5 Haunted Houses and their Creepy Background Stories

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number five the Dudley House Gideon Dudley settled in this house in 1747 on land that was once a mohawk indian tribal grounds the surrounding forest was named dark entry many people are said to have vanished into the forest while many others who have lived in there have gone insane people who visit the forest today claim to hear screams coming from deeper in the forest visitors to the area have even had the sensation of being pushed by unseen hands scratched and witnessed Wars an anonymous person who got close to the house claimed to have heard manic banging on one of the windows from the inside he couldn't see who or what it was as the blinds on the other side were down however he could see the blinds being pressed into the window with each bang now owned by the dark entry Forest Association it is heavily patrolled by state and local authorities who warned that anyone visiting the site will be arrested number 4 the Harlow house in 1932 42 year-old Hollywood producer Paul Bern married 21 year old Hollywood starlet Jean Harlow two months later Bern died under mysterious circumstances in the couple's home after crime scene tampering from high-level studio executives his death was ruled a suicide though suspicions fell on his ex-wife who committed suicide a day after his death Jean would die five years later of renal failure and the house later became the home of Sharon Tate's who claimed to have seen Burns ghost on the grounds Sharon Tate as you might know was savagely murdered by members of the Manson family people who have gone to visit the house or just to see it up close in person have reported seeing shadowy figure standing by the windows and at other times feeling a ghostly presence around them number three the Connecticut funeral home built in 1916 this suburban residential home was used as a funeral home from the 1930s until it was purchased by the Snedeker family of upstate New York in 1986 upon moving in the Snedeker's found various mortuary items such as coffin handles and a blood drainage pit and a series of supernatural phenomena showed up next first it started out with just doors and windows opening and closing then it got much more horrifying they would wake up at night to screams coming from around the house their cries coming from inside closets the oldest son was at the time in the middle of radiation treatment began to exhibit radical personality shifts becoming withdrawn and angry he began writing poetry with necrophilic themes and during one intense episode he attacked his cousin with the intent to rape her his family had him arrested and taken for an evaluation where he was pronounced get so frantic he was removed from the house and seemed to get better until returning they moved out sometime that same year number two the Summerwind house located on the shores of West Bay Lake in the far northeast regions of Wisconsin are the ruins of once grand mansion that was called summer wind the house is long gone now but the memories remain as do the stories and legends of the inexplicable events that once took place here the mansion was built in 1916 by Robert P Lamont as a summer home for he and his family nestled on the shores of the lake the house caught the cool breezes of northern Wisconsin and provided a comfortable place for Aleman to escape the pressures of everyday life in Washington DC as he would later go on to serve as Secretary of Commerce under President Herbert Hoover but life was not always perfect at the summer home as legends have it one night the basement door began to rattle and allemande thinking rose an intruder actually fired a pistol through the door twice it turned out it was not an intruder however but rather a ghost the bullet holes in the basement door from the kitchen remained for many years upon the death of Robert Lamont's the house was sold a couple times it seemed that nothing strange really happened there besides Lamont's encounter with a ghostly intruder until the early 1970s it was in this period that the family living in the house was nearly killed supposedly by ghosts Arnold Henshaw his wife ginger and their six children moved into summer winds in the early part of the 1970s they would only reside in the house for six months but it would be an eventful period of time from the day that they moved in they knew strange things were going on in the house it had been vacant for some time but it had apparently been occupied by otherworldly visitors the Henshaw's and their children immediately started to report vague shapes and shadows flickering down the hallways they also claimed to hear mumbled voices and darkened empty rooms when they would walk inside the sounds would quickly stop most alarming was the ghost of the woman who was often seen floating back and forth just past some French doors that led off from the dining room windows and doors that were closed would reopen on their own one particular window which proved especially stubborn would raise and lower itself at all hours out of desperation Arnold drove the heavy nail through the window casing and it finally stayed closed strange phenomena continue to occur all the way until the family moved out number one on a quiet residential street in a small town sits an old white frame house on a dark evening the absence of lights and sounds are the first indication to visitors that this house is different from the other homes that surround it upon closer inspection you'll notice its doors and windows are tightly closed and covered an outhouse in the backyard suggests that this house does not occupy place in the 21st century but somehow belongs in another era or story a weather-beaten sign hanging from the decrepit front porch warns rather than welcomes this house is known as the murder house the walls still protect the identity of the killer or killers who bludgeoned to death the entire family of Josiah Moore and two overnight guests On June 10th 1912 almost 97 years later the houses secret continues to draw many visitors to the door to some it seems to be speaking visits by paranormal investigators have provided audio video and photographic proof of paranormal activity tours of the house have actually been cut short by children's voices falling lamps moving ladders and flying objects physics seem to have confirmed the presence of spirits dwelling in the home and many have claimed to communicated with them
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 1,300,757
Rating: 4.9131656 out of 5
Keywords: haunted houses, scary haunted houses, scariest haunted houses, creepy, freaky, real, haunted, scary, scariest, haunted house, real haunted house, ghost caught on video, ghosts in house, ghost house, murder house, blood house, murder, murderer house, killer house, killers, ghosts in haunted house, demons, demon house, abandoned house, exploration, investigation, ghost hunt
Id: b5d566-aVJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2016
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