3 Easy Recipes with Instant Ramen Noodles

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wakey-wakey rise and shine what we'll be putting in our mouths today shut up then good morning it's Sunday which means we get to experiment with food again what is trying to say is we're having ramen for breakfast three ways no we have a start with something crispy and negative then we're gonna have something Italian eight we're gonna finish with the grilled cheese burst up vomits shiitake nugget I'm not gonna lie this one's really easy we need our shitake mushrooms flour eggs a packet of instant ramen noodles and a dipping sauce of your choice what's your choice been this one first don't take your instant ramen noodles and crush them up into as fine a crumb as possible either just in your hand or with the end or open maybe not once you have a bowl of maggots then fill the other bowl with eggs and some flour and this thing which comes with every packet of instant ramen noodles is your seasoning put that into the egg mix mushrooms are a notoriously odd shape ie they have a stalk that sticks out of and get rid of that and then take the mushrooms and pass them through flour to dust them into the seasoned egg to make them sticky and then put that sticky thing into the noodles that's basically panning and now to fry them and this is an experiment I reckon 170 degrees Celsius so the mushrooms cook before the noodles burn play some in G basket and lower them oh hey they float I've got that mushrooms blue and just like doughnuts you need to flip them occasionally so they can cook the top two been there floating yep it does that fried drained on kitchen paper and stacked up high for everyone to dig in nailed this one is incredible with your tonkatsu barbecue sauce oh no you know what it is yeah a chance to prove it well first normal experiment now that one who's next Jamie you in if you are able you know are actually Italian probably stop watching this now because I don't want to end up with a horse's anymore ah this is Italian wrong and the fusion of Japanese noodles with Italian inspired creamy pasta sauce for this you are going to need garlic oil smoky pancetta water butter fresh parmesan time and of course our Institute this is an idea that I saw David Chang do we're going to do our version of instant ramen noodles come with seasonings when you get rid of those and instead use these Italian flavors garlic smoky pancetta aged parmesan and fresh thyme it's no amazing we're gonna do those first up we're going to fry up a smoky pancetta in some garlic oil while we wait for our pancetta to crisp up we can also strip off and chop up some fresh thyme right and grate some Parmesan know once your pancetta is is crispy some pancetta some crispy locking a pack of garlic oil for the last 10 minutes but you need two-thirds of other ingredients we are going to start with our cheese the butter water and time combine them all together mix them all up and once is ready you're going to throw in your ramen oh see the whole thing I was doing it in the model tool in here that could actually work zipper opens rip that liquid awesome creamy noodle egde you can smell the garlic the smoky pancetta at the time it's all there there we go it's gonna be a student favorite it's going to be a home favorite it's not going to be an Italian siren but everybody else is going to love it it's pretty much like a cobbler without the eggs so how about a growl Inara and now for the final dish in our ramen trio a ramen grilled cheese you will need a packet of instant ramen noodles surprise surprise plus an egg some mature cheddar cheese spring onions and sriracha we've already used our ramen noodles for pasta for breadcrumbs now we're going to use it as a slice of bread so we're going to boil it to this just cooked take it out and drain it with our noodles cooked drained and cooled and a running water we now need to toss it in 1 beaten take the noodles and press and squidge them into a ring on a baking sheet or in fact any mould you got and then bang them in the fridge to chill up from it now that they've had half an hour in the fridge to cool they've set up nicely place that is a hot frying pan with a shot of oil to crisp up on one side a couple minutes while they're crisping up grate some cheddar and how many times I forgot to say no seasoned it with that oh it's seasoning and seasoned the cheddar with seasoning should use a different packet once you flipped your noodle bridge all you need to do is place plenty of cheese on top and then get it under a really hot grill to melt and more importantly rata Nate finally been slicing some spring onions and we could have some sriracha reserved with a proper kick and let's think of your seasoning so apparently this is a loveseat island lovers is no better than a one-seat if there's a one-seater faux fur I'm gay this is James and this is the part of the video where we explain exactly what's been happening across salted food this week so James why don't you explain exactly what's been happening across salted foods okay oh well we start the week off with Vietnamese spring rolls did we James and did we actually start the week with Vietnamese summer rolls there is some healthy debate on that we then moved on to having an incredible sticky toffee bundt cake and if you've never had that before you are missing out grab some friends for my favorite article this week there's 15 times your in your best friend with the ideal eating partners and you know what we both wrote that and actually we came up with so many reasons more why us as best friends would be the ideal eating partners is we can pick the food out of each other's beards and then eat it and that's time for one of our favorite comments of the week and this week is slightly philosophical Josephus ours is it okay stay dream at night that is not what I was expecting to come at the week the video was about making garlic doughnuts so I don't I know not why that comment would be relevant if you've got any thoughts on whether it's okay to daydream or not at night we'd love to discuss that I actually get something out on Twitter the other day asking where the rainbows go at night I got some interesting replies honestly you know you please actually work I think we want it's not done everyone so what we're going to do we're going to go away refine these test them and then we're going to put the full recipes up on sorted food come so that you can cook them as well mostly this isn't the first time that with much ramen noodles you showed us the leaves dude what's wrong in lots of different everyone to see them click on the little eye up there and we'll take these all the time screech Atticus there we go three of the easiest things to do with instant ramen noodles what sorted I have a funny feeling there's more things you can do with ramen noodle a funny feeling that these people have that funny theme to so comment it down below and give them a go also if you can think of some other ingredients that we should try three ways let us know down below and we'll give it a go and then we'll give you none of the credit I cannot wait to read about all their funny things that fridge cam had everything it had suspect packaging of seasoning it had a fantasy of things towards people from Italy and it had an awful lot of lactic acid buildup as we kneel in front of this fridge itself Sunday next week definitely get a stand for it Oh
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 851,543
Rating: 4.9418859 out of 5
Keywords: ramen noodles, instant noodles, instant noodle recipe, ramen noodle recipe, student recipe, grilled cheese, shiitake mushrooms, carbonara, fridgecam, 3 things with, 3 delicious ramen recipes, best instant ramen recipes, deep fried mushrooms, breaded mushrooms, carbonara pasta, cheap recipes, student recipes, easy recipes, Rāmen, ラーメン, Insutantorāmen, インスタントラーメン, Insutantorāmen no reshipi, インスタントラーメンのレシピ
Id: w46lM-jBFa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2016
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