dad would take me aside to give me painfully long lectures about how is useless wouldn't graduate high school on time if at all and that college isn't my future he said it was important for him to emphasize that I was a waste of a school desk where there was nothing anyone could do for me then he would force me to drop out of high school when I was 16 a bunch of junk happen after that including a residential treatment center but after I was discharged I was allowed to go back to school for my junior year of high school I was enrolled in a self-paced school program I was also finally put on violence V Vincey Nancy and that was a total lifesaver I made a zine B's after that I brought my GPA up significantly I wanted to say it was a three point note but that seems unlikely it was at least a two point nine and I ended up graduating on time not only that I was accepted into five colleges and I applied to though I had to write a convincing essay for some of them in 2013 I was a freshman at Texas State University there was one thing left to do I got a copy of my high school diploma and one of those fancy leather book thingies with a fancy gold engraving I'll see if I can find a picture of it when I got it I walked it over to my dad hand it out to him looked him in the eyes and said I want you to have this you were the one person who always believed in me the look on his face was freaking priceless TLDR I have serious ATD in my dad said I would never graduate high school I handed in my high school diploma and make him look like an idiot top common as a success really is the best revenge Wow good on him for that that took like a lot of self motivation and encouragement that's like good on him and no one else good job not a lot of people can say that they've been like down-and-out even like their most critical people might have even been their parents and then was still able to succeed like he did okay okay now on to the arch has Pro revenged going from petty to pro landlord made me live in squalor now she's bankrupt so here's a story of my previous living situation which was at best horrendous I move into a what I thought at the time was a lovely three to four bedroom house with a nice offset garage and garden perfect for my family consisting of myself my partner and my three kids well a few weeks into the move and the problems started to arise we'll moved in just before Christmas and the weather was awful torrential rain in fact which is when I discovered the horrendous leak in my roof I mean water teeming through the roof into the walls and down my windows resulting in all my pasta pants having to sit in my windows to collect said rainwater we didn't ended up realizing we had a leak through my roof in my daughter's room after she was awoken by a rain dripping on her while she was slept she was only 2 at the time we discovered over the course of time we lived there that electronics had never been checked and often shorted out the gas pipes under the regulated minimum gauge and when the heating was on we couldn't power the gas cooker vice versa the decking out of the back was rotten no one stood on and just snapped there was a 4-foot drop underneath this a gas safety check showed that the combi boiler was broken and condemned but they still refuse to replace it the heating system could never be switched off even though it was summer all of these were reported and promised to be fixed over the time the patio door hinge which was completely snapped off at the time we couldn't close it properly or lock it and we were told it would be fixed waited months and even though I was still paying full rent it never got fixed I eventually got fed up and reported it to the local environmental help team they came to inspect the property and raised concerns over the kitchen floor which was wrapped in a major trip hazard we also discovered from the visit that the fourth bedroom which was in a loft was illegal due to how it have been done no insulation no heating dodj electrics so the local environment health team handed us an order over to the landlord to repair all these in a three-month period it didn't get done the council took the landlord to court for breach and she ended up having to pay fines and was given another six week to rectify I fear the jobs got sorted when I found a new house to move into two years later I just found out through a close friend the council proceeded to complete the jobs himself and the Landlord now has been declared bankrupt routed this her house is being put up for auction she will receive nowhere near what she needs to pay off her debts and she's given up her other houses due to bankruptcy laws maybe she can't own equity not even a decent car if she only put her rent I was paying into fixing her house it wouldn't have gone this far I'm not sure what happened but regarding the illegal going ons the gas and electrical problems were never properly up kicked but I like to hope that she got punished in some way or form wow what a jerk landlord that kind of reminds me of my apartments they soak my department people that apartment I'm living in the people up enough it's freakin psych like I have so many work orders put in I still have not seen the amount know what to do I'm gonna make a strongly-worded youtube video on them all right on to the r slash nuclear revenge I've had thrown in jail and ruin his relationship of five years so this will be a short one so please excuse the grammar issues the past two and a half months I've been in a rehab center it was supposed to be a three month stay but another resident let's call him jerk decided to fake me out and get me boot from the program well I was showering he decided to put a vape in my shorts and get staff to check in my room I got kicked out and I thought I was going to get to stay but that's where the revenge comes in I knew he had more than just one vape this dude is a Fame and wouldn't sacrifice his only device to get me out of there I decided to get even before I left I pulled a stunt I went to the staff and told him about contact me his girlfriend whom he had no contact order with after doing so I want the director and told him we're jerks - was I no snitch but if you screw with me I'm screwing with you - the director starts his stash and found a ridiculous amount of contraband that was still kicked out of the program I got the satisfaction of seeing him cry and she was led out of the building in cuffs with two more charges on his head knowing he won't see the outside world for two years or more oh my god she got him thrown in jail for two years I don't see why that guy was trying to set her up they were like why were you what was the point of being a jerk now you just you just got yourself locked up for two years good job buddy your genius now for the almighty are slash supernova revenge this better explode my computer when I read this like my computer better explode in front of my face and I read this like the tag is death girl gets revenge on a rapist his cops friends and family this story may or may not have happened the way I would tell it I wasn't involved in it but I got the story from several people who were involved I had to guess some gaps in the timeline so it may seem a bit unreal I couldn't believe it myself at first but a few good friends told me they were involved so I guess readers should decide for themselves I went to a college in the late 1990s and this story was some urban legend in campus I thought so myself until I met a few frat girls older than me who swore it really happened okay after this long intro here's a story in the early 1990s this little college wasn't the best not at all some girls had to pay their tuition and living by working as dancers or as you might say adult entertainment industry there was a guy who would always forget where to stop harass the girls touch them where he shouldn't and you know the type there were too many of these guys usually the bouncer would cook him out and everyone but the girls would forget about him but the girls remembered and hated working when he came in it could have been all a story until one day the guy was too drunk and too stupid he got himself kicked out again and thought he would get whatever he wanted anyways he waited in the parking lot for some girls to finish their shift to get the girl where he wanted and jump her luckily the bouncer noticed him and told the girls to get out from the back door and he called the police police patrol car came in the cop said he would talk to the guy but wouldn't do anything because nothing happened yet the girls Rob said and started talking about that they found out the guy was kicked from every club in town even the cheapest junkie astons where he paid the girls with drugs which led to another discovery the guy was a drug dealer on the street a real lowlife the girls decided to protect themselves and ask another student to teach him some self-defense moves this student caller Susy was ex-military as far as everyone knew not because she talked about it she didn't but because some students were working in management building and they found that she was on full scholarship from some government agency and the government does not just go out and pay anyone so they figured she did something to earn it Susy was about 25 at the time but only started first year well everyone in that year was 18 to 21 she was doing something else for those many years anyway Susie agreed to teach them the lesson started in a third lesson one of the girls came back with a black eye until everyone the lesson helped her as the guy actually jumped her last night and she meant she was scaping tried to complain to police but had a feeling that they wouldn't do anything that's how Susie heard the whole story and instead he put it into it she then investigated further on the police detective found out he had 20 year-old son and his brother-in-law was also a cop uniform squad policeman he and his buddies would come to the club get drunk harass girls start fights get the police caught of them and miraculously get out of it with no charges now they were avenged Susie asked three girls to take a night off to help her that night they got dressed and went out on the bar downtown they drink but not too much flirt is a lot and made himself remembered at 11 p.m. or so so he left him in the bar and had a friend driver - a drug dealer spot he was still there getting ready to pack up and go she went down from the cars from distance from him walked toward his alley like she's drunk she entered the alley ignoring him he came after her angry shouting her to get out she acted like she wanted to pee and he probably saw a pretty woman drunk in his alley maybe this is his chance he got close to her and from her hip she drew a knife and stabbed him right in his neck he felt like a sack and while he bled there she looks for - and found it took half his drugs and gun she came over him with the gun and shot him twice in the chest and one of the head pro execution-style then she left two alley back to the car taking the bloody knife and the gun and the drugs with her wait that's not the end of the story a couple of weeks passed she heard the bully son had entered a club where he found a few of his friends were working at night she got there before he got kicked out and went for his car she broke in and left the drugs in the front seat and the gun in the backseat the knife was thrown still with bloodstains on it in the trunk the gun and knife was now fingerprint clean of course sure enough police was called when they got there they knew who he was it was a family matter now so they just detained him until his father her uncle would get there Dunkel got there first in his cruz car and took him aside to have a talk they walked to his car with a couple uncle couldn't have not seen the drugs or a gun sure enough he flipped his junk on the guy slapped him in the parking lot where everyone can see the Sun still in cuffs uncle took the gun and the drugs wrapped them in evidence bag and tossed it in his cruiser the son was released home - is a very angry dad uncle got back to the station to find out he was temporarily relieved from duty the station got ten phone calls from people who saw him slap him in handcuffs big screw-up worse than that the next cop who came in with the police car found undocumented evidence in it drugs and a murder related gun guess-who fingerprints were on the gun uncle was now a murder suspect and the only way he'd get out of it is by telling where the gun really came from it would still get him fired but not murder suspect or so we thought they found a knife put the blood in the son's car except it wasn't the son's it was registered for the father the detective the one that the late drug dealer was his snitch the one that heard he was murdered and just shrugged and said nah another dead pizza junk no one cares so now he was a murder suspect - finally we get to the end this - corrupted cops went away for a long time the son didn't have the police protection anymore for a while he behaved it nice or didn't get into any troubles but eventually got back to his old ways three months later he was charged for assault in a bar and went away for a while - so is he left out of that term to study somewhere else no one heard from her after that the girls involved swore to never talk about it obviously they didn't keep it I'm gonna few of them in a reunion and over to many happy liquids they happily remembered how rapists jerkhole got what he deserved my god that's real that's crazy Suzy you you murderer Suzy you can't just go run murdering people sounds like they were dealing with a really corrupt police force I wonder if it never would have been corrupt they never would have had all went to jail after that one ended up dead nose dumb you know I'm not sure if I like that story I'm not sure if I like our sighs supernova revenge you guys let me know down in the comments you guys like our slash supernova revenge was that explosive enough for you you know I'm not really sure how I feel right now anyways I want to thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it don't forget to like even if you're not subscribed we do videos all the time if you want to suggest some suggesting we take suggestions all the time if you want more pro revenge or revenge stories you can just click up at the top right here you watch my revenge stories hi I'm mr. read readings and I just read four stories with my mic on mute anyways welcome back to another edit reading video those stories that I read earlier good thing that my mind with my mic was on me Oh Kylie because they weren't that good I picked some different ones I still didn't read these ones I never ever read these I always go with the cold read during the video we're gonna be doing the ultimate revenge challenge inspired by fresh just like last video but this time we're gonna be adding another sub to the mix Glenn was like why don't you include regular revenge you idiot [ __ ] this game you didn't say all that that's a great idea we're going to read a regular revenge a petty revenge a pro revenge a nuclear event and the almighty R / supernova revenge let's just go ahead and jump into this one in our - regular revenge we got Disneyland scam my girlfriend was going to a dapper day at Disney with some friends I didn't want to go mostly because I couldn't until 6 p.m. however she kept bringing it up so I decided I was going to surprise her and just show up later that evening I didn't want to pay full price for the ticket and I'd only be using for a couple of hours so I headed to Craigslist never had a bad experience there said no whenever I find a legitimate seller willing to meet up at the park in fact he is an employee and I'm getting a pretty good deal nothing about this whole transaction seems suspicious except that at the last minute he couldn't meet at the park so I met at his house get to the park scan the ticket to get in and a giant red light goes off on the machine Disney employees