3 High Value Skills Everyone Should Learn in 2024

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every week I meet so many students and friends who regret being in the wrong field of work at this point it doesn't even matter how smart they are or how hard they work because as Nal ravikant says what you choose to work on and who you choose to work with are far more important than how hard you work so if you're a student or young professional who is confused about what skill to learn then this video is for you I will be discussing three skills that in my opinion are going to be highly valuable in 2024 along with practical resources and some common mistakes that you must avoid so without wasting any further time let's get started now before I reveal the three skills I need to clear out some very important misconceptions number one most students don't understand the fact that just because there's a trend of AI coming in doesn't mean that now you have to necessarily build a career in AI I get so many messages asking that an what career should we build in AI should we become an AI developer etc etc they're not getting the point that you can literally keep doing whatever it is that you are doing today but do it better using AI so AI itself is not going to be the best career option but using AI in your current career whether it's management design development sales communication content whatever it may be if you know how to use AI that itself becomes a way better career option number two always focus on building a t-shaped personality now what do I mean by a t-shaped personality when I was in college I was really really good at graphic design then I started learning video editing while I was learning graphic design and video editing I started learning how to communicate how to sell but I never spent a lot of time in sales or Marketing in general I was always very very focused on becoming a really good video editor and a really good graphic designer so that was my tool side of skills and then I was doing small small things on the outside so I was building a t-shaped skill set which means that you you have one depth skill and then you have small small skills that sort of have a wider range at this point in this year my t-shaped skill my vertical skill is ux design and in parall I've been learning marketing and content creation and talk in front of the camera because the thing is if you really really want amazing opportunities you can't just rely on having one single skill but a lot of students often learn small small things and they don't go into the depths of one single skill so they feel like I can be jack off all and sort of you know get through my way doesn't happen like that you need one course skill which becomes the Stick of your tea and then you can know a bit about some other complimentary skills on number three the truth is that anybody can learn anything now simply because information is so easily accessible I get so many YouTube comments asking that anch we're not from an IT background we're not a developer we don't have an expensive degree or an laptop can we still learn this and the truth is that in most cases you can now I won't say that it is possible in every single case because in some domains having an expensive laptop or having certain amount of prerequisites is essential but now because of YouTube and so many other places to learn from information has become pretty accessible all you need to do is to make sure that you know exactly what you need to learn you have the right kind of channels to learn from and you have a proper timeline that you can stay accountable to with that being said let's cover skill number one which is not about becoming a content creator but being a Content enabler I'll tell you what is happening right now with so many tools coming in with so many editing apps coming in you will see an influx of content creators especially on Instagram and some places on YouTube or LinkedIn why because creating a 60-second de on Instagram is way more easier than creating a 10-minute video for YouTube four five years ago preco and during the co era content creators made a lot of money because there were very few content creators all the big companies were not using newspapers or TVs but they were using social media to reach to more customers because a lot of people were on their social media apps and that is the point when a lot of social media creators started making money at this point making money on Instagram is not as easy as it was in 2020 you have a lot of content creators coming in everybody wants to become famous everybody wants to make money and this is very very similar to the Gold Rush scenario now the thing is in a gold rush you can either chase the gold or sell the shovel and I'm pretty sure you all must have heard the story the thing is that if you sell the shovel that is used to dig the gold you have a higher chance of making more money now in the Creator economy running as a Creator might make you some money because it takes a lot of determination and consistency however if you become a really good short editor or if you become a really good real editor or if you become a good hook writer or a talent manager or a good negotiator or just a person who can automate social media then you become a shovel for the content creator and the fun part about a shovel seller is that you can sell shovels to multiple people which means that if you're a great content editor or if you're a great script writer you can serve multiple creators once you become really really good at it you can hire Juniors train them and open an agency where you're just helping other content creators chase their dreams in this way you don't have to speak in from of the camera you don't have to look perfect all the time yet you can make a lot of money because now you're not a content creator but you're a Content enaer but there's a very very common misconception that a lot of editors have and it is very very similar in other domains as well but I'm going to specifically target editing because I keep seeing this mistake again and again people feel that knowing how to edit is equivalent to knowing how to use Premiere Pro or after effects or an editing app knowing the tool is very very different from from knowing the subject so if you plan to become a video editor for example don't just focus on knowing the tools you need to understand what works in a video how does retention play a huge role because being an editor is not just about learning tools but it's about having that intelligence to understand what feature what cut what sound to use so that the viewer sticks till the end of the video now when you enter this field you will always have this temptation of doing everything on your own and saving money but I want to give you this very very solid recommendation that the sooner you start reinvesting in template websites and subscriptions the easier your life will be it would be way more easier for you to scale for example if you're trying to go into graphic designing having an invat element subscription or a motion subscription is really really helpful if you're entering real edits then you need to have a good sound pack it could be on splice it could be on epidemic sound all of these are paid subscriptions this