How to Build an Email List from Scratch for Beginners

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do you want to know the secret to everyone who is building a powerful and successful business online think about your favorite gurus online or even your favorite brands yep they have this too they have this one powerful strategy in place and it's part of the engine of their online empire they all have an email list if you're building a business or brand of any size in 2020 and beyond one of the most important business moves you could make is spending time and resources to build your email list i mean think about it building your influence on social media is rented land you don't own instagram and here at think marketing we want to equip you to learn how to create thriving online businesses without falling victim to the algorithm changes that can happen at any time email marketing it it's your insurance in the unpredictable nature of social media platforms having them coming and going you don't know what will happen but having email is so important and even with these powerful platforms email is a live and well you know as a consumer myself i love opening up my email and seeing valuable content from the businesses and the brands that i love and follow i like getting insider information tips and strategies and coupons and discounts those emails are amazing an email is actually their direct access to me and on today's episode it's probably one of my most favorite ones we've done so far on the think marketing podcast so grab a notebook and get ready because sean sits down with number one best-selling author and serial entrepreneur pat flynn to dive into the best practices of email what tools and software you need to not only get started but to scale and make sure that you stick around until the end where pat shares this one strategy for how he's generating sales and growing his business on autopilot welcome to the think marketing podcast the number one podcast for growing and scaling your business with online video i'm heather torres and i'm sean cannell and we're from think media and if this is your first time listening welcome this show is dedicated to helping you learn how to get your content noticed and the latest money making strategies working right now online so whether you want to grow your youtube channel or you want to maximize video across all of social media this podcast is for you welcome back to the think marketing podcast today we're talking all about email marketing and the importance of using email to grow your business to have consistent revenue and some of the best practices with email we're going to be answering the question of why email marketing and is email marketing dead and today i'm joined by my guest and friend pat flynn the founder of smart passive income how's it going pat stoked man dude i'm so excited for you and the show because i was there when it all started for you just congrats to you and your team man thank you so much people have been loving the podcast and you are the podcast king and your content your courses thank you have helped us uh really launch this podcast and we're excited because it's really just getting started dude the world of podcasting is just getting started i mean there's less than one million shows out there still so you came in at the right time good job man i love that and uh for those that are just meeting you you know first of all we're so pumped that you're coming to las vegas to grow with video live as one of our speakers dude i'm stoked yeah yeah not just because it's in vegas sure i'm there to serve you your community you've helped me out so much just really excited to give back and we're gonna have some fun it's gonna be a lot of fun um but for those of you that are just meeting you how do you help people and what are you all about so quick story i was laid off in 08 from my architecture job that was my dream job and i survived that layoff because i started an online business helping people pass an architecture exam and after that happened and i made over six figures in a year doing that a lot of people started asking me for help so since then i've just been devoted to helping others discover what things they can offer others not trying to create the next uber or spacex or whatever like i want people to know that every single person out there has the ability with their skills experiences personality to find people who will resonate with them and their message to help them as you often say impact their influence and income and grow that online so uh i i've just been doing this for the last decade through podcasting blogging video now as well as writing books and speaking all around the world so i'm just i'm just here to serve and and hopefully help people make either a few extra bucks if they need it in their life or even quit their jobs that they hate that's why i'm here man i love that and your content has been amazing and you have a lot of great uh different topics that you cover you've got a great youtube channel couple powerful podcasts really successful books but today we're talking about email marketing and the cool thing about this topic is that it's an essential topic probably a little undercovered in some circles and no matter where you're building your influence whether it's youtube or in podcasting or social media across the board another friend of ours and speaker of growth video live chalene johnson talks about this kind of like if you're not building your email list you're not even building your business and you're very vulnerable to the algorithms and things like that but before we even get into it why email marketing you know i think some people could think email me email's dead men does anyone use email anymore for old people um yeah dude every year there's this email is dead kind of thing but you know what else happens every year the social media streams and platforms that we're on and dedicating our time and love and sweat into they're putting up walls between ourselves and those who said they want to hear from us right we see it in the algorithms we definitely see it on facebook and instagram and other places where you kind of have to pay to play and uh i think it was toby i can't remember his last name but he's the founder and ceo of shopify