like they stick it has been used already I'm pissed so I caught the guy we just told me to do if I had any trouble no response and then I buy a ticket and get in it was there at the happiest place on earth that I hatched my revenge house that I put on Craigslist I added my own I gave the name of the guy who sold me the ticket along with his phone number and address dad was along the lines of mail for mail looking for fun I said that I worked at Disney gave my favorite characters and movie to I said what I'm into like really into there's any pics of what you're packing our first to add every month for three months oh gee that's I look under one of these revenge stories and someone was trying to figure out how to get like collect calls to spam people's phone numbers and something I was like no no no don't do that just post ad on Craigslist and keep refreshing it people are bound to tell them so many times you have to change their phone number this guy actually went through with that that's some nice little regular revenge and apparently what that guy did was very common my Disney experience said you used to work with the fraud apartment these tickets have been sold upwards of 150 times I could pretty much guarantee you the guy doesn't work for the park Wow what does he do like digging out the trash can or something how does he get this okay anyway onto the r slash petty revenge I don't know if I mentioned this but somebody's always gonna be pretty short just because we have to read five stories so they can't be you know extra extra long triple-xl o KR / petty revenge try to take up an entire train seat guess I'm gonna have to be your new best friend I take the train to work every morning it's nice and sudden have a coffee and get ready for the day on the way in in the trains most of these will fit two people except for the in cart which can fit up to four and the trains fill up on the way usually people have to stand in the aisle if they have the misfortune of getting on in the later stops luckily I have an early enough stop that there's always seats available I noticed that there was this guy who was getting on and taking one of the in car seats and spreading his bag and Peter and everything else across the seat so no one else can sit at the end of the car seat so I've made a my goal every morning to find him on the train and before he's able to pull all his junk out and spread all over the seat to sit down right across from him so far I'm up to eight days in a row dang that is that's pretty petty that's it that is some petty revenge right there I'm not gonna lie if that was me I would probably the same thing but sometimes I can get a little bit petty I would honestly just trying to ask them like do you mind losing moving your bag and if they didn't do that I would just sit on their stuff and be like oh it was a free seat I know I don't know what's going on like I'm sorry I didn't know bad guys get their own seat onto the arch slash pro revenge this is literally like 30 minutes later I'm gonna try this thing by read them but like a little break in between cuz I know at the end of the video like during the end the last couple stories always a lot like a little bit choppy so hopefully my reading is better a lot of people have commented that I need to start reading better like my reading sucks or like you freaking suck it out of your quit your YouTube channel I'm gonna try and make it better so this is my attempt I tried to screw me over with my apartment damage fees backfired on them I'm a college student and I desperately needed to find a sub least for the past spring and summer so I didn't find anyone at our pretty nice apartment complex in my city the guy we call him Bob seemed cool we had a mutual friend everything went great however Bob wants to sublease under the table without the office getting involved okay no worries of this before it's a 4 to 4 with three other male roommates this is important for later on I have a two-year hound mix she's a great dog but she gets terrible anxiety during thunder songs one day I'm at work and we have probably the biggest thunder started we've had this year she flips out and tears that edges off the carpet to my room my dad has a guy who came in and did an estimate on the damages told me would cost between 200 and 400 to recarpet the room cool no problem I can afford that Bob sees the damages and I tell him I'll cover the damages caused by her anyways I move out in July a month passes I'm on vacation with my family and this mother lover Bob decides to call my dad and mom repeatedly then his mom calls them I have no idea how they even got my parents numbers they tell my parents at the apartment complex is charging room for thousand dollars for a carpet of 10 by 10 room that I have until the end of September to pay it or they take me to court my dad is pissed because you know the damages shouldn't cost that much he contracts a leasing office and asked him for a breakdown in the damages I don't know but he managed to get him to tell him the carpet damage in my room would cost two hundred and seventy three dollars all the other charges were for damages the original tenant and his roommates did so we contact Bob and he's saying that the other roommates were supporting his claim that my dog had caused all the damages in the house firstly can someone please explain to me how it's my dog's fault that they caused a bottle of wine to explode on the ceiling of the kitchen when she managed to destroy the dishwasher but one of the guys bathtubs my parents the lawyer and me have a little get-together I never signed any document making me an official resident of the apartment therefore I wasn't liable for any damages whatsoever however because I'm not an a-hole I was still willing to pay for the carpet damage we contact Bob and he refuses the offer of payment his mom says that she wants me to pay for everything but no I'm not going to because I'm petty though I contacted a leasing office I gave them the documentation of me living there and now the office is not only charging Bob and the other roommates the four thousand dollars they are suing for a breach of contract because he had an illegal tenant I should have just taken the $273 and this is a picture of the real MVP of the story Oh cute that's exactly what that guy gets Bob deserves to be screwed like that he really did you really think he was gonna get away with that like with no documentation of him living there he thought he was gonna be able to get him in court like well what was the judge gonna say dumb people do dumb things and you couldn't just take a nice smart deal to get his carpet fixed poor guy you almost feel bad for him okay on to the art / nuclear revenge true my uncle and disappear backstory this was over 50 years ago and I'm sure no one involved is still alive I always told us about my father during a hunting trip when my father was a little drunk one night 40 years ago I don't think he needles people you know what right it is on to the story I said before this happened over 50 years ago my father's brother and my uncle and a few of their bikes / trucker friends we're not our drinking while enjoying the drinks in the music a small bar fight broke out between two guys a couple of tables away mom has always been a nice guy it would never raise a hand in anger and go out of his way to help others he gets up walks over and separating the two guys and tells him just knock it off and enjoy their beer my uncle is above six foot eight and was strong as he was tall the two guys sat down and one does get my uncle a dirty look monk will rejoin my father and his friends and went back to enjoying their drinking the guy with the dirty look got up and left the bar my uncle was sitting with his back to the door when the guy came back and walked in right behind cool before anyone could act pulled a gun and shot my uncle in the back the guy turned and ran back out of the bar got into his truck and drove off what are my father's friends grabbed the other guy and took him outside and got the information about his friend and tell him to leave town and never come back if he knew what was good for him they'd take my all to the hospital as it'll be faster than waiting for an ambulance back then the next day after a long surgery Markel isn't going to survive but the bullets his spine and he would never walk again once they knew he was going to live my father and about five other friends took their info they got and tracked down the shooter busted down his door in the middle of the night took him and his gun someplace my father would not say at this place far enough away no one would ever know or hear what was happening they beat him up for hours until his arms and legs were pretty much mush and my father said the man just disappeared that night the police asked about what happened to my uncle but what sort of happened so fast nobody saw a thing the bartender was a friend and said the same I lost my father over 33 years ago to cancer and my uncle will he lived for a good life until complications to his legs and they had to be removed and he passed about 20 years ago I feel safe on writing this and there's nobody alive connected to that night god bless my father and his friends for not allowing a coward such as this guy to walk away without a bunch of karmic Guinean I miss you dad and uncle Jay okay this guy needs to that was good story but this guy needs to know the difference between no and no and man 50 years ago was a scary town you could just get taken up out of your house and beat to a bloody mush though he did deserve that for coming up and shooting that guy in the back for stopping him from getting his butt whooped probably that is some nuclear revenge they literally killed a guy they beat him to death Jesus and that's what our slash nuclear even has I wonder what our slash supernova revenge is about to do that I'm scared I'm kind of scared right now for our slash supernova revenge and the rest of them I intentionally pick short ones because a lot of them are at least 15 paragraphs long and to read five stories of 50 paragraphs long this video would be like 2 hours long but psychopathic Bullock gets his head crushed by one of his victims this story's from my grandfather and takes place from around 1942 in a small town in Idaho his memory is bad and so is mine so I'll take multi tails with a grain of salt my grandpa was a tough person even when he was a child a bit of a jerk hole even but this was the 40s and people were different back then he was also a small child and that attracted a lot of bullies there was one bully however who was worse than most his brothers would actually back him up this kid came along at Pharaoh's older others moved to a different school and left him with his younger siblings this was the 1940s so the bully got away with two absolutely psychopathic levels of beatings and he would even sometimes involve friends and beat him in a gang great-grandfather would do nothing and he told him to be a man so he did one day grandpa hid behind a corner of a building where he knew the bully passed every single day when the jerko stepped past the corner grandpa hung all brick at his head as hard as he could the kids school caved in grandpa described as being like an ashtray and he hit the ground grandpa can't remember if he died or just had severe brain damage but nobody messed with grandpa after that oh my goodness the 40's like the old times were like those were different times like back then I bet you he didn't get in trouble the blood cancer could just beat you senseless these days at least everything is like recorded so if some kid gets beat to a bloody pulp like they know you know that kids kind of crazy and you get shunned we're living in the old ages screw that anyways what do you think is that some supernova revenge do you think that is the most crazy revenge I've ever heard is this sub all it's cracked up to be I like this story a lot better than I did the story yesterday for the supernova revenge I think I might just got a bad pick anyways if you like these let me know down below like and subscribe if you want to continue today we'd be sorting by top of all time and be reading the number one story on arch that's per avenge the number one story uploaded by everyone deciding that on the Sun decided that this is the number one best revenge story that is out there it's the best revenge story on reddit right now for this better it's better absolutely blow my socks off I better be blasted out of this time zone and this gang I don't want to odor that high standards but this should be really good do you guys have any suggestions for stuff that you want me to go over just let me know down in the comments don't forget to Like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video throughout let's get into the video our /po Revenge coworker tried to get me fired over breast implants so I pulled her a verse uno card four years ago now when I was 24 my mum died of breast cancer and as both my grandmother's had also died of it I saw a specialist for a screening I found now I had some cells and one of my breasts they could have turned cancerous at any given moment I will sort of have a few options one I could have regular screenings every three to four months until it does develop into cancer I was told at the risk of cells becoming cancerous was very high due to the family history but it could also potentially never could turn so I just be getting these screenings for no reason to I could get a single mastectomy on one breast with the bad cells but they need to keep an eye on the other one so I'd still needed regular checkups for the other breast three I could get a bilateral mastectomy and remove all my breast tissue basically eliminating the risk I went in for the bilateral mastectomy it was admittedly the most drastic option but after seeing what cancer did to my mom and grandmothers I didn't want to risk it I was warned about scarring but told it should be fairly minor it wasn't and I was left with two huge pink jagged scars on either side of my chest each about an inch long and a half inch wide and it cost me to go into severe depression where got to the stage of me not even leaving my flat because I didn't want people to see me throwing out my mirrors and getting physically sick looking at myself I went to a therapist who suggested a plastic surgeon the therapist said they never normally do it but it was clearly something I was struggling with and I might never get over it and therapists could see I was struggling with it although I'll admit the therapist did send me to ask about scar reduction the plastic surgeon suggested a cream a laser or implants the cream didn't work and the lasers were most expensive and risky so why wasn't the implant my natural boobs were an F cup so I went with a slightly smaller double D since my mental health was improved and I feel a lot better about the way I look my confidence has gone up and as my self-esteem I know I shouldn't put so much into my appearance but I wasn't exaggerating about these scars huge bright pink jagged raised just awful to look at and I hated seeing myself and they are now nicely hidden away and you could barely fill them in the present day I'm 28 years old and working in an office I'm doing a lot better than I was my coworker Jill found out that I had a boob job but not about the cancer thing when myself and my friend from the years before the mastectomy were planning a holiday and she made a joke about me going on a plane with my implants and gel overheard by the end of the day the entire office knew I had a boob job but not why and half dozen people confirmed that Jill had told them over the next few months Jill made many jokes and comments about my chest to coworkers when I was in earshot at one point saying I had more plastic than Barbie and calling me fake in two ways I didn't hear this one myself but my friend in the office told me that Jill had at one point referred to me as sack of