3 Days in Tokyo on a Budget 🇯🇵 JAPAN

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foreign [Music] so we literally just got in we flew in on  zipper the surprisingly good low-cost care   was like 300 one way to make it to Japan  and then we could grab our suika pasmal   cards and then hopped on the train from nari  to all the way to here dropped off our bags at   the cheapest hostel in all of Tokyo and now  we get to explore osakuso there's so much   going on so much life today Japan is back  it's open again feels great [Music] foreign being back in Tokyo and specifically here in Osaka  it just feels so amazing this is the first time   that we're here together experiencing it's it's  so Lively it's got such an amazing neighborhood   feel it's relaxed but there's so much to see  and do like this beautiful complex of red   temples the biggest and oldest Temple here  in Tokyo and then amazing Food Markets it's   definitely definitely my favorite neighborhood  here so we're going to be in Japan for the next   month and really wanted to see a lot of it so  we only have three days here in Tokyo so we had   to kind of jam pack all of our favorite things  into this like three-day itinerary that we have so exciting to be back we can't wait to get to  exploring Osaka some more but we're starving as   if air while a great Budget Airline very budget  they actually pulled her over like to check her   bag because of how many families would be  weird down these little Alleyways there's   so many cool little stores restaurant shops  and they also food at a really nice price and   usually in a small serving which is perfect  there's so many good things to try [Music]   I remember getting this for the first  time in Tokyo four years ago and I've   been dreaming about it ever since  this one's so fluffy and warm even you hear that crunch crunchy on  the outside it has a little bit   of sweetness but it's not too sweet  and the inside is just fluff monster okay try your best not to judge us it's just  it's our first day back in Japan and we're really   excited but we're about to pick up some more food  uh we came by this fried chicken place and there   was like a hundred people are so in line it smells  so good just like the second we walk past it thank you spicy fried chicken and  it is massive and it's 600 Yen so   about four or five dollars this  huge cutlet basically and now   um we found a safe space I think where we  can eat there's signs up here please eat oh my gosh is this real life it's so juicy it's so  Savory it's so crunchy on the outside look how big this thing is it's like bigger  than your face chicken face oh yes that's   delicious it is a little spicy and it's actually  exciting spicy it's like the Citron pepper spicy that was a pigeon I've lost my train of  thought it's like the Sichuan pepper spicy   so you know what the kind that leaves  your like tongue and your mouth numb   ice cream oh much better does anyone out there  know why Japan or at least the area that we're   in is so against eating and walking because it  seems like everybody wants to they literally   like they give like a pre-departure briefing to  every person who buys you can only eat over there   and over there and you cannot walk what you're  eating does anyone know what's up with that after all those awesome snacks it was  time for our first real meal in Tokyo   okay so we just wandered around for a  little while and found this really small   totally unknown Ramen Shop I'm joking this  is actually ichiran this is one of the most   famous Ramen chains not only here but  around the world incredibly delicious   Ramen it's almost like a spiritual Ramen  eating experience you'll see what I mean [Music] so we just got seated we had to choose our  preferences for all the other things and   now we're seated at these individual tables you  can make all your quests here without speaking   and you never see the person's face which I  think is the strangest but coolest experience [Music] so the whole idea here is that this is supposed  to be like a very intimate experience and just   do and that's tiny little booths just delicious  broth spiciness on top the egg which you put into   it before okay and then Lisa has to go and  ruin it all I think the best part about this   entire experience is that it's customizable  you get your own little Cubbies so you get   to eat and find it perfect for introverts like  me and the food is actually really really good   and in case you're still hungry after all of that  you can just press the call button and ask for   extra orders of anything that you want noodles  eggs chops too and they also have these really   awesome wooden cards that you can show them in  case you don't speak the language you'll know   what to do I'd like a kids bowl oh thanks I'm  in ramen Heaven what about you foreign [Music] the jet lag's really starting to kick in feeling  tired but it's way way too early for us to even   think about going to sleep or else we're just the  whole thing's gonna be messed up the whole trip   so we gotta stay up we gotta keep moving so we  notice as we're walking around all the restaurants   and their display windows out front have these  just immaculately incredibly detailed replicas   of the food that they sell inside of them these  things look so lifelike and it turns out that they   make them just a couple blocks west in this area  called kitchen town