he said guys email is the last place we have total control over every other place is somebody else's sandbox and when you play in other people's sandboxes they can make up any rules that they want so email is still the best way to connect directly with people who say yes i want to hear from you now there's still the idea of well you're also fighting against other people in in an inbox and of course there's strategies related to writing great subject lines and you know creating content that actually wants to be opened and that kind of thing but when it comes down to it you still own your list and i'll tell you i was hacked in 2013 my website was hacked it was down for two and a half weeks and i make you know my website was making two to three thousand dollars a day like that's a lot of money that was lost no doubt so scared that my website would be gone and my business would be shut down forever but i remembered oh i have this email list i could literally set up shop somewhere else if i needed to so bring it on hackers don't actually probably shouldn't say that sure don't bring it on just i respect you but anyway um yeah the the email list is your business insurance yeah it's your business insurance and it's also an amazing way to directly communicate with yes you to them kind of in mass but when a person receives an email still feels very personal and if you're doing any sort of research if you're starting a business and you want to understand what are the biggest pains and problems and struggles that my target audience has what should i should my course be on what videos should i create what blog content should i write about well when you have an email list you don't have to guess you just ask we're going to talk a lot about all kinds of strategies related to that today yeah and we're going to jump into five strategies but you know when i think about email too and from learning from friends like you and chalene um when we started video influencers benji and i the reason we actually launched the channel because we knew we wanted to write a book and i was talking to chalene and she was talking about how you could get on good morning america she did or you know and shows like i think even regis and kelly at the time it was maybe just kelly and that even peers of her that would maybe launch a book for example so whether it's a business you've launched physical products like switch switchpod and that you need an email list if you want to do that successfully because yes you can tell social but you know what your reach will be there and so we want to write the book youtube secrets which today is the number one best-selling youtube strategy book in the world i love it i think we're up to like 35 000 copies sold in our niche that's pretty remarkable and uh what's powerful about that though is we started the process in the journey of creating the book but i realized from good mentors right from watching and listening to podcasts like this investing myself we put the brakes on and we thought you know let's build an email list first of 25 000 people before we launch the book and the key to the success of the book which led to all kinds of other success and other things i really believe was that when it came out and when we did that launch it was that we had built that email list where we had that ability to communicate directly to say hey we've been adding value we've been showing up for our people but hey we got this thing out that will add even more value check it out and then of course we were able to rank and keep it going consistent all because of having an email list and a lot of times like you said creators entrepreneurs business owners could be very vulnerable if they haven't invested in this completely and great job you guys setting that up i think you know i have a lot of people come to me to write and launch books too building an email list up front before or even as you are writing the book is an amazing strategy you might not even know exactly what you want to create but you can bring people in on the journey that in and of itself is interesting enough to follow along and you get to send little personal messages about your updates of whatever it is that you're creating then by the time this thing comes out i mean they're invested because they've been involved this whole time and that's cool thing about email you would mention 25 000 which i think is great i worry about people listening and going like oh i could never get to that level right and i think you have to also realize that even if you had 10 people on your email list those are 10 human beings in this world who've said i want to learn more from you please help or i'm interested in what you have to say and then you can communicate with them and ask them what they might need help with thus reducing the idea that you have to guess in terms of what you want to do and validate the ideas that you want to pursue before you actually spend that time and money to put into it in celebration of the launch of this brand new podcast we're giving away two tickets to our annual conference grow with video live a 1500 value all you have to do to enter is make sure you subscribe leave us a review on apple podcast and then take a screenshot of your review and go to for the rest of the details yeah so powerful well tip number one uh that you have for us is if you're going to build an email list do not just put up a page and hope people sign up but give a people a reason to subscribe what do you mean by that nobody wakes up in the morning and says oh my gosh i can't wait to subscribe to more email list today i mean people don't want more emails so you need to kind of let people know well why should they subscribe what are they going to get on the other end now one trick that a lot of people use is to give something away for free to sort of help people who are on the fence to like want to subscribe and there there are hundreds of things you could offer that don't require a lot of time when i first started building an email list in 2010 i had created an ebook about how to write an ebook because that was the architecture guide that i kind of became successful with it was an ebook and i just was like hey i'm just going to show you how to do this and it was like a 35-page document it took