silicon eye decay what her problem was exactly but at one point she mentioned the NHS it's all assumed Jill thought I had got my tits done for free on taxpayer money I had gotten a mastectomy on NHS but gone private for the therapy and implants I asked her to stop more than once but unfortunately the places I had talked to her or places like the lift and the woman's bathroom where there weren't any cameras and Jo just kept making comments no matter how often I asked her not to I wouldn't say it was every single day but I heard at least three comments per week for three months I hit my breaking point when me Jill and a few other co-workers were having lunch our food is something as being shallow and Jill said you know all about being shallow while gesturing to my chest I snapped I said do you know why I have these a few years ago the doctors found potentially cancerous cells my breast tissue I was advised to get a mastectomy and was left with huge ugly scars on my chest I went to see a therapist who sent me to cosmetic surgeon who advised me to get implants to hide my scars and I did just like I look at myself in the mirror without crying so maybe next time you want to judge someone for having cosmetic surgery you should ask them why they had her first and feeling like that was the mic drop moment I picked up my food and left for the rest of the day I had about 1/3 of the office come out to me an office support and the rest tell me that Jill was just joking around and I was being a B I replied that Jill was being a be long before I was I got an email from HR saying he wanted to talk to me the following day and when I called for a clarification they mentioned a hostile work environment this is apparently an American term and holds a little weight in England but as what was said over the phone under the person who signed off on the email and I'd spoken to her name was Debbie and she was Jill's friend in HR so it was fairly confident who had reported me I realized that if she was already being sent to HR I needed as much as the ammunition as possible so what about collecting information as Debbie had dealt with me so far it was safe to assume she would be the person reviewing the complaint with me and if that was true I was screwed however I vaguely remember a section of complaint that was in my contract when I first signed with the company look at the contract and there was a part in complaint section that said I was contractually allowed to request a change of reviewer if I felt my allocated reviewer was biased it was called an impartial overseer I photocopied the page and highlighted that part when I mentioned it the people who had offered their support over Facebook and said basically HR have asked to see me do you remember Jim insulting me to your face are you willing to write in sign something saying that you have heard and win not everyone was willing to help as Jill was somewhat feared in the office due to her befriending HR and management but about twenty people were willing to help me I guessed roughly when I asked Joe to stop previously the four ass were over the last few months summer timings were easy to guess as it happened on my break when I first arrived at work and I wrote them all down along with the rough time of in the lunchroom competition happened and a list of names who was there for the lunchroom confrontation I got to work slightly early the next morning I went around everyone who had messaged me and most of them managed to give me a printed and signed letter some didn't manage to write one but no big deal this isn't the exact words as they're 16 letters to sum up here but the gist was my name is then their name I worked with Jill in LP on the date and time approximately I spoke with Jill during which you refer to Opie as an insult I thought it was inappropriate as it directly related to Opie's appearance and are willing to go on record further to establish that jill has been discussing Opie in the workplace in the same manner for three months now causing me discomfort and creating what I feel is a hostile work environment signed their name I wound up with about 16 letters all from different people and the one of them was in the lunch room for my conversation with Jill some of even bull pointed list of everything Jill had said to them about me or other people as it turns out jill has an issue with a lot of people's appearance she apparently made comments about one co-workers weight and something anti-semitic about different co-workers knows all of which were put into these letters there were about 45 people in the office so while 16 wasn't a majority it was still a decent amount the letters weren't hugely long most were only a paragraph but they had all the necessary information I was asked to come to HR at 10:00 a.m. I took the letters from my coworkers then photocopy of paid to my contract and my dates and times in my little folder with me I got there and Debbie was the one overseeing the interview she got up from her desk she got it from her desk ready to lead me into another room I immediately turned to the h:i worker now it's curly there and said so it's my meeting with you then Debbie said no you're with me I replied that this wouldn't sit well with me as my contract states I have a right to an impartial overseer and as I said this I took the contract page out of my folder Debbie read it I would let her take the paper when there was a shredder so close by and said she could be impartial our replied that I really don't mean to be a pain but it had to be on good authority that the person on the other end of this complaint is her friend and my contract does say I'm allowed an impartial overseer they be stomped off to get a supervisor supervisor asked how I know she can't be impartial and I tell her that I have it on good authority that the Jill who was on the other end of this complaint is a close friend with Debbie he asked Debbie if this was true to which she only said I can be impartial supervisor took a deep breath ask the other HR to rep to come with him and the four of us all went to review the complaint I thank them for being so accommodating I was worried and annoy them Debbie took up the complaint and all three of them went through it with me Debbie took out the complaint and all three of them went through with me Debbie looked homicidal the whole time that the interview was happening as she had clearly anticipated firing me or at least recommending me be fired to interview went something like this it took over half an hour and they kept asking me the same question but phrasing it in different ways so this is a really drastically condensed version question you said outside of the thing jill reported you why is this answer GM has had an issue with me for about three months now question why didn't you come to us when you realized Joe had an issue answer because I had no issue with her question what issue does Jill have with you answer four years ago a specialist identified potentially cancerous cells in my breast tissue I had surgery to remove my breast tissue there by removing the cells and the risk after the surgery I was left with large scars on my chest and went to a therapist for a low self-esteem and depression the therapist suggested a plastic surgeon who suggested breast implants to cover those scars all this is in my medical history which you have a copy of in file and my full permission to review Jim found out about my breast implants but didn't know about the cancer Jill had a problem with my breast implants and then decided to communicate this problem without co-workers question why do you feel this is true answer here's 16 sign statements from all different colors all testifying that Jill told the entire office I had breast implants on the day she found out and has since made comments about these implants frequently they have quotes of what Jill said to them about it in rough dates and times question rough dates and times answer no one needs to be escalated to such an extent so no one really took notes as when it happened question what event or events do you think directly led to this complaint of harassment answer for the harassment for me harassment began when Jill told everyone about my breast implants without my consent but after the complaint against me it would probably be what happened about about yesterday in the lunch room Jill made a comment about me being shallow while gesturing to my breasts and I replied by giving her an abridged version of my relevant medical history and ending with a comment about importance of getting the full story there were cameras in the lunchroom so I'm sure you'll be able to find that conversation I'll admit I could have had on the situation better but after three months I felt I had to put my foot down here's a list of the names of people who are also present there were six people at the table including myself and Jo one of these people is also in those letters and has written their account with the conversation and signed it question had you had a conversation with Jill prior to this regarding her comments about you answer several spaced-out over the last three months each time I communicated with her I felt uncomfortable and upset that these comments and would appreciate if they were to stop question to your knowledge was Jill made aware of your former cancer at any point in time answer no it wasn't mentioned in the conversation with my friends when she overheard and I didn't tell her because frankly it's none of her business and I did not feel the need to detail my medical history to my coworker in order to avoid further sexual harassment supervisor stands up and says well I think we're done here he shakes my hand and sends me back to my desk saying I'd hear from them after they reviewed the evidence letters CCTV medical history and anything they had already admitted sejun on the case I got back to my desk pulled up my CV and prepared to start the job search again about an hour goes by then the person who wrote the letter and was there for the lunch room conversation gets called the meeting with HR they come back ten minutes later the other people who were also there for the lunch room conversation got called in one by one except Jill all of them were gone for about ten minutes then come back find a co-worker said that the HR wants to see them then the people who wrote the letters but weren't there yesterday are also called in one by one and each are gone for about ten minutes each some longer some shorter by about 3:30 it looks like everyone who wrote a letter or was there in the lunch room had been interviewed then finally Jill gets called in she's gone for about 30 minutes and comes back fuming she glares at me while I work but I know her 4:30 is Joker's card in the HR again 5:00 p.m. rolls around everyone is either leaving or getting ready to leave when Jeff storms back into the office she glares I made the whole time packed up her desk she starts to tell everyone who will listen to her that she got fired before shoving her face into the lift an email comes from HR my case is closed and it I just wanted to add that regardless of my reasons for giving implants it still should not have been harassed over them it happened to be relevant here because it made Jay look like a real dick which would probably be why she reported me the top comment says paper trolls are often the undoing of petty vindictive people I've seen several times in my life providing said paper trail usually and it's always satisfying this one was exceptionally satisfying bonus night tell people that your breasts are so magnificent they get people fired I mean if you want to well that that is a good story I can't believe they fired her so quickly by the end of the day boom she was gone like what really changed everything was her going in and finding where she could have someone impartial to look over the situation and actually bringing the supervisor and another HR rep to come in there anything is she pretty much fired herself Jill fired herself because she's the one that put in the complaint that got her fired what to AGV is it's more like an idiot revenge you got and her slopes amount but Bravo to her this that probably feels like such a big win in the office imagine having to work by someone that is always commenting on your appearance and feeling so down about that and now boom they're gone you could finally work in peace I wonder if every one of those people like told the truth women there about the lunchroom or if they were like Jill's friend and some of them were like I never heard that happen I was like this is annoying out of 10 my favorite story ever still I can't top this one isn't one I read like a month or two ago about that lady that was in the school or whatever and she was like a teacher that was the best revenge of all time this I'm not sure if anything is ever gonna replace that she got an entire school shutdown and a bunch of people she hated fired and stuff this though is still a very good story it there's a reason why it has so much up votes I don't know if that's just for boobs or because you know it's good anyways I really hope you guys enjoyed the number one story on our stash Pro revenge if any story ever tops this I will read that if you want me to read the top stories on any other sub just let me know down below in the comments I take suggestions all the time remember the beginning the video I said don't forget to Like and subscribe if you did that thank you that helps out a lot I'm not sure how much cuz I'm still kind of new at this but thank you what did you guys and welcome back to another reddit reading video I'm sorry I've been gone for like four days Pokemon Sauron showed came out four days ago and I have logged almost 52 hours within the time period uh it's kind of a little much but I was really excited for that game and I was just like you know I I'm gonna take a little vacation when other news shout-out to yon we're gonna be reading your story first thank you so much for submitting it in our /and titled parents if you guys would like sure you can click the link down below and you can go straight to the story and uploaded for yourself I know this is gonna fit soaring ei thinks my cousin is required by a law to cover her nephews medical bills for a minor injury that helping outside a daycare my cousin works at ok I'm sorry if I don't detail much I'm pretty much going off of what my cousin told me and whatever a little bit I saw also I think staffing around May to August this year here's some context my cousin well we'll call see works at a daycare it's one of the few daycares in our small town and all of our members are really nice so let's see grew use of this like I said this happened around August entitled aunt EA move to our area a month before her nephews he didn't really familiarize herself with the neighbors but I thought nothing of it I really don't know why EA was taking care of her nephew exactly but Willie knew she had legal custody of him she came in with her four-year-old nephew in and told the receptionist that she wanted to bring in to cease daycare our receptionist who legit asked the patience of a saint told her that she can absolutely sign up and then directed her to head over to me to get the contract in agreement she came to sign them she came over trade the clipboard with the contact and then she didn't even think for a second to read it but signed it anyways then she filled out the background of the child are you the legal guardian of the child it's really medicine that we have to administer to the child etc basic stuff usually we love the first day as a trial day the a comes back after the try a day and presumably in a worse mood and directs into the room where the first class was without paying see who was a worker on shift for watching the kids that day a CA if she paid yet for the season she didn't and she said to see that she wasn't told to do so on her first session to which she tells her to go to the receptionist and pay what