and we're at a place right now   that is very well known for making these like  impeccable food replicas how is that not real I don't think I'd be able to tell the difference  this is the bacon bookmark wow it actually kind   of feels like it too like this feels like  a bun and this feels like meat that's so   the lettuce looks so real seeing all that  delicious fake food had made us hungry again I know that this is going to be a very  controversial statement but it is my very strongly   held belief that the karage red is the single best  convenience store chicken product that you can get   anywhere in Japan two blossoms best convenience  store here it's just so good it's just the right   amount of spicy the chicken is very like I don't  want to use the word moist but it's the right word   juicy yeah the chicken is just so perfectly juicy  you can take it with you even though I know you   shouldn't be walking when you're eating don't  worry we're standing still it's just so good I've been here for like five minutes and look at  all this change I already have that's one of the   things nobody tells you about Japan it's just  how many coins you're gonna carry around all   the time you're here so we're getting pretty  bleary-eyed obviously the jet lag starting to   set in so we need to go somewhere with a  bit more energy [Music] oh my God [Music] the Mega Man's ready let's go oh my God all right we're at the Shibuya Crossing this  is a lot more energy than the soccer we were   just at [Music] feel like when I first came to  Tokyo the Shibuya Crossing was the thing that   I was most thrilled about and coming back  it's still just as thrilling but I think   probably the stars of the show today were  these crossing guards and Mega Man [Music] we're on the hunt for some  food maybe something to drink [Music]   I think we're gonna go to the  second floor and get some views [Music] [Music] [Music] I love fried gyoza but this  team is more a fat boiled boiled   rather I don't know what this is it's very  good it's sweet it's crunchy meaty protein [Music] perfect [Music] it's so  awesome this place is great okay   we're we're pretty tapped out it's like  9 P.M where we came from it's like three   in the morning so that's about how we feel  right now so I think it's time to head back good morning from jet lag City uh so we've  been up since like 4 a.m you know how it   is the sun's not up yet but we're gonna use  this to our advantage to do the one of very   few things that's actually worth getting up  super early for in Tokyo tsukiji Fish Market left to right left oh my God that's so nice [Music] one thing that I've noticed it's changed  in the three years since Japan closes that   Google Maps has gotten really really good  it used to be where it would give you kind   of like various levels of accuracy of  information and would get you lost on   the subway more often than not but now it  even tells you which car to get off which   exit to get out of how much the train is  going to cost which one's the best way to   go and it's been always right so far please  wait to be kind I know I'm wearing clothes the next stop is [Music] so we're at the tsukiji outer Market  the kiji fish market used to be the   largest fish market in the entire world  people would wake up at 4am just to come   and watch the live tuna auctions and it's  changed a lot since then because actually   now they got rid of the fish market here  and moved it to toyosu which apparently is   two times the size but you can still come here  and shop and most importantly eat good seafood I know this place is known for its fish  but honestly the reason I come here is The   Omelette did you see how they made it they  like put it in there and then they use pork   fat I think at the bottom and then they like  fold it over itself fold it over itself fold   it over itself and it comes out and it comes  out like so fluffy and just it's just falling   apart it's a little bit buttery it's a little  bit sweet oh it's the perfect thing and then   you can also give compliments to the chef by  making sounds every time you eat it or say Oishi so we're on the hunt for this coffee shop that I  went to for the first time on my first solo trip   ever this small little hole in the wall like  five people could sit in there the people in   there were so friendly they gave me a piece  of candy with my coffee we have to find it   I really really hope we find it all right  so in place of the actual Fish Market they   built these things right here and it's like  a mini Fish Market where you can also go in   and buy some Sashimi that was just fresh  cut or sushi but you can't actually film   inside of there like you could in the old fish  market so uh here's some stock footage foreign [Music]   it's all closed and probably gone now I'm like  sad because like whenever you come back to a   place you always hope that things don't  change but they always somehow do I hope   they found a new place the coffee shop was a  bust but then we found something truly amazing [Music] medium Ferry tuna and then like  very fatty tuna and we got some   Wasabi and soy sauce and toothpicks  it's so tasty so Savory So Soft no   fishy flavor at all I used to  not like raw fish now I love it this is the best way to start the  day that's a lot of wasabi foreign fresh grilled salmon it's cool because every  one of these stalls has a little place for you   to just