you know a good couple months to put it together it was it was a book and i gave it away for free and that was high value for people today however if you tell people hey please subscribe to my list i'm going to give you a 35-page document nobody wants it anymore nobody has the time to do that anymore so what i would recommend is try to find what's the number one simplest thing that you could do to offer value to your audience and create a lead magnet around that that's what we're collecting leads here essentially and a lead magnet is the thing that you could offer in exchange so it could be as simple as i mean even like let's say you're doing photography stuff your league magnet can be the 20 20 guide to the top five lenses under 200 dollars that you can use on your sony or nikon cameras or what have you canon uh and that guide of itself if it's not public it becomes something that people want if you know that that's obviously relevant for them and it could just simply be a page with some images and some thoughts about it but it has to be helpful but it doesn't have to be huge right i think the smaller the problem uh is sometimes the better because it's just if you know that's what they want right now they'll subscribe for it but it's most important that you continue the conversation after which relates to some of the other tips that i know we have going on but you need to give people a reason to subscribe or else nobody sees an opt-in form and goes ooh email i want more email nobody nobody says that yeah so true and the second tip is the lead magnet kind of tip but what are some ideas around around best practices around lead magnets and plus you help so many of your students and your community maybe even some cool lead magnet ideas and different formats that could maybe trigger what we could be giving away free as entrepreneurs i got a bunch so i i mentioned earlier the the list of tools people love lists of tools because we believe that when we get the tool we're gonna be that much better right i'm gonna get the great pro lens and i'm gonna be this pro photographer right away maybe but we love to see what those tools are so that's number one number two it could be a quick start guide so maybe you teach a lot of people how to do something like maybe it's about a new camera for example and there's some really interesting advanced things you could do if you for example sean were to create a quick start guide about a new canon camera that came out and gave that away as a lead magnet now you're getting email subscribers and now you also know what they're up to they just bought this camera now you could follow up with them later about hey guys i know you have this camera you can just send emails just those people alone and go i have these other things that will help you too and that's so powerful because your lead magnet does actually kind of describe to you what they're interested in if you do it well exactly you know exactly who you're talking to because they raise their hand for that thing so a quick start guide is great a checklist if you and this is a specialized kind of lead magnet where it can be related to a specific video or blog post or podcast episode that you come out with so let's say for example you're doing a podcast episode and it's like you know 20 tips to use facebook ads to you know sell more of your product well in that episode you can go oh and by the way go to this page here and you can download my free checklist it has all the things i mentioned all in one spot for you and you can use that to help guide you through this process that's super helpful a checklist you could also offer the first chapter of your book as a lead magnet which could then lead people to get excited about it to then download and purchase the rest of your book uh you could offer a free video or an exclusive podcast interview that you've done that's kind of hidden or replay to a webinar or anything of value that you think would be helpful for your audience that you're building uh would work and so i mean and this works in any niche if you were doing sales you might do you could do some scripts maybe some powerful five opening script lines if you were doing uh maybe i've i know people in our community have done like meditation they'll do an audio file that's maybe gonna work on your mindset or or something that's motivational or educational uh it could be a short video or some kind of a video that again you're you're you're saying it should be a quick win quick win for sure because that way they can see that there is actual real value that's coming i mean if it takes 40 days to get through the thing they're never going to get to the point where they go oh okay yeah okay this guy's got it no if you could do that in five to ten minutes i mean they're going to continue to open those emails they're going to come back they're going to subscribe they're going to your channel and they're going to they're going to become super fans at some point perhaps and you could create this i mean i guess you could go to google docs and export it as a pdf or maybe use a powerpoint or a keynote and export it like just pretty easy to create those would be some pdf downloads um you could record an audio file with audacity like figuring out how to actually create these right i mean it could be an unlisted video on youtube that's just for the people who subscribe for example so after they subscribe they get the follow-up email says hey thanks click here to watch the video for what you asked for and just deliver it to them right away and they almost kind of feel special getting something that not everybody else has and then something you could do at the end of the lead magnet at the end of that video at the end of wherever and just say hey if you want to help share this if you think this is valuable and you want to share it share this link and the link doesn't go to that lead magnet it goes to the place where they where somebody else can go get that lead magnet now perpetually growing your email list exactly super powerful well that brings us to tip number three which now that you've created this free thing to give away you want to set up a landing page talk about that so a landing page is a page on the web whether you host it or your email service provider hosts it