she does but angrily she drops ten dollars on the table our subpoena sport out to the sciencing 34 she then smacks a 20 in a filing table she doesn't take the change and then blasts out the door he was bringing in for around two weeks and once classes ended she came somewhat late to pick him up see usually lets the kids play in the play gonna cross the street while the parents come and was playing on the platform part of the park when EA came and was heard it was time to go so any was trying to get down and went halfway down trips and falls into the wood chips now he was there so therefore she was not technically the person liable for any injuries EA ran to N and he did have a really big bruise on his wrist but he wasn't moving it the EA picked him up and went up to the C and here's where I heard I was in the car because I was with C that day and she drops him off home after work EA how dare you let in falling get hurt this is a professional you probably aren't even licensed now ins broke his wrist C as stated in your contract we can't be liable after hours EA but you were here and it was your day care here C we have permission to use a park so the children are occupied when they wait for someone to pick them you weren't here and it's after hours so we aren't liable ei we will see about that and stomped her car two weeks will pass and we'll get a call from someone we don't recognize our receptionist picks up to find someone claiming to be EAS attorney he was asking for seat and when she picked up she said it was a lawsuit file she was actually trying to sue the company for negligence and medical bills let's just say the signed contract back up the daycare we don't hear much from him anymore and there was rumors she moved away Danny what an entitled jerk how about you come pick up your kids on time huh how about that one don't you just I just feel so bad for the kids I have to live with moms or guardians that'll act so entitled like that like what are you teaching your kid you're trying to teach them to act the same exact way and they're gonna have a tough time growing up just because you wanted to be a jerk hole while they were a little kid so that was a story from someone down in the comments if you guys have any of the stories that you want me to read during these videos just let me know down in the comments you can link them down below I allow links in my comment sections I'll click on it read them up boom bada bing bada boom you've done on to another entitled parent story ium demands the slushie so while I was a senior in high school I worked in a Kmart for xmas season one night at about 10 p.m. right before closing a mother and daughter walked in that it looked like she was in pain and the mother makes a beeline for me eeehm excuse me can my daughter have a slushie a bit of context the Kmart I worked in was one that had a piece of chain in it when open served slushies me I'm sorry I don't work for the pizza chain I can't get you a slushy am my daughter just had her wisdom teeth pulled and she needs a slushy to help her with the pain I knew that I would make her daughter situation a bit worse by causing a dry socket Plus only pizza chain employees were allowed to turn on the selection machine or any beverage machine in the section me I could try but like I said I'm not authorized to turn on the machine iam just try I perceived a poop a cup and find a way to turn on the machine actually I was just going through the motions me I'm sorry I can't find a way to turn on the machine yeah well you can get her a soda or water my daughter sent pain me I told you already the only PG trained employees can turn the machines on in their area and they are closed you're welcome to buy a bottle of water before we close my daughter isn't pain from her surgery and wants a slushie if you can't get it I will tell your manager my manager arrived after seeing this on the camera wondering why I haven't finished my closing beauty's asked me what's going on iam your employee won't get my daughter a slushie manager well he's not authorized to turn on the machine since only the pizza chain employees can do that and they are closed at this time the daughter and iam will walk off in a big huff I felt sorry for the daughter at this time some people's parents uh see some of these like some of these trigger me when I read these I was like that poor kid like I just want to smack that lady like not actually smacked it lady like I'm not violent but you know what I mean she needs to be slapped by somebody Jesus Jesus Jesus left her please anyways that's what she said was totally correct about not slurping through a straw causing dry sockets I had to get eight teeth extracted not because they were like rotten or anything I didn't have a cavity but I had to get my four wisdom teeth taken out and then I have really big canine teeth they look really similar to what a vampire teeth would look like they're really sharp and really big I was just born with them so they're the size about one and a half of a tooth so they had to take out the four teeth behind my top and bottom canine teeth so I had to get eight teeth extracted all at once I actually had to put me into like some they do put me to sleep because they don't like drilling to me to my bone under one side of my jaw to get my um wasn't truth out oh yeah this is the reason I have braces now but long story short at the end they told me not to slip into a straw not to like if you smoke you don't want to smoke any cigarettes because any of that slurping motion could cause a dry socket so hopefully this girl didn't go home and slurp a slushy and smoke astir we're at the same time I've heard it it's not worth it just do not do it if you're a smoker just I promise you that a little bit of waiting is it gonna be a lot easier than if you have a dry socket but back to that story this is the thing that I can't stand about people is like why can't you understand like it people can't just do things just because you say so that's like going into McDonald's and being like I don't care give me a whopper now like lady what's what are you talking about like what do you expect me to do really some people have just always gotten their way by throwing a fit and they think that throwing a fit can just get them anything and that's how an entitled parent is born I think that most entitled parents came from other parents that either let them be entitled as a kid or they got to watch their parents be entitled and learned that monkey-see monkey-do and yes your kids a little monkey you and had a parent now I'm just kidding the kid didn't do anything wrong they were probably high on whatever whatever they give you I can't remember what it took anyways thank you guys so much for watching this video I know it's probably short I haven't even been recording that long if you guys have any suggestions aside that you want me to covers let me know down below I have a patreon down below you can just look at it if you want to just look at it I'm still just happy I got accepted if you guys want to submit a story just like the person in the first third day just like I said link your story down in the comments I'll click it I'll read it doesn't matter if it has negative 5 million uploads I'll read it because thank you for the suggestion our slash malicious complains video and I really hope we see some good compliance today this first one is gonna be like what I think it's from i'ma article here it is about Flay of fish McDonald's serves a local burger joint with a seasoned assist this is the tiniest little itty bitty story that I have ever seen some parts are copy from the source we just saw Paul chef at the owner of a chef behind the local woodshed burgers restaurant wasn't loving what he saw him when you open up his email on Wednesday in his inbox was a formal cease and assist from McDonald's restaurant of Canada over one of his restaurants burgers the effing filet-o-fish in compliance with the season this is chef it renamed his burger to the mick effing fish fillet his flippant way of complying with the massive company's cease and desist your turn lawyers would be funny if they were in the EU McDonald's lost our trademark to Big Mac so he could call it Big Mac and they couldn't do anything about it Wow stick it to the man stick it to McDonald's and hey he followed the rules he did change the name that's all they asked that was a short story now we're moving on to a medium this one just looks like it's about to be fantastic Stars and golds and Platinum's is everywhere 15,000 of votes this better be the best story I have ever read on this channel you want a meeting to discuss our phone account okay let's have a meeting I'm not sure if this belongs in petty revenge or malicious compliance for there's a little of both so sorry if this has been put in the wrong place either way I've enjoyed my malicious revenge compliance so I hope you do too for the past few years our business has been receiving telemarketing calls from an offshore call center trying to make appointment for Optus business center every time they call we'd politely tell them we're not interested and to remove us from the list and they promise not to call us again you could probably tell by my words every time that having ourselves for movement lists didn't work it didn't work the first time it didn't work the 50th time offshore are cheap and they get paid per appointment so they are quite aggressive it was clear a new Saturday needed to be found as it was taking too long for them to bugger off so I began my campaign for malicious compliance slash petty revenge hi we're calling the optimist business center and we can save you 40% of your mobile phone bill can we come and see you tomorrow at 11 a.m. you can save me 40% of my mobile bill that's 60 grand a month what how many phones do you have 150 or so that I'm responsible for directly plus a few others the appointment is quickly confirmed the next day a thousand calls up and he's running early we can meet earlier I refused our appointment is at 11:00 a.m. after all 11:00 a.m. rolls around and he walks in we sent down a reception and go through the greetings I didn't ask him if it's possible to make a telemarketing calls stop now he assures me that it is and so I stand up shake his hand and thank him for coming what that's it you could have said that over the phone I point out that we did many times and it didn't work and I hope that this waste of his time 45-minute trip to home brush said me what perhaps teach him to mend his ways over the past two years they have sent out five different reps to see us they call from meetings we accept him shine them on about the value of the account and they roll in to be greeted by me dressed in a chicken suit made to wait in our meeting room for 20 minutes before being asked to be removed from the list being turned away at the door they sent two reps that time I post my survey because it was visit number six and it was the best one yet we got a repeat customer I set him down in the meeting room and played the video recording of our last meeting is that you yes it's me didn't I follow up did we have a good meeting I point out that I certainly enjoyed our last meeting and zoomed in forward to the video to the part where I explained we didn't have 500 mobile accounts I needed to please remove us from the list and you could see his heartbreak which it did again once you release at whatever a cow he thought was being disgusted I was not going to be discussed which we also have on video so we can go all Inception if / when he shows his face again this is the kind man in his chicken suit what a brave brave soldier wow that is really that is some good compliance right there setting up that meeting yeah it's kind of more of a revenge II petty revenge slightly Pro revenge six times in a row and having this inception film is a little bit Pro revenge I'm not gonna lie good on them though forgetting those telemarketers like that I wish I could do something like that this has like almost little to nothing to do with what I just read but yesterday I saw this video on reddit where these people call Domino's and call it Papa John's and like made them talk to each other over the phone and Scolari's you know like this is Papa John do you like our deal he was like no sir this is Domino's would you like our deal alright alright I need to stop before I start rambling this is our large or long story for the day I don't know if it's largely long I just see the El right there sit in a shoddy application and tells you to just make do you got it so this just happened today first a little bit of backstory in context I work for an agency that specializes in disaster relief I'm basically a professional nitpicker and it works like this when a challenge city or some other place suffers from some kind of disaster and wanted to get reimbursed for the damages and repairs expenses and like that they contact us and send in an application this application has to include certain kinds of documents in order to be eligible for any funding and some of those documents have to be laid out in a certain weight for example if you have to hire a bunch of laborers to help clear to breeze or something you have to tell me who worked and how many hours on which day how much they were paid per hour how much they were paid in total and that sort of thing if your application gets to me and it doesn't have the bells and the whistles one of three things happens your application is rejected your application is sent to the chain - whatever can't validate meaning give you less money than what you're originally asking to be reimbursed for or I sent it back to you to be reworked I usually do everything I can do to avoid the first - because I know how hard it can be to recover from disaster when you have to pay for stuff out of your own pockets but today I made an exception courtesy of some good old-fashioned malicious compliance so I get this new project it lands on my desk with a thud it's an application from a small rural town and only a few hundred people that's heavily damaged by severe rains and flooding trees knocked over power lines destroyed you name it they got hit real bad and had hire a lot of people to help clean up afterwards they were applying for over 20 grain and reimbursement anyways I'm parsing through it going over the checklist making sure everything is in order about five seconds in I realized I whoever put this garbage pile of the project together either didn't know what they were doing or didn't care enough to find out shoddy or missing paperwork broken files incoherent notes and add-ons you name it so I make a list of all the things that were wrong with the project and I called the project supervisor in other words they guide the town hired to put the application together to see if he and I could work together to fix them I tell him I won't be able to validate the project for the full dollar amount with what I've been given but the guy cuts me off calls my competence intelligence and professional integrity into question accusing me of trying to stiff the town and cause me several choice names he inspire saying I'd better make do with what I've been given and it's not his job to do anything more than what he's already done I'm pissed but I hang up the phone and go talk to the boss I asked the boss what I should do I already knew what he was going to say but I wanted to make sure I covered all my bases sure enough he sympathizes tells him to validate whatever cost I can and ignore the rest I tell him I doing this will result in a drastic reduction of the amount of money that town received he tells me it's not the agency's problem if the project supervisor refuses to cooperate malicious compliance activated I go back to my desk I do exactly what the boss instructed I validate the cost that I can and ignore the rest I dang well make do with what the project supervisor has given me just like he said the amounts to little over five thousand dollars I'll