3 Golden Rules of Email Marketing in 2022 (Podcast)

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hey everyone davey here today we've got an amazing episode all about email marketing i'm joined today with co-founder of kronos agency one of the top email agencies in the world they do over 200 million dollars in revenue for their clients josh started his agency with one of his friends and now his whole agency is completely remote just like i mentioned last week in between doing our how to build a million dollar brand getting these consultants in is going to be a really great way to bridge the gap of knowledge that i can't bring these consultants are experts in their field make sure you like and subscribe before we get started let's jump in hey josh how's it going davey thank you for having me so i thought maybe we would get started with how you got into email marketing yeah um so back when i was in in university um back in 2016 um i got into copywriting and that was a really interesting field for me um because i got to see the results and the impact of what i was doing very quickly and that kind of fed into my need for instant gratification strangely enough eventually i ventured upon e-commerce and a lot of the the opportunities were coming up in e-commerce especially during that time when shopify was booming really quickly and i saw an opportunity through uh a ton of courses that i that i took including one by uh ezra firestone shout out to ezra at smart market and he highlighted the importance and the impact of email marketing and he was using a little tool called clavio back then clavio was a relatively unknown email software that's used by a small group of people in shopify well they weren't that small back then but they're definitely not the giant um software company that they are today and i saw the potential and what that could be in the future of e-commerce and i kind of just shifted gear towards a channel that was interesting to me that's email and i learned all i could um at one point in time i had six clients that i was uh managing myself as a copywriter as a designer as an account manager a strategist and everything in between and it was it was hectic to say at least especially when i had a full-time internship and a full-time university course to go through in the national university of singapore so that was pretty intense it was at that point that i realized that i had to build this operation and project into a proper business a proper agency and i had to look for a co-founder a business partner that could take this to a new level with me and and that's when i found lewis my childhood friend who was uh a genius in in operations and he is learning growing along with me every single day and uh together with we basically built the company uh with our ideals and core principles without any prior working experience in working history um so it's definitely a great journey and today the team is a fully remote team of 80 over people full time from all across the world that's amazing 80 people it's very interesting how that dynamic duo of you know marketing and visionary pairs so well with operations it's a common common story you know wozniak and and steve jobs you've also got walt disney and his brother was kind of pivotal to it so it sounds like you're you're a good team and i certainly know operationally or you're very strong within your agency managing that many people remotely is is no easy task i i think um a lot of our viewers are beginners uh in this with this youtube channel so i'd love to just hear about maybe how to get started and when you should get started with with email marketing yeah for sure now email is one of those channels that is it's really important um but it's also it's a lot of work to get it done right ideally you want to have email set up right at launch so that all your customers get a great and consistent experience with your brand but what's often the reality is that you would often find email marketing implemented when you find product market fit because that makes sense once you find a good market for your product or a good product for your market um that coincides with scaling ad spend beyond say a hundred bucks a day a thousand bucks a day that becomes meaningful in terms of the traffic that you're driving to your site and therefore it makes a lot of sense for you to invest in crafting a strong uh foundation in email marketing that captures and converts and retains leads that you're paying for already you want to be starting from your highest revenue generating flows onwards that's your customer acquisition flow that's tied to your pop-up as well as your cart recovery flow or some call to card abandonment flow as well as your post purchase new customer nurture flow now these three flows or automations are the most crucial when it comes to building out a new business a new e-commerce business because it allows you to convert new leads into customers making sure that those customers convert and not leaving products in your cart and ultimately turning them into fans using your post purchase flow by just optimizing these three funnels uh you're able to create a really strong system on the back end that allows you to scale profitably on the front end for sure the return on ad spend difference when you do launch a new product having those flows and not having those flows is just crazy the the full funnel row as it's just it captures so many more customers um what are some what are some key golden rules of email that um people just need to know before they get started there are there are a few things um they're three um off the top of my mind number one uh design the design of your email is incredibly important i'm not saying i'm not talking the the graphics of your email uh but rather the shirt and how it's optimized um it's on your phones now i believe bones um version at least significant significant number of conversions happen on uh the the mobile device if your email isn't friendly you're probably going to lose subscribers or even the opportunity to convert them uh this doesn't just apply for those that apply to you know your eco site applies to email as well because ultimately it is an experience of your brand so i recommend using a ratio of about 60 percent to 40 between text and images on your email to increase your chances of landing in uh the priority inboxes such as primary tab in in gmail number two copywriting it's it's incredibly important it's about really understanding your customers their wants and their needs and speaking to those ones and needs my favorite go-to strategy or framework in copywriting that's super easy to follow is the the 4p approach the first p being promise what's in it for them as a customer as a subscriber how can you change your lives number two picture paint a picture for them and let them imagine how the product or service can change their lives third proof further support they're emotional triggers of buying a product by providing reviews testimonials that reinforces