is not a sponsored video by them but it's very very important that let you try out these tools number four you need to learn from other creators which means that when you're consuming content you need to be very very careful about why this content is doing well why is this script doing well because at one point other new creators will come to you and say that I want to become like that big Creator now when you see something succeed you can always distinguish four or five reasons why it is working but in reality there are 15 reasons why it's working and of course you you can't always recognize all the 15 reasons but the more reasons you can identify the easier it will be for you to prescribe a formula that gets you closest to success again and again because in a lot of cases people succeed once or twice but they don't know the reasons behind that success or even if they know some reasons they don't know enough reasons to replicate that success consistently so you need to make sure that it's not just about being successful in life it is also about knowing why I succeeded at this point so that I can have a prescription or some sort of formula that helps me become more successful in the future as well the second skill is actually a domain that very very few people are looking into and that is the field of augmented reality and virtual reality I find so many students becoming so obsessed with mobile design and web design and iOS design and Android design without understanding the fact that now we are moving away from mobile phones you have the meta Quest you have the Apple Vision Pro all of these headsets are essentially going to change the way we interact with technology you have glasses coming in you have HD displays coming in so this technology is here to come but I find so few students actually learning this skill now the fun part is that as soon as these headsets are launched and they are being launched right now but I personally believe that as soon as the Apple Vision Pro is launched next year of course there's going to be app Apple Vision Pro but there will be a lot of other alternatives to Apple Vision Pro as well now all of these gadgets will need apps to run so a lot of companies are going to pump in money to build apps for AR and VR now as a student or a young professional if you know how to design and develop for AR and VR applications you will have maximum leverage in the job market because when it comes to high salaries it literally depends on supply and demand moving forward the demand demand for arvr developers and designers is going to go high but the supply is going to be really really low and if you're one of those students who understand the subject properly then you can command a really good salary now there are a lot of hackathons and competitions that are happening even now all you need to do is to go to a website like hacker Earth or hacker rank or even mlh which is the major league hacking website and you'll find so many hackathons having these different different tracks of AR and VR check out the work that is being done by other the students in these hackathons take inspiration and figure out how you can begin now when it comes to learning a skill as complex an AR and VR I know that things can become very very intimidating so you can either be a self-taught person or purchase an organized course now when do you do what if you have a lot of time on your hands and you have enough determination and discipline to learn things and discover things on your own then you can follow the self-taught path now if you don't want to waste your time and have a dedicated schedule where you're like okay I need to become a solid arvr developer and designer in the next 7 months then you need a set of mentors you need a proper curriculum that can help you avoid mistakes and save time now if you're planning to invest your time and money into a proper organized course so that you don't feel lost throughout this arvr Learning Journey then you can learn from hero wired who are also the sponsors of this video hero wired is a learn Tech platform that has a lot of Industry relevant programs one of them is the certificate program in extended reality for virtual reality plus augmented reality in collaboration with Snapchat and Unreal Engine by doing this program you not only learn how to create your own reality but also how to live in it it's a 7mon duration program in which you will get an in-depth understanding of augmented and Virtual Reality by their experience faculty not just this but you'll also get to master tools like Unreal Engine Oculus Maya snap AR Photoshop and more more on top of that no prior coding knowledge is required to opt for this course as you'll be taught everything from scratch won't your friends be surprised by seeing unique filters and lenses on your photos that too created by you so don't wait too long for this go to the link in my description apply now and learn how to become a 3D artist or an arvr designer or even a snap AR developer there are very limited seats so make sure you enroll as soon as you can and and with that being said let's discuss our last skill of this video which is around building AI Bots or applications on top of chat GP API now let me tell you what is happening right now as of November 2023 we have chat GPT we have Google bard and then we have upcoming tools like Pi that has inflection and then claw by anthropic all of these applications are pretty useful but there are so many businesses and teams that don't need a generic chat GPT or a generic CLA or a generic Google bard they need AI which is specifically designed for their personal use cases which means that you not only need Chad GPT but you need a customized version of Chad GPT now a very small glimpse of this is now being seen in GPT Bots if you have the pro version of chat GPT right now you can create your own GPT bot now let me explain you what that means you can have a name for this bot a description for this bot and then you can upload specific knowledge inside this bot and then keep reusing this bot again and again for a dedicated use case the fun part is that open AI has actually launched an app store where you can upload this bot which means that if I create a bot for creating websites then you can use that bot and pay me a small fee so I will get paid just because I'm really really good at training this bot for a specific use case now something very very similar happened when the Apple iPhone launched its app App Store so many people made so much of money even when they were making such generic apps in fact there was this one app called the beer app I think it was called ier which made so much money and it was such a basic app but just because the supply was really really low and the demand was really really high everybody flogged and gave these basic apps a lot of money now a lot of you would be thinking that anch is this very technical is GP Bots the answer no I am trying to tell you that GP Bots is just a signal later on you will have a huge opportunity for building apps and AI Bots that are built on top of Chad GPT API or Google B API now you would be asking an what exactly is this API it is very very simple when two applications need to talk to each other let's just say that you have chat GPT and