pop on by so that you don't have to walk  any I'm so used to grabbing and going and eating   we started walking away and she was immediately  like no no come back come back [Music] ones even   the rice is so tasty that's so good all right  now we're gonna head off to the Imperial Palace there it is this is only three stops now from  tsukiji soap this makes perfect sense to come   here this Imperial Palace area you actually  you can't get into there except for two days   to celebrate New Year's and for the emperor's  birthday yeah so we get to see it from afar something really cool and awesome just happened  we were just wandering around the east side of   the past grounds and we saw that they're  actually giving free tours of the Imperial   Palace the first 70 people that line up around  9 30 or 1 p.m you just fill out your information   bring your passport and your ID and you get  to go on a tour so that's what we're doing now   we just went through a security check  we're getting our pre-department I think this guided tour takes you to  places that most of the tours won't take you   it's pretty cool and it's free and it's free [Music] I've never been up here I don't even know  you could come up here this is what most   people think of including me as the Imperial  Palace but this is a watchtower that was   actually brought over from Kyoto [Music] so  apparently we've been here too I don't know   they keep like shepherding everyone else seems  Seems like the tours tour is just about over it was awesome such a cool tour so many  places that you definitely couldn't see   any other way than coming to this freak I  didn't do it we're freezing time to warm up [Music]   it's just called the number after ours in the upper right okay we're trying to find our little home for today how about a couple of these uh let's  see two one two press order and then   they bow and they say okay it's coming your  order was heard thank you [Music] foreign fatty slice of salmon on top of  rice simple but so so good [Music]   perfectly soft and creamy  [Music] I think these go in here the thing that I love most about eating  Kaizen Sushi is really just the experience   like you think you see things whizzing by  it's a very interactive experience when   we hit five am I supposed to do something  go little guy okay I think it's game time   this is our second fifth plate oh do I  do I just grab one grab one did I win oh [Music] I have no idea that a place like this could  ever exist in such a big Metropolitan City   like Tokyo there are still so many people here  and still it feels like this calm quiet Haven   foreign [Music] walk all the way from the  entrance to where we are now we're about to   go into the main Shrine as soon as you get one  two blocks back here the entirety of the sound   of Tokyo just kind of disappears all the trains  all the cars all the shops all the everything   else and all you hear is the other people around  you and nature and that's a really nice change so I just read that there are over 200 species  of plants or trees in this entire forest and   they call it a sacred Eternal Forest because  each of these trees were chosen specifically   because they're meant to be evergreen or last  for hundreds and hundreds of years and that's   what it feels like to be walking through  this Forest like these trees are sacred and   special and have seen so many things happen  see everybody comes here for botany yeah foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] in search of nightlife and bright  lights we headed off to Shinjuku okay so not only is it Saturday  night here which is going to be   busy enough in Shinjuku anyway but it's Halloween that is so cute this Kitty is displayed on this   large screen and tells you when it's  time to cross look at him watching us so I heard that this Alleyway which  is called Memory Lane is known for   its really small izakayas and Yakitori  which we haven't had since we've been   here so I'm really excited it smells really  really good like really good grilled niche [Music]   you can smell and feel the smokiness thing okay cheers I'm gonna try the pork cartilage first the texture is awesome perfectly grilled it's  a little sweet and soy sauce I would eat this   all the time so when we ordered green pepper  I didn't realize it was a chili green peppers that's really good it's not the spicy  kind it's like the shishito peppers   that was so that was so good the  food delicious I mean anywhere   in there you'd probably be good but  that place I think was pretty special I have never been to Shinjuku before  so this is incredible this like all   the lights and the narrow Alleyways all  the people this is what I was imagining this is definitely the best ice cream thing  that you can get I think anywhere in Japan is   as coolish it's like super great soft serve that's  a dollar it's fancy but accessible delicious and   unpretentious okay you gotta squeeze it out wow  cool let's just find me yet listen this is weird like hats [Music] that's pretty good I just don't like the method  in which it's suspense   oh I think I was thinking whenever I come  here it's just how much I'm missing like   there's infinite little restaurants on like  the third floor of every building there's   cool bars little cafes like I just want to  go into all of them and just spend like six   months finding every cool place honestly I don't  even know if six