double-check my work then triple check before kicking it up to the chain for final review the whole project was done and dusted by lunchtime I also know I'm gonna get an earful from the project supervisor and I'm not disappointed around 2:00 in the afternoon I get a call from him as soon as I pick up he starts ranting at me as soon as he does I call the boss over I tell him my boss is on the line and the boss basically tells the guy it's his own stupid fault the project supervisor doesn't care and community to scream at me he says I'm trying to cheat him by living him out the missing funds he finally pauses because he has to breathe I smile and tell him that he'll have to make up with what I've given him and that it's not my job to do anything more than what are we done I hang up before you can say anything else then I call up the guys town city hall who hired the project supervisor and let them know what happened and exactly who to blame and since the small town gossip spreads faster than the bubonic plague I bet you anything the project supervisor will find himself on the receiving end of the entire towns hatred by this time tomorrow and he deserves it Wow I wonder if that affects how much the guy's gonna get paid like I wonder if it gets paid a commission of that amount first of all that sucks for the city that put in that relief money but they probably cover the rest not gonna lie cities have a lot of money even small towns I have a lot more than normally people expect but that guy got some crazy crazy compliance revenge it seems like revenge this is like it's always way more satisfying when someone tells them a line that trying to ruin their day and then they go and just say that line right back and they're like just speechless copy my answers have fun with that F so this has happened today at school so it's still fresh in my mind we ruin algebra and we were taking a test the teacher was out of the classroom for a bit and someone asked for the answers now I had secretly hated this kid for almost a year because he had destroyed my $210 phone he only paid me back $20 and said hopefully this will be enough for the screen protector so anyways it turned out that he skipped a question so he accidentally had about 75% of the answers in the wrong box making them all wrong he asked me to erase them for him so he could copy my answers because his arm hurt I was just about done mine so I finished any races but instead of giving me the answers I turned my paper in he now has five to ten minutes to answer about 30 questions did he J had to walk back in when he was pleading with me and asked what was going on I told him David was trying to cut my answers you know regrets and it getting a lot of comments about how he broke my phone so here's a story I tried to keep it brief we were at a youth group at our church I'm Catholic and was scrolling through my photos to show to my friend I scrolled past one I'm David looking very less than good friend starts laughing and tells me to go back to that picture so I do and he's are just dying laughing a few more people came over to see what was happening and one of them was David he sees a picture and just snatches my phone out of my hand and runs to the bathroom I'm banging on the bathroom door and telling him give me my phone back he runs out of the bathroom I'm screaming at him and holding it in his arm he didn't just slams my phone to the ground the screen was completely shattered and the home button didn't work Oh like there's a phone screw you David well that's some pretty good compliance right there I he went all the way with erasing his answers and then giving it back to him he has some big CONUS for that David pretty much deserved it for freaking out like that not being able to control his fragile emotions to be fair though if it wasn't for my friends I always had one of my best friends in my math classes if I didn't have them in there I would never have passed high schools shoutout to my friends next story is ex wife tells me take handling the kids more seriously so I did this is a mix of revenge and malicious compliance hopefully this is the right place background kind of long but also important so I'm happily - voice dad of two beautiful kids a five-year-old girl and almost a four-year-old son my ex and I met at a home state of Illinois she was a Navy brat so our family's from Texas we fell in love very quickly got married after a year and was expecting my daughter after three months my son followed almost four to six months after my daughter was born a month after he was born I found out she was cheating on me with at least five guys later I found out it was around eight obviously I filed for divorce I got the lawyer changed my banking accounts and presented her the papers the first copy was rejected for a reason I can't quite remember upon revision I had my lawyer also changed the custody from me having the kids to every other weekend to every single weekend much to his surprise she signed it we shared the kids accordingly she was super pissed but there was nothing she could do about it it went she such I could no longer afford to live in the state she moved back to Texas fast forward two years without seeing the kids I couldn't afford to see them except one Christmas I got out of the Navy moved back home and I got the kids for three months I was appalled by the development delays both kids were ready to the bottom 5% of the kids their age my daughter didn't have a clue about potty training at three barely speaking and had no awareness of adult Authority my son was not even close to walking nonverbal would need most meats and was afraid of grass when I would my daughter would listen to adults was potty-trained was speaking in almost complete sentences my son was walking saying some words / hand signals and eating a variety of different foods I worked my butt off to get them there also I spent a lot on two times a week therapy for both kiddos money well spent anyways I strain the Illinois's for about one and a half to two years gathering up enough money to move to Texas I had a little amount saved but I started dating a girl who I came to find out also wanted to move to Texas so we pulled our money together and moved down almost done with the background guys we got moved down to Texas and lived at a hotels for a month found jobs found a place and moved in I work in a sales position in a large bulk type store and my girlfriend works at a sandwich place at this time my ex and I are not going by the divorce decree custody days because of convenience well a person ended up quitting the job and I had to take their hours so my girlfriend got permission to bring my kids to her work the GM loves him well there were being toddlers and she texted mutual friends of my ex and me asking if she could watch the kids for a few hours that got sent to my ex my ex a new hubby got pissed and they came to my work and chewed me out for saying I need to take the kids will being more seriously Roger that suckers now I realize I messed up that day I was not mad at what they said I was pissed at the fact that they did that in front of my trainee a customer and co-workers malicious compliance / revenge during my set of phase I was not paying for a full child support which was kind of in but to any because I was now taking things more seriously next morning I talked to my boss told him what had happened and informed him that I could not work at the time specified on my divorce decree because now that I'm taking things more seriously I will now have these kids every weekend he think transferred my eggs the remainder of the child support inform her that she was right and I needed to take things more seriously so I will be by after work to pick up the kids for my court-appointed custody she was confused but agreed then I called her on Friday evening to see if she had everything prepared for the weekends day medications for my son she flipped out saying that we had plans all day Saturday and church Sunday morning then she screamed what the f are you making bees demand all of a sudden well I'm just taking the kids and our agreements more seriously are you not letting them have the kids Saturday and picked them up Sunday morning I didn't for my ex and hubby that we would need at least a weeks notice for any change in plans on weekends in case we had things planned generally if they wanted to do something special with the kids if we didn't have plans even the last minute since I was taking things more seriously my girlfriend I kept every meticulous record of any injury diaper rash on my daughter I'm not wiping correctly physical appearance upon pickup we would treat said rashes no any changes in our little black book and then take a photo for the pages in the time stamp when they returned we would then know any worsening of the rash or non treatment we also signed the kids up for more therapy since they were still very much behind this one on a few months until surprise my ex had enough and brought me to court forced the changes she wanted I pretended judge with everything the doctors notes I had from day one the doctor's notes from my ex with conflicting information these notes were things that she would tell the state-funded therapists for my son as well for all the expression for the therapies I was giving my kids then I showed our notes the printed timestamp of the photos and then many times in any rationale you present are worse than when we got the kids my ex broke down into tears since she brought her entire family and several friends for support the increase of the child support she wanted was shot down and instead was almost half since I was making less than I was prior the expenses I had for the kids and my overall time for the kiddos the change in still custody she desperately wanted well the judge ordered it to stay the same with the change of alternating Sundays slightly annoying walking out she asked me through the tears how could you do this to me to which I replied I was taking things with the kids seriously edit I have never restricted my ex from the kids if she wants to have them for whatever reason and I have no plans I would let her take them from my time edit to fire suckers who are saying I neglected my kids by not seeing them for two years I was in the Navy I tried to see them my leave kept getting denied because my medical BS I FaceTime them every day I requested to say good night to them whenever I was able to if you had never been in the military it is hard to understand how hard it is to get leave I can attest to that last statement my wife is in the military and she wanted to take three leave days for her birthday they were like one take it or leave it she was like what I just it when it was her she was turning 21 this is like last month she was turning 21 and she was like I want to have the day off afterwards because I want to have my first you know you'll drink legally so yeah they do have a hard time getting out for leave that was like I really thought it was gonna be like petty revenge like during the background and like the beginning of the revenge I didn't seem like it was going that far but when he said is documenting all the things about the kids and taking pictures in timestamp I knew that that was gonna be some very hard militia compliance he took it very very seriously but honestly the wife deserves that it said it almost sound like they were neglecting slash abusing the kid to it to an extent so bringing all that and noting it up is just like he should have done that in the first place but it's good that he got it done kids don't deserve that though my thought is like kids don't deserve even located they do bad things they don't deserve to be treated badly they don't understand they're just kids all right that was a long story so we're gonna do two more short ones I said short but this one's his medium though next one says short they're both pretty small that way I don't talk you guys ear off for 36 hours left skinny but this art slash militia compliance is a nearly 200 person MC dislike place around 2012 ish the pride of high school was always a marching band so the reason the band was a quarter of the nearly eight hundred students of school we had about 185 students of the year what this compliance happened so every year the band went on a trip out of state to compete in a bands of America competition it was a trip everyone look forward to we need a ton of fun things missed a week of school and the last day there competed for a professional stadium the band director would call and schedule things for us so we don't readily show up at a mall or McDonald's or do something and him throw to and her kids at then we had called head at the mall to work out eating at the food court and that was the easiest while we were traveling they're usually playing these in the trips when it was time for the bus driver to rest for a couple hours and we were allowed to get food and shopping the mall so he gets to support in our trip and we're giving a speech to behave ourselves and reminded that the consequences if we don't we go inside and start shopping and eating and then everyone's gets stopped by the mall security then over the intercom system it was announced for the city high school students to come to the front of the mall area they said they had a roll that didn't allowed kids to be in the mall past six not even with adults not even a quarter of us have eaten no one had caused problems yet they wanted us out my band director gets ahold of the person that he planned it with and they agree if we go in five kids to every adult we can continue as planned the cheeky grin and the secured guards face it there's nearly 200 students you would need 40 adults and you only have 7 its whoever burned it to my head this is a drop at the face of my senior raised his hand and said I am 18 I counted as an adult and then all of us 18 and up students stood up and started pulling out IDs smug the security guard checked every ID and gave our wristbands to the adults we had enough 18 year olds that we technically didn't need chaperones that came so they all sat around and watched us 18 year olds handout 5 kids and no harm came to them all the security guard was very grumpy and had the adults needed we would have gotten our food we got our food I bought suspenders and a panda hat from the hot topic like I did every band trip and we placed fairly decently that year what an absolute terrible rule yeah that is a horrible rule the mall where I live I think it's past 7 o'clock after 7 o'clock like everyone that's underage has to get out of the mall and they'll check ID cards they were like if they're always looking at me suspiciously and my wife because my wife looks like she's like 12 and I have braces so I looked like I'm like chained sometimes not table like 13 but I also I don't really have that much facial hair or anything so it's like I don't look real we don't look grown so they're always evil eyeing us and I'm like get out of my way that's nice no I bet they feel like they won the day on that one last one is holding my check okay let's cash it instead and then how to positive the cash so this was a few years ago my terrible bank at the time had a policy about check deposits over a certain amount maybe 500 they held him for 24 hours well I got paid on Friday by my check it was a small employer that didn't offer direct deposit so every two weeks I went to the bank after work the tellers were still working but apparently the processing day was over so my 24 hours didn't start until Monday and my money would finally be available Tuesday sometime this was super frustrating especially when the rent was due Saturday or Sunday but the bank policy allowed them to cash any check for customers as long as they had at least as much in their total accounts which I did in savings so this became my routine get paid go to the bank have them cash my check down to the penny and then immediately deposit that cash except for maybe 40 bucks as you can