3 Days 2 Nights Camping Alone on the Coast - Fishing & Coastal Struggles

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I'm on the California coast and I'll be out here for the next 3 days two nights fishing camping just trying to survive I only brought one bottle of water for this trip but since it rained yesterday I'm going to risk it and hope that there's more streams like this along the way I've got about 2 miles to hike and first thing I want to do is set up camp after that I'll try to catch some dinner well this isn't going to work I wanted to walk down the coast 2 miles but with the water how it is and the rocks how it is that's impossible and it's low tide I'm going to climb up onto that hill and see if I can see any access points beyond that I don't have much time to waste because the sun's going to set in about 3 hours this is really not as much of a path as I thought it was when I was looking up from it almost there so I wanted to walk along the coast and head around that corner but it is way too steep on this side so I can either backtrack all the way to the beginning and try to get to that side or change plans completely and try to camp out over here I think I have enough time to backtrack so that's what I'm going to do although that Driftwood over there looks pretty good I'm hoping I can find some more oh sweating profusely and I've got a long hike I don't want to get too wet so I'm going to take this under layer off much better so I made it to the other side and I can walk all along this beach but at that point there I see a huge elephant seal blocking the path at least I think that's what it is over there hoping to if I walk up to it it'll get scared away here's a huge pile of Driftwood but it's all kind of wet from yesterday's rain these Driftwood piles are also a good place to scavenge for things I know I don't need it but here's an old crab buoy trap I don't know where the Trap is but this got tangled in the wood like here's the bait container from that Crab Trap but I don't need that cuz it's got a bunch of holes in it otherwise I'd take it wow check this out that's a bone if I ever seen one whale bone probably man but there's no time better than now to fill up my water I got this little stream behind me and hey take a look at this I'm going to save this and use this for something else later I think I wouldn't recommend getting water from a stream like this it can easily carry parasites or jaria but this is a little something that my wife got me for Christmas I got the container on the bottom we going to fill that with water and it's got a separate filter that fits in there I can push that down it's airtight watertight and as I push it down the water will get filtered what's nice about this is you don't have to drink it on the spot you can take it with you wherever you want to go let's see if this makes me sick later today or tomorrow tastes fresh to me I got to be real careful when I build my shelter later cuz if I build it too close to this Cliff the whole thing could slide lie down on me look at this fresh dirt that just slid away from the cliff we might also have some big old raccoons as company tonight look at those well we've got good news what I thought was a seal was actually just a rock so we don't have to worry about that now the question is will I be able to cross this corner well there's my Seal Rock From Another angle it sure doesn't look like a seal now but it does look like I can Cross by and there's my destination the big hill over there and the beach is long enough where it doesn't look like the water will reach the cliff side at high tide note to self here's another water source if I need it here's some type of Limpet I could use for bait later if I need to a million ways to twist your ankle with all these big loose rocks always helps to have your shoes tied tight around your ankles thinking it's a good time to build a shelter so this might be a good place to set up camp but before I make that final decision I'll Scout around a little bit more so that's where I came from and where I was thinking about setting up camp but I walked just a little bit more and now I'm in this Cove completely protected from the wind absolutely no wind and that's going to be a critical Factor tonight another thing that makes me like this spot more is that over here I've got Bedrock rather than loose Landslide waiting to happen salamander little salamander I was thinking if that was a monkey face eel that would be no good I'm beginning to have second thoughts all these loose Boulders had to come from somewhere and it was probably right up there coming up the hill just a little bit we've got a flat grassy spot that doesn't need much improvement I think this is a better option a look at this it's even got some mint I can make some tea with tonight night okay here we're far enough away from the edge where I feel safe it's a lot of gophers though man I'm going to need a couple pieces of wood about belly button height two pieces and then I can use some steaks to keep this tent taut this looks like a nice piece strong and sturdy and this one's not as strong but it's strong