Singing Resonance - DISLIKE YOUR VOICE? RESONANCE is your answer!

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if you can speak clearly yet you don't like the sound of your singing voice it's not that you don't like your voice you don't like what you do with your voice two entirely different things i'm going to give you four exercises and we're going to solve this right now this is what training is all about welcome back to another edition of victoria's victoria's vocal tips 29 years of teaching voice 41 years of studying voice all different styles i take serious vocal technique and make it simple and fun do we sing exactly the way we speak no and if you do then your voice is probably a bit dull kind of flat and doesn't have a whole lot of excitement to it singing exactly the way we speak is very limiting [Music] sometimes we want that kind of a chatty talky sound come on folks gray skies are gonna clear up put on a happy face or hello it's me but you wouldn't sing an entire four-minute song that way nor would you want this to become your default meaning your habitual way of singing so what is the answer resonance i've said it before and you'll always hear me say it again resonance is where the magic happens in singing it's what gives your voice intensity personality emotion and what helps you make your mark as a singer i'm not going to go into all the details of resonance here because i have a lot of videos on it in my playlist better tone quality all links will be in the description below so if you sing exactly the way you speak your voice will have a very small range and it will have a limited variety of vocal possibilities it will not be very musical nor anything special in short i say me we need as our default a voice that has top and bottom to it treble and bass ring and color we want your full voice this is true in any style whether you want a beautiful tone or an edgy tone yeah students are always amazed at all the different things i can do with my voice this is what technique is all about this is the power of resonance it's what you do with your sound we cannot help what we are born with but we can help what we do with the sound watch my videos on find and develop your true voice and also the three elements of singing also i have some great news you have all been waiting so patiently for my audio instructional program victoria's victorious vocal exercise program a program unlike any that you'll ever find it's almost done we're doing the finishing touches i'll let you know when it will be launched very soon ring a voice without ring is dull dead or i say let's get that bill-like quality in your voice that will give you intensity and emotion on a single pitch i would like you first to sing on an n like this [Music] and be aware of the sensations remember what i always say good singers are very aware of what their singing feels like [Music] i can't tell you exactly what to feel but people tell me they feel a little buzz in maybe the roof of their mouth in their cheekbones maybe in the front of their face okay there's your ring that's the top part of your voice the treble the ping now we're going to apply that to exercise two singing it from an n to a vowel like this [Music] or up here [Music] follow that ring that you get on the n into the vowel here we go [Music] do this in your own range [Music] now i always have to remind you ring does not mean nasality so we don't want [Music] if you want to know if you're nasal sing a single tone and close your nose in the middle of it and if the tone does not change you're not nasal if the tone changes your nasal i'm going to go from nasal to not nasal this is nasal [Music] okay not nasal [Music] now a certain amount of nasality is characteristic of certain musical styles certainly country bluegrass certain types of pop certain types of musical theater but we are not going to get into that here certainly in classical no nasality unless you're singing french vowels make sure in this exercise that you're following the ring and not going we're back to that dull sound again let's do it one more time just to be sure [Music] great watch my video on ring for more exciting singing next we want a voice that has color richness depth and fullness so we need to make sure that our throat which is by the way the largest resonator is free and not tight watch my videos on the open throat and also on the tight throat so now we're going to experience the fullness the color and richness in our voice by singing a single note on yah and why ya the y helps give you enough arch in the soft palate so that you don't sound nasal but we don't want you to sound like mrs doubtfire so just enough beginning of a yawn like this or up here [Music] that's the bottom part of our voice the fullness remember that for the open throat we never push the tongue down you're gonna have problems and we never over open or go too far into the yawn depends what style you're singing certainly for classical we want taller space for taller more opulent sounding vowels in pop and other commercial styles a shorter space because it's supposed to sound more like natural speech but with ring and color [Music] so here we go with yah [Music] that was exercise three now exercise four guess what we do we put it all together our ring and color we're going to combine the two exercises into n-y-a-h you're going to feel that balance of ring the n with color the yaw here we go [Music] check your jaw and check your tongue position make sure you are not locking or holding anything in place in singing everything must remain elastic i have lots of videos on jaw and tongue now if you want to make progress in your singing it's important to build these types of exercises into your daily routine you want it to become your default watch my video on faster progress i had a teacher who used to yell if i did mouth singing he would say mouth singing is boring or no mouth singing well i don't yell at my students but i will let them know if the tone sounds dull dead boring we have tonal choices in our singing that's what art is all about i hope you have already received your free copy of my ebook victoria's victorious quick fix vocal tips 25 quick fix tips if not be sure to sign up and get your free copy below you'll get it right away now for my words of wisdom resonance is where the magic happens and singing your voice is unique be open to the world of possibilities that are available to you in your singing i hope you have enjoyed another edition of victoria's victorious vocal tips don't forget to subscribe leave me some comments leave me some thumbs up and keep exploring and enjoying your whole voice i look forward to seeing you again very soon [Music] you
Channel: Healthy Vocal Technique
Views: 188,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: singing resonance, resonance singing, sing with resonance, resonance in singing, voice resonance, how to sing with resonance, how to sing with more resonance, resonance voice, resonance vocal, vocal resonance, singing resonance exercises, resonance exercises, vocal resonance exercises, resonance vocal exercises, better tone quality singing, vocal tone exercises, vocal tone, nasal resonance, healthy vocal technique, how to have better tone when singing, victoria rapanan
Id: IrzrE9bxBfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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