their decision ugcs for instance user generated content like video or text reviews are super convincing and super super efficient efficient and effective and lastly push this is where your cta comes in it should be clear eye-catching and ultimately action inducing so that your audience knows what to do even if they're just glancing through your email and lastly giving your customers a personalized experience this is where first party data and zero party data that's so first party data is essentially uh information that you collect through the behavior of your customers and subscribers on email and on your website zero party data being information that your subscribers give you and for instance your email your first name and your preferences this allows you to personalize your email according to your needs and ones and preferences and it's incredibly incredibly powerful and that's deep deep rabbit hole that you can dive into to create funnels and journeys that are suited for specific segments of customers with specific interests and needs so yeah those are the broadly speaking top three golden rules that you gotta abide by for an effective email strategy i think that's really good advice one thing that i often see is just people going way overboard on the images so i think you know that just having that that strong copy um putting it in the actual uh text fields is really important so what are some ways that people can grow an email list is it all just um the footer for the bar the subscribe for 10 off or oh there there's a there's a lot more than that now the pop-ups the inline lead captures the footer those are those are great places to to capture leads and grow your email list but before going into that you got to know where your audiences are and where they hang out in whether it be instagram facebook tick tock or even your physical source based on that you can decide whether you want to launch say a social media giveaway or raffle where you collect emails as part of your entry requirements or you want to launch a newsletter referral program where your subscribers get to earn a reward when your friend subscribed to your email list through the referral link and that's a great way to grow a community and at the same time grow your your audience now um another one that i really love is product quizzes there are a couple of tools out there including octane ai great tool great partner as well that's a great way to understand your audience's preferences at the same time as they're giving you their information or zero party data and allowing you to build a much more sophisticated profile around who you're serving and who you um who you're selling to um and to grow your list of even faster you could even consider running paid ads that's definitely out of my realm of expertise but um paid ats could be a really profitable way of growing your email list especially if you have a strong back-end system that's ready to capture convert and retain those leads they're paying for definitely and it's not one or the other it's the ecosystem it's all of it all of them are feeding into those flows building that list and providing a really strong asset i think one of the main things that um you know i love about clavio is its segmentation options you know it's going to increase open rates it's going therefore increased deliverability increased conversion rates and it's just an absolute beast in that that area can you give maybe just a brief overview of what segmentation is and then how um you know how you use it yeah for sure now segmentations um are essentially segments of customers or categories of customers that are cut up based on certain definitions that you put in place and that could be anything from uh behavior on clavio what they've done with emails what they've done on the site what pages they've visited as well as zero party data uh like preferences that they've indicated they like pink and not blue or blue and not pink that gives you a an ability to segment people who fit in a certain definition of needs wants behaviors and preferences so those are segments some of the most important segments that apply to any industry in any e-comm brand that's listening is engagement now engagement is something that's incredibly important it's it's super simple create segments of customers and subscribers who are most engaged with your brand whether that means having opened at least one email in the last 60 days or having been on your website on your blog at least once in the last 60 days that gives you a kind of a snapshot of and really it's a dynamic snapshot because that changes over time of your most engaged subscribers which gives you the the opportunity to to to target people who want to hear from you most and leave the rest for a completely different strategy of re-engagement and retargeting number two segmenting based on interests and behavior depending on the the con the availability of content that you have a great example would be uh if you're selling cakes and pies um there are people who are just pie lovers and people who are cake lovers and they would never cross puffs with one another and in those instances it makes a ton of sense for you to create content and a customer journey that's suited for cake lovers and a separate journey and content series for those who love pies that's going to create a much more personal and targeted experience for people going through that journey with your brand and having a promotion that's tailored to my interests is always going to perform a lot better than a generic 20 off everything that you see in your store that so that's that's a that's one of the options to to consider and lastly list cleaning and unengaged segments always clean and or purge your list from bounced emails email addresses that have heart bounced at least twice over its lifetime and those who have not opened a single email from you over the last one year half a year depending on how often you send exclude those people make sure that you they're they're out of your list because that's going to give you a couple of benefits number one you're going to save on a lot of costs you're not you're not going to be paying clavio and a lot of these softwares for subscribers that aren't even listening and reading from you number two it allows for a much healthier and much better deliverability which is the ability to land the right emails in the right inboxes the right time to right people and one more segment here to to consider remember we talked about the cart recovery flow card abandonment flow for those who are going through a cart abandonment flow you probably want to exclude those people from receiving a regular weekly newsletter or campaign because you don't want them to be either distracted or annoyed by an additional promotional message for whatever reason so yeah those are some tips around segmentations amazing advice is there anything else that the clavio users out there should be taking advantage of um in the platform oh yeah now the the thing about clavio