enough so I'll I'll use that tonight right about there it's important that the tent stays as tight as possible but the dirt is so loose I have to Anchor everything with big rocks the tent is over there and when I angle these staks down I don't want that sharp Point pointed at the tent I want the broad side pointed at the tent and I want to put the Stak down at almost a 45° angle to the tent that way it's got as much surface area as it can to push against and on top of that I'm putting on a rock doesn't look like much but this is a nice tent I've got all my essentials packed away tight I'm going to get my insulator out and my 32° sleeping bag one of the bad things I've heard about using your breath to inflate one of these insulators is that the moisture from your breath can get in here and freeze if it's too cold luckily for me it's only going to be about 40° tonight I'm going to see how this is tonight and if it's a little too uncomfortable I'll try my best tomorrow morning to flatten out this sleeping area this thing will be all nice and fluffy later tonight when I hop in time to catch some dinner hopefully I can do it this is all my fishing tackle for the 3 days I've got some hooks a pack of jig heads pack of swimbaits and one jig that's it if I can't catch something on that I'm going to have to improvise the sun is really starting to set fast hopefully it's fishable over here oh man that's rough I don't think I could fish that I might have to think of Plan B maybe before go fishing altogether that's way too dangerous and slippery that's the rock I want to be on but I just can't get out there right now so I think my time would be better spent building a fire and cooking something else rather than trying to fish and most likely not catching anything I'll give it another try tomorrow and probably I'll have to use some bait well I got to dig through all this Driftwood and see if I could find anything that's semi dry then I'll just start shaving down as much of the driest pieces I could find look how wet this stuff is it just bends barely cracks look at all that moisture the only little dry part is right there in the center I'm going to get as much kindling as I can I just need to build it up now I'm almost there this is my only hope spent the last hour splitting this wood and I think I'm about to start the fire sun is starting to set quickly and that means it's starting to get cool and when it gets cool the fire goes out fast so I'm going to do this as quick as I can I got myself two steaks two New York strips I was planning on eating one today and tomorrow but if I don't think it's going to stay fresh if I keep it out raw all day tomorrow so I'm going to cook both of them and then kind of overcook one and use it like jerky also have some broccoli now this is one of the best survival tools you could bring anywhere it's going to save yourself a lot of trouble a lighter let's see if this lights and hopefully all this other stuff ignites it's going to be a tough one to start man even with a lighter I don't know about this I don't think this is going to work everything's just too wet even with the lighter did have some hand sanitizer in my backpack and that is almost all alcohol so I put some on there keep on burning baby keep on burning don't stop don't stop it's going out oh no it's going out it's a little bit more hand sanitizer I got to save some of that for tomorrow though if I get a nice bed of coals that's all I need but everything is so damp it's just hard to get it to light I've spent the last 30 minutes getting a bunch of these things cut and that's the wood that burns better so I'm going to find as much of the dry stuff as I can and that's my last hope well the sun is officially set and I still have no fire did I get it did I finally get it now I need to start adding the other stuff so that can dry out too we got a lot of coals down there come on I just want some steak things are drying out it seems like I got no more hand sanitizer every time I stop blowing the fire goes out well no steak tonight my only hope is that this little bed of coals I have I put all that wet wood on top I'm hoping that that Just Smokes everything out and dries it out that's my only hope for having steak tomorrow been trying this for the last 2 hours check this out after about 20 minutes of just these coals on the bottom smoking we actually got a flame that's holding it plans to get all this wet wood to dry out and then we got a fire I think it's working went from extremely discouraged to extremely hopeful that smoking smothering trick actually worked now I got a huge pile of wet wood that I'm drying out for tomorrow this is the only way that I'll be able to make a fire tomorrow it's going to be a great night well this worked out fantastic I got a fire here to dry off any wood I want now I'm going to separate the two into one cooking pile of coals and another one to keep me warm not sure if you guys ever cook like this but you can really just throw a steak right on some hot coals and it'll be way cleaner than you think going to put on the bro also might be getting too hot let's flip this thing just perfect