that literally has nothing else to do when a person lands on that page other than subscribe to get the thing or leave too often a lot of people who have websites will mention their free gift or or subscribe here but then there's like a hundred other things you could do on that page you could check the about page you could go on the footer you could see this ad and there's so many distractions this is in in internet marketer terms called a squeeze page i don't like that term because i don't want to squeeze anybody sure but really what we're doing here is we're taking traffic from somewhere we're putting it onto this page we're squeezing them to just do one action and one action only you get the thing and what's cool about this is they go there and you can have an image of it or if it's a digital product a digital representation of it you could have testimonials about people who've used this free thing you could have a video promoting it whatever you want to do like you would want to sell it as if it was a real product but it's freed it's valuable and that's going to help you increase your conversion rates yeah and it could seem overwhelming you might say well that sounds technical that seems tough but setting up a landing page especially in 2020 and beyond um has really been easier than ever so easy oh i wish we were this easy when i started sure there's a lot of free software now we use kind of in our whole world we use kajabi which is a whole bunch of things it's kind of the all-in-one that's where our courses and landing pages i remember when i started i use mailchimp with a free account and i did a very simple landing page up to a certain number of email subscribers it was free to even run the account and uh but there's some other tools you like as well yeah i mean full disclosure i uh use and am an affiliate for convertkit and i'm also an advisor for the company because i love it so much and they help a lot of beginners so if you're not quite at kajabi level yet which would be a great thing to lead into at some point uh convertkit could be great and they have a free plan as well so it doesn't really matter they all do the same things although there's reasons why i love convertkit more than others but the truth is you got to get started you got to build your list and a lot of these tools allow you to just create a single page you don't even need a website yet you can actually have a landing page created and hosted by these companies and then just you know feed that link you can pay you can post a link to that landing page in the bio of your socials in your descriptions in youtube at the bottom of your email signatures whenever you send an email and you can just like lightly drive people there and you'll start to see your email subscriber base grow and again reminder these are real human beings that are now interested that you could follow up with communicate with and turn into something amazing man that's so powerful and if you happen to be watching this on youtube of course we always summarize some of our best resources and all the show notes in the youtube description if you're listening on audio check out the show notes and we'll recommend some of these tools uh so you can get started whether you just want to jump in at a free level or you want to scale up with something powerful like convertkit as pat was talking about i also love the fact that once this is set up you really now are in business and this can make social media even more fun meaning it could be an instagram story where you might you know be showing behind the scenes doing a lot of different things but you might say hey by the way if you didn't know i've got a free checklist on whatever it is the problem you solve and you could just swipe up or if you don't have that feature click the link in my bio or go to a a forwarding url that's one of the things we do a lot is we use a lot of forwarding urls typically those landing pages created by uh whatever software are super long and maybe hard to communicate and so if you had a blog you might say blog name forward slash whatever we a lot of times we'll say like think that goes to a webinar which is a little bit longer you just bought the domain but we just bought the domain and we forwarded it really easy and um godaddy we have and if you want to see an example you could go to what you'll see there is a kajabi page and we just bought that url on godaddy and redirected that easy to create page in the software so if you have like a really well performing lead magnet like it's worth doing that for sure because then when you're on an interview audio or video just super easy to drop that in easy for a person to remember and and plug into their computer the cool thing about this like there's different kinds of emails you can send so after you bring people on this list right there's a couple things you can do there's broadcast emails which are real-time emails you like write an email and then it gets sent to everybody it's pretty self-explanatory but the other powerful thing about these email service providers that we're talking about which is the big differentiator between just like manually writing down emails and sending them one by one which would eventually just drive you nuts is something called the autoresponder sequence and these are emails imagine that you write ahead of time so that if a person subscribes they go through the sequence of emails you've already written over time so they get email number one on day one they might get the next email a week after the next email a week after that and now you're sort of like automatically nurturing and providing value to this audience some of these emails could be you know include affiliate links to things some of them could be to your program after you know four weeks it's just you can write them once and they continue to work for you and then the next time you send a broadcast it's more likely where there's something sort of real time that needs to happen they're going to be more likely to open the email because they've opened all the other ones and have gotten value from it that's amazing and pat what is your longest auto responder sequence that so the longest one i ever had was 52 emails yeah one every week so it was a year long it was a year long but we've gotten