3 Elf NPCs for your Tabletop Game

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"Oh hello, it's me the wood witch I've got plants in my bag" Hey friends! A few weeks ago I made a video where I shared three NPCs that you could  adopt or adapt for your own tabletop games Each one has a personality, a  look, a voice, and a quest hook My hope is that you can drop these  NPCs straight into your campaign for an easy side quest Or even use them as a starting point  for something a little better suited to whatever story you're already building In this video, I'm gonna  bring you more NPCs like that But with a little twist Because this video is sponsored by Wyrmwood to promote their elvish dice  vaults for Valentine's day And I know, they're pretty But they are so much cooler than that When you buy one of these vaults you  send Wyrmwood a message of your choice anything you want And they actually send it to a professional  linguist and Tolkien language scholar who then translates it into Quenya Elvish for Wyrmwood to engrave or inlay onto your vault Use the link in the description to order  your own vault before February 14th and you can use the code GINNYDI  for free domestic shipping or GINNYDINT for $10 off international shipping Now this may surprise you, it shouldn't But I love elves a lot So I have designed three new elf NPCs inspired by the three different wood and  inlay options that Wyrmwood is offering Since this is for Valentine's day I have tied all of their quest hooks  to love and romance in some way And I hope you like them! The Wood Elf is a cherry dice vault  with your message engraved on the top Morelia the wood witch lives in a quaint  vine covered cottage in the forest just outside of a small town She's well known there She serves the people of the town  with healing potions and poultices, divination charms, and other small magics You'll be sure to hear about her in town Many of the people there feel  strongly about Morelia these days They'll tell you in wistful  tones about how wonderful she is How kind, how beautiful If you come by her cottage You might find one of the town's people  gazing dreamily towards it as they wander past Or tucking a love letter under the front door MORELIA: Oh no, not again We're closed for business! -When your players encounter Morelia she will immediately recognize  that they are not from the town which will cause her visible relief with some embarrassment she  will tell them the whole story MORELIA: I'm still kicking myself about it I've made a thousand love potions  they're not even difficult I must have been so distracted that day Anyway they all went wrong A whole batch Whatever I did it's made me the  target of all their affections Young, old, men, women They'll be so embarrassed when it's fixed -She knows how to make an antidote but was not prepared to have to produce it in bulk and she's missing a key ingredient MORELIA: It's called Pixie's tongue, sort  of a creeping ivy with little pink flowers long and thin, very hard to cultivate I don't need much It grows in the caverns at the foothills  of the mountain range to the west Not such a long journey, but  it's wyvern territory I'm afraid You'll have to be either  very sneaky, or very strong Morelia doesn't have much gold, but if  the party is willing to work for trade She can offer all kinds of potions and charms Feel free to adjust the rewards and the  monsters based on your party's level The High Elf is a Bolivian rosewood dice  vault with your message inlaid in brass Next time your party is seeking  some kind of information They may meet Nymwen in a library, university, or knowledge domain deity's temple She is a scholar Rarely seen without her nose in a book or a scroll NYMWEN: I have the information you seek,  but you see I have a problem of my own If you will help me solve mine,  I can help you solve yours -She shows you a book A collection of love letters written by a poet Dead, over a century from some wasting sickness But Nymwen doesn't speak of  this poet as if she's long dead In fact she speaks of her quite intimately Ayanna speaks of love, the  way only a true lover can She knows her own heart, and  I am certain, would know mine In this world I have found  none suited to be by my side But since discovering this collection, I think perhaps it is only because she  and I merely ran afoul of time -Before she shares the  information your players need Nymwen asks that the party help  her break into the graveyard where Ayanna has been interred If your party includes a cleric or a druid She will ask them to cast a spell for her Otherwise, she herself can be a cleric and simply ask that the party protect her while she casts NYMWEN: All I seek is to speak  with her spirit, just once I've found a scroll that makes that possible A challenging spell to be sure But love is worth a challenge, is it not? -Perceptive party members may sense that  Nymwen is not telling the whole truth She will not surrender the scroll  until they are at the grave At which point a cleric or druid will  be able to recognize that the spell is not a spell for communication at all But true resurrection NYMWEN: Can you fault me! Would you not do anything to  be united with your soulmate? The being you are truly meant to love Who are you to stand in the way of destiny? Please! -It's your choice whether Nymwen will  simply try and persuade the players or take more drastic measures to achieve her ends And if Ayanna is successfully raised It's up to you how she feels about all this The Drow is a macassar ebony dice  vault with genuine bone inlay If your party is seeking work  they may hear that a local noble has put out a hush-hush call for a person or group willing to take on some non-traditional work If they're interested they'll be put  in contact with Lady Pyriel of Tarave A drow who is clearly going through something PYRIEL: Excellent, you're here You look like exactly the people I need -She has an unsettling undercurrent of rage  running beneath every word and movement But it's not directed at your players PYRIEL: I can picture him now  probably meeting with his tailor for final alterations on  the doublet I picked for him And my own gown a perfect match I should burn it Pyriel was unceremoniously  dumped the previous night by Veldren, an earl, known to be  handsome, charming, and capricious  Pyriel had planned to accompany  him to a much anticipated banquet The social event of the season this very evening Anyone who is anyone in the city will be there Now shamed, she herself will not be attending But she does plan to get  your party on the guest list PYRIEL: He doesn't know you,  he'll never see it coming Veldrenora that vapid excuse  for a woman on his arm Oh, I wish I could see their faces when you  humiliate them in front of the entire city I don't care how you do it I just want him to never be able to  show his disloyal face around here again -She's happy to outfit your  party in lavish clothing, provide appropriately grand transportation  to the manor where the banquet will be held, and pay handsomely for the  service they'll be providing her, either in gold, or in secrets,  information, or a point of contact if that better suits your  campaign's current direction I don't want him hurt, only  his pride his reputation I want that flimsy little waif  he left me for to laugh at him to be ashamed to be seen with him Then he'll regret it Then he'll remember just how good he had it Fool -At the banquet your party may meet any  manner of important well-connected NPCs perhaps even connecting  them back to your main plot or into a new one Veldren will respond poorly  to being publicly embarrassed And Pyriel will take great glee in hearing  players recount his public meltdown If they really get creative  with it she may even tip I hope you like my three new elves I'm out here hoarding elf  characters like it's my job I guess it kind of is though Anyway remember that these  are just a starting point Maybe they'll work in your game  exactly as I've represented them here But if not, you are more than welcome  to change them in whatever way you need in order to suit your own plot, your  own characters, and your own world And remember if you want one of these beautiful custom elvish dice vaults from Wyrmwood You have until Valentine's day,  February 14th, to place your order Check the description for the link And for coupon codes to save  you some money on shipping
Channel: Ginny Di
Views: 98,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ginny di, wyrmwood, wyrmwood gaming, dice vault, elvish dice vault, valentine's day, dungeons and dragons, D&D, dnd, dungeons & dragons, NPC, NPCs, character, D&D character, dungeon master tips, dungeon master resources, DM tips, D&D tips, character acting, D&D cosplay, fantasy costume, elf, elves, elvish, elf NPC, elf character
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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