is that they've built the the software in a way that it acts like a cdp which is a customer data platform uh which allows you to hold store extract data around your customers profiles in a way that's really really in-depth that gives you a wealth of opportunities to build a much more personalized journey both on email as well as on other platforms such as sms which is also one of the the platforms that i strongly recommend everyone look into with email sms and a lot of other channels the efficiency of these marketing channels rely upon data and information that customers are giving us especially coming into a post cookie world very soon this is going to be really really relevant so some of the hacks and and tactics that you can look into with clavio specifically once you have a strong profile and strong segments of people what you can do is create dynamic blocks of content that changes depending on the profile of the customers for example we talked about the examples of cakes and pies it's really simple example but instead of creating two emails and two campaigns that goes out to different people you can create one single email with a dynamic block of content that changes according to the preference that's set in your klavio profile which is really interesting because that creates a whole new world of opportunities in terms of automations between email as well as an sms and all these other platforms so dynamic variables dynamic content blocks also clavio benchmarks their performance on industry averages across kind of clayview users so it's also really helpful to know where you're at where you're sitting at in terms of your own strategy and your own results versus the industry average in your niche and if you're falling behind well that's that's that's also good news because now you have an option to improve upon what you're doing and see a better result and clavio is such an open tool there are tons of integrations available um for instance you can be integrating uh a tool like looks or reviews.io or stamp.io and you can engage with customers by sending emails based on your review rating and whether they're happy with your products and your brand or not uh if they rated your product at a tree stars or below send them over to a tool like gorgeous for example for your cs team your custom support team to proactively approach uh disgruntled customers if they rate it your products and you run a four and above um upon five that's a great option to ask for a review to ask for content whether it be video or or picture content um and that creates an organic and automated opportunity for you to build just an organic source of testimonials and content for your brand i think i i just really want um all the beginners out there and people that are slowly getting into email marketing to understand um the large amount of flexibility in in a tool like lavio um what is the um you know can you maybe just walk us through split testing and how critical that is to to your email strategy yeah for sure now split testing this is where a lot of people get it wrong split testing is a continuous journey it's an ever-changing uh journey it's not it's not the end it's it's a means and you always want to be split testing one variable and one element at a time here's the the thought process behind every every test that we conduct you start with a hypothesis it could be as simple as i think that a subject line that is 50 shorter would generate a much higher open rate because it's easier to consume for whatever reason if that's my hypothesis i'm going to look at split testing just my subject line and looking at just my open rates as the resulting variable a lot of people get caught up with the end variable which is conversions and revenue generated but it has nothing to do with how well your open rates are doing and how well your subject lines are doing and secondly make sure that you have enough sample data and don't make a conclusion based off just you know a couple of cents one really cool and free tool that i use relatively often is a significance calculator so statistical significance gives you a very measurable benchmark upon which you're able to confidently conclude a split test and say that this result is not due to some random variance and it's due to the changes that i've made to my emails that's important because you want to be confident enough to make these little conclusions over time that gives you ultimately a playbook of what works best for your audience that little playbook is going to come in really handy for a time like q4 and bfcn that allows you to create literally the best possible email that you can in your contacts for your brand so a couple of things to test when you're just starting out in an email best send times you can split test send times subject lines long form copy versus short form copy static images versus gifs or moving graphics a product shot versus a model image with a human person and then you can move on to the more comprehensive part of testing for example the type of offer that works the tone and angle of your copy using video reviews versus text reviews in your email using a discount sticker tag versus a slashed off price new product images uh and and other very cool and fun ideas yeah that's amazing i think email split testing is is so simple nowadays even compared to you know website testing and people often often overlook it there always should be a test test running so look you're an absolute wealth of knowledge for for email where can people find out more about you and learn more from you yeah for sure um we have some really good resources on our website that's kronos.agency that's chronos dot agency uh or you can email me at joshua krones.agency um i love having conversations with people and geek about email and owned marketing channels so definitely reach out or you can find me on all social media channels most social media channels i'm on facebook linkedin awesome man it's always good to chat to you i'll speak to you soon yeah likewise thanks davey so there you have it email 101. josh is absolutely incredible at email i cannot stress how much that you should just start getting involved in clavio um split testing emails is so crucial just setting up those basic flows it can be really confronting don't worry if your design isn't perfect but just shove some copy in there your product images and just get started don't forget to like and subscribe next week we should be able to do something for our how to build a million dollar brand i'll see you then
Channel: Davie Fogarty
Views: 55,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ecommerce, davie, fogarty, davie fogarty, david fogarty, oodie, business tips, ecom, email marketing, email marketing software, email marketing platform, email marketing strategy, email marketing tips and tricks, email marketing for beginners, ecommerce business, email marketing shopify
Id: SH10bBh09RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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