a little bit more sophisticated with our email such that a person's in that year-long sequence but if we see that they clicked on something that is related to podcasting for example we take them off that list and we put them in a podcast sequence that was pre-written so that we can sort of warm them up about the idea of starting a show overcome all the objections again these are emails that are already pre-written and then sell them into a course perhaps and your software is doing that dynamically dynamically yeah it's hands-off so i can spend more time on social and actually communicate with people i can spend more time at conferences like i'm not in the weeds anymore because i've already built out the sequences so powerful it's not easy but it's worth it and especially when you have some of these tips and strategies you can go further faster and once you put in the work then this is working for you and that is the power of an email list well that gets us to number four uh and that is consistency and messaging so now people are signing up because you gave them something free you figured out how to get them on your email list and now they may just be on the list so you can set broadcast so maybe you're writing one a week or maybe you've written a four week sequence or four days in a row but what you're actually saying in these emails pat what's needed with our messaging uh when it comes to these you need to speak the same language that your target audience resonates with so before you even build an email list i think it would be really important for you to do some research about not just the problems the pains the interests of your target audience but how did they describe them it was jay abraham who said if you can define the problem better than your target customer they'll automatically assume you have a solution so one thing for example i do is i have some lead magnets that are specific to people who are just starting a business like they i know that they don't have a business or else they wouldn't have downloaded this thing so that tells me that they're brand new they've never so they don't need the advanced seo guy they don't need any of this stuff that's probably going to make them feel overwhelmed just beginner stuff but what i do is in the first email that i send back to them like it's already pre-written the subject line is welcome future entrepreneur right so i'm like playing on the idea that oh they're starting a business right so that's kind of what they aspire to but in that email i start off by saying hey really quick do any of these following items resonate with you and it's a bullet point list of literally every struggle that i know a beginner entrepreneur has i don't know if my id is good enough i'm afraid i'm going to waste my time and money i think my friends and family are going to think i'm crazy i have a secure job but i don't want to leave it like what do i do so guess what's happening a person who just subscribed to an email list that i have because i got something for free they get that message they're essentially nodding their head their entire time they read that and they're telling themselves this guy knows where i am he must know where i can go right and and it only and i've literally gotten people to reply to that email and go i feel like you're in my head like how did you know or i can't wait to learn from you thank you so much you i feel like i finally found my person right so really understanding the language that your target audience uses and just literally giving it back to them which is which is why you can be really sort of ninja with some of your emails like one of my first emails that i have in my autoresponder sequence which you all should have it too should be the subject line would be like real quick uh question for you and then in the email it says hey can you reply to this email and let me know what your number one biggest challenges related to you know starting a business or you know whatever swimming whatever your niche is training your dog exactly so now you're actually going to get replies back of your target audience telling you what they want from you and what your next video can be about what your next lead magnet can be about what your course can be about but you also need to you can literally just copy and paste those answers and and kind of extrapolate the same language back to them so that somebody else knew who comes in can go oh my gosh like did i find my people man you know that's so powerful and really your business can be lit on fire when you have a market message match and so if they're sending you what's your biggest challenge with losing weight or gaining muscle what's your biggest challenge and now they're saying well this is where i'm stuck and you may have not known that so may give you an idea but you might not have known the way they're communicating that in the actual language they're using yeah right right and then in in the advanced parts of your email list later on down the road you can go oh here are the people who said when they're you know interested in fitness they're actually interested in nutrition here are the people who actually want to run their first marathon here are the people who want to do weight loss you know weight loss three different crowds but all in the same niche so now you can kind of create your buckets and find you know what are the specialized messages within your overall market and now i can send you know to the weight loss people here the programs i use here's my favorite coach or who what have you people who are interested in nutrition like hey check out this thing that you could order to get food sent to your home like you know i can now have have specific homogeneous groups that each get specific messages that's a little bit more advanced and a little bit later but this is the power it could be done automatically yes right i could just set these things up ahead of time and it's working for me and literally dollars on autopilot at some point man who would have thought that we'd be getting excited about building our email list and these tips are so valuable pat thank you we have a fifth tip coming up in just a second but just want to ask you that if you've been getting value and you've been enjoying the think marketing podcast in