I did not think I would be having steak tonight I even have some avocado that I stepped on but it's still good but this steak this is what it's about that's the first meal I had all day while I eat I'm going to let this other steak cook slowly and tomorrow I'll have some steak jerky I can munch on all day man that was good that was totally unexpected meal wrap that up well one thing I got to do before I go up to Camp is put some of these dry pieces of wood up higher so when it's high tied they don't get drenched the only bad thing I see about steak is that it gets stuck in your teeth but man I'm noticing that this tent inside is a little bit wet that's not good it's getting all foggy in there because it's not ventilated well so I got to take out one of these staks if those are down then we got ventilation here only zipping up that mesh hopefully some air gets through here and all the condensation that I'm breathing through the night doesn't mess things up all right man it's only 11:36 I keep hearing something it's like a there's a mouse in here but it turns out it's just a the wind keeps blowing open that that door so anyway back to sleep good morning it's pretty windy but the tent held up nicely I use my down vest as a pillow last night don't want to touch the edges of the tent or else I'm going to get all wet good morning world don't want to get cold so I'm going put the sweater on too getting a little low on water so time to go to the watering hole you can tell how dark the rocks are that the high tide got up to this point so it just missed my fire and all this stuff is still dry almost like it's from a spring well I'll save that for later and put it through the filter when I need more water got a pack of those electrolytes those electrolyte salts only bad thing about drinking cold water like this is it cools your body down so much wow that's good well the sun's coming out and the tide is still dropping once the tide drops enough I'll go out and find some limpets I can use for bait for fishing home sweet home it's still too rough and windy to go out there and try try to use lures from Shore so I've got to find some bait and here's just what I need this is called a limpet and they make great bait the only thing is you're not supposed to use tools to take them off so if you sneak up on them and just pop them off like that they don't have time to suction down there's one I'll try to get about 15 or 20 of them looks kind of cute doesn't it that's actually its head right there looks like a baby in a bassinet all right I see another one right here pop them off ooh a different variety see the shell on this one looks a lot different but look how sticky they are I just put my thumb right there sticks immediately one two 3 that was a close one didn't know what hit him one two three get him a I I didn't get him in time he's oh I got him I got him yes dang but he got me too that shell is sharp not quite 20 of them but hopefully these get me a fish I brought Hooks and line but no bait and no weights I found the bait and I just found the weights so many of the rocks are smooth but I found some with some grooves and these are about equivalent to 3 oz look at these cool shells and rocks too just beautiful it's just about low tide and I'm trying to scout out a spot to fish right here it's definitely too shallow but over there it looks perfect for my rock I'm just going to use this guy here actually I'll do an improved clinch knot there's my weight that's not going anywhere how we get that limp it out will just scrape all around that muscle might even be able to cut these limpets in half if I use the small hook all right first cast with the rock let's see how it does oh there's a fish oh fish had a bite wherever you're fishing it's usually a good idea to find the deepest spot you can and this place is too shallow where I was fishing with the lures is way deeper so I'm going to go back there grabbing more bait every chance I can at the deeper spot and I think we'll be able to get one pretty [Music] easily oh there he is there he is there he is come on bite it and stay on the hook there he is got one little Rainbow perch just what I was going for that'll be a great meal that didn't take long at all and I could still use that same bait looks like he's got lipstick on but that's just the bait heck yeah I don't want to waste any of this fish so I'm going to scale it so I can eat the skin just taking out the fin here this way I won't get poked cuz their fins are very sharp now I'm going to score on the other Underside too now I'll cut along the side as if I was going to filet it just through the skin I can grab that skin and pull it all off a lot of nice fat in that skin that I don't want to waste so I'll be cooking that up and eating it like a chip just going to let these skins dry out here on the rock for a bit we'll be easier to cook with later almost time for a refill and I'll indulge myself in a peanut butter cup this is my first food I had all day woohoo well I'll go get some more water and then I think it's time to start the fire turned out to be a beautiful day and I've got a full meal ready to cook