months would be enough foreign dressed in a chicken [Music]   oh oh come on class coin oh it's rigged it's rigged I think we  thought we heard a death metal concert   happening just down the road so we went to  go check it out what's happening [Music] so we're heading to the golden guy it's on this  bit of a back alley a little bit outside of   Shinjuku I've always been too nervous to actually  go into any of these places it just seems so I   don't know like like I don't belong there intimate  yeah very very intimate and I don't really know   what the rules are how much it costs anything  like that but we're gonna find out tonight tell me what you're thinking I feel like  doing the right choices probably to go up   some of these creepy small stairs but I  have no idea what to do or how to choose   the card is 500 yen cash only I feel super  intimidated I'm not sure why maybe because   there's cover charge but also there's members  only bars and these are all super duper tiny   they're really cool looking but I  feel really uncertain okay I think   we found one that works for us it is called  death match in hell every beer is 666 yeah [Music] that bar was awesome we had a great time  to admit not a place that I would expect   to enjoy but the owner was so so friendly so  smiley we did it so we went to Golden God we   went into a park yeah yeah we gotta make our  way back it's almost time for the last train   all right so we learned some tonight the uh  trains ended pretty much midnight people were   mad dashing we missed our train we missed  it by like 10 seconds so now we made it to   ueno and now we have like a 30 minute  walk in the rain all the way back home I realized that we didn't really show you guys  our room because you know it's it's not fancy   ta-da singles like fifty dollars  per night okay day two great success   start again tomorrow we got a lot of really  cool stuff doing tomorrow there are a lot of   really cool stuff doing tomorrow doing  it's been a long one all right [Music] not quite sure what the music is and  where it's coming from it might be   that amusement park that's  right outside of our hostel today is day three in Tokyo and it's  very very windy we had a great night   last night but now we're craving some  comfort Foods we're an oldie but good   at Yoshinoya very delicious kudon  which is like a beef Rice Bowl I got   um a large serving of food as the translation  this is a lot a lot of work right on top come on it's just the most wonderful comfort food warm  rice warm beef on tablet simple straightforward   delicious so I got the same Geodon Bowl but  in a normal size and then I got the same   soft boiled egg and instead of miso soup  I was able to order a vegetable soup for   just like a dollar extra it tastes really good  too it feels like it's been simmering for ages [Music] so we've just been walking through the yanaka  I think that's how you say it area which is   a part of Tokyo that they call the old  Tokyo a lot of the traditional homes a   lot of the traditional businesses still  remain intact even as Tokyo has become   this super uber high fast-paced high  technology City kind of nice to be in   a peaceful area for these last couple  of days of non-stop movement in people this is definitely one of those things that  make Tokyo like such an amazing City to go to   a lot of people just focus on the like the  crazy hyper modern super fast moving stuff   all throughout Tokyo but there's an entire  other side to it like where we are right now [Music]   foreign [Music] Bakery with really excellent marketing  volcanic rock from Mount Fuji which is pretty cool   I don't know what that means for baked goods but  I got a honey toast and an almond croissant I'm   excited to try it super buttery super crunchy and  soft on the inside but it's so good I think I'm   gonna save this for myself okay unfortunately  we have to cut this lovely visit a little bit   short because we have an appointment to go and do  something I've been waiting a very long time to do   really something earlier today and then I screwed  up and we could have saved a bunch of money but I   have a 24 or 48 or 72 hour train pass that's like  500 1000 or 1500 Yen we've each spent well over 3   000 Yen just using the Subways getting all around  Tokyo here so I would have saved us like half of   our transportation costs all right made it to this  one one more stop to go this one's quite far away this is uh very interesting  I don't know what to expect   here one you'll be barefoot big fan  there's going to be knee-high water knee-high [Music]   bedroom it's like this giant slippery bean bag that  keeps changing shape underneath your feet that was definitely a harrowing  difficult experience for some [Music]   wow one of the coolest things I've ever  seen it's so beautiful nice big maze and   he was wandering through it totally aimlessly  you have no idea really where you came in or like   [Music] [Music] this is like a billion LEDs [Music] I have  no real sense of like how tall the room is   how far it is how big it is or where we are  I don't know if I want to leave those [Music]   I just overheard someone ask  is this what heaven's like [Music] they just motion for us to roll up our pants  I think this is the needy of water section I've never experienced anything like this before [Music] whoa [Music] every time you hit one of the balls  it changes the color of all the