this episode definitely like rate and subscribe so you don't miss an episode i mean if you leave a review on itunes that would mean the world to us and then also if you haven't got your tickets yet for growth video live pat flynn is one of our amazing speakers this year and uh there's a whole great lineup of guest speakers it's the number one video conference for entrepreneurs and so to learn more about that go to pat the fifth tip now as we are landing the plane is that once people are on your email list and even now that we're thinking about our messaging and speaking their language you want to make sure that you're actually communicating and that you're not just selling and i think about this one of the worst things i remember early on when i learned about the power of an email list i started growing one and i put together a landing page i was using get response back in those days and even a free account put together a landing page people started signing up but i wasn't sending them anything i was just letting the emails collect and maybe once every six months which was not very effective and so not only is there maybe some consistency but uh like how often we should be communicating and the fact that it was also every six months i might have been like oh here by the way now i have something for you to buy and i have been talking to him in the meantime yeah i mean imagine in real life somebody who you hadn't seen in a while come up to you and go hey dude sean good to see you you want to buy my tupperware it's like it doesn't it's not going to come off very well so you definitely want to be consistent it doesn't mean you have to send an email every day in fact every day unless it's shared up front it's quite often uh you know once a week even every other week or even once a month at least just staying on top of mind for people is what's key and delivering value so that when you do have an ask it doesn't come out of nowhere and so a person might feel the need to you know transact because you've gotten they've already gotten a lot of value from you um so yeah staying consistent is important communicating but communication in a sense of just not having it be a one-way conversation every time you know we touched on this a little bit about the idea of you know actually asking for a reply like make that a thing where and i you know i i share this tip with a lot of people they're like no pat i don't want people to reply to my email like that's going to be too much work it's going to be too much work for you to know exactly what your audience wants and like we do most of the work trying to figure that out so make it easy and it also helps with getting through again in the future to them because if a person replies to the email then that basically tells gmail or yahoo or hotmail or whatever their client is that oh this person's like real i'm going to make sure all the emails show up in the primary tab or what have you later on so it helps for that reason too and your deliverability but there's other kinds of emails you can use to communicate um for example hey tell us about your experience with our brands so far is there anything else we could do to improve uh asking questions like hey we're thinking of coming up with these three different products which one of these would be most relevant to you so now you're just collecting data at the same time people feel great because they're getting actually permission to reply which is very unusual and no it might not be scalable at all but not everything has to be scalable there's a lot of bits and pieces that you can automate but communication in this kind of senses shouldn't be but you can get really you can have it feel very very personal even on autopilot with all with a lot of these tagging and segmentation and automation rules that can be popped in there well man pat so much good stuff and obviously they're except this is something you grow into i mean now you've been probably learning about email marketing probably becoming a better writer over years studying kind of copywriting the art of writing marketing copy and even just writing in general as an author yourself and and what's some encouragement there for those that maybe are overwhelmed to like oh man i'm looking at a blank page start with the service that you're offering for others what do they really need help with and just as you're writing as you're doing your work just think about that person on the other end that always guides me um and then if you are just struggling in that cursors like on the screen basically telling you you can't right you can't right like that's what i feel like it's saying to me right i get off of the screen i don't try to find it i go to talk to somebody about it because when i talk to somebody about it i don't have that cursor in my head you just talk and you listen you have a conversation and then usually when you come back after a conversation even if it's on social media uh usually you have a better head space to get going so powerful pat flynn if people want to connect with you what are some of the resources you have and where can they connect with you online and follow up with you so pat flynn on youtube would be a great place to go i know your audience loves the youtubes uh but i'm definitely a podcaster at heart and if you're listening to this uh very quick and easy to check out the smart passive income podcast or just look up pat flynn you'll find probably one of five of my shows there uh it's it's my passion um and then pat my new personal site that just went up man i love it and i'm so excited that you're coming out to las vegas for growth video live grateful for just your legacy your influence in this space and you know one of the reasons why you and all of the other guest speakers we're so excited about having you is because of just your character your ethics and you being just light in the world that it's possible to do online business with integrity absolutely and we see a lot that's maybe not that vibe but that's that's what we care about and we say that look these are great tools with they're not meant to abuse or manipulate anybody but they're meant to actually serve humanity make a difference in people's lives and uh we need more examples like you that i think are are just showing