then you have my Google Calendar these are two distinct applications now if they want to talk to each other they need a window okay okay because chat GPT thinks about data in a different way Google Calendar thinks about data in a different way so data from these two applications needs to come together now if you want data from both of these individual applications to come together to meet together to communicate with each other you need a window this window is actually called an API this communication from one app to another is Possible only if you understand the basics of API now you don't need need me to teach you about apis you don't necessarily need to even know a lot of coding because with the trend right now there are so many no code tools out there that are repetitively lowering down the barrier to entry which means that in just 6 to 8 months your ability to code will not matter so much but your ability to come up with better Solutions your ability to just understand what data to transfer from one app to another will matter the most now out of all the three skills that I just mentioned to you this one is the most technical one skill one was the least technical one whereas this skill needs a bit more of a technical background so if you're not from a computer science background or if you're not inherently interested in it this one might be slightly scary for you however if you're a student or even if you're from a non-it background and if you feel like learning this I'm telling you folks all of this information is very very easily accessible from Chad gpt's documentation all you need to do is understand how exactly do apis work work what is the language you need to learn in most cases it is Python and then you can very easily learn the basics of Python and the basics of integrating apis and actually start building Bots or chat bots on top of these pre-existing applications now I know that in a lot of cases you'll be like we are very very creative but whatever you just said we did not understand all of this we're going to shut this video I get it I completely get it and that is why my last advice to you would that if you feel you're not technical enough but if you feel that you have that business Acumen or if you have that creative Acumen then just join hands with someone who is good at this see Nal ravik Khan says that in most cases you are either a builder or a seller right now if you are the seller kind who's really really good at coming up with ideas finding customers talking to people then just collaborate with a person who's a builder and you will not believe this I know so many Tech Founders who are very very shy who are not very very business-driven but they're really really good Builders and they always have a co-founder who complement that skill right so if you're a builder find a seller if you're the seller just find a builder now where do you find these people majorly in two places number one through meetups and networking events and number two through college hackathons there's also online Discord communities but I personally don't believe in them because very very rare for you to meet someone from a Discord server like it's like the conversion rate is like 20 25% but if you go to like offline meetups and networking events and you know hack aons and you have so many people in person like the sample space is so huge that if you keep going to these events again and again you will often find people and you know it's it's easier to judge if I can work with this person for a longer time if you spend in-person time with that compliment person now before I end this video there are two very very important reminders that I need to tell you before you start your journey number one you cannot quit until unless you have a 15-day plan to learn any of these skills which means number one you need to First decide what exactly you need to learn and you can use chat GPD for that number two you need to create a syllabus of 15-day plan we've already created so many videos where I teach you how to use Chad gbd to build a learning plan all of the links are going to be in description once you have the 15-day plan you need to document all of your learnings it could be on Google keep could be on notion could be on napkin AI whatever tool that you like but just make sure you're documenting everything that you learn and do not lose hope before you complete 15 days syllabus when you're learning the entire subject have specific goals for all 5 days if you don't have a goal in your mind you will not stay consistent and if possible document in public because if you document all of your learnings in public it not only keeps you accountable but you also get a lot of social validation a lot of social proof that motivates you to work even harder second reminder please be practical about how the world works it takes minimum 60 to 90 days of work to become good enough to at least make something tangible so if you feel that oh I will just learn a skill in 2 three months and I'll get a good high paying job doesn't work like that in 3 months you'll just learn the basics in the next four to five months you build your portfolio it is only after your 12th or 13th month that you will start getting that 50,000 Rupees per month whilea client it it doesn't happen that easily so I just want to like give you that reality check before you say that oh maybe some magic will happen in 30 days doesn't happen you'll make some money you can get like a 5,000 10,000 rupees per month whilea client but that's really not worth it you should always aim to get the 1 lakh rupe per montha client and for that you need to spend at least a year becoming really really good building a portfolio and then putting yourself out on the internet let me know in the comments section if there are any other skills that you are interested in I'll try to make a video on that with proper road maps and resources in fact let me know what are some issues that hold you back from learning a hyping skill if you're here for the first time make sure you click on subscribe and hit the Bell icon because we will be making a lot of videos on ux design on Chad GPT mid journey and upskilling in fact we've launched learn uiux doin that can help you become a ux designer and how to prom. in that can help you become really really good on top AI tools like Chad GPT and mid Journey with that being said I hope that you're taking care of your mind and body this is your those Ana signing out if you like this video make sure you click on like and hit the Subscribe button I regularly upload videos on ux design marketing and storytelling
Channel: Ansh Mehra
Views: 184,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ansh mehra, anshmehra, uxui design, ux design, ui design, ux design free course, ui design free course, best ai tools, ai tools, free ai tools, best ai tools 2023, top ai tools, best online tools, best ai tools 2022, useful ai tools, ai tools for business, ai tools 2023, best free ai tools, online tools, crazy free ai tools, must have ai tools, top ai tools 2023, best ai tools for video editing, ai tools for students, tools like chatgpt, ai tools for digital marketing
Id: O410Qzo4dhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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