Elements of Great Singing - YOU NEED THESE 3 ELEMENTS!

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[Music] hello singer friends and welcome back to another edition of victoria's victoria's vocal tips 29 years of teaching voice 41 years of studying voice all different styles victoria rapping and here of healthyvocaltechnique.com remember i give you detailed vocal technique explained in everyday language that everyone can understand quick fixes and long-term solutions make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any of my valuable and fun videos so what makes a great singer is it just having a nice voice is that all there is to it or to be able to sing long lines to sing with lots of expression lots of power sing cool fun songs that everybody loves here are the three parts of singing that great singers must have respiration phonation and resonance remember in singing everything works together i will explain all of this in simple language and we will do exercises together so that you can experience these three important parts of singing the first part is respiration the breath fuels the voice the breath is your motor there are two parts of respiration the first part is inhalation watch my video on breathing for singing inhalation we must make sure first of all that our posture is right and that our chest is comfortably high and wide we inhale and we allow the air to drop down into the body let's put our hands around the midsection remember that the abdominals open and release for inhalation and the abdominal wall goes all the way around front sides and back with your hands here around the midsection i want you to inhale and think of that air just dropping down into the body like this exhale inhale exhale good and remember your hands should be coming out as you expand throughout the midsection and remember also we are not grabbing the air so no okay chest stays comfortably high and wide no shoulders involved in breathing and you're just going to think about that air dropping down into the body like this let's do it again great when we inhale properly the body opens as the air drops down into the body next comes breath support this is the second part of respiration breath support is your regulator it controls how much air comes up to the vocal folds to make them vibrate we support the escape of air with our upper and lower abdominals and by keeping our ribs wide so with your hands here around the midsection i want you to inhale and just exhale on a hiss and you should feel that engagement okay no collapsing support is resistance in the opposite direction as the body comes in gradually this is how we regulate the amount of air that comes up to the vocal folds that allows them to vibrate efficiently make sure that you watch my video on breath support for singing let's do one more exercise so that you can feel this resistance and let's do it on the lip trill or if you're not able to do that the v or z here we go there is your perfect balance of air flow and resistance watch my video on the lip trill and other alternatives the second part of singing is phonation we inhale and we sing on the exhale the air moves up through the windpipe through the larynx between the vocal folds that causes them to vibrate this is your sound source your goal is clear tone and clean vocal fold closure in other words closing properly but within that there are still many other things we can do such as sing with thick vocal folds or thin vocal folds or we can stretch and thin as we go up into the higher register or shorten and thicken as we go into the lower register so let's do a quick exercise we're going to inhale support and sing and ah on any pitch like this any pitch so we inhale support sing okay no stopping one more time great now some people think that's all there is to singing they simply breathe and let the sound out well if that's all there is to singing then singing is pretty limited singing is actually pretty boring if that's all there is because my friends we come to the third part of singing where the magic happens and that is resonance resonance is what you do with your voice it's what allows you to sing in different styles and different moods i can be happy don't worry be happy put on a happy face or i can be sad resonance is what amplifies enriches modifies and enlarges your sound through sound waves and bone conduction it's what makes your voice unique and different from every other voice on the planet how does this happen by the length and shape of your vocal tract in other words your throat your mouth and your nasal passage so what we're going to do is we're going to inhale support and we're going to hum and we're going to go from one hum to an ah like this [Music] stay with me because we are now going to change the shape of our vocal tract and you will see how the sound is going to change quite fascinating so fingertips here on the cheekbones and on the bridge of the nose and you should feel some buzz [Music] follow that buzz when you go into the ah there is your bell-like quality an important part of resonance now watch i'm going to give you three different vocal colors just by changing the position of my mouth [Music] did you see as i widened ah it got brighter that's neutral it's got dark and light that made it darker watch my video on the mouth position embouchure for singing so i changed the vowel shape and color just by changing the position of my mouth because that altered the vocal tract do you see how fascinating this is let's do this quickly together and i think we'll have some fun so with your vertical oval mouth shape just in a neutral position now you're going to go wider don't change anything except for the position of your mouth the shape back to neutral now narrow you see how the sound changes fascinating do you see the rainbow of vocal colors that are available to you my friends this is where the fun happens in singing so in summary there are three parts of singing respiration which is made up of inhalation and controlled exhalation also known as breath support next is phonation third is resonation in singing everything works together master all three of these for truly great singing i hope you have enjoyed another edition of victoria's victorious vocal tips leave me any comments don't forget to subscribe and i'll see you again soon as we continue our great singing you
Channel: Healthy Vocal Technique
Views: 6,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elements of great singing, learn how to sing, vocal resonance, resonance, resonance singing, breathing for singing, vocal technique, singing lessons, learn to sing, singing tips, vocal resonance explained, improve singing, singing resonance, vocal lessons, how to get resonance in voice, how to sing better, healthy singing, resonance in singing, how to sing like a professional, vocal tips, victoria rapanan, Healthy vocal technique, how to sing with more resonance
Id: tO0wd3tQN-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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