us kind of how to serve people and uh build really transparent really powerful businesses that you cannot just make a great living from but also make a great difference yeah you can sell and serve at the same time you absolutely can love that all right the pat flynn interview i can't believe the value he just dropped in that interview all about email marketing and you know email marketing isn't some cool trendy thing it has been the backbone of these businesses and i am so excited that the think marketing community just got that uh episode i agree i mean there's really nothing really to even re-emphasize about that it's all in there i mean that was like a real step-by-step of really how to get started with email marketing and of course so many resources in the show notes if you want to take action on that but i think my biggest takeaway from pat is just who he is i have had the uh fortunate uh you know opportunity to get to know him over the last few years and we've developed a friendship and man he's just really one of the good guys you know in the kind of internet marketing online space there's so many people that really are kind of shady you can tell like they're they're in it for themselves or they're really not doing business with integrity or their values are just kind of maybe more selfish and directed on a lot of those things but what i love about pat flynn is that he's building an online business with integrity that he loves people that he's an incredible family man and uh that he also just adds tremendous value and that whatever you hear from him wherever you hear he's always serving he's got a heart of service a heart of helping and that he also now has really built a legacy because he's been around in this industry for like really almost like a decade or more really teaching really helping people and it's cool to see longevity legacy man he's like one of our think marketing podcasts family members i feel like and uh that's another reason why by the way that's like what we hope to anybody we really bring to our event or on the podcast kind of goes through that filter at some level and uh pat though man he is just one of the good guys i can't rave enough about him but anyways i'm pumped because he is coming to grow a video live um he teaches as an authority on so many different things super fans his book you know of course smart passive income affiliate marketing podcasting even youtube now so he's gonna be adding tremendous value this year in las vegas and so i'm pumped yeah i cannot wait to sit in his session i mean i i just i love every time pat teaches because he just brings so much clarity to all of the topics that he covers and if you want to see pat flynn live with us at growth video live 2020 here in las vegas you can go to right now to see our best deals and all of the amazing speakers that we have that will be here in september all right tms listeners it is time though to take action you've got to take the information we just learned and say what's your next step do you already have an email list and you need to double down and make sure you're mailing them consistently and and really actually following through and not just capturing that email do you need to just get started and actually pick a provider or build something free to give away don't overthink it done is better than perfect punch fear in the face punch procrastination in the face and get started with email marketing and remember what gets scheduled gets done so put it on your calendar when are you going to follow up on the notes and the learnings that came from this episode so that you can start building your business and your income faster with email marketing yeah and while you're writing that down we just want to give a shout out to one of our listeners that left a review on the podcast sean i love reading these reviews it's amazing to see the community that's being built here for the think marketing show and today's comes from e-a-o real estate they said the best business marketing and media podcast in the world i love your youtube channel i try to consume all of your content to further my business but sometimes i'm in the car and i can't watch your videos so the podcast is perfect so i can get tips on furthering my business with their marketing and media tips man i love it and if you have not yet reviewed the think marketing podcast we'd love it if you just took some time to go to apple itunes apple podcast and just leave a review and guess what you can be entered to win two tickets to grow a video live for free by simply leaving a review there's a few simple steps and they are all outlined at so if you go to we'll walk you through exactly what to do then you'll be entered to win and maybe featured in one of our comments of the week yeah and we'd love for you to be a part of the community that we're building here for the think marketing show all you need to do is click that subscribe button if you're watching right now on youtube or if you're listening in the car just like they were when you're parked you can go ahead and subscribe on itunes spotify or anywhere that you love to listen to podcasts we appreciate you we want you to know that we're here every single week to help you go further faster and we cannot wait to see you in the next episode pat flynn know what's in now we're gonna get it in social media marketing world now we're gonna do it then san diego do it now up and up get it down this is how it happens now pat flynn every single day when we rock this every single day when we drop hits you gotta know that it's pat flynn helping you with passive income income if you gonna
Channel: Think Media Podcast
Views: 15,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to build an email list from scratch, email marketing best practices, email marketing for beginners, email marketing strategy, email marketing, email marketing tips, email marketing tutorial, best email marketing, how to do email marketing, email marketing tips and tricks, what is email marketing, how to email marketing, best email marketing software, best email marketing platform, email marketing campaign, think marketing podcast, sean cannell, pat flynn
Id: ds6jFiuieZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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