ones around it [Music]   thank you [Music] no one else is doing it [Music] that was absolutely incredible and I  feel like I have more than a little   bit of vertigo that last one was the  whole room was spinning too dizzy whoa whoa upside down flower garden if  you stay in a place long enough you'll   start to notice the flowers just rise up and  down with the music they twirl they're all   automated at the top this is so so cool I want  to know how this all works how they build this we weren't quite sure how to top  that but it's our last night in   Tokyo so we went to okihobar the  electric town [Music] this is our   last night in Tokyo and we're in  akiabara and our friends are here now it's time to find out who is the  best claw game player out of all of   us the arcades here are some of the coolest  things that I've ever been to especially as   like a mega nerd myself [Music] Tia  what are you hoping to win [Music] no I believe [Music] oh no  I had to not let go of it [Music]   nice a nice nice   oh yeah right oh all right should we go deeper  into the Labyrinth should we go upstairs one oh I have 30 seconds what thank you there's so many games that I don't  understand at all but it looks like they're   super hard like you guys we're like special  gloves in them special shoes and stuff like   that and they're like [ __ ] no this  place just keeps getting more and more   awesome it looks so incredible this  definitely puts our arcades to shame [Music] one more time yeah yeah oh my gosh  that was so thrilling yeah do it [Music] who could have foreseen this coming [Music]   it was time to move on to something where  everybody wins [Music] okay here we go [Music]   it's a ridiculous one hello welcome to  my Vlog this is the Vlog takeover by   uh Trevino and tia what do you think  of Lisa and Josh oh you know they're   pretty great the inside Scoops so if  you guys want any real oh my goodness   if you want to know real things about them you  can ask us if we'll reply in the comments [Music] I'm trying to not make us look like aliens  we're not doing a good job that's probably a   harder look it look at that but now for the true  test the final event Mario Kart oh here we go there you go oh man [Music]   which way [Music] you keep so intense thank you you need someone at the last second all right  winner interview it was a really really close   game I I used all my resources and I saved  the red turtle shells for the last sorry   sorry sorry sorry there's no one else I would  have rather played with Josh was really excited quite the appetite it is time for food every  single time I come to Tokyo I always go to the   same Kaiten sushi place it's like this conveyor  belt sushi that goes all around it's like really   cheap and this is my favorite one that I've ever  been to food is scarce they said we walked in and   the man at the front door Google translated for  us that food is scarce well well hang on hang on   the first thing he did was he looked at us  and as he was typing in the Google translate   he's like okay cool because we look like we're  gonna eat a lot of food so yeah I guess that's   that's how I took it I just don't have any  sushi left that's how good it is I guess of like 50 people waiting it's like fancy  conveyor belt okay total bust we just walked   by a store called fetish I'm not sure if we're  gonna find food here okay so the girls thought   they found another restaurant but it's definitely  just a restaurant we've already been to we split   so we split up so we're gonna go and try to find  one over here they're gonna let us know if that   one over there is open lines have been drawn in  the sand yeah so we're probably just gonna all   end up eating chicken at Family Mart yep we're  coming towards you oh wow what a surprise huh   come back and be humble about it  you guys choose I don't believe them cheers to tirelessly checking Four sushi places  I'm landing on delicious Curry really good it's just the right amount of spices she's like  yeah just a little spicy I really loved it like   crazy hot maybe that's an option all right that's  good that's good let's see significantly spicier   um oh really oh yeah it's got some go to it very  tasty and I love this place it has a really small   intimate home the wall kind of vibe but you can  tell that everyone here works really hard it puts   a lot of heart into their meal and it tastes  really really good a good home-cooked meal   good friends concur that's that's where  the that's where the friends time to head back to asakusa for us  it's late it's like a flight for us is so beautiful at night definitely  my favorite place to be at night it's   so calm and peaceful and it just feels  like maybe what Tokyo used to be like we're ending the night at our favorite place  where we started which is an absolutely incredible   Whirlwind tour of Tokyo we just went on for  the past three days we went to all our favorite   places that made us feel all the Nostalgia and  we even discovered some new places which was   equally exciting I mean that's that's it for  this one thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Lisa and Josh
Views: 746,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, adventure, lisa and josh, josh and lisa, lisa josh, josh lisa, japan, asakusa, tokyo
Id: uHj7TPKT-eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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