imagine this type of teller noticeably longer and simply depositing my check but hey Paul CEA's policy right that slugs what a terrible bank maybe I've been with maybe um what is it Navy federal that credit union I think they're really good if you have any suggestions of subs there stories that you want me to react to or read over just let me know down in the comments I take submissions all the time we're gonna read the first three stories that come up on malicious compliance so we have let's open up three tabs let's duplicate these so boom first one is gonna be learned real quick about militia compliance while doing high-end construction that's gonna be our first one second one's gonna be sorry boss I don't speak Spanish the third one is gonna be you want me to see a doctor boom we have our stories of the day we let luck and people's up both decide them now these better be fantastic I'm just kidding I don't doubt that these are fantastic almost all of them are really good specially if they're at the top of the sub like I said in the last video that was a one-off video it didn't get really that many views but I just you know it was a topic about ready in robot reading videos I just thought that it would be like fun to do it it was fun to do it didn't get any views but at least I had fun now back to our rate we scheduled program learns real quick about malicious compliance while doing high-end construction years ago I was doing construction for a casino in their restaurant portion while another company was doing work on the hotel the generic contractor was notorious for being a dick and insisted no extra work was to be done without prior written authorization and approval by the owners and architect basically follow the plans exactly this happens from time to time and usually find little mistakes and submit an update and approve the added expense not this time Tinh floors were booked exactly per plan the top two were luxury suites marble floor to the ceiling in the bathrooms really expensive stuff towards the end of the job they are walking off the suite probably 95% of everything is done where is the light switch in the bathroom head electrician just smiles none were in the plane sir we fold the plans to the letter just like you said no lights no switches we could hear screaming several floors down they end up having to rip out marble in every bathroom to run a pipe for wire and the lights and switched but didn't lift a finger until we were guaranteed in meaning that we would be paid for the extra work well that's pretty much what he gets for being a jerk in being like no don't do extra stuff don't try and help don't try and fix things let me screw myself over and get you guys paid a little bit extra I'm sure this one was a big winner for the person implementing the malicious compliance good on him follow the rules did what he was supposed to do and got a little bonus check out of it is it me was this one like really smug that is a very small story good the small is satisfying I like that it just sucks that a lot of those small stories never get Gilda just because they're little I guess people like to guild the bigger ones speaking of larger stories getting killed we got a large or long I don't know if its larger long I never know but it's gilded sorry boss I don't speak Spanish I work at a hotel as a night Auditor and this policy's compliance begins with a small bit of information I was sold when I was initially hired from the position when I was interviewed for the position this was very important later on I was told by the HR lady that the hotel paid a bonus $100 for each foreign language I spoke well enough to serve Vargas Benjamin cleared my 100 dodge for speaking English after I passed the evaluation period my main language is Portuguese at first I was glad to be working the night shift mostly because my colleagues then mr. Castillo was from Guatemala so whenever any guest that spoke Spanish showed up he handled it an intern I handled any English speaking foreigners naturally he did a lot more work since the amount of Spanish [ __ ] gets significantly larger than our english-speaking ones meanwhile mr. Castillo was in the process of learning English and I had taken an interest in Spanish so we help each other out not long after mr. Gacy you got a job paying several times over what the hotel did and sadly left me my new colleague a newly promoted bellboy didn't speak English though he could understand some and did speak Spanish at all in fact he didn't even try to improve any of his language skills while I slowly kept improving my Spanish trying to use more and more of it every day to serve our dear guests as I started this month I spoke to our front desk manager and asked him in plain Spanish what did I have to do exactly to receive my $100 bonus for speaking Spanish he was surprised but said nothing more since the front desk busy with checkouts and my shifter was up but a few days later he mentioned that he spoke to HR and infirmed then I was speaking Spanish well enough to receive my bonus and now he was just waiting to hear back from them a few days later the HR lady asked me what size shirt I wore since we were going to be ordering new uniforms in the coming weeks and took the opportunity to ask her about my bonus for Spanish and she mentioned they were talking to our director about it a day later she informed me that they wouldn't be paying me for my bonus for a foreign language since it was on file that I was already receiving it I replied I was receiving a bonus for our English not Spanish and she would speak to the director again within a few days all of he made well now I was really in a hurry to get my bonus but would be really nice if they cleared it already as it started for my next paycheck but guess what they didn't our director talked to HR again and my boss told him even though I'm serving our dear spanish-speaking guests in Spanish I don't in fact speak Spanish I am far from fluent but I can explain how the hotel works director whether needed to be in a system and what they need be finding a pharmacy at 3 a.m. getting a cab to go out to get drinks or even hire an escort yep but apparently it isn't good enough for our director and the manager she said we really can't afford to fight him on it ok no biggie I guess maybe we'll try next year when I can speak a little better however the cruel and unforgiving gods of the hotel industry gave me the perfect opportunity to strike back earlier last week we received a large group of 30 plus spanish-speaking tourists what could addition to our normal occupancy meant we are effectively sold out for the week big groups are usually minor inconvenience when you're checking them in but even bigger problem when they're checking them out especially if they're one person for a room which means you basically have a huge little room to check out one by one well in endless line forms in the front desk 80 plus checkouts aren't usual for our hotel on Friday mornings but 110 plus is a problem normally when the morning shift has a workload this big our front desk manager comes in nearly to help but he couldn't this time since he took a personal day since his mother fell ill that left our night director with just one choice to ask a night audit to stay late to help until our reservations people clocked in and could then replace us at the front desk see my colleague doesn't like staying late especially since he works a second job with his new father in the afternoon meaning he only has the morning and early afternoon sleep I don't like saying light on Friday nights because of the amount of check outs which means it'll be forever before you can take a break or even more so before you can leave however this time my director didn't even ask my colleague and instead told me to stay late because we would have a sizable workload and about third of it would require someone that spoke Spanish or it would slow down everything to a crawl I told him I wouldn't be staying late that morning and before I can get another word of him he started yammering about how I'm wrong and I should be more of a team player and that we would be very grateful for it wanting to get back to my sleep I told him to ask my colleague and he said he couldn't that they needed me when I asked him why he clearly stated we need two Spanish speakers that morning to make sure everything goes okay with the check outs not one for missing an opportunity to get paid back I replied sorry boss I don't speak Spanish turn off my phone and went back to sleep update sorry for loading out in the aftermath I wrote this during my work shift and I was putting on the finishing touches we had a server a crash and I spent the next hour and a half trying to restore our backups and get the camera system up again update aftermath after I woke up and turned my cell phone back on I had several missing calls from the hotel and two missing calls from our front desk manager good guy I called back at the hotel that afternoon shift picked up and it didn't know anything so I called my managers phone he answered and asked what was going on because the director was furious about me hanging up on him and that was refusing to work I explained in the situation in regards my bonus for speaking Spanish and since the hotel was trying to hold me out I was going to withhold performance anyone who has ever worked for customer service know how much damage within the holding performance can do even if it's just a little in the end my manager begged me to stay into our reservations people came in at 8 a.m. my shift ends at 7:20 a.m. I agreed on the condition that I would not take out anyone who spoke Spanish he reluctantly accepted and said he would back me up in the following poop storm that would happen what happened was the group came down for breakfast precisely at 6:40 a.m. finished at 7:10 a.m. give or take and went back to the room to collect their belongings at this time the two front desk attendees of the morning shift had arrived as well as our bellboy plus there was me my colleagues waiting to punch and go out we had already started checking people out and this it was particularly busy we had three to four people waiting to be checked out and it doesn't help that we have three computers for four people to work with was another computer to use to check the cameras when 7:20 a.m. came up my colleagues quickly picked up his things and left and I took over his spot at this time it was very few people in the group that started coming down and they already had to wait since they were all checking out other people a few minutes later I got the first one but told him I couldn't check him out since I don't speak Spanish and asked him to wait for my colleagues to become available in the end I ended up refusing to serve as ten or so people which started forming a line or right in front of front desk which only grew since other guests assumed they were in line to be checked out my callings on the morning shift were not happy at all the guests were a less than satisfied it when the first of our reservations people showed up at 8 a.m. I logged out punched out and went home by the time there was a 20 people plus line waiting to be checked out my too overworked receptionist only one which spoke Spanish in the ensuing poop swim that happened the hotel's director arrived at 8:30 a.m. and attempted minimize the anger of the human centipede who formed the front desk started chatting with the guests and otherwise trying to distract them so they'll be less angry and avoid giving the hotel a poor review I've got a mild chewing out by my manager for poor work ethic instead of being written up true to his word he begged me up for the director call and HR for a meeting regarding my actions you can't to man someone speak a language that you know they don't know right I still haven't got my bonus for speaking Spanish and I let my manager know I will not be speaking any Spanish while on the job until they give in and give me my hard-earned bonus wow that was a really really good story I was not expecting it to be that good he got some really good revenge on him like that is some of the best workplace for binge I've seen but hey they told him he can't speak Spanish so he didn't speak Spanish and that's what he did exactly what they said he couldn't do if I was in his position I would probably be doing the same thing I would be like no I don't speak Spanish she said I don't speak Spanish it's still sexy he hasn't got his bonus for it and now there's probably like a little bit of fuss in the workplace but hey what you gonna do sometimes you got to stand up for what you think is right and not just given even even if it's like hindering other people you got to show people that you shouldn't be walked on and 100 is really nothing to a big company it's really absolutely nothing but the last story is you want me to see a doctor as a teen I worked out of the golden arches of McDonald I would treat like poop on the daily always catching the poop jobs getting rotated at a last minute it was Saturday night and I got off my shift and went to a house party we drank and drank and drank like teenagers do British teenagers and come Sunday morning I was hanging 9:00 a.m. I was heading to the bus stop my phone rings my boss kicking off that I'm not in work he altered the rota early this week and I hadn't noticed me I'm too ill to be in I've been throwing up boss that's funny because a manager from the next town over just saw you with a bus station me seriously I'm genuinely ill I should be okay tomorrow boss no need to go to the doctor and get to all-clear to come into work well okay then this is the UK doctors appointments are free so I booked one for the next day I tell the doctor the problem I got drunk on Fosters and threw up and then he asked me for a note declaring me fit for work not explaining this is not an NHS cover thing outside of mental health and that's my employer requested it it'll be a chargeable item from the practice he asked two of the employers and suggest that I actually really require this I called my boss in the doctor's office me the duck says the certification is a chargeable thing boss I don't care if you get a certificate to return or don't come back the duck hairs and gets to work putting together a certification letter he tells me not to worry about the cost this time he prints it and pops up an envelope addressed my boss and sends me on my way I head in for my shift after lunch and handing the envelope to my boss five minutes later he's screaming down the phone turns out the Doggett invoice of franchise for the cost of his service somewhere the region of 200 pounds is that 200 pounds I don't know what that is TLDR boss and says like get certified to return to work gets a bill for it well I did not know that was a thing in the UK hey hey she got her compliance exactly what she was supposed to do and backstabbed him well fronts Dabdoub I guess they just did a regiment of his eyes can I have some pocket money because I'm a kid too nineteen years old is still a kid I posted this in another sub a while ago and many comments said it belongs here too well here goes nothing I am 19 female have a little brother who is 8 and living with my parent at the moment I'm still studying so I could not pay rent yet but I do earn my own pocket money from part-time jobs my father's three brothers and their family came to our town for vacation for three days over the weekend they um not met me for years so it's a big gathering and they have been planning for a long time that plane seemed to have the members split into two groups the adults and the kids I have been arranging to join the kids group when I tried to protest they insist that I'm a kid too so I just had to submit to my fate clearly they just wanted a babysitter which they don't admit because it's not babysitting if I'm just a kid hanging around other kids for their five kids ages five through ten while the adults get out and enjoy the reunion so