here's that pile of dry stuff I set aside yesterday all this should take to the fire very well and then I can add all the extra wet stuff it's still a little bit early but I want to get this nice bed of coal started I sat on the lighter yesterday but somehow it works please stay lit that looks good everything stay lit stay lit this is something I should have done before I started the fire build up a nice wind barrier and even though it looks like it's just smoking I have no worries that this is going to be a flaming Inferno in about 10 minutes that's just because everything is so dry and these coals take that ember so well all it takes is a blow and there's the flame that broccoli turned out so well yesterday I'm going to do the same thing just a chunk of butter in the middle and a bit of salt that's all it was just rinsed out this frying pan I brought now I'm going to dry it off don't have a cutting board so I'll do a quick fillet in my hand same thing on this side and you can easily tell where the spine is I'll just start right above that a lot of people don't like perch cuz they say it's really mushy but I found a way to prepare this fish where it's actually one of my favorite fish to [Applause] eat after you mash it up like that it just wants to stick to itself and if you add a little bit of onion and garlic it's remark aable how much this tastes like a breakfast sausage all I have is salt though going to start another fire here and start cooking where this fire was let's see how these are looking very nice I'm going to have a fish skin appetizer perfect look at that thing shrivel up wasn't expecting that all right nice and crispy M just like a chip you guys hear that crunch dang that actually makes me want to eat this with an avocado All Purpose knife here use this knife for anything nice chunk of avocado it's a good way to get the party started it tastes a little bit like those fried pig skins I guess it's as good as the time as any to start that perch pancake some butter the reason why it works so well is because normally when you season fish you only season the outside but with this it's seasoned all the way through I've been waiting all day to eat this steak too so I'm going to let it heat up let say it's done oh yeah perfect I have it even eaten the steak yet and this is going to fill me up mhm you would never even know that's [Applause] perch that's a really good simple meal now some very slightly overcooked steak still protein is still delicious they say well done steak digests better anyway just polished off the steak and I haven't even got to the broccoli yet having a meal like this at the end of the day makes all the difference man that was so good I have one more peanut butter cup I was going to have that for dessert I don't even have room for dessert ah there's always room for a peanut butter cup little sweet treat to remember the night well I think I'm going to clean up before the sun goes down and then I'm going to relax and enjoy the sunset to ensure that I have a nice fire tonight I've surrounded this fire with a bunch damp wood so when it dries out I can throw one on whenever necessary such a beautiful thing to just hang out by the fire and relax I think I do see some rain off there in the distance and you can tell by the fire just how windy it is I'm hoping it doesn't rain but if it does I'll just run back to the tent and take shelter I guess I'm kind of a light sleeper and sleeping so close to the ocean I thought it would be a good idea to bring earplugs but I accidentally only brought one so every time I have to turn over I switch the earplug and that's quite often during the night anyway good night see you in the morning good morning it's got to be about 6:00 feeling great and the tent is bone dry I think having that ventilation from the very start helps a lot but I do have bad news I think that first day when I climbed that Hill I must have touched some poison milak cuz that was the only day I had my t-shirt on it's getting itchy the trick to stopping poison oak in its tracks is to take a cold shower and use some soap and just scrub off all that oil cuz it's the oil that spreads you'll still get it but you'll minimize the spread you know I don't normally do videos with this type of format but this trip was really fun I'd be happy to do more so if you liked it let me know and if you happen to know someone that also might like it please share it with them this tent is so nice because there's no steaks which saves a lot of weight I bought this several years ago if you're interested I'll leave a link in the description so you can check it out last thing the 2024 fisherman's life Street Fair is taking place July 13th at Stonestown at the same place more information for that fisherman life.net hope you enjoyed the video see you next time
Channel: Fisherman's Life
Views: 490,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outdoor boys, catch cook camp, camping videos, camping on the coast, solo survival, how to make a fire, good times, best days
Id: pHf0kTopY2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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