3 Easy Ways to Water your Trees

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hi i'm spencer from shared nurseries and today i'm going to talk about watering trees and i'm going to show you three different ways to do it the first way is with a soaker hose the seconds with the product called a tree gator and the third is with a product called a ross root feeder the ross root peter does double purpose you can use it to fertilize your tree in the spring and then do deep root watering in the summertime we often get asked how often and how do we water trees and that's sort of a tough question to answer the long and short of it is if the tree is newly planted so within five years you should water it at least once a week and during periods of prolonged drought you should water more often at least two to three times a week if the tree is established and it's been the ground for five plus years we usually recommend minimal watering maybe once or twice a month depending on your weather conditions if there's a lot of drought it's beneficial for the tree to get a little bit of water but once it's established minimal water is required it's difficult to gauge when a tree truly needs water it's easiest to tell on young trees young trees will get a little bit of scorching on the edges of the leaves the tips of the leaves will start to turn brown and generally tree looks a little sick older more mature trees typically get a little bit of coppering and bronzing on the leaves and that's indication of drought the first product I'm going to talk about today is called a tree Gator this is a product that's gained a lot of popularity a lot of municipalities like using these to water their trees essentially what you do is you take this container here if you open up the packaging you hold it in place around your tree and it's a little zipper on the back you zip it up underneath this flap there's actually a little reservoir that you fill with water once it's full of water it does a slow drip irrigation for five to eight hours you would do this once a week for new plantings and it will slowly irrigate the tree over the course of several hours this type of product is best used on new trees and new plantings that are five years or younger the next product we're going to talk about today is the soaker hose this is a product that's actually quite versatile you can use a soaker hose to water your vegetable garden your perennial garden and your annual flowerbeds today though we're gonna use it to water a tree to do this we actually coil the hose around the center of the tree trunk working your way out to the edge of the drip line which is where the tree branches end we then screw it into our normal hose and it slowly sweats water through all the seams and you leave it running for about 45 minutes to an hour once a week you can use this on mature trees as well as young trees the last product we're going to talk about today is called a Ross root feeder this is a really nice versatile tool you can use in your garden it's best used on mature trees mature shrubs and large evergreens it has multi-purpose functions so what you can do is you can unscrew this lid here you can actually insert fertilizer pellets screw the lid back on and actually do it deep root fertilizing in the spring if you don't use this tool for fertilizing you can actually use this tool to water the root zone of the tree the best way to use this is actually inserted into the ground you want to insert it anywhere between six to eight inches deep and you want to move it around every 20 minutes to a different part around your tree a common misconception with trees is that they don't require any water once they're planted but I've shown you three easy ways to water and I can guarantee you they benefit from being watered regularly thank you for watching this video if you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment below visit our Facebook page or any one of our garden centers [Music]
Channel: Sheridan Nurseries
Views: 3,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, water, tree, deeply, roots, sheridan, nurseries, 3 easy ways water trees, watering trees, tree watering, young trees, far away, with drip irrigation, guide, watering, during drought, 3 steps, gardening, landscaping, maple tree, soaker hose, drip system, Garden Answer, plants, Sheridan Nurseries, Gardening Instructional Video, Gardening how to video, gardening guide, instruction, tutorial, gardening tutorial, gardening tips, Tree Gator, Ross Root Feeder
Id: 1A3Aio3YhrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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