I spent the weekend babysitting a total of five kids that includes organizing games to home entertain them bring them to the Science Park and the likes for outings and food out of my own pocket and just overall watch their safety and be an adult when needed to be honest it was quite fun though tiring when I sometimes had to raise my voice to make myself heard and drag the younger ones from the back so they wouldn't stray too far I admit I'm not really babysitter material the kids seem to like me so I guess it went well too however I still would rather be hanging out with the other adult or just having my week into my own when my three uncle's families were leaving after the weekend they gave pocket money to each of the kids including my brother my father also gave pocket money to each of my cousin's almost as expected there wasn't a share for me I don't really care about the pocket money they were just a couple of notes I can easily earn in a few hours but I'm rather annoyed for the fact that conveniently I was skipped for being an adult this time nope I couldn't hold that down after all I am a kid right I put the biggest smile and asked politely for my pocket money from my uncles and aunt in-laws they were a little taken aback I said as sweetly as I could that I deserve pocket money for being a kid they said so themselves in all awkwardness I got my pocket money needless to say my parents look like they had poop smeared across their faces I got to think he's drunk for my parents after they left in their words I am a major interest square word to have deliberately made my parents lose face whatever what's done is done in a few days everyone moved on and the pocket money some vanilla cream puffs sugar rolls and ice cream which we all shared in the family another word it's been transformed into a tab on everyone's weight we are certainly going to hold them for a good while especially me because I am definitely not going to the gym to lose them oh wow I can't stand when you were a kid whenever it's just super convenient for the other people younger adults are already really confused like eighteen and nineteen you're just like what the Freak am I like the world's telling you you're an adult you have the freedom to go smoke cigarettes but not alcohol and you have the freedom to go vote but master you had to raise your hand and ask to go peepee in the potty with the Freak I'm gonna do a small one because I like I think I've only done like one of these small paragraphs once before I want to see how good they are you guys telling if it's good or if it's not so good wanna be a jerk face on Phil day not a long post but a little story for the night for those of you unaware Phil day is a day in military where after work troops in my case Marines clean the ever-loving poop out of their rooms and barracks good section heads will go with the looks good smells good it must be good policy my section however is not so lucky for those to be familiar with the military keep in mind that my entire section has been in the Marines for over two years minimum at this point so we really weren't new anymore we know what we are doing but for some reason on this field day our section head not really our section head but just a slightly less junior guy put in charge of inspecting P team and everything our actual section head doesn't feel like doing decided to make us fill day till way later than you usually do he wouldn't leave until he found something to fail us on no matter how long it took then instead of coming into our rooms on his own he said come get me when you think you're ready but our section decided as a whole that we were just going to sit and ride out this night and to either comes to us or gives up and releases us it's been three hours so far since then and nothing yet turns out this post was longer than expected but if she made it this far that's the end of my rant I'll update in the comments update for hours after we started cleaning we finally got released at 10 o'clock at night he cave and came to us so same we won that round on top of that he couldn't find a thing no matter how hard he looked victory for the Junior Marines what a jerk some people just live to be a jerk for some reason I don't understand that like Gucci when you rather just you know be happy and like I don't know enjoy yourself or I don't know enjoy someone else's company instead of being a jerk and everyone talk about you behind your back but that's just me here's another short one getting back at my employer I was told the post is here I am contracted to work at 8:45 but usually I get in around 7:20 so I can skip the traffic because of this I usually start working because why not the last couple of weeks have been frequent server outages so it's been incredibly busy so I've been non-stop working since 7:20 until 5:30 with my hours lunch break well two days ago I took a 10-minute break to grab breakfast at 9:00 a.m. and my boss went ate poop saying that I would either have to make up the time on my lunch or office stay after work so that being the turning point I stopped working at 7:20 instead getting to work at 8:40 and making myself a coffee before I start my boss tried to get me start going back at 7:20 but there is no obligation for me to go in TL DR my boss wouldn't give me 10 minutes to grab lunch so I'm no longer giving seven hours free labor every week Wow nice little win this is like um I wouldn't really call this malicious compliance even though it kind of is I would put it more under like petty revenge like this would be better on our slash pretty rich cuz it's like it was revenge and it was petty and dad's gonna be all for today you guys I hope you enjoyed this our slash Melissa T compliance and these like shorter stories if you like the shorter ones let me know if you like the longer ones let me know I don't mind doing either I tried to pick more obscure stories like ones that don't look like they have been like read that much and ones that are like you know a little bit more recent hopefully to cut down on you know the high population in the city of people reading these ready stories especially with the robots reading them the robots can like you can make like five of those videos and like six hours probably you can make like five in like three hours honestly so let me know if you have any suggestions on the channel remember to like follow do all that subscribe come to the Instagram if you want to we're gonna be doing another hour slash Melissa compliance video we have got a nice little strain of these videos and I am loving it I think it was yesterday's video I can't someone else's comment it was like these videos are just so satisfying you feel like they're just handcrafted to be so beautiful this just in mr. edit reading here on mic readings editor today we're gonna be trying a little bit different of a video we're gonna try doing it without any the words popping up and let's see if you guys like it if you guys like this tell me down below if you don't want to let me go back to putting up all the words let me know so we can you know figure this out as mr.eddy feedings so I can know what to do for mister read reading videos thank you so much and let's get on to the video let's go ahead and get into the story with you specified the law mister lawyer back in 2014 how was the support analysis for a company that made and hosted medical screening applications and health care registries one of the registries for the medical implants and covered England Wales and Northern Ireland it was one of the largest of its kind in the world and as such received a data request from organisations and government agencies from all over the world one of my pet peeves was people mentioning the Freedom of Information Act foi repeatedly as if we'd never heard of it and it put in a subject line of any attachments and a few in the email you didn't actually need to quote the foi just ask the day in question and it'll process it for you annoying but nothing major then one day I got an email that sent off the inner jerk in me the emails from a lawyer in Indian burg and he had done the same thing but with a slight difference he quoted repeatedly the Freedom of Information Scotland Act it was mentioned at least six or seven times in the email plus the subject line comprising about 40% of the total text or so it seemed the whole email was rather blunt demanding a touch patronizing and ended with a threat of legal action if we didn't comply completely unnecessary and I couldn't just let it go I did some research to check my understanding and confirmed my suspicions he very specifically and repeatedly quoted the fo wise and he is a lawyer so he should know the law right I sent him an emo acknowledging the receipt and did nothing for 28 days on day 28 I said another email advising the medical implant registry of England Wales and Northern Ireland does not operate in Scotland and therefore we don't retain or process any of the data falls under the fo eyes I ended it by saying if you'd like to resubmit is a request under foi we'd be happy to process within 28 day limit update to its little context all the data slash statistics that we provided which is adjusted from the surgeon slash hospital because even the best implant can fail if the surgeon does a bad job the way he phrased a request it could easily be interpreted that he only wanted the data that falls under the Scottish foi ie from Scottish hospitals and she opened it with a threat I chose that interpretation and made him wait the maximum time to tell him if he hadn't done that I would have called or emailed to clarify his needs some paralegal from his office recent made a request about a week later it was much narrow in scope and politely written it was processed in about a week well that's a good reminder to be kind to people you don't always have to be so me and forceful and working in customer service in the past like I used to have to work with customers working with people can sometimes just like get on your nerves because some people are just so rude thinking being rude will get your way even though like I worked somewhere where if let any one tiny little letter or number anything was off I could just immediately deny and like not give them their service it was with money also checking IDs if it was like anything smudged if any of the plastic was ripped off if there was one you know if they didn't have the middle name if the birthday wasn't right anything if they were like super mean I would just be like no I can't do it I'm sorry I'll follow the policy to a tee but like normal people are nice people like those small things ah come on you let that pass but for the extremely rude people I'm extremely sorry for the inconvenience ma'am but we are unable to take damaged identification cards if you have another idea I'd be happy to take that one and they would just be going crazy that's kind of mine that's kind of my little malicious compliance I would comply with a handbook a little bit too good around to the next story this is just one big paragraph my dad honestly I've been looking here for a bit enjoy reading these posts of various people's malicious compliance when I saw a few posts that suddenly reminded me of a story my dad told me back when I was about 8 or 9 my dad has always been the kind person that does exactly what you told him to malicious compliance of course as well as pretty funny all out friendly guy so the story is probably said around 1987 something like that when he's eating dinner with his mom dad sister and quite possibly his older half-sister as well his sister my aunt Sarah was causing problems at the dinner table being rude and cheeky my dad started up as well the mouthy little poop that he is anyways my grandma was already dealing with Sara and she did not want to have to deal with him as well so she bluntly and quite frankly told him get your butt in the room of course when he was told this he immediately goes into his room like requested but instead of going in the room my dad just took his butt in the doorway of the room and called down smartly I've got my butt in my room you only said my butt so just my butt's in my room needless to say his mom was not happy with that and he got in trouble but I say it was well worth it don't you PS this kind of stuff that my dad continued to pull even to this day much to my mom's target but my siblings and I quite enjoy it I will take this 100% literally my wife loves to do this yeah that's good that's something I would do now okay that was on to the very next story sure let's ruin this expensive electrical equipment completely unnecessarily this is a story that my friend John told me John works for a utilities company that has a contract to install energy meters in domestic households across the country his division covers an area with a population of about two million people every morning he looks at his little company iPad to see if the list of his jobs has gone off in his van to remove the old meters and install the new ones the company has a very ambitious target for all households in the country to have all these new meters by a certain date as it goes with companies that do this kind of work they regularly get audited the employees vans get checked for safety the meters and equipment get double and triple-checked and so on that fateful day was an internal audit for that local it was a beautiful April morning when engineers covering John's area turned up to have their vans and equipment expected there were many people in vans and John had to wait awhile for their internal auditor mark to approach he pronounced that mark left a trail of puzzled faces in his wake all right mate Mark said can you just unload the meters from your van and put them on the ground in front john said looking at the April sky really I mean it looks like it's going to rain yeah it'll be fine you know really the forecast this morning said that there was going to be rain and also the sky is looking a bit cloudy look mark snapped I have loads of these tests where you guys are indoors being quizzed just do as I say and leave them on the ground as he moved to the next guy John made incredulous eye contact with another engineer and they both shrugs and they started unloading the meters sure enough as I said in the conference room doing their knowledge and aptitude test it started pouring like really coming down a few minutes later mark ran in grabbed a one-guy and they went outside John is not only a responsible person in general but also happens to like his job so he spoke up shouldn't we all go out there and help the manager in charge of the test says Pierce Lee marked only got that one guy John shrugged all right after they finished what they were doing they went back outside the hundreds of electrical meters were still on the ground and Mark was still running around looking a little nervous John called him over mate what are you doing none of these are usable now no no mark said see the one did you put upside down will still be fine a few other engineers came over and stared mark John said taking it by the shoulders these are all electrical meters they are not waterproof literally none of them are usable now compliance would kick our butt if we even thought about putting them in the customers home you do realize another engineer said that because you insisted we dump our stuff into the rain no one in this area of two million people will have a meter to fit in at least the next three days as Mark looked around him the reality of what he'd done dawn on him John later described the color of his face to me as just pure grey six months after John first told me this story I asked him what happened to mark he said no one had heard from him again and it someone brought up this comment so I thought I'd add it to the main post John and the other guys aren't engineers in the technical sense they don't have engineering degrees and they don't do any technical planning however their job title is meter engineer and so I refer to them as such at a familiarity hope that clears things up well mark is a jerk mark probably he probably got fired boom on the spot he might have liked called up his boss confessed and got fired or went on the run after he damaged everyone's stuff from two million people I might just run away threw in coward that sucks but a that shows you not to be a jerk and listen to people's good advice sometimes other people's advice can help some people are really strong-willed have a hard time understanding other people's input sometimes can be helpful and that you don't just always know best you know anyways I really hope you guys enjoyed this - Melissa's complains the video it probably is a little bit shorter since I've only been recording for 15 minutes yours like I'm recording for 40 minutes so this is probably gonna be cut down really small yes mister edit reading again one more little commercial break let me know once again do you like it with these little relax and images in the background with just the title or do you want the words to keep popping up with you know every paragraph that comes up let me know down below so I can pick the best options for you guys and your viewing pleasure thanks again and goodbye back to mr. Rhetta reading whatever his name is might help me fire my wicked step manager long post warning I handed all the background because it makes payoff so much better the universe align the stars just right for me in this story my old co-workers and I still talk about it back story I was working at a popular coffee chain in high volumes wanky location as a barista we were specifically trained to make fancier and novelty drinks compared to other locations I loved my team and my manager and for the most part everyone got along then my manager informed us that she would be moving to another location and that we would be getting a new store manager this new manager who we all called jack is an old assistant manager from this location he trained here before becoming a store manager of his own location Jack would be returning to be our new manager since he had the experience in these fancier stores from training days everyone in the storage read at his return for what I gathered Jack was an a-hole when he was an assistant manager within the first few weeks things went downhill he started writing up certain baristas constantly for infractions that others got away with he slashed everyone's hours from full-time to part-time claiming that our job description never stated we were entitled to full-time one barista went from thirty nine point seven five hours a week to 16 and a half Jack claimed our company had no right up expiration date so he was writing up ERISA's based on clock lateness within our time management software from when our old manager still ran the store people went from a clean record 12 final warming within one meeting with him though was glad to work with him before organize themselves into a list of who would get fired next we didn't suspect there was a personal vendetta against certain baristas who knew him when he was an assistant we knew there was one by one several people were fired all in the order they knew they would be fired others found jobs elsewhere it became a race against the clock either quit or wait to be fired for something trivial we brought up these issues with our district manager but he ignored them slashing our hours and getting corner including cutting corners on cleaning standards from proving to be beneficial to the district manager he was not interested in helping us I was badly burned by our trip Brewer he refused to help me fill out workers comp report he was too busy placing weekly orders I had extremely bad cramps as my thigh and I went to Urgent Care I was one of the last walk into the clinic and left after they closed when I sent him a picture the doctor's note he googled the location from the letterhead and claimed I faked a note since the place was supposed to be closed Jack belittled me and other baristas on the cafe floor my mental and physical health suffered when one of my good friend was fired I quit with nothing else lined up because I feared I was either going to break down or get fired this friend Anthony got me a job at my current workplace after Anthony got fired he struggled to make ends meet with just one job I helped him out by preparing a large batches of food and dropping them off at his work pace I met his manager and got an interview with the following week I had been working at this place for probably two months when the most match good thing happened to me the instant I finished a closing shift of my current job and was passing by my old store closed for the day when I saw too much running around the lobby I filmed it I guess cutting quarters and cleaning the health standards was causing a bit of a rodent issue and a rush of pent-up anger watching my team get fired over nothing watching Anthony struggle to eat suffering at the hands of Jack myself I posted the video to Instagram and tag the store in it I posted photos and link to the video on yo Google reviews the company page the customer compliant email everywhere I figured at most I was going to be the fly in his aunt Minh and annoy him that the district manager then I sent the video of the mice to the Department of Health a couple days later the Department of Health Service coffee shop a notice saying they were preparing to do a full inspection I heard this news from my barista friends a couple weeks go by on my current job as a turn in management itself we weren't getting our legally mandated half hour breaks and I have nine hour shift with no mills thankfully a cha was much more sincere than the coffee shop HR so I arranged a meeting I stopped on my old coffee shop before my meeting to say hello to a few friends who still work there I learned Jack and the district manager were there I grabbed the water and sat down to organize my HR meeting notes not even a half hour later the shift supervisor approaches my area and tells the cafe customers to leave as the Health Department has shut them down she turns to me and says yes it was your mice they found out we had an infestation then walks away Jack and a district manager don't make eye contact with me idly flea returned to my current workplace to tell engineer about how it I was actually there to see the justice happen justice and I started on my own hands he tells my co-workers even my managers find out I shut down a whole store from one report HR catches wounded the story before our meeting it had never been in a more polite apologetic HR meeting my managers were reprimanded and we had all bricks restored to us all the departed fired baristas took pictures in front of that apartment of he'll shut down notice that was taped to the store door the windows were shuttered up and the place was vandalized several times they started the cleaning process and the inspector returned to clear it again about two weeks after the source set down I got a call from the coffee shops HR department apparently whenever they have something like this happen they look through the record of the store doing the mass exit and the seasoned baristas and the complaints made the district manager in HR they had a novel about my old cafe the HR rep asked me why I left in the first word to command my mouth are I left because Jack the manager and the district manager is complicit and his actions they call all the ex Brisas and a couple current baristas for their stories with Jack all negative Jack was fired and banned from working with the company he packed up and moved across country the fancy location was taken with a district manager and now he only oversees based at cafes I got promoted in my current job to assistant director of the site to oversee HR complaint overhaul to improve the workplace based on my knowledge of OSHA and state labor laws Anthony and the other fire baristas were offered their jobs back which Anthony accepted he's in a better financial situation now TLDR after putting my barista job because of some really bad management I feel mice in the cafe and got the store shut down by the Department of Health which resulted in an investigation I got the store manager fired wow that actually coud to you that is some great revenge like that is some like revenge that you would like I wish I could get that type of revenge about when I was working at Wendy's out whitney's was like my first real job when I was still kind of a younger teenager oh I wish I could have done that to them because I hated working there and I hated those managers they were so mean like the first thing that they would do to new people was gonna cry get it out now cuz they were so mean they like you a little B aren't you huh should I be a little beat and you're just like dumped on it and then talk to you like that and the new cashiers and the new workers are like oh my god I feel so bad for people that would come in cry I wish so badly that that could have happened I wish I could have got that kind of revenge I'm like living through this story right now good job to you alright alright enough praise for that last three let's see another one you took $200 you lost 21,000 so most users of computers will probably have some experience with us you know when your online shopping and sometimes a box pop ups and says click this promo code sign up yada yada well we know they are scams by mistake I first clicked the wrong X they put a fake one on the top and I clicked it I immediately shut down the page and I thought that was the end of it nope so the sign I bought a Hanukkah gift I was getting from my mother sold my credit card information to the pop-up I activated that when I clicked the wrong X I was a teenager relatively new to checking account I checked my statement for December and it was all well I didn't check for the next couple of months because I didn't use it for anything there should be no charges I know better now when I did check I noticed that these small insignificant charges weren't mine always less than $10 and usually around two but the multiple charges added up and was well over 200 when I looked into this I found the connection I called a thieving company and told them they stole my information and are illegally charging my card they didn't deny it but they also didn't care I wanted my money back they refused repeatedly it gave them so many chances to fix everything with just that I eventually warned him that I would have to sue if they didn't want to give me what they stole they laughed turns out there was a class-action suit in progress which my lawyer used as leverage in a quick pay up we sued for fraud and violation for Federal Communication laws what they are doing is very illegal and happens every day this included a lot of popular stores and websites which were 100% in the wrong and committed a crime and I was a child who brought her mother a gift I won the case I received the judgment of twenty one thousand I told him it would go away if they just were funded my two hundred dollars but they refused they seemed to think of teenager threatening to sue a massive corporation that does nothing but break the law wasn't much of a threat what they should have noticed I was buying a Hanukkah gift Hanukkah everyone I know is a lawyer good job to you I got scammed one time on Amazon when I was a kid what I did was I bought this like I thought it was like this extra awesome diamond like it was like super pure and they were like we're saying they had like an abundance of diamonds that he just needed to get rid of them super super cheap I think I spent like $150 on it and they were saying it's like a $10,000 diamond and like I go to bed that night I wake up and I'm like oh I I hope my uh my diamond shipped I hope it's on the way I go and look the listing is gone like it's gone from all my Amazon history and stuff but like the money is also taken out of my account and I was a teenager and I was still doing like my first job so I didn't know what to do I thought like well I just lost I wish I would have like known I could have just asked for a refund or call my bank or something but I was like maybe 16 or 17 I was just like god dang it I got scared I used to be pretty gullible actually - another note on that this one um like government program or something like that said if I send them three hundred dollars they'll send me five hundred back for like a grant like and this was like I was new in college - I think it was like 17 and like I was like oh you do it looks like three hundred dollars will give you like five thousand back I was like wow that's a really good deal and this is like some kind of government thing they cannot scam me so like I asked my mom about it and I asked my sister and they were like you really are trying to get scammed like that they're like you really that dumb were you gonna get scammed I was like this can't be a scam I looked it up online and I was like I was really that dumb okay okay enough of my stupidity let's read one more tiny little this is one little paragraph of story someone did not give me their end of a trade so I spent the next two years getting them stiffed in trades and losing him a lot of money back like three or four years ago when I played Magic the Gathering I traded with this one guy for a hard Mugen the planeswalker which at the time was worth like $50 it was a fair trade and me being dumb 15 year old I was like let him promise to bring the card the next day he was when you're younger than me and went into the same store well he never gave me the card and what was I gonna do about it bring it to small claims for a $50 card after a few months acted like I forgot about it and that's like his friend this guy is pretty dumb and always relied on me and other people who looked up the price so whenever you wanted to trade with me or someone else I would always volunteer to look up the price and I would always add like 25% of the other side trades I did this for like two years until a few months before I moved to college he wanted to sell his cars to a store and I've learned that over time he had slowly traded his valuable collection away to the value of pretty much a bunch of cardboard I laughed so hard when I saw this I let him know that I had sold about 90% of my own collection online for a bit over 4 grand and then told him what I did and never talked to him I went back to that store again Wow quick and sweet I like that little revenge just suddenly over time scamming him not knowing that he's like losing money over and over never be a scammer people aren't as dumb as you think they are except for me when I was doing that where I thought I was gonna get $5,000 but it's not about that but man that's like I like buy and sell pokemon cards a lot too actually I just put I just passed a $1000 threshold on Macari for selling pokemon cards I can't say I probably wouldn't do the same thing if that happened to me I do not feel bad for that guy at all wait a minute where was this is literally like an hour later I started playing with my dog in a nowhere I think this is in the video guys thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to Like and subscribe if you guys have any suggestions for sub that you want me to cover just let me know down below I always take suggestions I hope I see you guys next time and goodbye my lovely [Music]
Channel: Reddit Readings
Views: 28,718
Rating: 4.4610777 out of 5
Keywords: r/ProRevenge, r/AskReddit, r/EntitleedParents, Pro Revenge, Ask Reddit, Entitled Parents, Reddit, Funny, Nuclear, Petty, Reddit Reading, Reddit Readings, Reddit Top Posts, best of reddit, r/, r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, sub, reddit top posts, rslash, reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny reddit, comedy, funny, top posts of all times
Id: WTgdx5l9buo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 20sec (11420 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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